Anyone that unironically posts in /r/the_donald is a dumb fucking moron

78  2017-10-16 by DonvladimirTrumputin


Edit: Correction. I meant "pathetic fucking moron."


Congratulations on embracing how much of a cringe-worthy sperglord you are?

You might as well hold a neon sign over your head that says "YOU TRIGGERED ME"

Dont you have some making america great again to do?

Nah B that's what the guy we elected is for know that's kind of the bare minimum you need to understand to talk about politics, right?

But if he makes america great again ill have to live in a better america, oh no! Lol





How very American. Have other people do the hard work so you don't have to.

You should have elected a Mexican for that. They'd work 15 hour days for $75/day. THAT would be a financially wise decision.

plot twist faggot i'm from the gayest city in Canada


No but he has some oxy to inject and some cold medicine to smurf for the local meth cook.

well let's do this right, then.



lez fuckin go

Hi I'm retarded

yes, /u/botchIings with a capital I instead of an l, you are very retarded

We're brothers in retardation


He is bound to his chair, so no.

Not after he got arrested for stabbing his dad

I haven't seen botchlings post since the arrest either. Coincidence? Maybe but it would be unsurprising.

Noodles gonna nood.

Show us on the doll where daddy big-hands fingered your bussyhole.

I'd call your copycat account low effort, but what else are you supposed to do with the material you've been given?

what happened to the old account?

I'm betting on Edward, tbh.

Yay! I have fans now :3

Ok so what am i supposed to do? Fite him? (ง'̀-'́)ง

Yeah, bae. Beat the shit out of that MAGA fucker.

But which one is the real botchlings? The one holding the L?


Yay! I have fans now :3

delete this

I'm Edward's fan. ;_;

You were as nameless on this sub as me until you started copypasting terrible shit. remember your roots.

You're one of the few users with that high heel flair. That makes you very special to me.

I hope to god you're a woman because I've been fantasizing about our possible life together based on your comments. Jerking off furiously with my eyes fixed on that sexy shoe of course.

Podophilia is degeneracy

/u/aqouta's jailb8?

Yeah but not for child porn. People who tangle with me often do end up in jail for tax fraud though.

Woah. Flair related.

hey there cutie ;))

Very specific fetish, eh?

/u/Ed_ButteredToast will win because /u/botchlings will be concentrating so hard on fighting he'll forget to breathe.

We need e-verify for reddit accounts.

But then where would the pretend nazis go to hate the fictional jews?

They killed fictional Jesus!

They faked jesus to make they goys all weepy and complacent.

TIL 1% is fictional.

voat, where they belong

It looks like you spend most of your time bitching about "President Pussygrabber" (not a very clever name, by the way) on r/conspiracy. You know, it's really unhealthy to be so angry at someone for so long. And I don't mean that in the new age hippie bullshit way that it's unhealthy for your energy or some shit, it's actually physically unhealthy.

That said, please continue to be upset. If Trump's mere existence is enough for you people to start dropping dead from overstressing yourselves then we win anyway.

Lol, stressful? All i have to do is laugh at the moron and one of you dummies has to defend him. Not a lot of effort on my part.

nigga we know you ain't laffin'

Lots of newfriends poppin on today.

Sure thing dummy. Ill get right on that. You wanna drain my swamp before i go?


/u/DonvladimirTrumputin in desperate need of getting his bussy blasted, no wonder he's so mad all the time

Super mad. All this america greatening is really getting to me.

Christ can you get anymore lame; Drumpf, le dufus, trumputin. Get your and the collective lefts fucking shit together and come up with something remotely funny before you propel him to a third term.


Dont talk bad about president moron-daddy or ill be forced to respond to the lowest of effort shitposts to show how triggered im not!

it's a great system because you can pretend your low effort shit posts were intentionally bad to show how little you give a fuck.

Even easier cause i dont have to pretend tho.

le daddy xD

I know you people have some perverse attraction to the President, but you don't need to go around advertising it everywhere.

Oh, wow. I didnt realize that. Im gonna keep doing it tho.

You seem to be doing more than laughing, giving your constant posting on the subject.

