Bussy Scouts of America are allowing Gussy into their ranks

40  2017-10-11 by Zappert


Um, you forgot a period. Perhaps you'll have your first period next year.


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This just seems wrong. Some institutions should remain gender separated. Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts are a prime example.

Is it because you only fuck little boys?

Stop being such a christianphobe

w e w



it changes the power dynamics of the group of boys from whoever is strongest to whoever is most popular with women

it changes the experience

Oh weird I thought the scouts were about pioneering, self sufficency, and camping

go make me a sandwich

Lol i can't wait until you get spermjacked and your spawn is another single parent failure

We LOVE to spermjack you idiots

Aha! you saying that has validated my paranoia and caused me only satisfaction

Good daddy feel fulfilled we love that

It'll be extra sweet when we abort your spawn while claiming alimony 💸💸 because thats literally all you are worth

Post bussy

I got a Gucci but it's /u/jasonjewnova s and no one else's hombre


Ty honey <3

Literally every other scouting organization over the world with the exceptions of the saudi's I met and the ugandan's I met were split boy/girl and just called it scouting. Ugandan's cause they only had 9 fucking people and the saudi's cause they're muslims.

The Boy scouts even invited to merge with the Girl scouts, but the Girl scouts loved their damn cookies too much and the shitty way their money was allocated for cookie sales, and refused to merge or something like that.

The Boy scouts even invited to merge with the Girl scouts, but the Girl scouts loved their damn cookies too much and the shitty way their money was allocated for cookie sales, and refused to merge or something like that.

See, I didn't know that but totally believe it.

A lot of money in those cookies...

Yeah, and they have chefs that change every so often, so people are like "well the '06 thin mints far outclassed the '12 thin mints," or some bullshit like that, I was never in girl scouts for obvious reasons.

Did have a lot of family in it though, 4 aunts who did it and 2 who were leaders in their adulthood.

obvious reasons

I didn’t know they banned autistic girls. I’m here for you 🤗

Botchy now that I know you haven't blocked me, I still want want to know why you think this boo

How are they supposed to nurture closeted homosexuals with girls around?

Straight pedophiles deserve a chance too.

How will /u/botchlings get laid now?

he'll have to expand his horizons. growth mindset.

Literally not possible. /u/botchlings is only capable of processing one thought per hour. It's really something special to see him think

Something for only dudes, we can't have that

Hitler separated the death camps by sex. I don't see how clubs separated by sex are any different tbh

What you're saying is that neither exist?

You have incels and MGTOW if you want a men only experience.

Or the Augusta Country Club...oh...nvm


Augusta National Golf Club

Augusta National Golf Club, located in Augusta, Georgia, is one of the most famous golf clubs in the world. Founded by Bobby Jones and Clifford Roberts on the site of the former Fruitland (later Fruitlands) Nursery, the course was designed by Jones and Alister MacKenzie and opened for play in January 1933. Since 1934, it has played host to the annual Masters Tournament, one of the four major championships in professional golf, and the only major played each year at the same course. It was the number one ranked course in Golf Digest's 2009 list of America's 100 greatest courses and is currently the number ten ranked course on Golfweek Magazine's 2011 list of best classic courses in the United States, in terms of course architecture.

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Is menslib not enough?

MensLib are a bunch of brocialist fucking bootlickers. They oughta rename it MenSlobs

I'm okay as long as they continue to ban atheists.

their collapse was pretty much guaranteed when they started letting fags in. this isnt surprising, shits converged

But they never let you join the boy scouts


Sounds like some fag shit to me

popcorn > cookies fight me

Having Girl Scouts with all girls in it is good, but Boy Scouts with all boys in it is bad. Because equality, or something.

Women and logic don't mix

girl scouts is a fucking joke. the sooner they merge, the better.

lol the revenue differential of good cookies vs shitty popcorn sales is no joke my friend

Slippery Slope Fallacy, you guys.

Next thing you know they'll be letting trannies into the Girl Scouts...oh wait


I can hear the collective protesting of Scout Masters, "eeewww vagina"