Hamplanet /u/disimportant getting (((triggered))) over fatshamers in the comment section

33  2017-10-12 by hendo144


I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


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Anyone have a source for the quote? I really hope it was from this sub.

It was a post about an opioid user who really went down hill. Can confirm it came form the sub.

Why you answering your own questions, Ed? Lay off the bong for a bit fam

Thank you, snappy, I will quit heroin tomorrow.

I wish everyone could set aside their differences and just appreciate a quality burn.

/u/beet111 with the retarded white knighting

lol what the fuck

Will you ram my bunghole with your cheesewheel johnson?

the fuck does that even mean

Send me a picture of your dingus.

Pse, please don't downvote /u/beet111, he'll delete all comments that have less than one point because he's a little bitch

Lol what a pussy

Lmao, why are you so obsessed with Internet points to where you're a giant pussy, /u/beet111

Because he doesn't like admitting to himself that he's a sperg

Lmao, he posts OC to AdviceAnimals, so he's basically completely worthless

I have a feeling him and /u/HHHVGM would get along great. They're both booty blasted mongoloids

Is this entire subreddit just losers pinging people?

Yeah pretty much. Whatever keeps the drama flowing.

Other "drama" subreddits are fine with observing drama elsewhere on the internet. Nothing wrong with that. You idiots, on the other hand, are so insecure and pathetic that you need to create it yourself by harassing people. Don't get me wrong, I'm not expecting any pity, but the whole reason I'm engaging with this subreddit at all is because of how you treat other people. You should really rethink your life.

Lol, don't try to assume the moral high ground just because you took the bait angry bitch. If you really think we're such awful people then why bother with us? You're the one who needs to rethink your life here. You're going apeshit in a troll sub and you're just feeding into the drama.

Next time you use the internet, imagine your parents reading everything you type, little boy.

Lol, I'm a grown ass man. Sorry that you can't handle a 23 year old provoking you and your butthurt. Spill more tendies, please.

23? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

Awww, look at the cute little faggot thinking that approaching your mid twenties isn't the age of adulthood. Don't worry buddy, when I hit level 24 in a few months I'll be sure to celebrate by playing that wrinkle star of yours like a trombone. I'll bring the booze and ballgags, you bring that sand blasted bussy.

so you're older than that? and you act like this? what the fuck

you're a 23 year old acting like a 5 year old

Says the childish fuckwit that got so butthurt that you felt the need to enter my filthy inbox to continue sperging out on me in private.

when did I pm you?

He thinks you're me.

ah I see,

anyways, /u/FrostBittenSalsa is a dumbass

True. Moron can't even read.

Take your ableism somewhere else tyvm

Perks of overlooking the usernames of those replying to me. Oops

how am I obsessed? deleted it when people like you started harassing me.

You delete everything that goes negative you little pussay

let it all out, normie

Can you turn that into an animal meme so I can understand it?

do you like memes

What a stupid question. Literally who doesn't

i think you like memes

Why do you delete all your comments?

Is that all you care about? Are you insecure about looking like you're talking to no one?

Is it your massive pussy lips?

Why do you act like a 12 year old?

what's with the edgy high school insults?

wow lewd

u/disimportant you know fat people are lazy, selfish, disgusting slobs because normal sized people have to pay more for health insurance so people like you can stuff their greasy mouths with low quality high carb snacks. Also no one finds fat beautiful its fucking gross. Cellulite is more revolting that heaving tumors growing out of your face.

u/disimportant people don't think curvy women are fat just fat women who claim to be curvy. You know think more hourglass and less jello stuffed basketball. If anything you should be blaming butter garglers for transforming the original meaning of the word to now a descriptor for spherical shaped women

Hell, the rise of the term "thick" to describe what used to be "curvy" kind of proves that it's not men hating women with curves, it's men hating fat women masquerading their brand of slightly melted marshmallow physiques as "curvy".

No doubt I'm sure thick is being coopted by gravy dumpsters as we speak

Yeah I've already seen it. I wonder what will be next once thick ruined by the euphemism treadmill.


Im pretty sure she is on the spherical end of the curve.

She probably has her own gravitational field

I bet /u/disimportant 's legs look like someone poured oatmeal into a tube sock.

Like 10lbs of shit in a 5lb bag.

10 lb ≈ 4.5 kg
5 lb ≈ 2.3 kg

metric units bot | feedback | source | hacktoberfest | block | refresh conversion | v0.11.10

bad bot

Bad carbon-based life form

horrible bot

Bot lives matter here, ableist scum

There hasn't been fat drama here in some time. Maybe it'll come back and replace the commie drama.

99% of people that insult fat people are compensating for their own failures and shortcomings. /u/giggidygoo2, what are you insecure about?

Wow. I have found it onto /r/drama, I am honored.

You are slightly more intelligent than the average redneck. You didn’t have to try in high school because your school district couldn’t afford to hire competent teachers. You went to a community college because you wanted to save money and totally not because you were afraid you’d be rejected from a university. You spent too much time smoking weed and playing video games and flunked out as a result of your continued habit of making poor life choices. Now, you spend the day ignoring your mom’s sobbing in her room and your dad shaking his head whenever you go upstairs by telling yourself the recent setbacks are temporary and you’ll go back to school and get a job soon™. It’s been two years. Your parents have given up on you being as successful as your sibling and you won’t admit it yet but you’ve resigned yourself to failure being your defining characteristic. The only major decision you have left is how to kill yourself. May I suggest overdosing on heroin?

Wow. These shitty subs are toxic.

So, how close was I to writing your autobiography? I thought it was pretty good tbh. Maybe needed to flow a bit better though.

Wow. As I say. These subs are so shit. I'm not going to drop to your level. Keep shouting into the void though if that's what you want to do.

Wow, you don’t have to be so rude. Didn’t your parents teach you any manners?

Says the person who just wished a stranger dead.

Stop being so offended. It’s not like that was the first time someone told you to play in traffic.

Sick burn.

When you eventually succumb to the hopelessness of your existence, remember it’s down the street and not across.

Don't do it, /u/giggdygoo2. Suicide by razor is not the answer. Go for an exit bag instead.

You were just acting like a complete unhinged moron in the other thread but now you try to be civil?

I miss fatpeoplehate. If it wasn't for that I probably wouldn't have been guilted into actually fucking losing weight, despite all my family telling me I was turning into a skeleton :(

there's /r/holdmyfries but they were under admin investigation, haven't heard anything in a little bit though.

Weird how /r/watchpeopledie is allowed to be a thing but anything resembling mocking fat people is way overboard. It's as if the admin team are a bunch of obese, incel spackers with aspergers.

r/fatlogic kind of serves the same purpose and they don't seem to be stupid enough to get into trouble.

Holy shit I knew you guys never left. Surprised my first interaction with you guys was bullying though, must be because you don't have a subreddit to lose

Implying this is fatpeoplehate 2.0? No those fags fucked off to voat.

Do some people not understand that "feeling bad about your failures so that you will be motivated to stop failing" is the entire purpose of shame?

Shame me more daddy

You are supposed to feel shame on your own initiative, you worthless pile of garbage.