Apparently you mongs can be broken down into #teamBotchlings or #teamEd_ButteredToast now...please everyone keep yourselves safe

31  2017-10-12 by JumbledFun


This is why we need mayocide.


  1. This Post -,*,,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)


You speak wisdom, Snappy.


you comment like my aunt on facebook

Ban u/ed_butteredtoast

Ban u/brothaniels

See this u/ed_butteredtoast? Your allies have forsaken you. Delete your account.

that was quick

Imagine being such a tryhard r/drama user that you're a mod of that's sub.

Imagine being such a tryhard with so many obvi alts 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Oooh nice! I caught one of the "everyone's an alt" lolcows!

Oooh nice! I caught one of the "everyone else is a lolcow" lolcows!

And you're a "copy the format of the insult that got me butthurt" lolcow!


Butteredtoast Defense League

/u/SDIHTD /u/tehwayway /u/hubbertp

Your own personal defense league of yourself

You're having a meltdown.

Your sad multi-account meltdown is on display for everyone, toots.

I'm actually u/spez too.

Nah. That's silly

I'm also u/annoysthegoys

I'm also exhausting


I am also in the alt-right.

This is plausible.

What many internet arguments are you in at the same time? And you think we're all the same person. This is amazing.

What many internet arguments are you in at the same time?

A lot, usually.

And you think we're all the same person.

Sure do!

This is good info to have.

imagine being this pathetic


Yeeeah, you can keep me out of whatever deluded nonsense you're going through tonight. All I did was say your obsession with botchlings was getting tired. You can fight your own battles.

also /u/infamousnexus you really are the epitome of the daddy defense force considering you've never really posted here and out of nowhere go on a 50 post spergout

Because somebody tagged me to this sub today. I was unaware it existed prior to now.

Say something mean about daddy

How badly do you want Daddy's micropenis inside your busy?

What's a bussy?

Your turd cutter

My what?

Your brown eye

Both of my eyes are brown.

Your Poop Cbute


Now now. Let's not act bussy blasted now.just because I'm right and daddy is an embarrassment is no reason to lash out

/u/botchlings is a solid, workman-like shitposter /u/Ed_ButteredToast is an unfunny degenerate twat.

rude tbh

This but reversed

If you're ever wondering who the group of downvoting garbage agendaposting morons that try to be drama celebrities are turning this sub into shit, check out that thread.

Please tell us more 2 month old account.

Because that means anything at all.

There's downvotes in that thread tell the whole story.

Caring about downvotes 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Wanting so bad to be a drama celebrity.😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Get better bantz

Keep going fam, you'll be super popular around here in no time. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

I don't know what kind of unpopular high school kid psychodrama you're trying to work out, but keep it going!

pretending to be "above it all"

mods a tryhard celebrity sub

Not fooling anyone

Gets very upset when he doesn't get jokes

Keep going, sugartits 😘

Oh you're just acting retarded?

We're all retarded down here

drama power user

oh no how insulting

You're getting emotional, power user.

Projecting. Not an argument.

Not an argument.

You're so pathetic lmao. Keep sperging my dude.

That is cute that you think your opinion matters.

I know a lot of drama celebs and lolcows and there are fine people on both sides.


