Vegans argue over the ethics of eating food that looks like meat.

39  2017-10-12 by Jemima-Racktool




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ironic seeing Vegans cannibalizing themselves.


(. )( .) Τ„(β‰–β€Ώβ‰–Τ…)

Can you neck yourself already?

imagine giving a shit


I don't get vegan "meat" products or the "turkey" in the picture.

If the main point of becoming vegetarian or vegan is to avoid eating meat, why would you want to eat something that looks and/or tastes like meat? Thinking about stuff like vegan "bacon" or vegan "chicken nuggets" that they sell at whole foods.

I mean, I understand that vegans need protein but why would they want that protein to resemble meat in any way?

Because it's much easier to substitute meat that way.

It makes the diet change seem like a smaller step, and helps you cook stuff like you're used to. Also handy for non-vegan recipes and stuff.

Actually it's because humans are naturally omnivores and vegans are going against nature and God's will so they have to make fake meat to trick themselves.

Adam and Eve were vegan in the garden of eden tho...

Are you questioning gods will

Nay, read the Bible, we were all vegan in paradise

Idk about that, Eve got some ribs while she was there

Hey duder below is the infamous vegan that doxxed himself. The ultimate vegan.

Still stalking me I see, you say you are done but still following my post history. Why do you stalk me?

God's will


as if all vegans are religious

I mean, it has nothing to do with "needing protein". Mock meats are useful for new vegans, it feels like less of a drastic change... They're also handy if you're going to a BBQ, you can have sausages or a burger too.

Also, many (most) vegans spend many years eating meat before going vegan.

Lastly, people don't usually become vegan to "avoid eating meat" in the way you seem to think. We become vegan because we want to minimise our harm, and we disagree with hurting or killing animals. It's usually not the look or taste, but the fact we think it's wrong.

But meat πŸ– is good and chickens πŸ“ are meant to be eaten. Also, no seriousposts.

Vegans eating pseudo-meat is like pedos hiring young-looking prostitutes.

Vegans fuck they tofu?!

Should you not fuck tofu? It's so silky...

What's worse: being vegan, or being named "Cliff?"

Those names are all so weird. This must be happening in france or something.

'Marvin Gardens' is a name from a Robert Anton Wilson book

lol. they're all plays on words. I was just pretending to be retarded.

I can't read that dumb picture, but tbh fuck vegans

could you not?

Why fake meat at all? The worst vegan foods are things shaped like meats. Ever have a vegan wiener? It tastes like lindsay lohan looks.

If you're gonna just eat plants, just eat plants. They're pretty tasty without trying to pretend their meats.