Daddy took a knee.

43  2017-10-12 by PM_YOUR_TAN_TITS


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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If Trump just took a knee they'd all just start standing again and pipe down.

I'm surprised no one has given him the idea.

The idea behind the kneeling took some hits last week because Jerry Jones did it as such an obvious publicity stunt, I couldn't imagine what might happen if Trump did it

Immediately every white house aide will say that he has always supported the protest and that anyone who thinks otherwise doesn't know when he's joking

I hope he doesn't do that.

However, what I really DO want him to do is buy a big bag of Cheetos and tweet "Enjoying this delicious American made snack tonight. #YouAreWhatYouEat"

It would really ruin the #resist crowd's fun.

he's too thin skinned for that.

/u/botchlings your god emperor needs u

Why don't you guys give this a rest.

Why don't you shut your whore mouth and kys

You seem so angry. Sit down, lets have a talk about your aggressive behavior.


I'm sorry. I'm trying to be helpful. I just want to make sure you're alright, friend. It's okay, let it all out. It's okay to be angry.

This schtick sucks.

You seem upset. Can I help?

If this is your best material, I don’t see how you could help tbqh.

Well, I can't say I didn't try, friendo. Have a good one!

Seriously, even in /r/drama we can't get away from this shit?


You seem upset. Can I help?

Can I watch?

Can I shit in your mouth?

What'd you eat?

Corn and cheddar cheese.

Ratio? How was the corn prepared?

1 to 1, roasted on bbq

did you decide to actually browse this sub after being pinged and made fun of? LMAO

Sure, why not?

Where did you wander in from friendo?

He obviously didn't understand the significance of this obscure military tradition. I was also unaware; as far as I know it's not generally performed outside of military bases and I've never been to a military base. Had he known, I'm sure he would have exercised the greatest respect.

Suck Daddy's dick harder

You appear to be upset about something. Rough day?

Trump derangement syndrome

I'm having a great day. I'm just here to watch. Try opening your throat a lil more.

Seems like you're experiencing butthurt. They have salves for that.

You're never going to get past the gag reflex if you keep talking

You're obsessed with Trump, every single thread!

Keep going! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

The emojis are hilarious. A couple of butteredtoast groupies.

The emojis are hilarious

I know thanks

😁 😁

The "ironically detached I don't give a shit" act is totally working. You totally convinced me that you're not an enraged, Trump obsessed agenda poster!

πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚

You're very emotional today. You okay bby?

I know thanks.

πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚

imagine being this salty

Oof ouch owie my bones alts!! Lol


stop being mean to daddy!! :(

Hey! You can recover some downvotes here with you and the rest of the Trump obsessed Musketartds!

it really is incredible how upset you get about people making fun of trump. the way this is going youre gonna post like three threads about how mad everyone but you is again.

You seem butthurt.

you forgot "seriousposter"

thx 4 recognizing the hustle fam

Good sperg my dude. But be careful with all that salt. Might cause hypernatremia lol

I'm just not that into him. I prefer my boys to look like girls.

I'm just not that into him.

You're not fooling anyone friendo. Maybe senpai will notice you someday!

Who is senpai?

In respect to you? Everybody

What does it mean?

Seriousposts about Trump

Doesn't think traps are gay.

Checks out πŸ‘Œ

Who said that traps weren't gay?

Basically. I've never heard of this tradition and wouldn't have known the proper etiquette either.

On the other hand, everyone knows you are supposed to stand during the National Anthem...

Waiting for a bunch of leftists to make a big deal over it.

Standing during the anthem isn't an NFL players job. Trump is commander in chief. How the fuck doesn't he know this shit? He wants to whine about disrespecting the flag and veterans, but can't be fucked to respect the flag as part of his responsibilities as well as current service members. Idgaf what anyone does during any song but it makes him look massively uneducated and hypocritical about the subject.

wtf i care about respecting the flag now!

If you're the POTUS, yeah. Not if you're some average joe. I mean, the president has free speech too but "fuck the flag I do what I want" probably isn't what he wants to say so he should act like it.

Who gives a shit about the flag. This isn't about flag ceremonies it's aboit obvious hypocrisy.

It's like when a Family Values Republican Senator gets busted railing nubile young bussy. The problem lies not with tapping bussy, but with being a hypocrite about your love of bussy.

All this coming from someone who can't read on his own

I've never heard of this tradition and wouldn't have known the proper etiquette either.

You must be an idiot, then. Who runs for president and doesn't make an effort to understand military tradition, considering you're running for the office that commands the entire military.

If anything it's a failure of staff to brief him on the tradition. Still, not the president's fault.

Daddy Defense Squad strike again!

Silly /u/beskargamkote, Daddy can do no wrong! Better watch out! Botchy, me, and the rest of the Squad are on the lookout for loser cucks like you!

foiled again

Wait, wait, wait. You're implying he shouldn't have to educate himself but rather have his own staff do it for him. :thinking:

I’m implying that he has more important things to think about. His staff should have briefed him

Yeah, god why would the president need to know how to conduct himself in public

I like to pound my pink and brown asshole with Trump posters and rubber cement

He's inside, you don't have to do anything special, it's just more fake news.

He went to military school lol he knows what it is.

Also wtf I love military traditions now-Libertards

Donald Trump cannot do anything wrong. I regularly take a knee, or both, for him

I believe you believe this

Had he known, I’m sure he would have exercised the greatest respect.


Everything okay? You seem upset.

I’m great! Thanks for that gut buster friend!

You don't have to plaster a phony smile on around us, friend. Tell us all about how the mean POTUS hurt you. Show us your resist hashtag and your pussy hat.

LMAO don’t stop! This is too good!

It's really okay. You can be yourself around us. It's okay to cry. Do you need a hug?

