menslib is not feminist enough for negareddit

158  2017-10-11 by Booawee




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It's certainly better than I expected from reddit. And it seems to me like it's been a really "normie" friendly (for lack of a better term), babby's-first-male-feminist-space sorta thing. Of course though I think you and I had different expectations since you were a mod.

u/HarryScotter the next time you bitch about people not taking you seriously, remember this r/inceltier comment.

Also ban u/ed_butteredtoast

Ok I want you to know I love your dedication. Also try tagging me in good memes. Pls? Thanks

ban u/ed_butteredtoast

Ban u/ed_butteredtoast

ban u/ed_butteredtoast

Ban u/ed_butteredtoast

Ban /u/ed_butteredtoast

I just wanna say that the pressure on you to sudoku must be intense right now, but what doesn't (hopefully) kill you makes you stronger Eddy 💗💗💗

I'm already dead inside. Can't kill what's already dead. 🎺💀🎺💀

I thought you were a Christian knight?!

Lmao how is that Incel tier?

oh honey

extremely out of touch with reality

hates the opposite gender

assumes everyone is out to get them when they can't deal with normal human shit

Oh no, nothing like incels at all

Wew, when menslib isn't feminist enough for you, you may have gone off the deep end.

To say that he was not "radicalized" is to willfully ignore the acculturation of men, particularly white American men, for whom the socially licensed desire for and capability of violence is a birthright

TIL only white American men are culturally predisposed to violence. Guess all those violent rape gangs in Africa are actually white American men IN DISGUISE :0

/u/FixinThePlanet can you let me borrow some testosterone blockers, I just can't help being an angry violent mayo sometimes and I need help

Aw shit does this ni🅱🅱a need me to bust out some Chiraq statz?

don't you dare touch my favorite source for hardcore drill rap >:[

I'll lend you my uterus and vagina if that'll help.

I'll lend you my uterus and vagina if that'll help.

Ok. I actually have a BBW fetish so if you fit that description then I'm 100% on board.


Did you just assu- nevermind it's current year now that isn't funny anymore

I found the text of this on Facebook. It's amazingly well put and I couldn't do a better job, so I've put it in here in full

That sort of implies that you agree with everything in the text. So what makes you think that white American men in particular are more prone to violence than other men?


let's be real, we can take the "big" part of that as an absolute given.

So what makes you think that white American men in particular are more prone to violence than other men?

The quote says they are accultured. That means the narratives are about white men. It means white men are encouraged to be violent, not necessarily that they are prone to. Like do you guys not understand English or something (sorry if yes; I know the American education system leaves a lot to be desired).

I'm not a BBW, sorry. If you make a convincing case I'll eat a lot of ice cream for you xoxo.

lol, is there really that big of a difference between being "prone to violence" and being "encouraged to be violent"? I get that you are really enjoying your weird superiority complex. It's fun to feel superior, I bet your gender studies professor always tells you you're real smaht.

I'll rephrase my questions: Why do you think white American men are ENCOURAGED to be violent more than other cultures? I believe in you, you can answer a simple question without pussyfooting around. YOU CAN DO THIS. GO GO GO GO GO GO

so i don’t know what retarded shit u/Basically_Trash is talking about, but you do realize a discussion that kicks off with you assuming a specific, causal radicalizing force in a case still being investigated, simply because it’s a vaguely defined possibility, is going to be incredibly unproductive right?

because people are gonna be hung

So what makes you think that white American men in particular are more prone to violence than other men?

i’d say the mass murder rate, though we’re close to even with the tanbrowns in that respect

i’d say the mass murder rate


white american men are responsible for like

every mass murder north of the mexican border in North American history, besides two

And our short 250 year history somehow managed to result in more mass murders than all the other cultures that have been around for thousands of years? My point is there is nothing that inherently makes white American men more violent than any other culture on earth and that suggestion is worthy if mockery

there is nothing that inherently makes white American men more violent

it's called melanin deficiency

Yet they can't catch up to per capita slaughter that black men pull off every year.

they win where it really counts: media buzz

no one cares that some black guys got shot for the 12th night in a row. gotta make a SPLASH

white american men were responsible for like every mass murder to happen north of the mexican border in North American history. besides two

That'd be AMAZING if that was true.

yeah I'm sure the actual number of nonwhite mass murders is closer to 5

if you count other kinds of "american" and "white," that number drops down to 1 though, and you can even include the Latinosphere

white american men were responsible for like every mass murder to happen north of the mexican border in North American history.

