MANDATORY: /r/Drama Patriotism Test
23 2017-10-13 by HodorTheDoorHolder
Find out what percentage of patriot are you!
Post your score percentage in the comments section.
EDIT: I will post survey results in a day or two.
EDIT 2: It's looking pretty bad for most of you. The mean average is 56% out of 100 tests so far.
1 SnapshillBot 2017-10-13
This is why we need mayocide.
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1 WarSanchez 2017-10-13
I got like 29% or something, but by testing me you have activated my trap card!
I now have 100% and your attacks on me are useless!
1 HodorTheDoorHolder 2017-10-13
You've got the lowest score so far!
1 botchlings 2017-10-13
I disagree with the correct answers to numbers 4 & 6
1 HodorTheDoorHolder 2017-10-13
You have the highest score so far!
1 CucksLoveTrump 2017-10-13
I just beat him with like 88.3%. Give me my medal
1 HodorTheDoorHolder 2017-10-13
It still says 88% is the highest score.
1 pepperouchau 2017-10-13
1488 maybe
1 HodorTheDoorHolder 2017-10-13
Nah some asshole got in the 90s.
1 cant_ban_me_nigga 2017-10-13
Don’t mean to brag but..
1 Thot_Crusher 2017-10-13
Got that 7% boi
1 Brothaniels 2017-10-13
I got a 100% ban u/ed_butteredtoast
1 HodorTheDoorHolder 2017-10-13
No you didn't.
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2017-10-13
Oh yes he did. THE MAD™ LAD!!!
1 HodorTheDoorHolder 2017-10-13
The highest score so far is 88%.
1 cant_ban_me_nigga 2017-10-13
1 JohnTheOrc 2017-10-13
Is this a Russian honeypot?
1 EvanHarper 2017-10-13
no, it was made by 100% legitimate Texas secessionist Blacktivists
1 HodorTheDoorHolder 2017-10-13
1 JohnTheOrc 2017-10-13
Well, I got an F. I want a do-over
1 HodorTheDoorHolder 2017-10-13
Try to do it again. Let me know if it works.
1 JohnTheOrc 2017-10-13
1 HodorTheDoorHolder 2017-10-13
Thanks! Was worried that by turning off the IP collection I wouldn't be able to stop people from taking it multiple times.
1 JohnTheOrc 2017-10-13
It's just a cookie. It won't actually stop the autists here from ruining your poll.
1 HodorTheDoorHolder 2017-10-13
So an IP check would be the only way to stop it.
1 JohnTheOrc 2017-10-13
Yeah. You should see if you can turn tracking back on.
1 HodorTheDoorHolder 2017-10-13
Nah. It isn't that serious.
1 JohnTheOrc 2017-10-13
Would cause drama, though
1 HodorTheDoorHolder 2017-10-13
1 cant_ban_me_nigga 2017-10-13
1 CucksLoveTrump 2017-10-13
Their motto is "Come and Take it, nigga"
1 Stumping4Trump 2017-10-13
26%, but then again I am literally a Russian hacker
1 AnnoysTheGoys 2017-10-13
I was not informed that this would be graded. I'm not wrong. You're wrong.
1 HodorTheDoorHolder 2017-10-13
What tests are ungraded?
1 AnnoysTheGoys 2017-10-13
It's called surveymonkey, not testmypatiencemonkey
1 HodorTheDoorHolder 2017-10-13
Not my fault.
1 Chromebookbitches 2017-10-13
I have a survey for you.
How many people think that if you can't type proper English -- ask questions or make statements using proper English (or at least basic 4th grade level) spelling, syntax, grammar and punctuation -- then you shouldn't be allowed to type on an gloriously American website.
[ ] Yes [ ] Yes
Fix your poorly worded "survey" or just shut the fuck up.
1 HodorTheDoorHolder 2017-10-13
My English is best English. You shut the fuck up you fucker of mothers!
1 EvanHarper 2017-10-13
70.8% but i refuse to withdraw my statement that Trump is still new to being President, he's a businessman and a deal-maker not an establishment politician, he's still growing into it and we need to give him time
1 Yiin 2017-10-13
Yeah, he's only halfway through a full term.
1 cant_ban_me_nigga 2017-10-13
1 Thot_Crusher 2017-10-13
Are you /u/botchlings retarded brother?
1 EvanHarper 2017-10-13
1 GopherGus 2017-10-13
33.3% but something seems a little russiany about this. Has anyone linked this to Kurt Eichenwald yet, he might be able to get to the bottom of it.
1 HodorTheDoorHolder 2017-10-13
I clicked OFF on the IP collection. It's totally anonymous.
1 GopherGus 2017-10-13
I believe you
1 HodorTheDoorHolder 2017-10-13
me too
1 dongas420 2017-10-13
You say that, but the survey informed me that a 33% score was insufficiently patriotic and that FEMA agents will be dispatched to my house shortly. Did you accidentally click on the IP collection button twice?
1 HodorTheDoorHolder 2017-10-13
1 leather-muffin 2017-10-13
58%. So like a half-blooded American or something
1 PhysicsIsMyMistress 2017-10-13
Score: 66.7%
1 SamWhite 2017-10-13
50% but I'm British.
1 LadyVetinari 2017-10-13
54.2% could've been higher but I didn't kill the black man
1 glmox 2017-10-13
66.7, but only because it was written by a cuck who thinks russian orphans shouldnt die
1 YourLocalMonarchist 2017-10-13
fucking communist pig.
1 xrayjones2000 2017-10-13
I received a 44% and got kicked out of r/conservatives this week, so i win.... that makes t-d, removal, conservatism, and the socialists. Something about telling people their neck bearded cucks gets them wound up.
1 HodorTheDoorHolder 2017-10-13
1 xrayjones2000 2017-10-13
Thanks, typing fast looking for red lines
1 zeldaisaprude 2017-10-13
Murica fuck yeah
1 BackMusclesGetMeHard 2017-10-13
1 Pepperglue 2017-10-13
What do I win?
1 HodorTheDoorHolder 2017-10-13
You failed. You get sent to the gulags.
1 Pepperglue 2017-10-13
Hold on. I thought this is America, not USSR!
1 HodorTheDoorHolder 2017-10-13
No USSR! No USSR! You're the USSR!
1 Spectre_06 2017-10-13
Bring on the bussy!
1 Raitapaita 2017-10-13
I answered like a good Nordic liberal and got 20.8%.
1 SpotNL 2017-10-13
Pretty sure I have the lowest. 25!%
1 Thulean-Dragon 2017-10-13
75%, not even a Burger.
1 XhotwheelsloverX 2017-10-13