Rose McGowan's Twitter Account Has Been Suspended

71  2017-10-12 by SDIHTD


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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Oy vey shut it down

It puts the sauce on the pizza or it gets the MK-ultra again...



Twitter safety squads silencing yet another rape victim.

Wait, isn't twitter owned mostly by sandpeople now? I would have thought they'd love to take down one of (((them))).

(((sandpeople))) don't like their pedophilia rings being disturbed.

She's tweeting about her personal experiences related to a story that has been in the news 24/7 for the past week. Not sure what grounds twitter has to suspend her, other than the fact that they don't like what she's saying.

Beyond that, twitter's only job should be to facilitate communication. It shouldn't be suspending accounts for any reason unless the account are engaged in illegal activity.

She's a ranting, frothing lunatic.

I'm sure it's illegal to just start calling everyone a literal rapist.

I'm pretty sure that happens every day in the US and rarely do women get locked up for it

She's not locked up. She's unable to rant on Twitter for a few hours.

Which, when you think about it, is just another form of rape.

the worst form imho

I believe you mean "femoids"

She's a ranting, frothing lunatic.

She also does not like bussy

Truth is a defence to libel.

To be fair, she's just a woman.

Unless you start paying for the server upkeep, you don't get to tell Twitter what to do with its platform.

Unless you start paying for the trunk-line upkeep, you don't get to tell AT&T what to do with its platform.


got em

i do though

Do you, booboo?



Trust botchlings to tunnel out of the woodwork to protect women from rape so long as they're being raped by (((THEM)))


twitter said she included a phone number in a tweet

Their about face is laughable

The replies lol


(((powerful forces at work)))

Not this time, goy. (((We))) aren't behind this.

Indeed. What everyone seems to forget about (((you))) is (((you))) would sell (((your))) (((grandmother))) for half a (((shekel))). Fuck me, three brackets for a shorthand is so goddamn stupid. Probably was all a plot by (((them))).


Imagine being so free of problems that a 12 hour suspension on a site for losers is the biggest form of oppression for you.

She's famous enough that this suspension is a national story

Is she still seriously using #whywomendontreport?

Cunt, the reason you didn’t report was your career. That’s why you didn’t name him a year ago. Get the fuck out of here.

lol Time covered this...

Not only that, she literally broke the rules and tweeted a phone number it seems.

Must not have been the phone number of an approved target. Twitter is very selective about enforcing their "rules."

Considering she's an alleged victim of Weinstein, who is a major story right now if you didn't know, it seems like pretty relevant news.


I guess you think Polanski didn't do """rape""" rape too.

so are you saying that she's lying about what weinstein did to her, or are you saying what he did to her doesn't make her a victim? either way you sound like a pretty shitty person.

Ohhh so passive aggressive, so edgy.

Who is she, and why does she look like a cancer victim?

and why does she look like a cancer victim?

Because if you look like a cancer victim, your book (which she just "out of the blue" announced) will sell better.

It's still a fucking shame. Milo is fucking great. No other person is able to trigger people as much or as hard as he can. I guess President Trump might be able to. Milo seems to be more of a natural troll.

He'd probably go on about fucking 13 year old bussy.

She's always been batshit, that being said: Would smash.

The craziest chicks being hot and everything

I didn't know who this person was until I went to her Wikipedia page and discovered she starred in one of my favorite shitty direct-to-dvd movies.

The more you knowTM

Which movie? I don't know who she is either.

Rosewood Lane

Rosewood Lane is a 2011 thriller-horror film written and directed by Victor Salva, and stars Rose McGowan. The film's story revolves around a radio talk show psychiatrist who moves back to her hometown and notices her neighborhood paper boy's unusual behavior. The official trailer of the film was released on the October 14, 2011.

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Sean Decker of the Dread Central gave Rosewood Lane 1 out of 5 stars, saying "the film is rife with baffling plot turns, characters who consistently make the most illogical of decisions, abandoned sub-plots (and players), plot holes a'plenty and a second act sequence that betrays the third reel's reveal (a reveal that ultimately makes little sense anyway)".[3]

I know what I'm watching this weekend. Thanks for the link.

It's definitely a shitty movie but one of my favorite shitty movies. I usually watch it drunk once a year around Halloween.

Does she fuck the paper boy?

You've never seen Scream or Planet Terror?

and you fags say the patriarchy isnt real

Don't blame us because you grew up without a father.

It literally never fails...