Nope, more like ~60% of them.

pssh, that list probably counts 2 victims as a mass shooting. i’m talkin headliner shit

Those are all at least 4 killed by the shooter shooter. The stats themselves are from Mother Jones, which is far from a right-leaning source. There have only been 10 mass shootings in the US with 13 or more deaths, and of those the shooters consisted of 6 white, 4 middle eastern, and 1 Korean.

4 is like 2, same deal

Is the problem that the menslib guys don't self-flagellate enough? Because I can assure you that's nearly all they do.

They stop short of flaying meat from bone, so they're not doing it nearly hard enough.

SMH. They just need to man up.


Honestly, what is your problem with it then? It was literally started by /r/AgainstMensRights mods and you still think it's too toxic? It's like the polar opposite of /r/MensRights because no community can have a sane or nuanced opinion on Reddit any more.

I don't really want to have serious discussions on r/drama but I'll answer in brief.

I didn't say it was toxic. I said it was not what I hoped. It's got very little radical thought and there isn't enough uncomfortable discussion and introspection for a space that could lead to any change. It feels very superficial. Spaces where men discuss their issues apparently invariably devolve into anti-feminist misogynistic spaces and that's disappointing.

For most people the fact that the sub explicitly says "don't say bad shit about feminism" apparently means it's a feminist space, and that's frustrating. They only talk about men's problems in the ways in which they affect individuals; there's very little conversation about men's responsibility in perpetuating ideas that are harmful to themselves and each other (and to women).

Any time you want to talk about male "culture" or "behaviour" in any general sense, it's considered not a men's issue, or considered unfair generalizing. It's just disappointing.

Because all thar comes back to antifeminism. Serious analysis of these issues is often called mysoginy.

there's very little conversation about men's responsibility in perpetuating ideas that are harmful to themselves and each other (and to women).

probably because holding an entire gender responsible for the acts of a few is incredibly sexist.

Any time you want to talk about male "culture" or "behaviour" in any general sense, it's considered not a men's issue, or considered unfair generalizing. It's just disappointing.

Well yeah, you can't blame groups for the actions of individuals. That's literally a major tactic of Hitler leading up to the Holocaust. A bunch of Jews in NY were publishing shit in newspapers about him, and he said that if the Jews really were innocent then the German Jews would make the NY ones stop. This is not hyperbole, fucking google it. That is what people think when they read that insane rad-fem garbage. Blaming "men" is about as useful as blaming dem uppity blacks.

Any time you want to talk about male "culture" or "behaviour" in any general sense, it's considered not a men's issue, or considered unfair generalizing. It's just disappointing.

I'm sorry, but for absolutely every negative event that involved a man (mass shooting, Trump getting elected…) there is a MensLib thread about "what this says about men/male culture/toxic masculinity". There is plenty of stuff for you to get your rocks off about how bad men are male culture is.

How many threads do you have in FemmeThoughts about "female culture" that is remotely comparable to that? Not including the threads about white women since you're not white.

Disgusting bitch. Sad sharing a planet with so many of you man haters... what do your daddies think of your views on men though?

I take your silence that you're repenting your ways and are going to stop emulating Hitler now.

I take your further silence as awe of my awesome sexual prowess

Any time you want to talk about male "culture" or "behaviour" in any general sense, it's considered not a men's issue, or considered unfair generalizing. It's just disappointing.

And by the way, here is a new thread about the collective sins of men. Have fun.

Oh baby, that's a little too kinky for m- oh the hell with it

Can you get u/higeo some therapy or something, I feel like we're gonna be seeing him on the news soon.

Yes, that's a great way to go about it, but that's not enough. I already use my privileges against the self-made prison, but that's still not enough. For the inmates who refuse to break themselves free, I reserve no sympathy.

They say that violence just begets more violence, but I argue that enough overwhelming force (physically and mentally) can break a man's spirit. And that's what I do if i have no other choice, when it comes to stopping these non-compliant men. I have to admit, it feels good.

Jesus Christ.

