Tinseltown Meltdown: Confirmed Pedo Woody Allen is freaking out!

23  2017-10-15 by BitchyTerrorist


This, but unironically.


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obviously Allen is a perv, But he's been with Soon Yi for 25 years. Still imagine teaching somebody their ABCs only to fuck them later.


(. )( .) Ԅ(≖‿≖ԅ)

I think /u/Honk4Tits got you to honk at underage tits here OwO

how can underage tits have already been in a relationship for 25 years

At the moment of "Still imagine teaching somebody their ABCs only to fuck them later" they were underage mams.

Or do you think you figured a way to legally fap to child porn by only fapping to 20+ year old child porn? ( ≖ _≖)

you fuck them LATER though

the daughter that woody allen molested wasn’t the one he married

Youre only able to say that because its totally fucking true.

I've heard he didn't even really spend any time with her until she was a grown up.

He never taught her her ABCs. That's pop-culture bullshit. He was barely involved with her life at all. That's why Farrow told Allen to spend some time with her in the first place.

To the writer of this headline:

Get this fucking straight: pedophiles are those who are attracted to PRE-pubescent children - that is kids 10 years old and younger, and most commonly those who are MUCH younger than 10.

Misusing that particular word in the way you did just shows yourself to be ignorant and one who is willing to lie by exaggeration solely to gain attention and/or satisfy your own personal anger.

Where did you learn to do such a thing? You had to have grown up in a dysfunctional family to have thought doing that was OK or in any way acceptable.

And in my book, that makes you a bigger piece of shit than those whom you would use the word against.

Okay, Woody.

Say hello to Roman, Harvey and Bryan (Singer).

You guys had a good run, it was fun and all but now it's time to, you know…. pay.

When people call Woody Allen a paedophile, they're referencing the allegations of abuse of his wife's adopted daughter Dylan Farrow, who was seven at the time. She maintains that he abused her to this day.

I'd say that Allen and Weinstein both need to go the way of Roman Polanski but he's had a pretty successful career and is basically accepted by Hollywood, despite actually raping a kid.

Actually, that should give you a clue as to why Weinstein was able to get away with it for as long as he was. Any group of people who would work with a literal child rapist are sure to look the other way over a bit of sexual assault...

Any group of people who would work with a literal child rapist are sure to look the other way over a bit of sexual assault...

Is that why Ted Nugent embraced Donald?

stranglehold and free for all fInd two better classic rock songs from an artist I dare you if you pick the beetle's you are a confirmed cuck.



I'd say that Allen and Weinstein both need to go the way of Roman Polanski

To France?

I'm pretty sure that's already happened in Weinstein's case.

I meant blackballed in Hollywood, but that really didn't happen to Polanski

Birds of a shit feather.

Can we keep going until this eventually involves Louis CK?

Louis CK wiped his smegma on me in a new york comedy club backstage.

If nothing else, at least the Oscars will actually be interesting beyond "OMG they said LA LA Land instead of Moonlight guyzz!"