CB2 realises that maybe sexually abusing your siblings is not okay, but only if your name doesn't rhyme with Jena Bunham.

96  2017-10-15 by AppleDjango


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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No snappy you absolute fucking whore! Almost no one is sexually attracted to pillows. Dakimakuras are comfortable pillows that can help you sleep better, also you can collect different covers for it, they are anime merchandise. I wonder why the "normies" always jump on the idea that you're fucking them, it's just stupid, I mean how would it be a pleasant experience at all? So why would you do it? The answer is you obviously wouldn't. But "normies" always jump on the conclusion that it must be dirty and degenerate if they see stuff like dakis which they don't know anything about. Says a lot more about their mindset than the people who actually own them ...

/u/death_proof_ep why do you hate victims of sexual abuse and what's your fetish with deflecting to Ben Shapiro, someone who has nothing to do with the topic at hand?

If your best friend came to you and said they were raped, would you show them an article Ben Shapiro wrote and say "yeah well look at THIS"??

Literally why do you neckbeards harass people for a living

literally why do you love rape and apologize for it?

Ahh yes, I too am great at demeaning people with strawmen

Why do you rape strawmen?


you're right, I do have AIDS after reading this

You probably already had 'em.

You've had AIDS ever since you uncle came into your room that fateful autumn night 7 years ago.

implying my family is white enough to go for that

I said your uncle, not your sister. Also, keyword here: AIDS.

So they all just dragged you into the living room then?


African-Americans' rate of child abuse is the highest in the US. Just sayin.

I was using the "white people/incest" stereotype but ok

I know how you were trying to be racist. I just wanted you to see it backfire.

White people on the internet: "lolololol minorities are so stupid look at these stereotypes lolz"

another white person uses a stereotype for white people as a joke on an edgelord sub

White people: https://imgur.com/Tysg4G4

Talk about strawmanning. I don't even joke about stereotypes.

I joke about stereotypes so long as they come from a place of personal experience (ie I'm white so I joke about white people stereotypes)

Great, so you admit you're a racist piece of trash.

Wow are you really that fragile

Oh sorry seems I struck a nerve

Are you projecting rn

Like you just got done screeching about how "racist" i am but now you're out here thinking you struck a nerve w me

I'm projecting? You've literally been in here saying the most ignorant shit in /r/drama of all places. Kys

Lol i see you deleted your "it seems I struck a nerve" comment

Well i guess i can say it seems i struck a nerve

You can say what you want. At the end of the day you'll be in jail for kiddy diddling and I'll be able to delete whatever I want.

I'll be able to delete whatever I want

Delete your account

You've officially been reported for child porn

Honestly tho I thought it sounded dumb so I deleted it. Also kys

Do you think it's ok for a white person to joke about black ppl stereotypes and vice versa if they have a personal experience?

It depends on a ton of factors but overall it's best to be cautious when it comes to talking about stereotypes of other people

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You're on CB2 so odds are pretty high that you're white.

I mean yeah you're right

Implying that incestuous pedophilia is only occurs in white families

We can dance this dance all day. It's what we do.

it's what we do

Isn't that kinda sad

Not as sad as deflecting anything said about your favorite rapist with "DAE Been Shapiro?!" so I mean it could be worse.

I flat-out admitted I was wrong on that one. Even though I don't see too much of a problem with 7-year-olds who don't know any better, it was still gross/molestation-y that Dunham masturbated while in the same bed as her sister and bribed her to make out. That shit's creepy.

And? You're still feeding the trolls like an idiot.

AIDSPhobic 🤔

hahaha aids is so fun to trivialise, especially if I do it to attack someone I don’t like I’m in the clear to use it and then as weapons for my gain.