He should meet up with the Bike Lock Bandit to trade war stories before his pale commie ass is sent to the clink.

I'm looking forward to the actual trial. There is going to be drama for everybody.

That's hilarious. I'm sure some scrawny soydingus LARPing Winston Smith is really crushing the spirit of Chads hitting on women in the cereal aisle.

Some of you guys humans of no particular gender are alright. Don't go to /r/drama tomorrow.

Some time off, thank God. Errday I'm shitposting and it is fucking exhausting

Use this free time to get some exercise and shake off those pounds so you don't get exhausted from triggering feminists with your keyboard.

I'm gonna buy one of those treadmill desks so I can kill two BRDs with one stone.

"Believe what I believe or I'll (impotently try and) hurt you"

My whole point was that dudes don't look out for each other so maybe one of you should do it.

"Violence is always wrong except when I do it."

/u/higel, this initially sounds impressive but when we consider the fact that you’re a 5’6 scrawny white manlet, it just becomes embarassing again.

ok dahmer lmao

The only think you should expect from us is bussy tbqh

O no I am desolate I don't know what that is

Oh sweet summer child

'Bussy' is one of God's greatest creations, being the male asshole.

When I stick my feminine penis in my twink's (/u/Ed_ButteredToast) asshole, I am entering his boy pussy aka bussy

Ty for explaining I am sad I don't have one

You mean my gussy? For trap bussy, look out for u/twinksteverogers lol

so I apologize for expecting any intelligence from y'all.

As someone who is literally clinically retarded, this is kinda gross and ableist.

You probably shouldn't spend time in r/drama then.

Fuck off neurotypical reeeeeeee

And also gross.

I'll lend you my uterus and vagina if that'll help.

Bussy only, femfag. Fuck outta here.

Funny how in the first sentence she had to mention that she had a vagina.

Women are funny, get over it.

Tina Fey, maybe. I'm convinced she's hiding a feminine penis somewhere, though.

Stop, my penis can only get so erect.

men are just salty they don't have a body part that smells like a barnyard animal

I'll lend you my uterus and vagina if that'll help.

Implying women can't be violent (Cause they're weak) bigoted garbage.

Also mega cute you think your female centric activism is intelligence, your kind of dumb cuntery died out 40 years ago and is a laughing stock of actual intellectual thought, including non-neanderthal feminists.


You're just another fat, ugly feminazi with daddy issues though.


* ya'll FTFY :-)





Just doing every permutation?

Is this calming down the old OCD?

I don't know how to make all that fancy gif art. This is the best I could do.

Aww thank 'y'a'll ever so

Male Reddit's general opinion of it, on the other hand, is that it's a "radical feminist" sub

Ive never seen anyone call it radical but it is a feminist sub, its in the sidebar and in every single thread. The problem is that having a feminist sub focusing on guys is completely worthless, which is why people on both ideological sides think its a joke.

If you want to make a sub to talk about mens issues, you have to make it meninist obviously

Yeah, I can't recall anyone calling it radical.

When it first opened it got brigaded into the ground by the usual suspects it was called radical several times. Of course, this had more to do with the usual MRA/TRP suspects using hyperbole to try to justify their hysteria than actual reality.

W e w

Im not sure whats considered edgy about my pointing that out. This is back during the rather hilarious days of aSRS, AMR, AAMR, AMRsucks and countless other little niche subs that existed purely so the users could readily find things that upset them and then post angrily about them.

For real, just look.

The problem is that having a feminist sub focusing on guys is completely worthless, which is why people on both ideological sides think its a joke.

Why is that?

Y'all is southern general. Nothing POC about it.

That's the joke dot jaypeg

Wait what irony level are you on? I was ironically correcting your irony.

You mean /u/doomblaze's irony?

No, I was wondering if the previous comment implying I missed the joke was also ironic. My reply explaining irony levels was, itself, ironic. I operate at something like irony12 normally but I've been know to test irony19. All in the pursuit of pure south park neutrality.

Your mom is ironic

she ded.


Southern America is Black America. Fam.

You think they're saying it because it's a southern thing (icky, gross) or because it's a poc thing (woke)

last week, fucking twoX called it RadFem and that got largely upvoted.

i'll try to find but also who knows what dumb 2X thread drama linked me to a week ago

All "mainstream" feminism is basically radical feminism.

