Gays vs Christians Round 2: Electric Boogaloo - /r/Politics weighs in on whether or not a Gay Coffee Shop Owner should Serve that Coffee.

21  2017-10-10 by aGolfHipster


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


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This is stupid and silly. A business should be able to dictate it's clientele. Gays don't want to serve Christians? Fine. Christians don't want to serve Gays? Fine. Etc..., etc....

The market should then dictate if the business made the right choice.

DAE Jim Crow era right.

The good ole days where my dad was denied service for looking too dark! FREE MARKET FREEZEPEACH!

The rules are there to protect the little guys and big guys alike.

The fags should serve the coffee and stfu because they wouldn't like it the other way around.

Hate someone for who they are not what they are.... sorta.

As much as I don't want to admit it, Seems like both the left and right agree they want to deny service to people with unsavory beliefs and choices. Fags dont want nazis and nazis dont want fags. As long as they can be served the same service or product somewhere else, it should be the businesses choice to refuse people, and the choice to accept whatever backlash it ensures.

Honestly I just wish the "Don't be an asshole" rule would come naturally to people.

I mean my once-upon some years ago immigrant mother served an actual neo-Nazi/Klan member at an establishment and had a short polite conversation with him.

I didn't just make that up, I have a post about it from years ago on here somewhere.

But I agree with you.

Sorry but I have to disagree. I shouldn't be forced to do business with anyone I don't want to do business with. Especially as a small business owner who owns 100% of the business.

Then you are a shit businessman, and I expcet (and hope) you will be out of business soon.

Nope, I've owned and run a successful business since 2003.

You're almost 40 and arguing about shit online... LOL KYS

I'm calling ICE!

Did someone say free ride to Mexico?





unironically kys

The difference is, the bakery refused to serve them out of hate and this shop is refusing to serve because of their hate.

The reason doesn't matter. A business should not be forced to serve customers it doesn't wish to serve.

Is "Gay Coffee" when you put milk in it?

Depends on how the creme is dispensed.

Mmmm... A coffee enema after the barista get's his ass pounded by the likes of dudes that look like Boogie2988

don't advocate for mayos having sex plz thx

Gays: "Wtf I love denying service now."

I tried to do a project on clash between right to equality and religious freedom and initially picked the American cake thing for the token Western case. It was so annoying to find one neutral assessment that wasn't political soapboxing though that I promptly quit. Switched over to the baguettes reking kebab's niqabs case and even translated hon hon was more pleasurable to read.