Oh NOW you give a fuck about other people

you clearly don't

Amazing. You could comment on anything else going on in this thread: the rampant use of homophobic and ableist slurs, the edgy "kys" comments, hell, even that person's username, but you go after me specifically. It's almost as if you actually don't give a shit about people with AIDS and you're trying to push an agenda against me 🤔

wow you got me real good! you got them smart braincells boy, no doubt!

i guess that's from posting on r/anarchism

At any point are you just calling yourself white, or happy that you are your parents are. More Elliot Rodgers would've done fine in most cases the facial features as being the result of how shitty Chink genes are, and by most of us on this sub. There is nothing but drama the past and being accepted as white men by the Chinese? Fighting for more than likely that a lot of progress in just as much either; that's why Asian men are better than us, and regard us as a second language, I would still have posts about Eurasian criminals in just one of my unusual looks. Or do you believe that other Eurasians have found in my posts, and was shocked by everything I have never thought anything of it. They are not racist, you are in a very stereotypical lanky, dorky, unattractive East Asian is having a tough one. * If they where proud they'd love men with white people are one of the pursuit, Keith Cheung was handcuffed because deputies thought he was an Asian language gets worshiped by Asians. And at the time.

I also am a gay retard.

wow, joking about AIDS is pretty insensitive towards people suffering from it, especially considering the stigmatisation the LGBT and POC communities had to endure because of it.

Your comment gave me AIDS.

That's black culture appropriation, you should feel ashamed.

Clearly not.

Replying to a bot, fucking retard rape apologist

God I fucking hate you troglodytes

Why do you rape troglodytes?

No cavemanshaming you fucking bigot

On the basis that you seem to respond well to personal insults, I decided to go find this 'Death Proof' EP you've named yourself after, listen to it, and then tell you all the reasons that it is shit. As it turns out, I can find nothing but anime bumwad. From this I determine that you are weeb scum and a waste of oxygen.

maintain ur safety

Ableism? SERIOUSLY!?!

God I fucking hate you faggots

Tut tut, mean words.

No swearing, please. This is a Christian sub.✝️

Please don't take the lords name in vain. Your hate speech upsets me and makes the baby Jesus cry.

How is someone replying to your comments harassment? You're on the internet, on a website talking about things and someone challenging your opinion is harassment? Get a grip.

Someone mentioning me on a brigade sub to write a deranged rant loosely directed at me is sorta down the path of harassment, especially considering how this sub has a toxic userbase

You're calling someone else toxic after thats victim blaming shit you spouted? Wew.

victim blaming

Maybe you should learn what those words mean before using them

Maybe you should stop [trigger warning] raping people.

Maybe you should stop excusing the self confessed admissions of child abuse you fucking victim blamer.

Dear Brigadiers and Alt-Right troll accounts.

America's not great.

Daddy trump played you like a fiddle. Your crush in high school probably rejected you because you look down on people for no reason. Go see your mother and get one of those hugs you missed as a child and stop spending hours on the Internet trying to wind people you'll never see in your life up for no good reason. It's not healthy.

Or in the words of the father you wish you had for god knows why... SAD!

This is what happens when you hug your children instead of beating them.

This is what happens when you hug your children instead of beating them bathing your infants in wine and throwing the weak ones off a cliff.


This is projection on a large scale. You spouted all that bullshit just to cover up your love of rape.

Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Cyber Bullying Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha

You are way too white to be saying the n word lmao

You are way too white to be saying the n word lmao

omg mods kinkshaming im scared literally shaking.


Someone mentioning me on a brigade sub

This isn't a brigade sub. This is a lolcow sub. You're the lolcow. SRS and the like are brigade subs

write a deranged rant loosely directed at me

Well that's just part of reddit

is sorta down the path of harassment

Sorta kinda a little maybe

especially considering how this sub has a toxic userbase

Says the man who posts in cb2

FUCK! The other guys here are getting paid for this? Should I contact George Soros or the Russians about my missing checks?

Because i want to be like Lena Dunham

You were raped as a child and still feel like it's your fault, so you make sure every other rape victim on earth thinks it's their fault too.

I'm pretty sure the prevalence of neckbeards is greater in cb2 than here... And that's saying a lot.

I probably do need to get to the barbers at some point this week tbf.

You've got enough money to visit a barber. Wow. Impressive. Does it feel good to kick the poor while we're down?

Dolling myself up pays for itself in the long term.

That's a good point actually. The going rate of my ass isn't what it used to be.

discount Sunday today?

Not legbeards?

We get paid to do it.

because your opinion is shit, total garbage an you need to be called out for your shit take.

Death Proof is a good movie. A lot of people didn’t like it, but I enjoyed it.

Literally why do you defend someone who is so unapologetic about being a child molester that she actually bragged about it in a book?

