Ghazi vaguebooks about Zoepost 2: Trans-boogaloo; further "silences trans victims" by deleting any comments explaining wtf they're actually talking about

91  2017-10-14 by probsthrowaway111


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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This is clever because "zoe" also means "life" in Greek, and these retards have built their lives around the anti-GamerGate narrative.

Easy, defend the Zoe.

I still can't figure out what, exactly, zoe quinn is alleged to have done here. Did she refuse to sleep with a tranny or something?

As I understand it she made a bunch of promises to people that she didn’t follow through on and now hangs out with TERFs.

and now hangs out with TERFs

real terfs or like "she mentioned her period once OMG SHES SUCH A TEEEERF" terfs

she made a bunch of promises to people that she didn’t follow through on

Who could have predicted that the woman who cavorted with journalists to give her better coverage of her glorified choose your own adventure novel would not live up to promises

She blocked all these losers and then sold her blocklist to the losers idols. Gotta respect her trolling hustle.


and this is LITERALLY MURDER lmao

I mean on one hand she is an absolutely horrible human being, but hey so are they, that's just part of being a modern millenial SJW.

ugh they're all so dumb. sooo duuuumb.

When I see Ghazi use the word "thoughts" it makes me chuckle for some reason...

The hypocrisy of ghazi is so unreal that I feel compelled to watch those people living constantly haunted by their Gamergate schizophrenia. It's cheap entertainment, I know, but it's still entertainment.

It gets even better when we can put faces to this insanity from their meetup and find out that they all look exactly like you'd expect them to look:

I keep seeing that picture but I am thinking it must be some kind of joke. Why are they all wearing badges like they are at a conference or work function. Do people usually get a badge when they meet up with friends at a restaurant? I need more info.

Why are they all wearing badges

It's to inform everyone what genders they identify as that day.

In that case, they need to be colored coded or something. I don't want to accidentally misgender someone from across the room.

In all honesty, I doubt that it is a Ghazi meetup. Someone just said that once and people were very excited to accept it.

I wonder how many people look at it and know it's a goof and how many people think it's really an smuggled picture of a ghazi meetup.

I want to believe.

It isn't. I can't remember what it is was though.

Also during the grrrl gamer night they were complaining everyone there was a man then they started complaining about being called men because they were binary fluid/trans. Literally the only woman was the organiser

Great googly moogly. What in the fuck.

That's not Ghazi meetup, that picture existed years before GG

So, you guys can totally understand now why hairshirts and self flagellation used to be so popular in the middle ages, right?

I don't see any deleted posts

Deleting a post oftentimes has that effect.

They set it to auto-remove everything, you're only seeing the manually re-approved comments

I didn't even know what gamergate was until like a year ago then I remembered references to it. My take on it is gamers for the most part are total monster swilling virgins who just want to play make belief while getting diabetes. The women of gamergate are hairylegged feminists like like smash brothers once and can't believe Jade has big tits or something idk. Once I found out about it its been a lolcow if retardation on both sides.


(. )( .) Ԅ(≖‿≖ԅ)

Brah u keep grabbing the wrong end!

to be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand GamerGate. The dedication to ethics in games journalism is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of video games most of the ethical failings of games journalists will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Anita Sarkesian’s feminist agenda, which is deftly woven into the gaming journalist’s writings- her personal philosophy draws heavily from communists literature, for instance. The real gamers understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of the treat to gaming, to realize that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about GAMES. As a consequence people who dislike GamerGate truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the struggle in /Pol/ existential catchphrase “The fucking kikes did this” which itself is a cryptic reference to everting bad that has ever happened. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Ben Garrisouns genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂 And yes, by the way, i DO have a Vivian James tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 Gamerscore points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid 😎

I appreciate gamergaters for being a gateway for many young men towards joining the Alt-Right

This is unironically our future... Goddamn it everyone.

This is true, it's been a real honeypot for retards. When it comes time for the mayocide, we can lure them easily to the gas chambers by baiting them with unethical video games journalism.

It was such a stupid and insignificant event that I can't believe we have major communities dedicated to it today who still care.


