[DEVELOPING] Dude Vote-Bots His Shitty Skit Video To The Top Of /r/Videos, Jimmies Getting Rustled In The Comments As People Start Take Notice

181  2017-10-14 by DPRK_Patriot


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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This was the most painfully obvious botposting I've ever seen

Painfully obvious botposting can upset your day, but you know what can brighten it? A new pair of quality socks. At Socksoff.com quality socks are available at great prices, and right now are 50% off. Improve your day by buying greats socks at Socksoff.com for 50% off. Socksoff.com

Well obviously bot is obvious. What's the point of even posting this? What's the relevence to socks? Socks specifically from Socksoff.com too. And if you repost this to another thread you can all use the promo code BUYMORESOCKS for a further 20% off your first order.

Yeah, you know what, I checked out that website expecting to find bullshit. I was not disappointed. It was a crap website, with crap web design, run by a crap company hosted by a crap hosting company in India or Buttfuckistan. Fuck me it was shit. And their socks - fucking amazing! Damn good quality socks at unbelievably good prices! I had to buy some. I got my rocks off at socks off.

Painfully obvious botposting can upset your day, but you know what can brighten it? A new pair of quality socks. At Socksoff.com quality socks are available at great prices, and right now are 50% off. Improve your day by buying greats socks at Socksoff.com for 50% off. Socksoff.com

If you really want Kampfy socks, get a pair from www.Kampfy.com . They put the Fash back in Fashion!

Yeah, I saw a great quote describing that phenomenon.

"No subreddit has this many useless positive comments apart from /r/aww"

I'm OP of the video, didn't use bots, posted it at 2am-ish as an after thought and checked my phone after an hour of reading to see the shitstorm that has happened. I'm working with mods now to hopefully get it sorted (and hopefully get people to stop telling me to kill myself in PMs). I'm not affiliated with it in regards to money at all, just was a student that did some work on it. :/

Why not just admit you used the bots faggot?

How much did you pay for the bots?

Please answer b4 you delete your account plox

I didn't buy bots. :(

Yeah, you did.

Your shitty video wouldn't have survived into morning without a solid start it wasn't going to get when you posted it.

It only got one because of all those bots you purchased.

Maybe he just used a shitload of socks and proxies, but that would be even more pathetic

Eh, it's possible. But it just doesn't make sense. All the bot accounts are pretty clearly bot accounts, purchased recently from an account farmer of some kind. It's clear that the people with control of the accounts also do not want these accounts banned (another sign they just purchased them) because they are editing the old bot comments to cover it up.

I mean, it just isn't how reddit works that a video will get tons of early engagement and positive comments. People who like the video will watch it in-line and then upvote and move on, then won't go into to leave a generic non-statement of a positive comment.


Any proof about the obvious bots? Not that I don't believe you I'm just lazy.

Just sort the thread to old and then look at the activity on the accounts with the really simply positive comments.

Way too much effort. Got a screenshot of someone doing that or something?

I hope you feel like an ass now that it was verified there were no bots used.

Lol you didn't actually read that edit did you b?

You mean this giant ass one?


No, the conversation with the admin where the admin says "we can't say that there were no bots, but it doesn't look like vote manipulation" - and regardless, why would I feel silly?

Someone made a shit video, even if the criticism was wrong he still deserves criticism.

Quit the faggot act.

His exact words are "but the initial voting looks totally normal."

But spin that however you want.

If you want to double down on being a jump-the-gun paranoid internet warrior, all the power to ya buddy.

I just hope for the sake of any professional life you may have that you learn to apologize and own up to your mistakes. ¯\(ツ)

You know the more you deny it the more people are going to hate you, and you're doing a disservice to the people who actually positively contributed to making the video so just admit it you fucking retard.

Mate, whether you did or didn't (and you did), this isn't the subreddit to defend yourself in.

Yeah, that was my fuck up, I'm answering from my phone and didn't notice this wasn't subredditdrama.

didn't notice this wasn't subredditdrama.

Mfw when

didn't notice this wasn't subredditdrama


Look buddy, I feel bad that you got caught up in this. You’re the victim of trigger happy Reddit geeks. But I know how you can feel better about this whole thing. Socks from socksoff.com - great socks at great prices.

didn't notice this wasn't subredditdrama.

Oh you bastard.

I gotta head over to SRD to see them whoop you as well. It's gonna be the best.

Ban this degenerate.

We got an autist over here! Mods, ban plz!

This is an autist friendly space. Piss off back to your SRD cubbyhole.