Srsly, how buttmad are you right now?

You know, I was a little cranky earlier, but I had Chinese for lunch so I'm feeling a little better now. Thanks for checking up on me! I feel very loved.

No problem man. I was worried tbqhfambruh. General Tso’s?

Mongolian beef, extra spicy. Plus a fortune cookie that was slightly stale, but that's okay.

Mongolian Beef, extra spicy

My man!

LMAO don’t stop! This is too good!

Such a soyboy reply.

What’s a soyboy?

I assume a projection

Are you saying he would purposely disrespect it? I get most of you botchlings obsessives have Trump Derangement Syndrome but this is a stretch.

Botchlings has a fan club!


What can we call you...botchlinglings? botchettes?

This? From someone that follows Ed Butteredtoast around?

This? From someone that follows Ed Butteredtoast around?

You botchettes are silly

You toasties are adorbz.

It's an adorable word! I wouldn't care if Ed took a long walk off a short pier tbqh tho.

Following people around the internet really shows how ironically unattached you are. Toastie.

Following people around the internet really shows how ironically unattached you are.

Thanks for the advice! Any other foture cookie slips of knowledge you looking to share?

πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚

foture cookie

oh no how shameful

Oooh! You pulled out the lower case sentence! The sign of someone truly in-tune with being ironically uninterested!

Irony really grinds your gears. Wanna talk about it?


Lol, just like 'toasties'


You're a mod in some Ed Buttertoast sub. You want to be a drama celebrity.

Sorry you didn't get the nod. Maybe next time, buckaroo

Ok booboo. πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

This whole ed buttered toast thing has passed this old far by. I have no idea what’s going on. Mod me fam

Done! I don't even know how I got added

Excepted. I know of the drama but I know nothing about the drama, and I’m not going to find out anything about it. But I’ll proudly rep team ed.

Good plan. Things are more fun when you know less

Tbh I did think about reading the sidebar but I saw how long it was and stopped pretty quickly.

Smart move!

The same guy who mocked McCain for being captured in Vietnam?

Yes he would.

McCain was a songbird, fuck him

Yeah fuck that guy for being drafted in Vietnam.

Yeah, that guy who avoided the draft through bone spurs is clearly the true hero of the war!

He attended military academy growing up that did this daily... not to mention he is the Commander in Chief. This is what happened when Robin Williams was performing and had no clue about this particular tradition:

Thank you for your comment. However, in my opinion, you've not proven beyond reasonable doubt that he understood the significance. I watched the episode and I genuinely believe he did not understand what it was. Perhaps he should have known it, but naivetΓ© is not the same as wanton disrespect.

what the fuck kind of faggy polite-ass comment is this

You seem angry, friend. Can I help?

you can help by slitting your wrists

I wish I could, I really do, but you see, I like my wrists and don't want to damage them.

Your Shtick here is fucking awful. Delete your internet

"Haha are you angry? Because I'm being a passive agressive autist pretending to be calm and above any feelings friendo (-:"

Would you not know the significance of something that you had to do twice a day for 5 years (Age 13-18)?

Are you definitely sure he had to do it? He's also in his 70's. Perhaps he did forget. I don't know. Perhaps he couldn't hear it well, I barely heard it on the show, it wasn't very loud.

Really? You said you watched the video... he jokes about it asking if they were playing it for him or Hannity's ratings.

Right, which implies he doesn't know what it is. Obviously he heard it, but didn't understand what it was.

So he had first hand knowledge that you don't need to do jack shit indoors, and anyone complaining is a retard. Thanks for the research.

The Daddy Defense Squad strike again!

Try to criticize my Daddy? Well you cucks are out of luck!

I'm not a horny teen girl, I don't call people daddy.

Don't need to be horny, teen, or a girl to have a Daddy!

The Daddy Defense Squad accepts all!*

*Except blacks, cucks, brownies, and women

Not interested in calling a grown man daddy. Thanks, though.

you... want to call a young boy daddy? i'm not sure i follow

I don't want to call anybody Daddy

What about ur dad

I would rather kill myself than call my father Daddy.

Good idea!

Nice try. Not happening.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhh...daddy issues. That explains everything.

I don't have Daddy Issues. It would just be very creepy to call my father Daddy. It's such a girl ish term

I prefer my boys to look like girls.

Like father, like son!

Silly billy, Daddy is already in your heart!

We still appreciate your dutiful efforts as part of the Daddy Defense Squad!

The Daddy Defense Squad accepts all!*

*Except blacks, cucks, brownies, and women

Or (((them))).

We don't talk about them. They make Daddy. Sad.

Trump wishes he could be Jared tbh

You're right, he's been trying very hard to copy that Fogle freak.

Daddy is a cuckold tho


Daddy has his own Daddy but that's just so he knows how to be the bestest Daddy of all!

Is his Daddy (((Koch)))?

Daddy is a Koch-holster. The biggest and strongest of them all!!!

But there's only one who gets to be his Daddy <3!

Not in public, anyway.

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Had he known, I'm sure he would have exercised the greatest respect.

Too bad he dodged the draft and thus missed the opportunity to learn all these "obscure" military traditions.

obscure military tradition

I think anyone with a dash of logic can assume remaining silent in presence of military ceremony is kind of on the fucking nose.

i guess hes #woke after all

Work at an Air Force base as a DoD worker; I've only seen corpsmen acknowledge "Retreat" when outside of buildings. But also I'd love for Trump to even sing the pledge of allegiance, no way daddy knows all of the lyrics.

also he's being interviewed when it starts, isn't he

Yes, but regardless what is happening, you’re supposed to observe it and be silent during the duration, but only while outside.

I'm sorry, can but until The_Botch throws his opinion in, this post isn't shit.

I'm not a doormat, friend. Please show respect.