Would you guys date a deaf girl?

4  2017-10-15 by BigCitySmallGuy


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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Is she hot?

does she have bussy?


Does she make retarded noises all the time, or breathe fucking loud as shit?

Deaf people do this and I'm struggling to imagine that they all don't make loud retarded vocalizations absentmindedly all the time.

The sex sounds are awful

More like someone's beating a retarded seal

More like someone's beating a retarded seal

Double-posted chief, or was it that bad?

This mobile client a retarded seal sometimes too

This is true

Seen the film I Hope The Serve Beer In Hell also I see. That opening was great, one of the better openings in film out there.

Friend of mine did. Lasted a good couple years past it's expiration date cause he could always get in the last word without her hearing.



just gimee a wet whoel and I'd good



I don't think people can actually be deaf. I mean Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Being Hearing Impaired Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Stimulate Your Cochlear Nerve Like Nigga Open Your Ears Haha

At least you tried.

I giggled ¯\_(ツ) _/¯

Remember, the term Hearing Impaired is offensive.

Nooooooo don't bring her here :(

as long as she's

good lookin


Depends, is she Deaf or deaf?


Then DEF