r/T_D user complaining about "lawless Negroes" gets piled on in r/beholdthemasterrace

37  2017-10-17 by AchtungMaybe


It's shit like this that makes my life worse as a Eurasian because even if you look amazing you're still a subhuman because Asian women happily marry guys who look like they've been in industrial accidents over an Asian guy. It makes Asian looking males look like the worst fucking losers on earth. The guy is absolutely offensive to look at. Like his face literally makes my stomach churl because he's so ugly. I'd even be mad if he had a white girlfriend People feel they have the liberty to say of course your dad is white. Because white guys see shit like this where some fucking quasimodo looking freak can get Asian girls and they use it as ammo as to how shittyy asian guys are...


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/u/VQForeShadows it's not against the law to steal your girlfriend

Yeah, women aren't your property until you marry them.

Wedding vows intensify ( ͡° ͜ʖ ) ͡°

No more flair?

They removed it! I think. Ugh.

Looks like they sold you into sex slavery.

That's pretty hot tbh

you may have unchecked "show my flair in this subreddit" by accident

Can you guys give me a text flair? I'm on mobile 99% of the time and I can't see anything :(

what do you want

Yay! Ummm "pasta connoissuer oui oui 🍝👌"

Add the emojis too pls! I know this is a dumb flair but eh ¯\_(ツ) _/¯

That’s problematic.

Give it "r/drama experimental bot gone wrong"

Don't be such a bully 😤

bad bot

Why don't I have a specialized flair yet?

I thought you were the top mod? Was I bamboozled

Well /u/HodortheDoorHolder is a mod now. How far we've come lol. Still waiting for him to plan his coup.

His thread is from 112 days ago.


Why the fuck does that idiot (no offence) get a flair? He is the worst fucking poster on the whole sub (no offence).


/u/shallowm /u/Honk4Tits /u/wazzupnerds I could've done a triple suspended accounts comment chain but oh well! Lololol

Sir this post is months old, pls

who tf are you and why are you stalking me?? 😡😡😡

How'd you get here?

That's the REAL question /u/TheRootinTootinPutin

I saw single underscore Ed was back and I stalked his profile, didn't remember this drama thread and opened it, realized I saw this thread months ago from the timestamp, and then I comment under Ed. Now you guys know my secret.

/u/Ed_ButteredToast, heres ur answer fam


did you like what you saw? 😏

Woah! when did you get unbanned?? 😯

you dum dum, we were talking about this in the chat earlier. 7 hours ago to be precise.

Ugh. Must've missed it 😥. So you're back to this acc right?


cool cool cool

Drake smiling at his boner.

How many goats is your father willing to part with?

He wants to know what your income after taxes is first.

At least six bushels

Other way around fam.

Did that dude pin a Norwegian flag to his MAGA hat? I realize that vexillology is something that requires a general desire to learn but REALLY?

All Norweigans are retarded cheaters. It is known.

you’re not wrong, just off-topic

It can't be said enough times.

If you're talking about Richard Spencer getting punched, he is a white supremacist

And he's still an American citizen with rights. You can't just go up and hit him because you disagree with his political views. That's battery and depending on the situation, could be a felony.

Imagine being this cucked.

Good goy ╰(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)━__________ [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]

cry moar

"we should be able to punch people who hurt our feelings" is one of those things that requires grade school logic to break, but that's still too much for your average college student.

Assertion 1: Not liking someone should be grounds for legally sucker punching them

Assertion 2: The entire country is crawling with vicious nazis who vastly outnumber proud #resistance fighters

You can't believe both of these things unless you like the idea of nazis punching people or you are retarded.

or you are retarded.

This is the correct answer for all of those brave #resist people advocating punching a nazi.

In truth there are a very small number of white supremacists in the US but thanks to the media wanting to make Trump supporters seem racist, the left thinks there are tons of them.

So what's going to happen is idiot #resist people are going to start punching people because they feel justified in doing so and those people are going to start punching back, or if you live in a "stand your ground" state, possibly firing back.

God you’re such a fucking pussy. You’d probably break your hand punching a pillow.

If /u/botchlings was any more if a pussy, I'd be able to fuck him

I feel like you didn't read the rest of the comment chain. He's talking about some random youtube video from years ago, not richard spencer.

I can't disagree with that!

Doesn't matter. My point still stands. You can't go around punching people because you happen to disagree with their political viewpoint.

Like journalists?

Is dressing up like a monster and hiding in trash cans your political viewpoint?

it belongs in the trash, thats for sure

I’ve been supporting monsters in trash cans since The Grouch/Big Bird 1980.

Oscar and Johnny Cash's 'Nasty Dan" duet is 👌

You can't just go up and hit him because you disagree with his political views.

