I watched The Pearl Button recently so I can't. It's one thing to kill annoying political kids, who are ten a penny, but quite another to wipe out a weird half amphibious tribe which is pretty unique.
/u/amerikanskan that is the most retarded term I've heard in a while. Not everything needs to be an "-ist" word. What happened to just calling them privileged?
1 SnapshillBot 2017-10-14
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1 Stumping4Trump 2017-10-14
How can anyone read this and not feel sympathetic to Pinochet?
1 boyoyoyoyong 2017-10-14
The man was a hero, he killed communists who let's face it aren't even people and saved chile from economic ruin
1 PoorLilMarco 2017-10-14
I reported this comment to the admins. Please keep your Nazi dogma off of this subreddit. xx
1 jet199 2017-10-14
I watched The Pearl Button recently so I can't. It's one thing to kill annoying political kids, who are ten a penny, but quite another to wipe out a weird half amphibious tribe which is pretty unique.
1 Russiangreyman 2017-10-14
Its like two special ed kids fighting each other over who is more retarded.
1 pizzashill 2017-10-14
What's new. This is why the far-right always outmaneuvers the far-left.
The far-left just eat each other alive.
1 jet199 2017-10-14
1 Nubthesamurai 2017-10-14
/u/amerikanskan that is the most retarded term I've heard in a while. Not everything needs to be an "-ist" word. What happened to just calling them privileged?