One brave Redditor finds himself literally shaking over the new Black Panther movie

69  2017-10-16 by leather-muffin


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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imagine caring about comic book movies

/u/everlastwarrior why are you such a cry baby?


Dude, if you need someone to be the same skin color as you to enjoy a comic movie, I dunno what to tell you except your vanity is the shit of legends.

You know those SJW types who complain that everyone is white and don't think they can enjoy Mario Vidya games because he isn't a crippled black tranny? That's you. You are one of those people.

He has become what he loathed all his internet life. I R O N Y

You know those SJW types who complain that everyone is white and don't think they can enjoy Mario Vidya games because he isn't a crippled black tranny?

Mario is spaghetti nigger, not a mayo.

That is still white to me.

Wow, okay.

All the benefits of being mayo without actually being a mayo AND the best cousine in the world?

Sign me up fam

Right-wing SJWs is what they're called dude. They've got a big presence over at KIA.

Right-wing white identity politics is just as common as SJW identity politics.

Right-wing SJWs

You need to come up with a better nickname. This is utter shit.

What did they call the people who banned Metal Albums

Upstanding citizens.

I'm partial to status quo warriors. SQWs.

I actually love that and will be taking it

They're called NEETs. The right can come up with better insults for itself than the left can even dream of.

The Moral Majority


Right-wing SJW is pretty accurate. There's a t-shirt that perfectly sums these guys up:

They're some of the biggest snowflakes on the planet but think everyone else is.

Reminder that comic book movies are the cancer of the film industry.


Tbf I have seen Deadpool (I found it funny even if didn't knew who the fuck is he or his story) and The Dark Knight (I really like Christian Bale and Heath Ledger's role turned out to be gold so ¯\_(ツ) _/¯ )

I am not exactly saying they are bad, just that they are extremely overdone and dont have the same artistic value as other films. Comparing a Marvel movie with something like There Will be Blood for instance is kinda like comparing a Dan Brown novel with Ulysses. The only modern superhero movies that dont fall into this category are the Dark Knight trilogy IMO.

No I knew what you meant. I was simple talking about my own dislike of them and which ones i have seen.

bruh, the Dark Knight trilogies were just a cinematic Nolan masturbation session. They're entertaining, but they're not really that great compared to other movies.

The middle one was really good imo. The other two are only alright though.

No one is comparing those movies

Paul Blart 3: Till Death Do Us Blart

Thank God for the masterworks of Christopher Nolan, Esq., praise unto Allah.

lol he's brazillian

Are all Brazilians terrible people or are their teenagers the only ones on the internet?

Good question honestly. BRs are well known in the gaming community for being toxic pieces of shit.

You can type in the name of pretty much any online game and put "BRs" at the end of it and find people bitching about them.

At first I thought it was just a language barrier thing, but then I played with some other wacky speaking people that were friendly.

I was watching a video a few days ago and thought it was Russian, but then realized it was a Brazilian in a track suit. The languages do have some similarities.



Dog Jew, hehe. Muh crypto-furry.

Another SJW shitstorm like the last Spiderman movie?

Maybe if they made the Black Panther gay... but dude is black and the movie takes place in Africa. Can't exactly cast Tom Cruise in the lead role...

Something something Uncle Tom

They really missed an opportunity.

I wonder how Tropic Thunder would be received if it were released in the current year.

No Wonder DC took over the market


Better not tell him that Gal Gadot is a Jew or that Cyborg is black

Isn't cyborg supposed to be black?

Isn't Black Panther supposed to be black? And have racial empowerment as a central theme?

I believe that is the case.

You think this tard knows that?


Capeshit was a mistake.

With great power comes great it's ok to be sad sometimes

Here's the latest incarnation of Peter Parker, in his girlfriends "Ask me about my feminist agenda" t-shirt. I think the linked nutjob might have reason for concern.

Kys if you care about this Marvel crap

Black Panther is fucking stupid.

I think he's supposed to be one of the superheroes with the highest intelligence in the Marvel universe so I'm not sure you're right.

Both statements can be right

I mean super heroes are fucking stupid so he's not wrong, just right for the wrong reason.

ayo nigga iz u sayin we wuz galactic empire an sheit????

The character is very well written actually. Christopher Priest's run in particular was excellent.

One Black woman in a movie.


how do people keep track of which comic book movies they've seen? Seriously, every time I see a comic book movie listed I honestly have no idea if I've seen it already or not. This spiderman they're talking about, I don't know which one, and even if I did I honestly wouldn't really remember if I've seen it.

They all blur together and have the same nondescriptive suffixes in all their titles.

I just watch them all as they come out. Takes care of that problem.

how do people keep track of which comic book movies they've seen?

Most people aren't dumbasses like you, that's how.

>caring about comic book movies enough to remember what theyre called

>not a dumbass

cant have it both ways friendo

I don't know duder, I wouldn't be bragging about apparently being too fucking retarded to remember two to three-word capeshit movie titles.

most people just have better things to do with their brains

Like post on r/drama


there’s a difference between caring about gay comic book movies and having a functional memory

This movie looks like it's going to be pretty boring.

all superhero movies are boring tbh

"Comicbooks were a mistake." -Stephen Spielberg

Lol, SJWs aren't real fam.

/u/XVengeanceX how's that saying about fish and water go?

There's a saying about fish and water?

Oh. You pinged me to drama. Gross.

Like asking a fish to notice the water

tbh its p gross and problematic that you didn't know about this saying. r/drama's not here to educate you fam.


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to post regularly on /r/drama. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of shitposting theory most of the jokes will go over a typical user's head. There's also the userbase's love for bussy, which is deftly woven into their characterisation - their personal philosophy draws heavily from the trans rights movement, for instance. The users understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike /r/drama truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in "loving bussy" which itself is a cryptic reference to the sensous delight obtained from anal intercourse with a pre-op trans woman. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as the genius of internet autists unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools... how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a tattoo of /u/PhysicsIsMyMistress. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the traps' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

Fear of A Black Panther

adultering decades of cannon

For, like, twenty years Batman was a campy daytime comedy.

twenty years Batman was a campy daytime comedy.

Batman has and always will be a stone cold killer

Snapping peoples necks and killing Mexican Vampires kept alive by flowers

Actually Batman originally used guns and shot people up, even did stuff like hanging people from the Bat-Plane during a flyby, they dropped it later when they got into more of his backstory and added the dead parents and Alfred and all that.

There was a character in the new Spiderman that literally existed for no other reason than to poke fun of SJW types.

who I saw the movie but I don’t remember a character like that

that one random loner chick who protested when they went on their trip.

Wakanda is what Africa would look like today if white people weren't real.

Thanks, Yakub.

Wait wait, MJ was black in Spiderman Homecoming? Wtf, wasnt MJ a redhead?

You can't spell "ginger" without n i g g e r.

It was forced as fuck too, plus Peter's best friend was an overweight Hawaiian kid.

The film overall was fine but those two things were distracting as fuck and screamed of forced diversity.

I mean if ya haven't seen a brown person before. But hey I grew up in SoCal so if I see a mayo in movies I'm honestly more surprised.

This is what retards actually believe

There was no MJ




I wonder if the Wakandans are going to be the same arrogant assholes they are in the comics.