How come mocking people for eating too much on reddit is worse than watching people die, cutting or dogfucking?

25  2017-10-16 by shanewater



Because there are to many fatties in position of power

soft spot for 95% of reddit users

Because those other people don't take up 2 airplane seats next to me or block an entire Isle by themselves at the grocery store

Need more space? Pay for an extra seat. Don't spill over.

Excuse me, that's racist

Your downvote really hurt me mate :/

I'd never downvote you. But here, I will upvote you to make up for the bullies on this rats den of a sub

I love you :3

Fat people are most often white women.

The people featured watch people die are mostly Brazillian or China.

I can't speak to demographics of the other groups, but the answer is fairly obvious. We must protect the white women.


Have you ever seen a negress? Like 90% chance it's fat as fuck.

That's not fair. It's only like 60%.

You must live in a mostly white gated community.

I wish.


ooooooh /u/aluzky

You can't ping him while he's in jail.

Speaking of dogfucking, whatever happened to Whitney Wisconsin?

She has a warrant for her arrest for trying to get people to smell her fingers after sticking them in her hoo-ha, last I heard.

Really? Because that’s indistinguishable from something I’d’ve shitposted about her.

Fattycide when?

Look in the mirror

That's why

I miss fat people hate


Reddit is full of fat dog-fuckers?