Did he just expose Israeli Firster by accident or it’s 4D chess again? You decide...

3  2017-10-16 by newcomer_ts


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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I read that as "cuck" I might be retarded.

I read that as "cuck" I might be retarded.

He's not wrong.

Schumer did oppose the Iran deal and voted to disapprove it.

Now he supports it.

I think this is clearly a case of party line anti-Trump politics on behalf of Schumer and the Democrats.

Beyond that, just like with DACA, all President Trump has done with the Iran deal is given it back to congress to reimpose as they see fit. It's a good political move on his part because he fulfills a campaign promise and forces congress to act. If they do, great. If they don't, he can point out how congress can't get anything done.

But why ask Chuck to tell that to Israel?

Because he’s Jewish and thinks Israel should have things that Americans shouldn’t like gun rights.

Because (((chuck)))

But seriously, it's more likely that it's because trump knows revoking the deal keeps israel safer, which chuck purportedly wants. So now chuck has to choose whether or not to be the tribesman that steps out of line compared to the shabbas goy

He's not wrong. Schumer did oppose the Iran deal and voted to disapprove it. Now he supports it. I think this is clearly a case of party line anti-Trump politics on behalf of Schumer and the Democrats. Beyond that, just like with DACA, all President Trump has done with the Iran deal is given it back to congress to reimpose as they see fit. It's a good political move on his part because he fulfills a campaign promise and forces congress to act. If they do, great. If they don't, he can point out how congress can't get anything done.

I didn't read any of this.

You have to do a bit of research...

Schumer told Obama not to make a shit sandwich but Obama did anyway so Schumer sucked it up because taking a bite is better than going hungry.

And now Chuckie is acting like that shit sandwich is the best thing he's ever eaten.

Hunger is the bet spice.

You wanna be redpilled look at how many congressman have ties with israel

All of them.


I fully expect that Trump and Co double our "foreign" aid to Israel.

It’s always funny how it’s the same people ctrl+ving the same angry replies whenever he tweets.

Don’t you have anything better to do than livetweet Fox News?