Part of a series on Feminism Women Girls Femininity History[show] Variants (general)[show] Variants (religious)[show] Concepts[show] Theory[show] By country[show] Lists and categories[show] Woman-power emblem.svg Feminism portal v t e Radical feminism is a perspective within feminism that calls for a radical reordering of society in which male supremacy is eliminated in all social and economic contexts.[1]

Radical feminists seek to abolish patriarchy by challenging existing social norms and institutions, rather than through a purely political process. This includes challenging the notion of traditional gender roles, opposing the sexual objectification of women, and raising public awareness about such issues as rape and violence against women.


Radical feminists locate the root cause of women's oppression in patriarchal gender relations, as opposed to legal systems (as in liberal feminism) or class conflict (as in anarchist feminism, socialist feminism, and Marxist feminism).

I'd say menslib is heavily influenced by radfem.

They're radical feminists, in the sense that they are closely linked to the movement called "radical feminism", but are not "radical" in the sense of being hysterical fanatics.

But radical feminists also believe that sexism is the "primary" or root form of all oppression. Meaning that racism or class exploitation are just second order effects of the main cause, which is sexism. It sounds kinda nutty today, but there were feminists in the 60s and 70s who thought that racism was caused by the dominant race feminizing the subjugated race, and class exploitation was caused by rich people feminizing poor people.

And that kind of radical feminism is not popular anywhere today, except perhaps on /r/gendercritical.

But anyways all this is kinda a moot point because 98.7% of reddit feminists or leftists have never read a book in their life, and when they say "radical" all they really mean is extreme or righteous.

"Y'all" isn't a POC word what are you talking about.

Jesus Christ (PBUH) are you seriously trying to appropriate black culture with this fucking normalization? How the hell are you a feminist again?

That's true, the blacks stole it from Southerners. (Real ones, I mean; white ones.)

But you're not white, and you're not a Southerner, so I guess you get to be either a cultural appropriator, or a poseur. Up to you.


please stop 😤😤


It’s probably because you’re a fucking retard y’all

Oops, you're wrong

But I don't suppose that you'll update your opinions in the face of conflicting evidence. Chances are you'll double down and either ignore this message, or reply dismissively.

I doubt /u/FixinThePlanet will have any intelligent response to this.

Who'd respond to username pings in r/drama to have serious discussions???? Boy bye.

People who can defend their arguments.

You literally did lmao


Nobody's falling for your fake, folksy mannerisms, you filthy reptilian leftist twat.

Didn't ask you to, honey. I don't think anyone's falling for all y'all's edgy contrarian garbage nonsense but that doesn't stop y'all.


all y'all's


Fucking hell, you speak like a robot imitating a black feminist caricature or something

I'll take that gussy offer, you just gotta shut up while I'm using it though.


Indian giver!

Suddenly offering sex to violent /r/drama mayos

Frankly you disgust me

Excuse me I never offered sex how dare you

A whore, a whale, a wretch, and a liar.

I'd say you'd fit in fine here, but we actually don't countenance fatties.


every goddamn time

Expecting intelligence from anyone in r/drama is a big mistake. Most people come here to shitpost and joke around, not to articulate intelligent opinions.

Ya I am also shitposting do you think I talk like this when I want to be taken seriously lol etc

OK, have a good day then.

Fixintheplanet is the furthest thing from intelligent you ass kisser.

>trying to insult someone by saying they kiss bussy on this subreddit.

Oh shit, brb offing myself

Post gussy or my socially licensed desire for violence might take over and I end up cyber raping you.

I'm a virgin and my penis is below average in length (and girth tbh). Will u be my new first gf?


Wew, almost thought one of you woke types would get through a whole post without saying "y'all" but you snuck it in there

Guess all those violent rape gangs in Africa are actually white American men IN DISGUISE :0


Men who pound their chests about being woke feminists always have at least one (or more) of these qualities:

  1. They're projecting because they have a history of harassing/raping women. (example: a shit load of GG's male critics).
  2. They are desperate for vag, so they think this is their way to crack the code.
  3. They're really fucking stupid and don't understand nuance.

/r/menslib in a nutshell.

i thought r/menslib was just where r/OneY migrated after it got taken over by incels

besides the sidebar, all the chest-pounding seems to be reserved for TBP

They are also invariably so well off they think that time they were living in a dorm in college is literal poverty.

