Users argue about the electoral college in r/forwardsfromgrandma

21  2017-10-14 by AchtungMaybe


I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


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doesn't change the fact that numerically more people voted for hillary than voted for trump. The system is clearly broken anyway.

/u/BloomEPU i don't see how a system that was designed to prevent a tyranny of the majority is broken when it is clearly doing what it should be doing.

The founders weren't smart enough to work a fuckin VCR

Have you always been fucking retarded /u/BloomEPU ?

How was this comment up for 6 days without anyone recognizing the sheer stupidity of it?

I think they're trying to make the point that constitutional prescriptivism is retarded (which it is)

Their point was never the issue. The retarded way they went about making it was. How could he know if the Founding Fathers couldn't use a VCR if VCRs hadn't been invented?

GOOD point

Checkmate liebruhls

Thanks, I appreciate it.

Their point was never the issue. The retarded way they went about making it was. How could he know if the Founding Fathers couldn't use a VCR if VCRs hadn't been invented?

That is the point retard.

That's nonsensical, you mong. The founders may have been able to use VCRs. We don't know what kind of technical skills they may have had.

The election shouldn't be a popularity contest REEEEEEE!

You'd think all the nerds on Reddit would remember how bad it was when chad won the seat of class president back in high school due to being popular and not a gentlesir like themselves.

/u/bloomepu what are the wrong intentions in your mind?

/u/saidsker why should the majority be held hostage by the minority? Please explain

Why should it be the other way around? Everyone takes turns like the founding fathers intended

/u/bloomepu i'm retarded so nothing other then shitposts and traps can hold my attention for more then 15 seconds so I didn't bother to read the rest of the article you people may have or may have not decided to rite in the replies. chad has already touched on this but are you seriously telling us that the founders couldn't use a vcr? so lets assume the founders existed like lets say 150 years ago then they aged like 10 years after you do the math thats 140 years later in the past if you think about it for like 1 second they had tape recorders and radio along with rudimentary phones i don't think it's a stretch to say they couldn't use vcrs i think it's mainly that due to economic factors they simply couldn't afford them, because new technology is expensive lick and subscribe to my channel forget gumwaa have funwaa etc. Etc.