Reacting to A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie - Drowning [Official Music Video] *water *best music video

0  2017-10-15 by someonetppop


Um, you forgot a period. Perhaps you'll have your first period next year.


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/r/Drama is being invaded by normies

Andrew is a special-needs low-functioning autistic preteen who most definitely cares about his bot-like postings here.


I'm sorry sir, but the word "autism" is a pejorative. I am extremely offended and honestly, a bit disgusted that you would ever even think about using such a word. If you want to use words such as "mentally ill" or "socially awkward" that would be PC. Thank you and have a good day sir.

the end is near

Are you implying that the world will meet its end shortly? If that is in fact what you are saying I have a few words for your questionable statement. First of all, where is your proof? I for one don't see any signs of the world ending any time soon. Second of all, if you are indeed worried for the end, why don't you do something about it instead of sitting at home on reddit. GET. A. LIFE.

I'll have you know I graduated with a PHD in Computer Engineering and currently am working with some of the greatest minds right now, so I wouldn't say that I don't have a life. I, in fact, live in luxury, and only post on reddit on special occasions. I found your post extremely offensive and outright disgusting, as you are targeting me personally, a man who is of high intellect. If you truly think you are so smart, please prove your IQ to me, good sir.

You dare ask me to prove my IQ? Very well then. I watch Rick and Morty. I have been since day one. I graduated from university with a phd in theoretical physics. My IQ is currently sitting at a high 170. Now, I challenge you. Prove your worth to me, useless plebian.


Oh my! Allow me to offer you my sincere apologies! I had absolutely no idea that your intellectual capabilities were so immense. Please forgive my premature judgements. I hope we can put this behind us and both move on as INTELLECTUALS.

YES!!!!11!!!! I'M PICKLE RICK!!!! AHHAHHA!!!!

right on, fellow intellectual, right on!

I hate when people joke about autism.

/u/someonetppop you are unwanted, unloved and will die alone