FYI, she hates Indian men and only likes white cock. Sjw prefers being colonized by violent cock herself. She is racist against Indians while being one.

thinks whitey especially has a penchant for violence

TIL negareddit doesn't do FBI statistics

You only learned that today?

Their anti-circumcision views are a sign of that, as it's such a privileged thing to oppose, unlike FGM, which is extremely serious.

u/jigielnik, I agree completely. Now on to the next order of business: how to stop manspreading, which is so toxic, creepy and problematic that I literally can't even right now.

ps missed you at the meetup, sis! We all had a great time ✊✊✊

Their anti-circumcision views are a sign of that, as it's such a privileged thing to oppose, unlike FGM, which is extremely serious.

Yeah, it's not like kids die, lose their penis, get herpes (bris) from the procedure or anything...

I'm against strapping down and mutilating any helpless infants, fuck me right?

If these broads were even 10% serious about any of the horseshit they spew, they'd be holding slutwalks in Somalia. Shitposting in an echo chamber has the same result, I guess.

/u/wokeaspie's kid gonna be running around with a umbilical cord and fucked up teeth

implying i would squirt my gains into some disgusting gussy instead of making a protein shake

I'm against strapping down and mutilating any helpless infants, fuck me right?

One key thing to remember about these folks: They're fetishists. Once you push through their pseudo-medical claims and feeble "well FGM is worse" handwaving, they'll quickly admit their real reasoning. It's men who "prefer" being cut and women who think foreskin is "icky".

His Body, His Say

It misses the mark when it comes to actually liberating men from their self-made prisons, instead allowing them to deceive themselves into thinking that they're somehow free of misogyny, that they're somehow better than all the other men who treat women as sub-human. But they're no better at all.

It almost makes me feel a little bad for male feminists. They spend all this time self-flaglatting and yet theyre still not ideologically pure enough to be considered any better then /r/incels.

They never will be. "ally" is just a term for "Other we tolerate right now"

Imagine dedicating all that time and effort to desperately try and impress a bunch of people who will always hate you just for existing.

Its almost as if they GASP hate men! Is there even a word for that?

Don't feel too badly for them. Everyone knows male feminists are just rapists that haven't been caught yet.

Then = time

Than = comparison

But they're no better at all.

Ha. Not just "imperfect" or "not as good as they think they are" - but no better at all.

That's the point at which people just stop giving a fuck at all.

Good show!

It's great show you should watch



Yes, that's a great way to go about it, but that's not enough. I already use my privileges against the self-made prison, but that's still not enough. For the inmates who refuse to break themselves free, I reserve no sympathy.

They say that violence just begets more violence, but I argue that enough overwhelming force (physically and mentally) can break a man's spirit. And that's what I do if i have no other choice, when it comes to stopping these non-compliant men. I have to admit, it feels good.

/u/higeo this is the dumbest fucking thing I've ever read in my life. What's wrong with you?

Sidebar /u/snallygaster /u/comedicsans /u/justcool393 can this be a new Snappy quote? The second part.

Ask /u/justcool393, snappy is his beast.

This is like some kind of alternate universe male feminist version of a pickup artist's opener designed to demonstrate high sexual marketplace value.

They say that violence just begets more violence, but I argue that enough overwhelming force (physically and mentally) can break a man's spirit. And that's what I do if i have no other choice, when it comes to stopping these non-compliant men. I have to admit, it feels good.

/u/higeo, you've never been in a fight your whole life.

Watch out dudebros /u/higeo is furiously imagine beating you up and then cry in the shower later.

Ya'll have been warned.

He might even write a comment about an imaginary fight he totally won.

Do you think that mewling cuntrag showers?

What I'm thinking about is what the fuck he is trying to say ideologically? Can you give me a breakdown?

I think he's trying to look like he's antifa? But it's more like when /u/alwaystryagain beat up his gf squealed at this caretaker.

I'm just confused as to how he's supposed to accomplish his "breaking of spirits". Is gonna go out and physically fight moderate male feminists? Is gonna argue with them online? So many questions here.