Do you think a famous woman can't be criticized for literally anything without it being an attack on women in general? Because I think pretending that child molestation is an unreasonable thing to criticize someone for hurts women a lot more than losing some narcissistic child-molesting wanna-be idol for a role model.

Literally why do you defend someone who is so unapologetic about being a child molester that she actually bragged about it in a book?

I'm not? I'm not defending her and have flat-out said that I hate her

There's a difference between a 7-year-old doing this and a 15-year-old doing it.

Am I going to believe the person who actually molested her sister [...]Yeah, probably.

It's not like I'm defending her because I like her; I'm defending her because it seems disingenuous to try to compare these two situations as though they're the same.

Not only are you obviously defending her in every comment (did it occur to you that a child molester might not tell the exact truth about their child-rape habits?), but you straight-up admitted to defending her.

Also, again, she admitted to doing it through age 17. Seventeen. s e v e n t e e n. Seventeen is older than 15. Get that through your thick skull thanks.


Yeah that's exactly what I'm getting at here. We don't know how old she was when she last molested her sister, considering she only talks about molesting her sister when she was 7 in her book. So it's safe to hate on her for that, but all we know about the 17-years-old stuff is that she masturbated while in bed with her sister. Still gross, but we honestly can't say if she molested her sister at 17.

She talks in her book about doing it until age 17. Not the rocks thing, but bribing her sister for friggin makeout sessions and masturbating in bed with her sister, How are you this stupid? How are you thinking that masturbating with your younger sister touching you in bed is some okay thing to do that isn't sexual abuse at all? Jesus Christ fam.

Wait really? I haven't read the book, I mean I was going on the chunks of text people were citing. If you can find a quote for that, I'm 100% with you.

You've probably read the same passages I have tbh. She describes her sister's "sticky, muscly little body thrashing beside her" as she "slips her hand into her underwear to figure some stuff out."

Or, offering her sister candy to kiss on the lips for five seconds (5 seconds is a long kiss, yo, that's not a friendly familial peck). She even describes her tactics as those of a sexual predator, and yeah, it's not quite the same as actually touching the sister's vagina or what have you but it's definitely not okay.

This stuff might be developmentally normal for a kid who's 7 or 8 who doesn't really know what sex is yet but she's talking about up to seventeen, where she absolutely knows what she's doing and knows it's not normal to diddle yourself with your sister's "sticky, muscly little body thrashing beside me." or to bribe your younger sister to let you play tonsil tennis.

Yeah that's some fucked up stuff. I was unaware that it went on that long. My bad 😬

Legit. I want to appreciate that you're willing to change your mind but I'm contractually obligated by /r/drama to ask you to post bussy instead.

Post bussy.

This isn't my job mate. I do this for funsies because if I ever did anything anti-circle jerk in cb2 I'd get banned.

Also this isn't harassment. This is commenting. This isn't a PM, you can block me at any time, you are choosing to engage here.

Oh look, body shaming. You fucking hypocrite.

Wait... I can get paid for this?

man, i wish i was.

Trigger warning: homophobia

/u/death_proof_ep is a fag

Unironically what makes you think it's ok to be a homophobic piece of garbage

Unironically you're tone policing me

You tell us

Because you're unironically reactionary shitlords


I just want to help you boyo, you're sounding very like a low-t betaboi rn

He doesn't need a test to see how low his testosterone is he posts to cb2

using the term shitlords unironically

Oof ouch owie my tumblr vocabulary

the left sucks so much at coming up with meanie words

Pussies aren't known for their vocabulary

it's okay to rape children just don't call somebody gay on the internet

CB2 folks

Admit to molesting your little sister and masturbating in bed next to her at 17: ACKSHUALLY le Ben Shapiro (???) and you need to look at the context


Admit to molesting your little sister and masturbating in bed next to her at 17:

None of which is applicable here considering I already clearly stated that I hate her and hate that she molested her sister

Also yeah masturbating in bed next to your sister is really gross

Yeah but you really like excusing molestation, you fucking pedo. Really makes you rethink that “tenuous” link between homosexuality and pedophilia.

Imagine believing this unironically

Imagine actually wanting to molest kids because you have homosexual Ben Shapiro fantasies unironically

That's some next-level keyword stuffing right there

Do you get tired of being a literal piece of human shit or does knowing that you’re a unashamed pedophile apologist get you off?

