TwoXChromosomes user ask for empathy for male offspring, the users are split about the issue

77  2017-10-14 by CantKillADeadMan


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


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Oh God, one of them managed to breed.


My 9 year old step-son: 'Why do they have to make boys feel bad?’




As in, don't talk to me or him ever again?

Holy shit.


In this new wave of girl power, I can’t help but feel empowering little boys to also be able to do what they want in life is being forgotten.

A moment of clarity and sanity from a member of TwoX. Too bad it's likely fleeting...

"new wave" lmao. This shit has been going on for a long ass time. I remember my first grade teacher saying shit like "boys are dumb" to comfort the female students in the class when they started drama and it blew up in their faces.

I didn't really think about it at the time but imagine if a male teacher said "girls are dumb" anytime in the last 20 years in that fashion. It'd be a shitstorm.

I had a teacher like that in highschool. Real mean old cunt who'd take any chance to lose her shit at guys while praising girls whenever possible.

head of department for social sciences (LOL). With the rest of her department being two guys. One being the most beta old guy I ever meet in my teenage years and the other was actually quiet a lovely gay guy.

Biggest/longest running rumor about her (I'm talking like 30 years, she was like 60 when I had her and had taught at the school from when she was ~22) being that when she was younger and teaching English at the school she'd pass rugby players if they fucked her.

Best part about that rumor being my Dad pretty much confirmed it to me. He told me about a colleague of his in the late 80's that had ended up living with her right after he left school. Who, just so happens, played for the schools rugby team.

The entire public education system is riddled with bitter old hags that are blatantly sexist tbh.

I remember t shirts and stuff with "boys are dumb, throw rocks at them" from a pretty long time ago.

And putting girl power shit in ads isn't new either. Bernays got women to start smoking by calling cigarettes "freedom torches" like 100 years ago. You'd think they'd be pissed that the 'new wave of girl power' was just a cynical ploy to get their daughters to buy a particular brand of maxipad or pink razor. Idiots.

I've never had a teacher flat out say boys are dumb, but I remember lots of "girl power" shit in the 90s that basically amounted to "girls are better than boys".

It's interesting to think about this from a child's perspective.

9/10 that's also the twoX perspective.

I think one of the best lessons you could try to get him to take away from that is that encouraging one group of people to succeed doesn't mean saying another kind of person can't. It's not a zero sum game.

Literally the only case where a social justice warrior will admit that life isn't a zero sum game, and not all achievement is due to someone else being oppressed.

It's always a bit ironic and sad when the radfems have sons and suddenly become protective.

suddenly become protective.

The power of the Patriarchy impregnating someone.

Also what a mistake to google Patriarchy, did you know Friday the 13th was a womens holiday to celebrate how brave and powerfull they are before the Patriarchy came and ruined it?

This is because we have 13 Moon cycles every year and the average female also experiences 13 periods per year.

In the astrology chart, the Moon not only governs our emotions but also our potential and how we choose to express ourselves through life. In fact, for many people understanding their Moon sign can often help to bring more awareness than their Sun sign.

Going from the Fall of Constantinople to this smh

The Eastern Roman Empire was a mistake.

Clearly this all goes back to Enrico Dandolo and the 4th Crusade sacking the city, in case anybody had any doubts about the (((Papists))) being the root cause of all the world’s problems

Turk detected

Agriculture was a mistake.

I think it's sadder that most of them are married, which means living with and supposedly loving an adult man wasn't enough to get them to stop hating men, but having some kid say "ma ma why you no love me" suddenly opened their eyes. Really highlights how they're 100% emotional.


I think there’s little risk of that. There are more explicit messages aimed at girls than there used to be, but the overwhelming message is still male dominated. It’s WAAAY early to worry that female empowerment is going too far.

Please provide your evidence for these claims.

Im sorry, but if you’re seriously skeptical that boys get more credit and opportunities in school, you are behind on research. I’m not going to do your homework for you.

I’m not going to do your homework for you.

I'm not going to source my claims or even counter yours.

So you say you're a 2X poster, are ya?

I’m not writing a Wikipedia article. Given a choice between saying things I’m confident in and staying quiet because I don’t have time or means to dig up references, I’m going to make the right choice.

You don’t really get to shout “prove it” and get smug about citations when mine is the less questionable position. But it’s certainly easier than being substantive.

You don’t really get to shout “prove it” and get smug about citations

"I get to say whatever I want and never back it up."

mine is the less questionable position

Of course it is.

Shut the hell up you fucking male, she said she is less questionable


Huh? The research shows that girls get better grades and more encouragement for the work. Grade Expectations by OECD is the largest and most robust study on the matter.

