underdeveloped drama in /r/SyrianCivilWar when regime fanboys learn that famous Syrian general loves twink bussy

29  2017-10-11 by subpoutine


I can only confidently guarantee that the prostitute you end up making tender love to (lol) will shower longer than she usually does after your 5 shameful minutes of disappointing her


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I mean, a lot of these twinks are prostitutes, snapshill, but do they look disappointed to you?

Ask u/twinksteverogers ;)

I remember hearing rumors about these Middle East types using a lot of little boys as prostitutes.

Homosexuality and prostitution are the haramist of the haram, brother. Astagfurallah.

Those pictures are yet more evidence of the degeneracy of the secular Assad regime. They inherited their homosexuality from the Turks.

The Syrian army is more tolerant towards homosexuals compared to everyday life. I remember reading this somewhere where homosexuals made this comment.

That's not in the middle east, its more central Asia. Why don't you goyim understand geography?

don't you dear ever slander young bussy again you kinkshaming cumskin

Bacha Bazi is central asian and afaik only pashtuns still do it

Ban u/ed_butteredtoast

WTF I'm pro-regime now.

This has been a thing on /r/scjw forever now. It's mostly confirmed that this guys loves bussy, as such I think we should mod him.

At the very least, Suheil should be /r/Drama's sidebar image.

when he blast the bussy harder than he blast the rebels