I think this calls for some sort of Vox documentary following /u/higeo while he bashes the heads of /r/MensLib moderators. And apparently /u/spoopyskeleman for typing TwoX instead of TrollX. The horror.

/u/jigielnik just so you know, a bunch of filthy fat gypsies from ex-soviet eastern europe are laughing at your stupidity right now

/u/FixinThePlanet could you have a more full of yourself name? Especially when you're probably some toxic piece of shit that doesn't care about any issue, just exploits them for personal glory.

Took me a week to think of this name so maybe I if I spent longer and conducted some surveys...

I haven't really needed to since this username gets all the reddit bros angery enough for my purposes.


I was around during the rule of Lieutenant FixinThePlanet. She is probably being completely honest about how she views the sub. But she's full of shit.

I'll bet her having to battle the non-feminists and anti-feminists were a real struggle as a mod. But the filtered conversation (after all the anti-feminist dissent was taken care of) was always feminist. Patriarch CicerosAssassin made sure of that. More than that, it has always been more deferential towards feminism than even to men's issues, the thing that the sub is supposed to be about; if caring about some men's issue will mean that you will be associated with the dreaded MRA, MensLib will choose feminist loyalty over the men's issue.

Then it's the thing about checking your male privilege and whatnot. Jesus Christ. Yeah, apparently there is no ceiling for some feminists when it comes to how self-flagellating mayo men should be, so fair enough—MensLib fails at that. But at some point it gets to be irresponsible and obviously harmful. You don't have to look long for male MensLib posters who have convinced themselves of their own sinful nature, to the point that they doubt every interaction they have with a woman that might percieve him as a sexual being (a threat, prospect, or uninteresting, depending). Then someone else acts incredulous, like where did that self-contempt come from‽ Feminism is not about having self-contempt as a heterosexual man! Then they prescribe more of the same, Toxic Masculinity, social constructs, whatever. Or maybe it's misogyny? After all, if a man hates himself in the context of interacting with women, it must be because he hates women. That's always the answer.

You get a pass for seriousposting because I agree with you. I can't imagine hating your own natural sexuality to such a fucked up degree. I see thousands of dollars in therapy bills in their future or at least a few r/incels tier posts crying about how sniffing women's farts doesn't get them wet.

dude bussy lmao

This, but unironically.

Emotional labor means mental illness, right?

They say that violence just begets more violence, but I argue that enough overwhelming force (physically and mentally) can break a man's spirit. And that's what I do if i have no other choice, when it comes to stopping these non-compliant men. I have to admit, it feels good.

Does this dyke think she's Bane or something?

That's a man, baby! Probably one who's idea of smashing the patriarchy is nailing your dick to a board.

We can hope.

I have to admit, it feels good.


emotional labor toxic non-compliant femmes All of them are men, including me. The same potential for misogyny, for violence, for every foul act that men have perpetrated and will continue to do the same.

I become turgid.

All of them are men, including me. The same potential for misogyny, for violence, for every foul act that men have perpetrated and will continue to do the same.

I bet these people would then in the same breath denounce any argument from human nature. But male nature is a thing totally

I swear people used to plug /r/menslib here /u/Classof2005

Back in my dance-hall days, I used to plug 150mg of menslib

fuck you





Good bot.

Dance-hall days, love.

/u/fixintheplanet lol you're just as bad as /u/botchlings trying to massage the shooter into your narrative, gj

repressed male rage is hot get over it

The killer in Las Vegas didn't have a recorded history of mental illness or interpersonal violence. You know what he did have? A history of being a white man


white man

woah put a trigger warning someone could get ptsd from that shit.

Can you blow me where the Pampers is?

I've said it once and I'll say it again, /r/menslib is probably one of the only subreddits on reddit that has more girls than guys on it

so is there like a menslib2 or something now

pls no

Now there is


Here's a related askmen thread for those who find this funny.

I'm glad I don't care about appeasing any ideological people with my views.

Menslib kinda seems like men trying really hard being feminists to show "look at us, we are on your side, we try our best to be what you want us to be" which just such a submissive cowering position to be in.

Am I not feminist enough for you? Well I don't really care. I don't try to seek your approval random online person who REEEEEEs on reddit.

Usually pretty high when I'm on the rag, like right now. Might explain all these belligerent feelings I have right now (though that might just be a natural reaction to this sub).