I already admitted that I was wrong about Dunham lol

No you didn’t because you’re still defending your shitty, fucked up apologia about a person who literally molested their own sister.

Repeat after me: /u/Death_Proof_Ep wants to molest little kids and get away with it

Delete your account - you can’t be stupid enough to think you can defend a pedophile and not have it be held over your head for the rest of your shitty existence.

I literally didn't even defend her actions but pk

Holy shit, do you really want me to go into your post history and pull out those comments where you literally said you were going to believe a self admitted child molester? How deluded are you? Does sheer, bare faced bullshitting come naturally in your genetics or did you have to learn this skill.

This but unironically

Creepy, gross, and problematic?


Fixed your spelling.

most of the people on /r/drama are farther left than you, faggot

most people here are leftists

using slurs unironically

Uhh yeah ok


lol what are you even doing on the Internet?

maybe there's more to being left-thinking than "but WORDS!!!" and maybe you'd stop pushing people to the reactionary side if you dropped that cancer

Wow did you really just pull an r/asablackman with politics? I mean you could at least pretend to not be a reactionary

Like "minorities talking about slurs made me a reactionary" are you fucking kidding me 😂

actually it's /r/asagayman I prefer pretending to like bussy in order to bolster my online argumentation

using 😂 unironically


I mean you could at least pretend to not be a reactionary

Says the reactionary.

Galaxy brain: being a brogressive who proudly uses slurs while calling other people reactionary

being a brogressive

No, I'm just liberal. And not that pussy American "Liberal"

who proudly uses slurs

No retard. I take no pride in saying retard. Just like I take no pride in taking a shit

calling other people reactionary

Tbh you're not reactionary, but neither am I. Fuck the status quo of yesteryear.

You're a classic brogressive. You claim to be "left-wing" yet you use slurs and generally don't seem to care about minorities or really anyone other than yourself

You claim to be "left-wing"

No, I'm liberal. Very liberal in fact. I'm pro-choice, support heavy taxation, anti-war, support the legalization of all drugs, think hate speech and inciting violence should be a crime, I look down on people who seriously use words like fag, retard and nigger as insults

yet you use slurs

Yea, but I don't mean them. I don't think it's wrong to be to gay or that we should put all the retarded people into camps, I just use them as insults often interchangeable with asshole

don't seem to care about minorities

And you know that how?

And you know that how?

Because you somehow manage to think that slurs aren't hate speech but support banning hate speech

Because you somehow manage to think that slurs aren't hate speech

Because they aren't. "Murder all faggots" would be hate speech, "You're a fag" is just an insult.

Think about the impact of those words. "Fag" has been used to oppress non-conforming people for decades. Many slurs have been used for centuries as methods for demeaning people based on their identities. They're rooted in abuse and suffering.

LOL at this faggotry.

You're a classic brogressive. You claim to be "left-wing" yet you use slurs and generally don't seem to care about minorities or really anyone other than yourself

Imagine being this much of a retarded faggot.

post history is literally overflowing with porn

Lol watch me not give a fuck about your gross-ass thoughts

Whatever you say, retard.

What’s worse:

/r/drama reactionaries

having a Ben Shapiro fetish?

Both get the bullet on the Day of the Horseshoe.

I mean you could at least pretend to not be a reactionary

Why would I give a shit about that?

Are you suggesting that complaining about slurs isn't the most borgie thing in the world?

how many layers of horseshoe are you on?

u realize that leftism is not defined by being terminally triggered by everything everyone says rite?

There's like a whole centuries-old set of economic philosophies and shit.

There's like a whole centuries-old set of economic philosophies and shit.

Yeah, and they got put into the US Constitution. MAGA!

what did he mean by this?

Hey retard guess what, you pussys don't own liberalism. I'm hard left and I still use slurs.

Lol @ liberals calling themselves "hard left"

Well we can't all be tankies.

Nah if I were a tankie I would be screeching about gulags rn

The problem is that everything posted here is at least a baselevel of ironic1 and then you have to guess how many further ironic levels are there. Standard practice is that you post exactly the opposite of what your initial impulse is to post but slowly you adapt and your initial impulse is to post ironically so you have to ironically post what you believe, and then ironically post what you don't believe as if you do believe that you don't believe it. Somewhere around irony5 the human brain loses an ability to distinguish irony from truth, the result is pretty basic calculus:

Irony is naturally an inverse so we have /r/drama posters represented by 1/(ironyx) where x is how ironic they've become.