The weird thing about "male privilege" is that when you look at the supposed beneficiaries they are all Jews, so it is really just Jewish male privilege.

Jews are the pets of the lizard people

Odd, it might just be me having fallen for MRA propaganda, but hasn't studies been conducted that showed girls get favorable scoring compared to boys? Not to mention universities bending over backwards to try to get them to enroll, plus a good margin of affirmative action?


Just like "feminism" doesn't mean "women rule, men suck,"

So what's your explanation for the fetish for coming up with new pseudo-words with "man" in them to describe behaviours that feminists deem negative and want to stop?

Men suck obviously but that is not what feminism means just reality

white men


lol bitter middle aged women angrily explaining privilege to a child is a funny mental image


A large number of posts on /r/raisedbynarcissists are basically "my mom was an adult child and I had to be an older sibling to her"

This is is the best plain English definition of narcissism I've ever seen

the mistake was thinking little boys should ever be allowed to dream of being anything but spermslaves for the matriarchy

So homophobic

Bussy is sexist.

Every one of those fat mayos would shit their pants at the sight of any ad that said "boys can do anything" even if that ad said nothing about women (other than woman can do it better)

Feminist's believe in the magical, invisible hand of the patriarchy, which will somehow intercede to 'set things right!' for boys, no matter how much extra encouragement they give women, how much extra funding.

Of course, like all invisible hands, the patriarchy does not actually exist, and as such, feminists just favor screwing boys over.

It's not a zero sum game.

What makes you think that? What if it is?

Well, a more than passing acquaintance with economic philosophy, for one.

As someone who has studied economics, economic philosophy is what it's called when the research is so statistically flawed that no matter how you massage the data you can't get it to a state where it's publishable, so you pull out the empirical data and call it philosophy. Basically where Communism, laissez-faire capitalism and the stupider parts of Austrian economics came from.

So you're about 6 credits in to that minor, huh?

What econ undergrad touches research or even contested knowledge at all? Last I saw even an undergrad major is just going to be told 'this is how the world works' unless they go for honours.

exhales in your direction

nothin personnel


Her son sounds like a little pussy.

Well he's got a two'xer helping raise him of course he's going to be a pussy

Wonder if the dad is around.

He was around in the form of child support until he killed himself

But he used a gun like a problem solver instead of using pills for attention.

I'm sure the turkey baster is still in the kitchen.












Really? You wonder?


Does dead on the inside count?

I think one of the best lessons you could try to get him to take away from that is that encouraging one group of people to succeed doesn't mean saying another kind of person can't. It's not a zero sum game. Girls rule =/= boys suck. Girls rule AND boys rule. Sometimes people will just be talking about girls, sometimes people will just be talking about boys, but it's important not to confuse cheering one person for booing another.


How do you think your subreddit would react to 90% of commercials/campaigns/tv shows all switching to male-focused encouragement?

You mean like how if the casts of almost every children's show were 4-1 boys to girls, the heroes of all the superhero movies were overwhelmingly male (DC: one leading female super hero has her own movie. Marvel: None.) and [major sports media spent 98% of their time on male sporting events compared to 2% on womens?[(

Gee, I can't imagine.

Males being better than females at every single sport, get most the attention

Definitely the same thing as all the explicitly female focused encouragement, programs, campaigns and even legislation or mandated hiring practices of the last decade.

The teacher was going through a lesson on something like the Titanic or some other tragedy like that. She got to the part about "women and children first" and a kid raised their hand and said "what about the transgenders? Which group do they go with; men or women?" The teacher didn't really know what to say so she kept on going in the lesson but the kid persisted.

You reap what you sow

"There are no cis men on a sinking ship."

What did they think was going to happen when we had all this knee jerk reaction about sex and race?

Funny how the people who brought this up in the first place were just called sexist and racist but now that it actually happens to their children now they care.

I'm surprised a radfem even had a boy and didn't crack his head on the stairs like in Caligula.

Wanna here a joke?

"girl power"

I feel bad for this Xalteox kid. Looks like he's having maybe a slightly premature epiphany about the nature of reality:

Nothing comes up. To the point where I occasionally feel worthless and that society doesn’t care for me.

Get used to that feeling, kid. Embrace it, because that will likely be the single most important theme in your life -- aside from your family, your friends and a smattering of other people who you interact with directly, your life doesn't mean much of anything to anyone else. That's why you want to keep those close to you close, and learn how to depend on yourself for most things, because anything else that may happen to come your way in life is either a happy bonus, or completely coincidental.

This may sound sad and depressing, but it's really not... because the flip side of no-one caring enough to help is that no-one cares enough to try to throw roadblocks in your way or otherwise screw with your progress. When few-to-none care enough to hurt OR help you, then whether you rise or fall is ultimately up to you.