Nah, SRD is full of sheeps defending this asshole and their bots. This thread wins hands down.

Now you have seen the error of your ways. Abandon the false prophets of SRD and embrace stale bussy memes.

Do you realise how much work it'd be to ban all the autists from /r/Drama? I'm not Superman, you know.

We got an autist over here! Mod, plz!


didn't notice this wasn't subredditdrama.


Sick burn bro

didn't notice this wasn't subredditdrama.

we have feelings too you know

didn't notice this wasn't subredditdrama.

Look m8, we're not making this personal so why are you?

To be fair, you have to have a very low IQ to post regularly on /r/SubredditDrama. The humor is extremely dry, and without a solid grasp of normie mannerisms most of the jokes will go over a typical intellectual's head. There's also the userbase's love for being autistic, which is deftly woven into their characterisation - their personal philosophy draws heavily from their extra chromosomes, for instance. The users understand this stuff; they have the intellectual deficiency to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something shallow about LIFE. As a consequence people who like /r/SubredditDrama truly ARE idiots- of course they would appreciate, for instance, the humour in "hurr durr" which itself is a not-so-cryptic reference to being a retard. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons laughing as the retardation of internet autists unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools... how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a tattoo of /u/shallowm. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the /r/drama posters' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.


Disappointed that's not actually a thing.

It's my bad, I got the link wrong. Changed it now.

Damn you got game

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

didn't notice this wasn't subredditdrama.

Y u hurt me so, bb?

This is the most fucking brutal insult I've seen in my 3 years on this site

I did naaht

oh hi mark

Post bot bussy.

So you rented bots?

Great comment loved it!


Whew, that was close. But not as close as the shave from the new Gilette® Mach 4 Fusion™, now available at Target.com.

They're deleting their comments FYI, so








Shut it down

It’s like people didn’t learn contractions in school.

You all

Y(ou) all

Y’ all


if anyone gives a fuck about contractions I'm guessing their mother should have cared less about contractions.

How about people stop using it all together. "y'all" and "folks" are some of the most cringy words in the American language. A few of those words that'll look retarded 100 years from now, similar to how we thought people in 1917 sproke pretty weird.

Bruh, y’all is the most succinct and neutral way to address a group of people.

Yous guys, "y'all" is fuckin' retawded.

"Yinz" is the only right way

I gotta admit I like the yinz tube!

Pittsburgh is the US's whitest city. Also ranked "the most livable city". Coincidence?

would it be worth living if you had to live in Pittsburg tho?

Better than living in NYC at least

debatable, but NYC is indisputably a cesspool as well

So does that mean that Pittsburgh only has a mass shooting every other day?

Oh that is a shame that you are retarded.

Why do you say that?

Because he doesn't realize what blessing it is that you are retarded.

I'm OP, I'm going to blame my dumb phone for autocorrecting but I didn't notice til you pointed that out and now I want to die.

and now I want to die.

If you're white, then you're in the absolute right subreddit.

Fuck off yankee

I dunno, I autistically checked all the "bot" accounts and they are posting human level things within hours, high karma, etc.

I think there is a bot panic going on, and those poor users are suffering massive downvotes because of it.

Yeah why not just get the upvotes and people will start commenting normally. Doesn't make sense to have bots spam comments.

I also checked to see if that's just how useless a lot of comments are. This seems to confirm that theory. Though reddit is the kind of place where you could convince someone they themselves are a bot by linking a bland comment of theirs.

You're totally right. A lot of 2 and 3 word simplistic replies.

Who knew a discovery of this magnitude would come from simple old /r/drama

You don't get the bots to post, dummy. You just pick some positive comments to upvote via bot.

Great post. Thanks for sharing.

Incredible loved it!

Good stuff! 👍


Why can't the admins create a safeguard that automatically detects this sort of thing?

Its getting really annoying and partisan subreddits like /r/the_donald and /r/marchagainsttrump (and there satellite subs) are turning this place to shit

Because advertisers use bots to get their meme-ads to the front page with Reddit's managements approval.

They were also paid by Trump and Bernie superpacs to ignore their vote bots.

With this and the watch video guy, I think it's time to cut their internet and turn Australia back into the wypipo prison it was meant to be.

So every thread on r/videos ever?

"Nothing in the world is more depressing than the word 'skit'" - Paul F Thompkins.

You make mr peanutbutter sad.

How do vote bots work?

That seems legit. I'm pretty sure this comment violates Intergalactic Law.

Haha that's funny can I save it?

anyone who believes the kids bought bots is a fucking idiot lmao

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)