People aksed why gaming journalism was dog shit and the response from journalists was to instantly blame sexist spergs, which whioe true had nothing to do with a dev fucking her reviewer.

The sites that posted the articles insting tbeir own readers lost their advertisers for being idiots, Zoe turned out to be a cheating hoe, and nothing really changed.

Did I wake up in 2014? Why the fuck is some agenda-grinding asshat spamming Gamergate bullshit. None of it's interesting, none of its dramatic, and it's so untimely that it stands out like a goddamn sore thumb.

Mods, if we're gonna let today's GG flood stand, at least flair it something savage.


Between this, the Anthony whatshisface "tweet drama" and that other GG post, it was a flood of shitposts all around the same theme that didn't contain any actual bite this morning. Agendaposts are lame, I've got this bowl of butter now with nothing else.

lolcows gonna lol thats what they do buddy

They are expecting standards from an industry that completely lacks standards and has no barriers to entry whatsoever. It might take a while.

It's about ethics in shitposting.

I dunno man. Zoe Quinn literally enslaving trans people until they commit suicide and then gaslighting them by putting them on a blocklist and giving that blocklist to all the "major" players sounds pretty funny to me.

Anyone else notice how whenever there's a cause not involving men, some man will pop in and try to make it about men's issues? And whenever there's a cause not involving trans women some trans woman will pop in and try to mak it about trans issues? Isn't that a funny coincidence? Is there some common factor at work? Really activates the almonds if you ask me 🤔


brain problems

It's almost as if putting on an ill-fitting dress and yelling about pronouns doesn't change you from a man into a woman.

Wait, so they weren't "allowed" to read the article that was mean to Mommy until the mods vetted it for them? And now they're all terfy? Lmaooooooo

"In the middle of August of 2014 a coalition of neo-nazis, suicidal teens, and movement misogynists came together to start something which would later be retroactively named Gamergate" imagine writing this unironically

They're not wrong, GamerGate has been a gateway to the Alt-Right

So is feminism

define "alt right"


Except for the fact that it pre-dates the at-right.

A lot of organizations were already around during GamerGate before they became known as Alt-Right, but they were around all the same. Since about 2014 there's been a rapid coalescing of many different right wing movements arriving to the same conclusions which the alt-right acts on.

a coalition of neo-nazis, suicidal teens, and movement misogynists

One of these things are not like the other.

But I guess mentally ill teens is just one more group for ghazi to hate.

Zoe tried to get a bunch of depressed and suicidal blokes to kill themselves.

giving a shit about gamergate in <current year>

kek <--- this one




Quit talking in loser code.

lol gamergate was right

It feels dirty just to read. A bunch of basement dwelling incels were right about Zoe Quinn.

I wonder if NPR will report on this...

While I've never seen with Asian guys recognize the inequalities suffered by Asians to the realization of their inadequacies and racial politics are visited down on us. My Dad is a jaded lawyer with a million followers on Twitter, despite being college educated in his mind. That type of person who has made me almost weekly and ask if I notice this subbreddit always point out WMAF male hapas as being outsiders or not racial boundaries between Latina/os and Whites would both be better looking than full Hispanics. - They have no idea why. Well there are dozens of tourists to step up. Backstory: I am done on account of our own parents are only here to advise them and give their parents as their mix has been a total disaster, anyways. Besides, if I were to move on to spending the next one. She had none of these kids trying to find a good life whether you're white/Asian/hapa/black/Latino. There's nothing special about the alt-right more than you think about how their own race due to Asian wives. Her home is almost certainly much higher than the average is true.

Imagine being this obsessed over internet culture wars

It would be kinder to put them down.

If you can't actually say anything when even have a post about it

Also waiting for the author okay to link her publicly published article on reddit is beyond stupid

Not entirely sure what your point is tbqhwuf

That you are just a garden variety transphobe? And that Graham Linehan explicitly supports Trans-Exclusionary- Radical- Feminism? not that complicated buddy, though going off your post history I can see why you would have trouble processing it. 😒

Nah, I'm just more fast and loose with """problematic""" language than your average radfem.

