Interracial (dindu & mayo) sodomite couple adopt white boy, hilarity ensues on r/aww

74  2017-10-14 by Nex1983


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


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/u/MarsNirgal, it's kinda creepy to post other people's kids for karma, but we'll forgive you if you post bussy.

I guess I'll have to live without your forgiveness.

mods pls ban this hetero terrorist

For reporting terrorists: God speed brother!


Does Führer Trumpler's FBI even take Canadian complaints? I don't want to be raked.

the raking is inevitable ami

It's about a story of a gay couple who has fostered nine kids and counting, and adopted this one.

That's a lot of future sodomites to groom

Nine kids? And out of all those, they finally picked the white cis-male? This seems problematic.

Trump's America, amirite?

This is what they mean by virtue signalling

Things they don't like?

What do both of those mean (referring to their race (?) classifications)?

Yes. Mayo is our name for Yakub's mistakes.

didndu is slang for basketball-muricans


Unless you live in clown world, yes, a married interracial gay couple is not “the norm” and can be considered abnormal.

this is an example of a removed comment on that thread

the real question, was it downvoted? because that seems silly. Ping the author pls tyvm

removeddit doesn't show vote totals on deleted comments

I'm willing to bet that your average redditor thinks gays make up like 20% of the population.

They do in the places that actually matter, like the nice part of town, the arts, liberal arts colleges, etc.

the only place that matters is my moms basement

liberal arts college



(sorry if this is sarcasm, but karma is more important)

I would like to live in clown world, especially if it only includes interracial gay couples

fucking black dudes, taking all our good bussy

durka durka dey took our bhussies

/u/MarsNirgal what in the world prompted you to post this boring ass picture? It's literally a Facebook post. WHY

Dragonlance username? I like you. <3

Flattery will get you everywhere

ur ok by me now

Flirting on reddit is disgusting, tbh

Take a long look at your lives, both of you

Wow, two boring nerd things and no buddy. Why are you even here?

Wow, two boring nerd things and no buddy. Why are you even here?

Upvote in part for pulling heartstrings and part for stunning courage.

Edit: oooo most downvoted I've had for a comment, very exciting, and I thought Reddit has liberal bias!

/u/Rice_Daddy I bet you cried during the plastic bag scene in American Beauty.

Is that luck number slevin? I loved that movie.

Yes. I actually haven't seen it, but it's on my list after finding that gif

It was a legitimate good scene for the time when it released

I hope all circlejerker cynic contrarians would fucking kill themselves already

American Beauty is a bad movie for sad old fucks kys homo

That one chick had some really great tits, even if she was like 6 months underage at the time.

lol dude literally reads an article, thinks, 'how can i benefit from this' sees image that is reddit karma trifecta (interracial + gay + kidsrgreatamirite) and thinks 'i'm a lonely tard who thinks reddit karma means something' and eureka, one image copy paste later, he's feeling the buzz..

/u/MarsNirgal at what point did you realize your life had no meaning?


Not yet apparently. Please keep yourself safe

Seeing humans in general on r/aww makes me rage, tbh. I want to see puppies and baby pandas. Fuck you, humans.

Seriously, I immediately downvote anything remotely human there

There was a huge blow-up a few months ago in Aww where a bunch of /r/childfree brigaded and wanted to get a vote to ban non-animals from /r/aww It was pretty incredible

I'd find it for you...but I'm exhausted just writing this post

If it was the post of the fugly male newborn in a onesie in mid August, that was me. I baited OP until he snapped lolololol. He’d made anti Semitic comments about the holocaust in another subreddit so under Jew code I was obligated to fuck with him. His kid was pretty unfortunate looking. Idk why the guy wasn’t embarrassed, I would be if that came out of my vagina tbh and start saving for plastic surgery. Damn, that was a good drama session.

That was you? Oh my gosh it's like meeting a celebrity!

That was an incredible thread.

I'm crazy WASPy but I had a serious relationship with a Jewish woman and my best friend is Jewish. I'm pretty much part of the tribe, I'll just have to grow a beard and wear the round piece of the cloth on my head.

Silly goy, that's a yamaka!

Wtf be my gf


Whoever named this kid needs to be shot.

how long till the "child raped and dismembered" article u think

Those men are most probably going to rape that kid. What a great society we've made.


I'm not Jewish.

Does not absolve you of responsibility or guilt.

I don't know, I voted for Mike "Shock the Gay Every Day" Pence to eliminate these sodomites...

Wow, you live in Indiana? That's a faggot ass state. smh.

He ran for vice president ya know...


I mean homosexuals should unequivocally be shoahed