/r/drama's spirit animal Grape-kun the Penguin does a sudoku to meet his 2D waifu on the anime plane

125  2017-10-13 by shitpost953


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They mate for life and when they moved him and his "Wife" she left him for a younger penguin



Man if this was a dude you know ya'll would be laughing at him thank God it's a penguin so it's cute af, he died while loving cardboard.

Unplug the internet

That's not true, I'm laughing right now too

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 85%. (I'm a bot)

The character, called Hululu, was placed in the penguin enclosure at Tobu Zoo in Saitama Prefecture as part of a limited-time promotion for the anime, which saw other anthropomorphised animal characters from the series scattered throughout other areas of the zoo as well.

"The Humboldt penguin Grape-kun passed away yesterday. Sincere thanks to everyone for supporting him until now. Thank you also to Hululu, who watched over him until the very end. And thank you, Grape-kun, for all this time. Rest peacefully in heaven."

Given the high-profile nature of their relationship, it's highly likely that the zoo will hold some sort of memorial or event in honour of their memory, and while we wait to hear what will happen to Hululu in the wake of her partner's passing, we send our condolences to her and Grape-kun's friends at Tobu Zoo.

Extended Summary | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: Grape-kun#1 penguin#2 Hululu#3 Zoo#4 passed#5

bad bot


Don't bully him you meanie!

Oh hey ed, how's it goin?

Grape is alright with me. Shine on your glorious bastard.

hululu isnt even that good

If I recall right, Hululu is from a series called Kemono Friends. All the characters are personifications of various animals, and it's an educational for kids to learn about them - so lately you can see a lot of the characters if you visit zoos in Japan.

Wouldn't anthropomorphic be the correct term here?

yeah. but I forgot about that word.

It wasn't educational

It was a late night anime (it airs at midnight) to promote a bushiroad mobile phone game that had already bombed and been shut down by the time the show aired.

This meant the anime contract for it that still existed got sent to a pathetically small studio by kadokawa on a pathetic budget. They proceeded to make a hilariously dumb and absurd show that actually drains your IQ while watching, the opposite of an educational show. After its success they put pictures of the characters in some zoos as a promotion, which was where this happened.

Then there was the thing where they tried to corporate sabotage the director of the 12 person studio that made it because they realized it was worth money.

Jesus Christ you're salty.

Dude I love the show, but it made me lose my mensa membership and now I don't get rick and morty.

Did you watch more than maybe 2 episodes?

Is it bad that this is causing me more emotional pain than the vegas shooting?

vegas was just a bunch of white people lol

I can identify and empathise more with a penguin who just wants to be with his anime waifu than I can a random group of 50 normies who's only shared trait is that they like shit music.

Yes, you're empathising with a fucking weeb over some normies.


There is no drama. Where's the drama promised to me?

I still like the story though. Sort of sweet and sad.


Death to anime

Arabic probably has the best insults and curses out of any language tbh.

RIP ;_;