Gimme some linx for linehan explicitly endorsing radical feminism because I'll actually be excited if I'm wrong here tbh

While I'm not one to normally defend the integrity of terfs, they would just (accurately) call you a disgusting bigot and want nothing to do with internet bottom slime like you... you're not even a terf you're just a run- of- The-mill uninteresting garden variety transphobe like can be found a dime a dozen on this site.

I mean they don't tho. I hang out with them regularly. I have a whole TERF social circle and everything. I also adapt my behavior to my social group because I'm not a total sperg, so you won't see me on /r/gendercritical dropping slurs because it's not a shitposting sub.

Ya gotta lighten up fam. Taking yourself so seriously is bad for your health.

Trust me I'm not taking you seriously lol. I wouldn't bother responding but I'm bored on a long car ride so I'll entertain you. Yeah if you're IRL social circle is cool with you using homophobic, racist or misogynistic slurs I would argue They don't qualify as TERFs either. Also I like how you frame not using slurs on GC as a matter of simple ettiqute and not the fact they explicitly ban things like homophobia and would call you bigot and ban you if you used the word Faggot on that sub.

But it is a matter of etiquette. The two aren't mutually exclusive.

You're sort of boring me tbh. Step it up pham if you're trying to entertain. Tell me my existence literally murders scores of trannies every day or something.

So you admit if you showed you're true colors on that sub they would reject you as being one of them. I.E. you're not a terf. Ha! I wouldn't give you the credit.

Bruh how could you possibly get that from what I said.

I've never had someone work this hard to convince me I'm not a TERF before lmao

Actually you're 100 right here. Why am I arguing you're not a terf? I started out on principle but the fact you consider a terf and think casual use of the word Faggot is acceptable shows what hypocrites terfs are lmao. You win I concede you are a terf.


What if I'm gay and therefore allowed to say faggot because its my word.

Gay people can be homophobic.

Fucking kek. I love you idiots. You're the same dumbfucks who condescendingly tell minorities and disabled people and shit that their opinions are invalid but don't worry you'll save them from themselves.

I could tell how much you cared about disabled people by your use of 'Sperg' ealier

See that would be a much better argument. "You clearly don't actually care about political correctness and you just happen to be gay in this instance so you're using it to your advantage." is a much better retort than "lmao gheys don't know what they need here let me help you."

Of course you're too pants-on-head to actually make that argument instead of wasting it on a failed attempt at a cheap shot so I did it for you. You're welcome.

Trust me I'm not taking you seriously lol.

No, he said you need to not take yourself so seriously.

Which, I understand, is impossible for the no-lifers who still post on Ghazi, but it's solid advice.

I thought about explaining this to him but got tired of it halfway through typing it tbh

We weren't the ones who launched a bizzare internet crusade because some woman we've never met's ex- boyfriend who we've never met claimed she slept with a bunch of people we've never met ..something ...something ethics in game journalism.

he thinks we're a goobergape sub

lmao call us far right trump supporters next pls


Born with a vagina she or waving-my-dingaling-in-women's-spaces she?

Nvm, doesn't matter, nobody actually cares

Once again you're 100% right nobody should care, sadly there is an entire ideology built around caring about rather a woman was born with a penis or not.

Women can't be born with penises outside of a particular subset of intersex conditions my dude.

Anyway nobody cares what """gender""" you are on the internet, is the point. Only losers correct pronouns.

I like how you claim that No one on the internet cares about your gender when your clearing misgendering me on purpose. Anywho I arrived so now I have a billion better things to do then argue in circles with you. It's been most unpleasant. Peace, I'm out.

I care to the extent that it makes you sperg out and I find that funny, yes.

Even if you were an actual woman tho, going AKSHULLY I'M A GRILL BTW is autistic af.

That's true. You're the pathetic spergs who got together to go, "grr hate them grr" about those pathetic spergs, and continue to do so...what, five years later or whatever the hell it is?

Your sub is an internet crusade though, lol.

Look at front page right now. The only thing related to gamergate is the sticky OP here linked to. Nothing else remotely related to gamergate. The sub focused on general social justice issues.

The sub focuses on general social justice issues until only while there are no fresh news about the dead horse that is Gamergate.

Every time an /r/drama user calls someone a faggot they kiss a man on the bussy to counterbalance the homophobia they have created, thus restoring the karmic balance of the universe.

