I triggered some fascists :3

9  2017-10-11 by EarnestNoMeta


It's shit like this that makes my life worse as a Eurasian because even if you look amazing you're still a subhuman because Asian women happily marry guys who look like they've been in industrial accidents over an Asian guy. It makes Asian looking males look like the worst fucking losers on earth. The guy is absolutely offensive to look at. Like his face literally makes my stomach churl because he's so ugly. I'd even be mad if he had a white girlfriend People feel they have the liberty to say of course your dad is white. Because white guys see shit like this where some fucking quasimodo looking freak can get Asian girls and they use it as ammo as to how shittyy asian guys are...


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Going into that sub reminds me of having to deliver something to the cellar dwellers.

You'd peek into one of those windows in the door infused with the extra strength chicken wire and see some drooling retard gnawing on his wrist.

The funniest thing about Antifa is that they are the exact type of organization they are supposed to be protesting.


No, the funniest things is that the people who post in those kind of subreddits are mostly larpers who couldn't get in the streets due to their weight. Or mommy just didn't want them to go out unless they had finished their homework or something.

The funniest thing is that people think antifa is some sort of highly skilled shadow group leading a rebellion and not hordes of liberals who barely manage to organize going to their counter-protests because they have to go to that prog rock show in a warehouse that seems like it's illegal but totes has all of its forms filed, so it's cool marissa.

Antifa is the new retard "Soros" excuse.

I think there probably are highly organized components of Antifa that could cause real damage and should be considered domestic terrorists.

Those are not the people posting on Reddit...

I've known some antifa groups since the 90s. And besides black bloc, i've never seen a group that's particularly organized. "Antifa" by the way, isn't a group. It's an umbrella term for a bunch of different groups with varying goals built on the ideal of hating organized racism/sexism.

Saying 'antifa should be domestic terrorists' is like saying 'workers are skilled'. While you can call someone a worker, no one's job title is worker and it doesn't tell you shit about them.

we should call the ANTIFA central office in Houston and let them know theyโ€™re basically nazis

the virgin anarchy vs the chad leviathan


fucking whoosh lol

Oh boy brigaded by a Nazi sub now.

Get your shit together, /u/Labargoth3, we're cryptohate.

u/Labargoth3 sure is dispelling the idea that they call anyone they don't like a Nazi, lol

/u/ed_butteredtoast is definitely a Nazi tho.

Only Nazis use that many Lennie faces.

And doots! Doot doot ๐ŸŽบ๐Ÿ’€๐ŸŽบ๐Ÿ’€ <insert swastika/1488>



It evokes the feeling of being a cyberpunk in a neon future - just screaming NIGGER while having your brain directly connected to a mainframe.


is r/COMPLETEANARCHY those guys have a iq equal to their shoe size. too easy

Are r/COMPLETEANARCHY those guys that have an IQ equal to their shoe size? Too easy.

I always wonder what kind of people in RL could support ANTIFA then I found this video and was like "welp."


Pretty funny for alleged anti-facists they are screaming and minorities calling them privileged house niggers while being 100% Lilly white.

They look legitimately mentally ill.

The thing is, nazis say it a lot. It's a sign of being a nazi, and it's best, for you, if you don't use it incase someone mistakes you for being a nazi.

There's nothing inherantly wrong with saying it just like there's nothing wrong with the swastika, it's just constantly used by nazis to signal their allegiance.


Along with white polo shirts, tiki torches, undercuts, and whatever else the last actual nazi happened to wear or say. Oh shit they were breathing oxygen, wtf yo thats some shit a nazi would do.

Yall give shit up to nazis too easily. Im not changing my vocabulary because a bunch of stupid college kids think that some common word can be associated with a political ideology. Fuck all that noise.

I'm not saying you ARE a nazi, I'm not saying you SHOULD stop saying "degenerate" I'm just saying that you WILL be mistaken for a nazi if you keep saying the word "degenerate" like that. Or a member of Ceasar's legion.

It's advice, not a moral standard. Do whatever you like, but people will make assumptions.

I know this sub will likely dismiss it to be more E D G Y, but it's all a game here, this message is to the you behind the screen, you irl.

My actions, appearance, and mannerisms make it clear im not any sort of nazi so im not concerned about real life assumptions.

As far as reddit interactions go, well, i guess i just dgaf since im like 90% shitpost. My real life is way way way too fucking serious so i do this instead of getting a dominatrix or buying a miata or whatever the other overworked salaray slaves like to do.

Whatever, but don't expect us to go along with your "shitposting."

Like i fucking care lol

I like to eat my own shit, drink my own piss and fuck babies until they die, how DARE these nazi fucks call me a degenerate

Drinking your own piss has known health benefits.

What is happening there? I just see random people being triggered, but i do not know why

How to not be a Nazi according to antifa LARPers:
-Be antifa larper

I was gulaged so it all probably got redacted.


Dear u/aeioqu

Unironically using the term degenerate is pretty fascisty

Fashy. The word you were looking for is fashy.

But in any case recognizing, degeneracy isn't a fashy thing, it's a common sense thing.


A neo-reactionary problematic bootlicking shitheel