SRDine 'splains the frozen peaches

10  2017-10-15 by cruelandusual


This is why we need mayocide.


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Seems like a easy way to get free beer while not really doing anything to hurt an event that will likely be cancelled anyway.

Also, these guys clearly don't understand that since it's a free event they will likely hand out many, many more tickets than seats since they know some people won't show up.

are you implying SRDines go outside?

Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

Woke SRDine: Ackshually it's okay to shut down speech that I don't agree with as long as it's my retarded antifa posse doing it and not the government

Who to believe 🤔

Shutting down counter protesters, or forcing people to host your ideas is an infringement of free speech.

How is it not obvious that the first and second clauses here are contradictory? If forcing people to host your ideas is an infringement of free speech, then you should shut down counter protesters in order to protect free speech -- at least if the case in question is like 99% of the cases where the question of free speech is an issue, and the counter protesters have forced their way into the event in order to shout people down (i.e., have forced people to host their ideas).

I know SRDines are retarded but goddamn /u/AtheistInfantry, this is a new low.

You criticized SRDines during peak /u/comedicsans brigading time.

Brigading? Lol.

Lefties on gay bakeries:

what they write has to be regulated

Leftists on giant social media corporations:

it's their property, they don't have to let you speak

/u/currentscurrents Right? Where were all the "free speech" conservatives when Trump was herding all the black people into camps and murdering them?

Yeah but it's also a concept!!!

-some dumbass who bring nothing to the discussion

How is this not bringing anything to the discussion? There are form of censorship not exerted by the government. If my job started firing anybody in favor of gay marriage it would be within their rights to do so, does not mean it is not a shitty thing.

How is it so hard to understand that there is a difference between what is legal and what is just?