As we all know for any equation y = 1/((c>1)x ) as x approaches infinity y approaches sweet neutral zero.

That's what makes an irony based meta subreddit naturally reflect southpark neutrality, in fact the only reliable way to calibrate a political scale is through pure irony. This is how south park manages to be so neutral, the creators have a facination with Mormonism which is basically the most ironic religion.

The religion of peace is the most ironic religion because

I fapped to this tbh


What do you want to be when you grow up? Is it, perhaps, a career in academia teaching microagression studies?


implying cb2 isn’t a reactionary shit hole

Ha lol.

You’re so reactionary you hate on male rape victims and victims of homophobic a, mocking it every chance you cunts get.

You're the reactionary. You see a circle, you react.

So I’m in the toilets at the market I work at washing my hands minding my own business, and I notice this young girl at the taps looking me up and down scowling. Note I’m wearing my hair in three buns and have a Kylo tee on. So I’m like “Is there a problem?” And she just says “Are you a fucking Reylo?” And I’m like “Geez, what gave it away?” Because I have zero chill when it comes to smart arse teens and she starts going off her nut at me, screaming, literally screaming all the usual Reylo is abusive, racist blah blah blah. Now she’s so loud her mum comes running in from outside to see what’s going on. I just turned around and said “I don’t know who you think you are but how dare you talk to me or anyone like that.” Her mum just hit the roof at her, telling her off in front of about ten other market workers for her yelling, swearing, having the nerve to yell at an adult she doesn’t know like that… And then he Mum finished with the classic line… “What did you think was going to happen with Kylo and Rey?! Of course that’s what’s going on!” So she not only embarrassed herself, she got in major trouble and found out her Mum ships Reylo… It was a great start to the day.

That's way too much reading pls give a TLDR

Post bussy

Wrong, bitch. I am a



It's just banter m88.

What makes you think it's ok to minimize the damage done by sexual abusers?

Unironically what makes you think it's ok to be a homophobic piece of garbage

Because it's funny. Also because I'm bi. But mainly because it's funny

Shut up, faggot

You make it OK.

>it's okay to rape kids as long as you don't call people fags on the internet

>the current state of CB2

Cause I’ve made my asshole into a snow globe with the amount of hot loads I’ve took last night.

He needs to stop embarrasing himself, because:

a) His precious Lena is a racist, transphobic slacktivist, feminism to her is a way to get publicity and internet points...but then again same could be told about dear death proof. b) idiot, if you actually go and find the book itself and read it, you will find that Dunham, herself wrote, right there, on paper, that she molested her sister when she was 17, or should someone scan the fucking page to you?

you will find that Dunham herself wrote, right there, on paper, that she molested her sister when she was 17, or should someone scan the fucking page to you?

That's really not what it says though.

What does it say, then?

Ben Shapiro is Jewish. Of course the antisemites at CB2 bring him up as much as possible.

People who need trigger warnings unironically should really rethink their lives unless they have legit ptsd

AFAIK trigger warnings are for people who suffered some serious shit?

Imagine saying "people who need epilepsy warnings unironically should really rethink their lives and not go on the internet or leave their basements".

1) we’re not talking about epilepsy here 2) i am talking about the trigger warnings tumblrinas are using.

TBH I always saw it as a same thing with epilepsy warnings, I don't see why would you get worked up about it. If you don't have epilepsy you just ignore the warning?

People saying this shit have never had something bad enough happen to them to the point they feel physically sick just thinking about it. And If they did they would understand

Is this from the same website that uses that same information about Lena Dunham as a blunt-edged weapon against her and feminists in generally?

No, /u/withoutamartyr, but it's just that her molesting her sister and writing about it in her autobiography is the most disgusting thing we've done. If we want, we could also criticize her for being a talentless writer and a talentless actor, being oblivious to how obnoxious she is, thinking she's far more important than she really is, and the fact that she's only in the industry because of pure nepotism.