Lol ok. Dont you have a wall to build or some america greatening to do?

Indeed. And I hope you know there's nothing you can do about it.

If Daddy ever achieved anything, that statement might actually be scary.

Give it time. We have over 7 years left to go.

Look at his judicial appointments. And his EPA scalebacks. He's already accomplished a lot

Oh no! I cannot stop wall building or america greatering! How will i be able to continue my life of not giving a shit about that? Lol.

If you don't give a shit, then why is your account named after the russian collusion theory, and why are all of your posts about it?

Its fun and theyre not.

Uh-huh. Sure.


Look at all the shits you aren't giving

Ikr, isn't it glorious?

You mean like the 10 prototypes they're building in San Diego? Which design do you prefer?

The see-through one with the solar panels. Spare no expense i say.

sorry you lose the internet contest of caring too much, please take your dog-tail buttplug and exit the building

I took the buttplug out so /u/smokes_degrass could drain my swamp. Ill put it back in when hes done tho.

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bad bot

Dumb user

your crush on me is cuuuuuuuute

You say that now, but do you really mean it?

As a libcuck who hates trump I agree with u/FalmerbloodElixir

Ye be triggered


Mediocre pasta

But it's fresh.

I laid a fresh turd in my toilet a few minutes ago. Fresh still doesn't mean it's any good.

Epic post x-posting to /r/politics right now

Am i going to have to call you a nazi?

Go ahead and ban me. I've already unsubbed from this trash fucking sub. You don't know me. None of you know me. You're all fucking ignorant children. If you're actually a mod, you're a horrid excuse for one. This sub is a fucking pathetic circle jerk. I came here for the occasional good post until I realized 90% of the sub is shit posts. And even on the good posts, there's nothing but verbal vomit in the comments. Your followers, and clearly you, have zero reading comprehension skills. If making up words and putting them into someone else mouth was a sport, you'd all have gold fucking medals. So go ahead, ban me. I know a little extra blood is going to rush to your private bits as you exercise your power trip, but don't forget that youre not special and your made up power on Reddit isn't worth anything in real life. I've been on your sub two days and i already noped out long before you threatened a ban. I sincerely hope none of you procreate and spread this bullshit in real life.

Youre banned now but you were dead to me the moment you hit that submit button to my heart (please dont go)


it took me ages to find a good one!

redditor for 5 years

this is all he's posted beside some dumb weed post 5 minutes before this one


I still think that r_donald started as a parody sub for memes and then retards took over.

I mean true but people who post about people who post in /r/the_donald unprovoked are the real nazis.

No, the real nazis are the nazis that nazi nazi.

Real Nazism has never been tried.

We need different levels of Nazi. /u/drama mods would be a 7, Trump would be a 5, SRD would obviously be a 1 since they're so #woke these days.

Hitler wouldn't even register since he was a socialist jewish person.

A     Z
Z     A

I admit//r/The_Donald was pretty entertaining at the beginning. But after the election was over it went down hill really fast.

I dunno, there's still quality shitposts on the front page.

Like I give a shit what any of you mongoloids think.

Mayocide now

Oh no, that sucks.

what can I say? when ur rite ur rite

Lick me, bitch.

Bite me, nazi.

MAGA, friend!

Build me a wall, monkey. Make it see through with solar panels and a sound system you can hear from twenty miles away playing the star spangled banner on a 24 hr loop. Lol.


Water is wet. Discuss.

Right wing ideology is implicitly homosexual.

Left wing ideology may appear to be homosexual because it looks out for the rights of homosexuals, but this is simply due to the easygoing surfer dude like alpha attitude that characterizes leftism. The ideotypical leftist in fact is so fundamentally masculine that nothing can threaten his masculinity, and in fulfilling his role of provider of the tribe, he makes the government bigger and stronger, and provides for every kind of weak degenerate person such as women, homosexuals, cripples, jews and so on. Left wing ideology is therefore a feminine front, hiding a masculine fist.

