Should furries be gassed because they are destructive to other fetish communities, or because they are furries?

68  2017-10-11 by BigLordShiggot


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Why not both?

They never caught the hero that pulled this off, which is weird, since it was Sam Hyde.

Why tf do civilized folks let him keep getting away with this..?




Samir Al-Hayeed


Por que no los dos?

> 2017

> Not taking “doggystyle” literally



The furry community has been actively at work destroying other communities under the banner of acceptance. There's a good reason many people hate them- they've had a non-furry community accept some furries, who invited more furries, then demanded their own seperate part, then took leadership and booted all the non-furries out, turning it into a furry community.

No other fetish community is as destructive to other communities as furries are.

/u/kirmaster this reads exactly like a rant about jews

I was thinking SJWs or standard tankie entryism if you were talking about a few decades back

like a rant by an anti-SJW or by an SJW


Implying furries aren't secret Jews

Implying the furrycaust will stop when all furries are dead

/u/kirmaster this reads exactly like a rant about jews

You mean the rootless cosmopolitans?

is this some gay history joke

Commie joke. It's what Stalin called (((them)))

i KNEW it


People don't seem to get that I hate furries because it's explicitly a fucking sex thing. I don't see BDSM enthusiasts being praised for wearing nothing but chains and then escaping them for the amusement of small children. It's a fucking sex thing, and making it lifestyle is making me think about sex. So unless you think it's just as okay to have people running around with whips and chains and cheering up schoolchildren with their moans, then I don't see why you should this blight.

This amount of vomiting is unhealthy

Wow way to kinkshame

this is a question?

They should be gassed because furries are the epitome of white people nonsense.


Ah... Remember when the one reporter was laughing while trying to relay the news after this? Yeah. Still mad. Furries are cool. Yeah, I am one. Yeah, we get a bad rep for the rotten ones. But we also do a ton of good. Charity is a huge thing in the community. Even before the big charities we donate to, there's personal charity. There's paying for someone's food if they can't, or giving a memento from your past con to someone else who would love it as much. I've not really found a group so focused on doing good, even after the kind of history they've had with the media. CSI sure did a number, but not enough to make the community roll over and die thankfully.


Almost pasta quality

Hot take:

People always talk about how 'not all furries are furry fetishes' like that's less fucking weird.

If you masturbate to anthropomorphised animals you're a sexual deviant with a degenerate fetish, but so are a lot of people, so who am I to judge?

If you just enjoy dressing up as an animal and acting like one you're a maladjusted mentally stunted mongoloid that has no place in society.

If you're both then go hang-out at a construction site sans hard hat.

Why not both?

Gassing just seems so unethical. How about we find a nice island in the middle of the ocean far away from any civilization and just dump them all there

Should furries be gassed

Yes. We'd get new mods out of it!

Just shoot them. It's cheaper.

Humans should only have sex with humans.


Why not both tho

Furries were a mistake

Ive only experienced cuckolds in gaming communities, so I will try to best represent that side of the argument. Every individual interaction with a cuck I have had has gone very well, as they are usually nice kindhearted people, despite wearing their fetish on their sleeves. In contrast, every cuck community I have encountered has been relatively accepting at first before attempting to force me to get off to the same thing they do, causing me to leave and lose contact. Any gaming community can become a cuckold community just by being too accepting of the porn they bring with them, and I have seen too many community servers fall to "beta manlet watches bodybuilder plow wifey" in a matter of months because they all suddenly start to believe the whole world wants to jack off to their favorite porn video. The average cuck can be an incredibly kind person, who just happens to expose their fetish more than the average non-cuck, but the cuckold communities I have interacted with will always be about sex and sexuality, nothing else. If you dont believe that cucks can ruin anything they set their mind to, and have a tendency to be very toxic despite individual qualities, google: "bull Obama", "Dennis Quaid", or if you're feeling political, "Diego Riviera", and scroll through images for usually less than a minute and try to tell me there is no porn there.


They should be gassed either way