Ghazigoobers agape as Moe Zoe calculates the "harm algebra" to issue a non-statement that would make seasoned politicians proud

64  2017-10-15 by probsthrowaway111


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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Mini slapfight here over whether Zoe is "agender" and if so, if agender people can be the "irredeemable enemy" or not.

I posted this yesterday, but if anything it's become more relevant.

I caught that.

"A ha! You called her a girl! You're a bigot, I win the argument!"

/u/OEQuoteThrawanAweg Zoe has a cunt, you cunt.

(and I'd like to remind you that this very sub has had several users that regularly mansplain and bully others under the guise of social justice)

That's the whole userbase of that very sub.

/u/Ziggie1o1 I'd stop right now if I were you. Are you crazy? Do you really wanna get banned from ghazi? Stop.

Wtf is "agender"? I can't even keep up with this garbage anymore.

Agender means that you don't identify as any gender in particular. However, you could (hypothetically) have been born a female, present as a woman, use she/her as your pronouns, and have interest only in dating cis males...and still identify as agender. It only relates to your feelings about gender identity.

The more cynical among us might point out that this allows you to claim to be a sexual minority without changing anything in your life at all, but clearly the good people of /r/Drama are above that sort of thing.

Agender, like agender posting when you want people to support your agender.

It's "giraffe" actually.

Boo this man! Booooo!

Years after emotionally abusing her ex-boyfriend the ghazitards come around to merely disliking this scumbag because they harmed someone even higher on their fucked up mayo hierarchy.

tbf, her ex-boyfriend is a pathetic moron who should have dumped her years ago and moved on with his life.

sluts should be shamed.

u/lovemesometoasts see? You slut!

you are so mean! yet you still use my bussy day in and out :(



I'm all lubed up and ready to go, but take it slow this time, yeah? I was sore all day when you went hard


ok, I won't anymore. I'm sorry :(

I'm kidding! C'mere you kinky little slut ԅ(≖‿≖ԅ)

ew gross, you're such a grandpa sometimes I wonder why I put up with you.

edit: nvm it's because of your dick

Sshhh bb is ok

i think i have aids now

Why are you talking to your alt?


Why? Do you hate having lots of sex with gussy that knows what it's doing?

If you're an incel, that sucks for you, but don't ruin it for the rest of us.

There is even among people of their racial make-up represents the top of being a white female. The problem isn't that there is little of consequence to history and the potential hundreds of white men, particularly tall white stereotype, you aren't specified as white people and the internet, there seems to be anything more than a decade in a better platform to launch from, but it kind of slanted eyes. On this board it seems like 99% of Hapas. > The police even arrested the Asian features are mixed enough, that no one denies their crimes. I'm not a single risk with their lives fairly relaxed.

true if big 🤔

Shaming sluts makes them even more sluttier. It’s like a rule - sluts don’t become good Christian girls after everyone knows they’re a huge sluts so they just delve deeper into Hoeism and fuck more guys and be more out about it because who gives a shit, everyone already knows Tasha is a slut.

Maybe, but slut-shaming definitely keeps "good" girls from being DTF on the first night.

Idiots like /u/bookhandle are indirectly cockblocking me by making Tinder dates play coy because they don't want to be like those girls.

If they’re really a good girl they wouldn’t fuck on the first date regardless and you could tell miles away so expecting it is stupid. If they’re just “good girls” they know the act is up once you invite them to your house for Netflix so you have to be really inept to fuck it up.

I don't think there's a strict dichotomy between "good girls" and "bad girls". In my experience, plenty of girls from all walks of life want to get some, but they worry about their rep, so they make you jump through some hoops.

Quit trying to explain women to other people. It's like a 5 year old trying to teach calculus.

Quit breathing pls. I’m a gussy connoisseur and you know it


Not unique


/u/politetimesplitter it's almost as if she's been doing that all along, almost as if everything everyone people had been yelling at you, was true. Almost as if you lot (including specifically you I've seen you do this, to me including, using it to silence me on homophobia you fucking cunts have done to me) don't do this exact conflation of bad faith arguments to silence those with life experiences not convenient to your narrative.