Scroll down to the bottom of a thread and you'll find u/glmox

thx 4 recognizing the hustle fam

being proud of drama memes

hoping to buffer your downvotes for being a shit teir, habitual seriousposter with humor

this but unironically

hoping to buffer your downvotes for being a shit teir, habitual seriousposter with humor

me too thanks

Leave /u/glmox alone. He voted for Jill Stein. A clear cry for help.

im just very concerned about wifi okay

I have nothing to contribute to this thread but old pictures of Rose McGowan looking hot as fuck:

who the fuck

Pancakes. Pancakes! PANCAKES!!


Also, whatever happened to Marilyn Manson?

I can see why Harvey wanted to sick his gifeltefish in her bagel.


Why do so many white women have flat asses?

stop it


Thanks for letting everyone know you were born after the millennium.

that's where you're wrong fucko.

Unless you're from some 3rd world shithole like Europe or you're under the age of 25 then you should know who she is.

Worst case you could search her name rather than show your pimply pancake ass.

Unless you're from some 3rd world shithole like Europe or you're under the age of 25 then you should know who she is.

I'm 24 and a murican.

Worst case you could search her name rather than show your pimply pancake ass.


Ignorant and millennial are synonyms.

Ignorant of who some rando is? what has this knowledge ever done for you?

nobody knows who this is dude

skinhead mcgee?

Its OK that you lack knowledge and life experience due to your youth but do not assume everyone is in the same boat.

if she was that important she’d come up on google

And she does, are you really this retarded? Like seriously you have a learning disability greater than /u/botchling.

0 results, kid

you spelled it wrong

I spelled it wrong by spelling it right?

You must have suffered some sort of traumatic brain injury or were simply born with a deformed cranium. Nothing else logically explains the reason you are so dumb.

Either way I hope your life on disability is at least enjoyable. Good day.

I spelled it wrong by spelling it right?

yes, jesus christ. how slow are you?

i mean, slow enough to have watched WB dramas apparently, but still

in all honesty though, i’m still completely baffled as to how you’re familiar with an actress whose roles consisted of a show on a unsuccessful channel for teen girls and a bunch of direct-to-video crap

Maybe you just don't know how to spell ? Maybe you're not even on Google. Are you sure you're even on a computer?

i sent the query DIRECTLY to google, parametrically

omnibars and search boxes are for wimps

if you were born before the millennium, what were you doing waytching Charmed?

Alyssa Milano but less hot

I don't know who that is either. If it's an actor or a musician I probably don't know they're name because I'm not one of you weird people who gives a shit who acts in a movie or plays a song I like.


come on, Alyssa Milano is an actual person though

There are billions of actual people. I can't really justify why I don't care who this person is because in would have to know who they are to explain why the information will never be useful to me.

she’s an actual person with a name that people say though


yeah like everybody

a chick who was on some teen drama for fags 15 years ago

Why does literally anyone care?

idk, ask /u/wwyzzerdd. he’s the one who likes fake teenagers

I mean is anyone suprised about Weinstein after how hollywood rallied around Polanski? They'll be talking about how hes a good boy who didn't rape anyone soon tm.

Jack Dorsey at it again.

man theyre really trying to limit this fallout to weinstein huh

hollywood is pretty much fucked the floodgates have opened

pedo shit next

Nah I don't think so. She posted someone's phone number and her account is back to being unsuspended anyway. I don't see anyone in Hollywood trying to protect Harvey. He's dead and gone.

The real person they're trying to protect is Ben Affleck. With his new capeshit movies coming up and thse gigantic investments.

I don't see anyone in Hollywood trying to protect Harvey. He's dead and gone.

yeah theyre trying to act like hes an exception to the rule as opposed to the rule though, its pretty overt

a lot of higher ups are panicking now that actors are coming out reporting abuse, and old stuff is being dredged up like elijah wood and macaulay culkin and corey haim and feldman

fucking dawsons creek dude is saying old guys grabbed his dick too

this shit isnt going to fizzle out, it just gives legitimacy to claims they hate and want to bury

The real person they're trying to protect is Ben Affleck.

yeah but theres levels

ones lost profit, ones "life is over"

wait until people start talking about washington then shitll hit the fan

I really hope the Hollywood pedo rings get busted wide open.

dont we all

Pretty sure it says in the Bible somewhere when people start writing news articles about who gets banned from websites that he's going to rain holy hell over the planet. I can't fucking wait.