Ryght wing ideology by contrast presents a very butch front to the world, but it's all play acting, because underneath the right are too feminine to act like an authentic man, so they have to overcompensant and swagger around in tight trousers and leather boots.

rightism comes from a crisis of masculinity, which is implicit to homosexuality. Homosexuality and bisexuality, and the whole lot, are never NOT confused. The very act of being a man or something like one into other men or something like them is inherently fraught with dissonant concepts that lead to disharmony and insanity, as is common among homosexuality. I don't feel adequate as a man but I'm not a woman but I take dicks, but I have a dick but I put dicks in butts so I am a man, but they are male butts, so I'm a woman, but… and nothing comes to completion. This is why gay = brain-death.

Hetero is easy and sane. Everything properly aligned. Got a dick. Stick in pussy. YA HA!

Rightism manages to expose some truths about reality (like nigger intelligenceed), and thinks smugly that it has it all figured, but only masculine leftism knows stoically to keep these things secret for the good of the masses. Fascism purports to be paternalist, but its all play acting again. Fascism becomes nothing but a big pile of screeching queens in the end. Now,/./s/ I do have proof of this you knwopw.

The GOP is filled full of boy bum brutalizing faggots OK.

Also, look at this:

"the faces of male Republicans, on average, scored as less masculine than the faces of their Democratic counterparts."

This is the truth neither side wants you to know, because leftists need to seem weaker than they actually are, and rightistas needs to seem stronger than they actually are.


This but unpastaronically

this but completely unironically

morons are alright with me.

super funny name btw, u/DonvladimirTrumputin. Because trump=putin, i get it.

Thanks. Im glad you get it. Thats very smart of you to notice. Super funny too, I agree.

Counterpoint, right wingers may be dumb, but at least we understood how close the presidential race actually was and didn't vote third party because muh Bernie got screwed.

Dumbest shit I've ever read

Go out to a cheap, trashy department store. One where niggers throw all the clothes on the floor just because they can get away with it. Like a Marshalls, or even better, a Target.

Buy yourself whatever tie appeals to you the most. Since it'll be your first tie, take your time making your decision. Find the one that's best for you.

Make sure to drive back home with extreme caution because this next part is the most important bit. Once you bring your new tie home, hang yourself with it.

Edgy copy pasta you have there.

It was fresh4u bb

With the utmost heartfelt sincerity, please take your own life.

Nah I seen that b4 bb n1ce try nazi degenerate

Nazi degenerate

Talk about an oxymoron

We force filthy degenerates into showers.


you’re so unfunny. If we could ban one user from this sub, you’d have my vote

They fully understood the betrayal, hence their switching their vote to Trump. Like anyone in America actually votes third party. Without those turncoat Bernouts he might not have.. ah who am I kidding, he had an invincible 80 vote lead. Proof.

Counter counterpoint. Watching the continous shit circus and the inevitable crashing and burning of the trump administration is going to be way more fun than the perpetually boring and tedious impeachment hearings of a clinton administration.

Didn't johnson get more votes than stein?

Yeah but she's basically a commie. Any actual liberal person probably would have voted Johnson.



100 comments of drama from this shitpost.

ikr, lol

super fun drama creation. Like watching someone smear their suicide vest in shit and run into a building, part of me just admires your dedication.

Note from the moderators:

Troll shit sirrer

Well, since I'm not welcome on conspiracy anymore I'm forced to bring my low-effort shenanigans to this fucking sewer.

No u

OP, I'd call you out for being obvious, but Donald fans can't grasp anything that isn't obvious.

They're dumb fuckibg morons AND future patricidal maniacs

this un unironically.

Wanna know what's even more pathetic? Spending all your free time crying about him.

Totally eclipsed by spending your free time crying about someone laughing about him. Moron see nazi do I guess.




People being mean to daddy makes you cry and use baby talk. Baby talk some more for me, its fucking sexy af.

I hate BLUMPF just like you. The difference is his existence is hilarious to me, while it sends you into a fit of rage.


Lol. You really are fucking stupid.

C'mon bud, i got my cock out and im all ready to jack it to your tears. Youre spoiling the moment.

Sorry I don't have time to reply to Reddit messages 24/7.

Too late. I finished already. Thanks anyways.