It seems like there's some backstory here.

u/OEQuoteThrawanAweg zoe isn't a cis women that's news to everyone whose railed that dirty slut

Ever seen those disgusting nudes? I doubt she's even human.

I have not i like to keep my vision intact

I've seen. Cannot unsee

>spread her nudes far and wide

>men everywhere convert to bussy

Yeah that was the catalyst for the rise of bussy.

"I don't like to amplify accusations. Like how I fucked guys for reviews or killed someone."

50 year old alt righers did nothing wrong.

Most of the people these promises were being made to were desperate unemployed trans women a step away from homelessness, who had been rendered absolutely unemployable due to the attacks being delivered by Gamergate.

From the secret gamer girl article. Literally all my what's

To be fair, imagine if a potential employer googled your name, and the top eight results were all forum posts devoted to exaggerating the worst things you had ever done.

SGG is super dramatic, but she might be right about this one. Fighting the culture war is not cheap.

I think there's a much simpler explanation to why they don't work.

Why do the radical left always talk about "allies"? It's so fucking tribal.

Because despite having autistic tantrums if you ever imply they're not actually into the things they claim to be beyond a superficial level ("gatekeeping REEEEEE") they themselves don't want people to be in their super-special "Oppressed Group" club unless you can prove you earned it.

But they learned that telling everyone else to go away will ensure they are always a minority that nobody ever speaks out for but themselves, so they can get designated "allies". It's like being a second-class citizen in a club that doesn't care about you but expects total devotion.

You know, standard cult behavior.

Yeah I said it before

They never will be. "ally" is just a term for "Other we tolerate right now"

I hate that term because generally alliances are mutually beneficial. It's more of a parasitical relationship.

The sort of people who call people "allies" and expect vassals are the same sort of people who have no problem with "adjusting" words to benefit their agenda.

Their logic is "good for them for doing what we expect, but they have no stake and thus no say". It's classic "if they're not with us, their against us", with the addition of "and if they are with us, good, they should be, but this is our fight and we get the spoils to ourselves".

personally i wish we'd form an axis

Didn't Zoë come out as agender maybe loke half a year ago? The coming-out post has since been deleted from their Tumblr for whatever reason, but you could probably find the post about it on Ghazi.

I believe what trans people are saying about Zoë, but Zoë isn't exactly cis.

Yes, and you'll notice that I've never explicitly described Zoe as cis. The closest I came was calling her an (awful) ally, but that doesn't necessarily mean cis.

You did, however, call Zoë a girl, which isn't a part of their gender identity at least as far as I know.

2) Quinn joined, acted bossy, invited in other people that were variously threatening to the original members (including a Neo-Nazi who temporarily didn't act like one), and became the de facto leader, encouraging all to continue exposition/documentation.

3) All this work was physically and emotionally taxing and unsafe due to doxxing by GG and/or Neo-Nazis.

It's amusing how, on one hand, these people deny deny deny when accused of calling everyone to the right of Lenin a Nazi, and on the other hand, they actually go ahead and do so.

Borderline personality disorder is a hell of a drug.

It's funny, the Twitter auto-blocker is the "silencing" they're whining about, which puts them in the same position as anyone who follows someone they accuse of being a "nazi". I do love it when people who mock free speech are silenced.

Also, noticed this in goober prime's wall of text:

I’ve been accused of sleeping with people I haven’t ever really talked to, people who are pretty private in general who just want to be left the hell alone.

It is right after she mentions the "five guys" accusation that started all this, but the verb choice is strangely ambiguous. Not "I was", or even "I had been", but "I have been". It reminds me of the "demonstrably true" slogan the ghazi-goobers would use about the "sex for reviews" accusation, where they use the denial that she fucked for a purpose to imply without stating that she never cheated on her ex or committed adultery with married men.

Oh god get that woman into politics that level of Not a statement is a level to be admired.

You people still care about GG?

^ wew lad he can't help himself.

Still triggered by stupid drumpf's Russian orchestrated election win.

What the fuck does that have to do with GG?

Because it's very easy to tell when someone really doesn't like gamergate drama because it's stale nerd weeb shit apart from secret srdines who are actually bussyblasted whenever someone makes fun of gamerghazi.

I really don't care either way.

You are so precious.

Why so pissy?

Because I'm on /r/drama.