I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src
lol as if anyone in Scotland would give a shit about someone wearing tartan. From my understanding Japanese ppl don't give much of a shit either. "Offending Americans" is probs the phrase you were looking for.
Well they do have a rather booming entertainment industry I found out and despite being in Africa the population is gradually becoming less impoverished due to grow nationalistic sentiment(sans sounding like Nazis). The whole pulling ones self up by their bootstraps and making something or yourself but seems to be working in Africa now. In some areas.
The idea of tartan being some precious part of our culture that no-one else is able to appropriate is not a concept your average Scot would get their head around, aside from the part where it's basically some invented nonsense anyway. But the kimono still looks rubbish.
lol @ the idea of someone with a video game reference as a username pinging someone else with a video game reference as a name and thinking they're superior to that person.
1 SnapshillBot 2017-10-15
I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 bareballzthebitch 2017-10-15
That outfit makes me think she is a hobo geisha.
1 Works_of_memercy 2017-10-15
Hobo geisha assassin!
1 ChadwinThundercock 2017-10-15
/r/Hapa leaking
Someone predictably asking what the relevance of a half-Japanese/Scot girl has to do with a Kimono-kilt hybrid
Someone who needs a geography lesson
Obligatory racialist discussion, today on phenotypes and Mongoloids
1 EurasianTigerBot 2017-10-15
Everywhere they go for more recognition and to change that. >http://www.sbsheriff.us/documents/ISLAVISTAINVESTIGATIVESUMMARY.pdf The police even arrested the Asian features are just angry that he had committed suicide.
1 weniscommander 2017-10-15
What did he mean by this?
1 ashent2 2017-10-15
It takes sentences from ETs post history and then scrambles them up. That bunch of sentences wasn't together before.
1 freet0 2017-10-15
she seemed like a pretty good sport about it, unlike the whiteknights
1 Pistachiothenut 2017-10-15
This is a very good post, thank you for posting this post.
1 PM_ME_UR_LUCID_DREAM 2017-10-15
This is a very encouraging comment, thank you for commenting in this commenting thread.
1 ChadwinThundercock 2017-10-15
Her /r/RoastMe thread has been preserved here for all eternity, just in case /u/mayalcaulfield dreams of deleting it
1 serialflamingo 2017-10-15
That outfit looks really cool tbh.
1 serialflamingo 2017-10-15
lol as if anyone in Scotland would give a shit about someone wearing tartan. From my understanding Japanese ppl don't give much of a shit either. "Offending Americans" is probs the phrase you were looking for.
1 ChadwinThundercock 2017-10-15
Now now Britoon, it's just a joke, it's not like Americans are going to rob you of your binge drinking and deep fried candy bars any time soon
1 serialflamingo 2017-10-15
I will defend those things with my life.
1 jaja10 2017-10-15
am scottish can confirm. wear whatever you want lad
1 serialflamingo 2017-10-15
I already did that, dafty.
1 jaja10 2017-10-15
square go ya absolute weapon
1 Ciao_patsy 2017-10-15
Yih oan aboot ya sassij?!
1 The_Frown_Inverter 2017-10-15
Ah pure fancy you! So, hoo's abooot it?
1 LadySaberCat 2017-10-15
Pretty much. More and more cultures are getting tired of the Oppression/Offended Olympics. Even Kenyans. Fucking Kenyans.
1 Neon_needles 2017-10-15
Lol like Kenya has anything to steal.
1 LadySaberCat 2017-10-15
Well they do have a rather booming entertainment industry I found out and despite being in Africa the population is gradually becoming less impoverished due to grow nationalistic sentiment(sans sounding like Nazis). The whole pulling ones self up by their bootstraps and making something or yourself but seems to be working in Africa now. In some areas.
1 MooseHeckler 2017-10-15
There is a growing middle class in some areas. It should be interesting.
1 LadySaberCat 2017-10-15
Particularly for the economy in Africa with I suspect will have a positive ripple effect in due time.
1 Whatafuxup 2017-10-15
1 LadySaberCat 2017-10-15
No they left wants Africans to blame everything on Whites including splinters and stubbing your toe.
1 SamWhite 2017-10-15
The idea of tartan being some precious part of our culture that no-one else is able to appropriate is not a concept your average Scot would get their head around, aside from the part where it's basically some invented nonsense anyway. But the kimono still looks rubbish.
1 SethRichOrDieTryin 2017-10-15
Either way, I'd fuck it.
1 wwyzzerdd 2017-10-15
Any port in a storm.
1 FalmerbloodElixir 2017-10-15
"but ur undermining muh trans issues"
Trannies should be undermined. By that, I mean they should be buried, under a mine.
1 Mimikyutwo 2017-10-15
Holy shit dude, I know exactly how edgy and cool you are now. I should have known better than to cross a comedic genius.
1 FalmerbloodElixir 2017-10-15
Speaking of crosses, that would be a good method of disposing of trannies.
1 serialflamingo 2017-10-15
lol @ the idea of someone with a video game reference as a username pinging someone else with a video game reference as a name and thinking they're superior to that person.
1 FalmerbloodElixir 2017-10-15
Ah yes, but one of them is weeb trash and the other is actually a semi-decent game.
1 serialflamingo 2017-10-15
"I named myself after a better video game than that other person."
Lmao, what a fucking loser.
1 FalmerbloodElixir 2017-10-15
I mean, you named yourself after the world's gayest bird, so maybe you shouldn't be talking.
1 serialflamingo 2017-10-15
I actually named myself after two films by the world's gayest director, one of which happens to be the world's gayest bird.
1 FalmerbloodElixir 2017-10-15
That makes a lot of sense.
1 ChadwinThundercock 2017-10-15
Settle down, girls
1 Wordshark 2017-10-15
Serial Mom and Pink Flamingos?
1 serialflamingo 2017-10-15
I'm giving you a free coupon for a blowey joey.
1 Wordshark 2017-10-15
The greatest gift a mother can give a son
1 snallygaster 2017-10-15
patrician taste
1 wolfsktaag 2017-10-15
his tranny comment sure has you ass blasted
1 SpectroSpecter 2017-10-15
The fact that you knew mimikyutwo is a video game reference doesn't really reflect fantastically on you, you know
1 serialflamingo 2017-10-15
Pokemon isn't exactly the deep cuts of vidya.
1 John_Kvetch 2017-10-15
lmao, I play video games and I didn’t even realise mimikyoutwo was a reference. How’s the self loathing?
1 IsADragon 2017-10-15
Pft, they're not even close to the edgiest or coolest person on this sub tbh.
1 RaiserOfHell 2017-10-15
You actually should have faggot, KYS.
1 kuro-no-shinigami 2017-10-15
There are only three genders. Male , female and retard.
1 VidiotGamer 2017-10-15
Finally someone gets it.
1 clearandpresent 2017-10-15
She's hot tbh
1 moush 2017-10-15
They dye their hair red so people know they're Scottish?