Props to /r/gendercritical for at least showing internal ideological consistency for your batshit ideology.


graham linehan? hes just an easily influenced idiot, he doesnt really know what he believes

he just wants to fit in with the kids

Oh God, how did I not realize Nora Reed was involved?

Zoe's had the entire world on her shoulders at this point, so I don't know what to think in this situation

Jesus Fucking Christ

I wonder if it's a good idea to keep comments open with regards to this issue when the information is incomplete. Too often, people online will take a small bit of information and use it to declare someone anathema regardless of their other actions, and I don't want people being impulsively thrown under the bus because of this.

/u/YinTemp how often does GamerGhazi go on rants about someone based on vague accusations, and judge someone on one action taken out of context?

It's like... Every fuckin' time I come back to the Ghazisphere, some fucked shit is happening within our own circles once more.

/u/PM_Me_Ur_Work_Alts I'm curious if you have any insight into why this could be?

Aw hell nah.

Not even my alt is safe from /r/drama!

I see a lot of people in this comment thread that are saying that Gamergate is what lead many people to the alt-right, and I would agree, but mainly because people that wanted change within the gaming industry were told they are misogynistic and hateful when the entire thing started out when a woman used sex to get sales; if a guy did that, there would have been a shit storm - the hypocrisy confuses the shit out of me.

But it is nice to see that the supporters of Zoe are kinda eating their words. With how they argue about people, she was always like this, just suppressing it.

So, if a guy blew a game journalist for a positive review so his video game would sell, there would be a shit storm. Kind of like people talking about it for years and not letting go. Yeah, that would never happen to a woman, only a man.

Depends on how he marketed his weaponised his victimhood.

Sure, she contributed to the shit show by milking it for all it's worth. I'm just saying that the "entire thing started out when a woman used sex to get sales; if a guy did that, there would have been a shit storm -" is untrue because she is a woman, and there was an immediate shit storm.

I would think yes, I know I wouldn't be please if a guy did the same thing; it is using something that is not reflective of the product to sway the opinion of a person that influences others. The product should be reviewed as is. If they reviewer and the producer are already in a relationship, they shouldn't be working together in a journalistic sense.

I would say people don't let it go because she is a woman, but because the situation was not resolved; one side wanted one thing, and the other just threw names at them.

This is a human issue. Using sex to get ahead is not a good thing, and many people despise it when it comes to things that effect them; if some uses a review to influence their purchases, sexual favors for a better review is being disingenuous.

If I heard a guy, "Joe", gave a game reviewer a blow job in exchange for a positive mention of his video game, I would think that the reviewer and his publication are the ones who were 90% in the wrong. I wouldn't care who else Joe had slept with, who he had cheated on, etc.,etc. All the five guys and cheating scandal bullshit just made it seem like a bunch of old biddies were clucking about a woman's sex life. I know she's annoying as hell but just ignore Quinn. All the pearl clutching got her way more attention than she deserved. Let ghazi feed her insatiable need for attention.

Wait, is Zoe Quinn NOT a tranny?

Nope, she's just fat.

I thought everyone called "Zoe" is a tranny.

nudes exist

Top Minds of Gahzi are working on this question right now to figure out if they're allowed to hate Quinn or not. You could ask them for clarification.

they just refuse to admit they were conned the whole time its hilarious

Pasting old comment I already made to continually haunt these cunts.

Meanwhile Ghazi mods decide the only right response of regarding the silencing of trans to silence anyone who doesn't fit their narrative and lives might benefit the "enemy". right /u/caelrie

/u/chris2315 is confused about why they don't want to reveal the whole truth about the situation, can't understand it's to protect the narrative and not have their own image tarnished by the reality they've been worshiping human garbage for 5 years.

/u/politetimesplitter chimes in's cool that she's done all these things people have been accusing her of for years, just as long as she makes some token statement, then it's all okay and she can carry on, a token statement would make her totally not human trash. Also how dare people criticise her for working on a game of homophobic stereotypes by an autist straight man.

/u/ghazimods pretend like they don't engage in abuse and dogpiliing every change they get and don't silence every minority they can who dare not be a good Silent pet.