Yet despite this shameful resume, Lena managed to sink even lower when she bragged about putting rocks in the cunt of her underage sister.

She's so gross even Weinstein wouldn't harass her

Yeah, that's the actual difference between the linked story and Lena Dunham's (besides hers being real and that one probably a troll): the OP was extremely upset and ashamed of what she did, while Lena Dunham was, like, look at how quirky I was when exploring my quirky girly sexuality XDDDD.

Bet you $5 they don't.

I'll bet my life savings.

I would do that, but I can't risk the possibility that they realise how pointless their life is and commit suicide.

Wow fam you've really been checking for me for a whole two days now. Let me help you out: nobody's committing suicide over an r/drama poster. You aren't and never will be anywhere near that valuable to anyone on this planet besides your mother, and even she lied to you when she told you you were funny.

Cmon man I haven't even pinged you. You're not supposed to seriouspost in /r/drama until someone at least TRIES to rustle your jimmies.

I can't imagine how socially awkward and uncomfortable you must be irl to have actually typed those sentences out

Jokes on you for thinking I interact with people irl.

He already bet you $5

That is cute, you think he has five dollars

u/death_proof_ep are you a kiddy diddler like Lena dunham

/u/death_proof_ep has already admitted to being a faggot, so the answer is yes

Are you okay? I mean you've spent the past 15 minutes jumping from comment to comment slandering me with homophobic shit.

Yeah, that’s because I like mocking retards who defend child molestation

Okay you're getting blocked, I can't keep up with the stream of slander you're throwing at me

lmao, okay, you dumb wannabe child molester. Bye Felicia.

If I remember correctly you I think tgat means he likes you

Am I going to believe the person who actually molested her sister over Ben Shapiro and his outside-looking-in-with-an-agenda-to-push viewpoint on it? Yeah, probably.

Am I going to believe the person who actually molested her sister

lol I don't think this is what listen and believe means.

Someone wait a couple of months and then make the same post, but with the genders reversed. I bet they'd all correctly call you a piece of shit and tell you to kill yourself.

It makes sense once you realise most of these people are only concerned about defending social conservatism and whiteness (and usually in bad faith).



I only preach about white genocide in good faith

Nice tits and ass, /u/StacyVD.

As for your brother situation, are you prepared to deal with the consequences? If so, just be straight up with him. It's embarassing to talk about in real life so it would probably easier to message him on facebook or whatever messenger service you talk to each other on.

Just say something like, "Hey, I want to talk about something serious. What I did to you when we were young was fucked up. I really feel like shit about it. If you wanna hit me or call the cops on me then do it. We were both minors but I was still older than you and I should have known better. You should probably get therapy."

See how he responds and go from there. Even if you get in legal trouble you'll prob only serve a few years unless they try you as an adult. If he forgives you and still wants a relationship with you, you should do him a few huge favors when he asks for the next few years.

Thanks for the advice.

Who else is surprised that someone who used to fuck her kid brother is now constantly posting nudes on reddit for validation

Me, I'm super surprised

If I was ugly as your mom I wouldn't post them though.

You should just fuck your brother already, get it out of your system

/u/death_proof_ep is deleting his comments :(

Yeah i deleted them because i was misinformed and wrong

How dare you! /r/circlebroke2 and r/drama aren't places for admitting mistakes! They are places for doubling down and beating your detractors into submission.

/u/death_proof_ep It's not rape, it's sister-epheblophilia

Ok I just checked out that sub. It appears to be a den of snakes, trolls, and alt right Nazis. I saw several clear violations of Reddit law. /r/drama users are smarter than the average cookies, so they had to know we'd be on to them. How sad.

I don't know why they try so hard to defend pedophilia. Just admit it, cb2, molesting childrenbis wrong!

kids rape each other all the time, it’s better to keep ot in the hope then out on the streets

Exactly 😁

but hey, if you ever wondered what a brother fucker looked like naked.

.,. -

Seems like a fake account if you go through the post history.

/u/stacyVD you're a child rapist piece of shit. Good job using the same account you use to pose nude to announce you're a child molester. That won't backfire.

You do like my nudes though, right?

You could have killed your brother and ate him and I'd still fuck you before turning you in. The dick has no morals.

I'm just a child molester, not a cannibal.

You seem very remorseful about raping a five year old.