Do you know what the problem is with r/drama? Let me tell you: in the beginning there was the internet and it was a place and not a place and the people who had no place to go decided to go to that place. And it filled with opinions and ideas and covfefe but none of it was ever anything worth hearing about. We who used AoL dial-up spent Desert Storm arguing about the X Files. While Bill Clinton got blowjobs in the Oval Office and perjured himself while fnords we were reading about why the fuck J. Michael Scraczynski thought a musical episode would be a good idea. The causes we chose were never important, the importance was in the memes. There is no culture among the cultureless. How can a man have a culture when he's three hundred pounds and never leaves his parents' house. They will tell you it's a cliche but we all know it's true. I fuck arses: who fucks arses? Maybe he fucks arses? The internet was never about having serious debates: it was never meant for the likes of you. This, ALL OF THIS, is MY SPACE, MY TIME and MY PROPERTY because I FUCKING MADE THE INTERNET. I raised my knees and reached underneath myself as I lay back on the table to ease his blunt, forceful and powerful warming presence deep inside. YOU THINK YOU CAN COME HERE AND TELL ME WHAT I CAN OR CAN'T WRITE? WHAT I CAN OR CAN'T THINK? WHEN TO BE IRONIC AND WHEN TO BE unironic. I had never felt anything so emotionally powerful as I looked into his straining O-face, high on the vinegar strokes, my secret lips clinging to his masculinity as he thrust again and again. If you take ANYTHING on this site seriously you are a cuck, a traitor and you'll be swinging on a rope by Christmas. I give the experience 4/5 stars. While I would have preferred to be with an Asian chick, my Dad was right about one thing: it helped me focus on my science assignment!

South Park Neutral checking in.

Let me speak for everyone by saying I hope they both kill themselves. In fact there's a good chance I want you, dear reader, to kill yourself too.

Keep yourselves safe.

This ^

I don't think that's the reason trump won

Degenerative mayo behavior is exactly the reason Trump won

I feel for you! :(

The only way people will pay you attention is if you denigrate yourself for their amusement.

Liberals, leftists, and people who are generally against Trump. This week had been embarrassing and disastrous for our nation, we have citizens refusing to stand and respect the flag and anthem that YOUR parents and/or grandparents, and their parents, and your forefathers, and our founding fathers lived and died to uphold and protect. They aren't doing it for police brutality, they are doing it to oppose Trump.

This is an embarrassment. I ask each and every one of you,to look into those hearts that you claim care so much for this nation and it's people, and ask yourself if this is really the example you want set for your families and children, citizens who disrespect their own home and nation. Would you want your children to disrespect your memory after you live and die for them? This is no different.

Donald Trump is only human. He isn't perfect, he makes mistakes, and he says the wrong thing sometimes. I'll never pretend he is perfect, and I'm not going to try to brainwash you into supporting him.

But if any of you have been waiting for 'THAT SIGN' to show you that maybe Trump isn't your enemy, isn't the enemy of the country, and isn't the enemy of your rights and freedoms, this is it.

I ask each of you to look into your hearts, and realise we are not the enemy. I ask each of you to take a moment, and consider what it would mean for your future if you joined our movement to try to make this nation the great country that millions upon millions of Democrats and Rebublicans alike have died for.

Come, even if only for one trolling moment, to our side,with open arms, and give us the opportunity to prove that we aren't the people the media makes us out to be.

I'm not perfect, I get into arguments, I say the wrong thing. I'm a sinner. I can admit these things about myself because I'm an adult, and I'm mature about the reality in which I live. I have made mistakes, and that is okay. I have learned from my past, and that is okay.

I ask you to open your minds and hearts, and take this for a learning experience, God be willing. Open your hearts to love and patriotism for our country. We will not let you down.

I think you mean typical liberal, not typical Trump supporter. There seems to be video of the shooter attending an anti-Trump rally and wearing a "pussy" hat.

My guess is that as more and more information is uncovered we'll find out that the shooter's behavior became more and more erratic, starting around November. Anti-Trump all the way but the shift in behavior likely went undetected because the guy's friends likely shared the same sentiments on one level or another.

I also predict that the media will probably never really fully report on a motive for the shooting because they will want to downplay the "angry liberal shooting up Trump supporters" angle. We saw sort of the same thing with the baseball shooter. His motives were discussed but not at length. We certainly didn't see the in depth reporting that we would have seen had the shooter been conservative. If they do report on motive I'm willing to bet it will be at a later date, after the news cycle as moved on to another event.

The size of the Las Vegas shooting will ensure that there is a lot of news coverage but I doubt that we'll see the in depth coverage we've seen with other similar events whose targets weren't mostly white, middle class, country music fans.

No more copy pasta pls

I seem to remember a time with less dogmatic retards of any political affiliation.