Yes you can, we have video of it happening.

And the dude who did it should be in jail right now

but he's not so get cucked

The exchange went like this:

Member when that cowardly negro viciously attacked that "white supremacist" during an interview while he wasn't looking? I member. Seems like the negro was the lawless, racist. Probably fatherless too.

If you're talking about Richard Spencer getting punched, he is a white supremacist, no quotes necessary.

He wasn't justifying it there, he was saying that Richard Spencer is an actual white supremacist, not a so-called white supremacist.

When Dickie Spencer starts running his gob about "ethnic cleansing" I fear for my life. Surely I should be able to punch him out. Cops get away with claiming they feared for their lives all the fucking time. I don't even wanna KILL the guy, all I want is a punch.

Trying to punch someone in America

Get shot.

Just can't help yourself can you?


Why can't this guy be hit by a Truck of Peace?

Hes a lot more likely to be behind the wheel of a dodge challenger of tolerance tbqhwufam

behind the wheel of a dodge challenger Mom's Chevy Astro of tolerance



No one said no race is guiltless - that's kind of the point, all races are equally as good or bad because race is an artificial, bullshit construct.

But by all means, put words in people's mouths so you can feel victimized as a white man, despite being the most privileged group in history. Snowflake.

u/SgtPeppy, what's it like living with schizophrenia?

I don't know why people like you immediately think criticizing the position (i.e. privilege) whites have in society while saying racism is bad is hypocritical. It's almost like you imprint whatever makes people who disagree with you look bad into other people's arguments, truth be damned.

Not sure why you couldn't have replied directly to me in the original post, either. Feels weird coming into a subreddit I never go to to respond to some dumb shit that would have fit better in the original thread.

Privilege is a bullshit concept, but if you assume it's real (it isn't) then white and Asian women are the most 'privileged' group in the world by far.

...Anddddddd I'm out. I'm not going waste my time arguing with people who unironically think women are in a better position in society than men, or who are blind enough to think the very basic fact that being born white doesn't confer advantages in society.

Maybe it would be better PR to focus on humanizing marginalized groups rather than trying to force the acknowledgement of privilege

This is how you know the left isn't completely run by Jews, they wouldn't be this retarded

Women are in a better position in society than men

They are, though, for the unproductive troglodytes they mostly are.

You might be looking for: r/incels

You might be looking for: An insult that doesn't revolve around someone being a virgin.

But seriously though, fuck gussy.

I couldn't care less if someone is a virgin or not. Incels are a specific brand of misogynistic assholes that blame their insecurities and undesirable personalities on women.

Does being a mayo white knight double your privilege in life or square it?

I got beaten up by a gang of Asian men once who called me a pig skinned homo and they all make more money than me because they're smart, how is that NOT problematic!?!??

When did I say that getting beat wasn't a problem? I'm really curious here, because I went through my comment several times and nothing even implies that. Some people are just pieces of shit. Are you gay? Discrimination against LGBT is a serious problem, too, and straight privilege is very much a thing.

I thought u said u were done posting here

but no im not gay but I have recently taken up sodomizing myself with a fat sharpie when I masturbate to futa on male porn so idk maybe those asians were homophobic

People won't stop replying to me, and evidently I'm just masochistic enough to beat my head against a wall trying to talk sense into people, and yeah, I kind of had the feeling you were a troll.



it’s not, it’s justice. They should have killed you, mayo

True tho

how is that NOT problematic!?!??

Getting beat up by nerds is pretty problematic


Not sure why you couldn't have replied directly to me in the original post, either.

We follow reddit law here, kiddo.

I don't know why people like you immediately think criticizing the position (i.e. privilege) whites have in society while saying racism is bad is hypocritical.

I don't know about all that, I just found it funny how quickly you whiplashed from "all races are equally good and bad and race doesn't exist" to "but seriously white people are the fucking devil", lmao.

I suppose I can understand the confusion - I was aware of what it sounded like when I typed the comment. Trust me, it's where the basis of the "I'm not racist, you're racist!" argument comes from, because you can't bring up race as an example of privilege, apparently. My criticism doesn't come from any racial or genetic basis of white people, but their place of privilege.

The way I like to put it is that I believe if history were somehow different and blacks or Asians came to dominate the world economy in the 18th-19th centuries and correspondingly had racial privilege, we'd have the same thing, with a different mishmash of marginalized races. But since history is what it is, and white people hold that place of privilege, I'm going to criticize someone for being shortsighted on that basis.

For the record, I'm white, too. I can't stand when white people refuse to be sympathetic for other people, though.

Thats a troll for sure.

Who the fuck just brings up an ancient youtube meme to complain about "lawless negroes" lol

Trolls or 50 year olds who saw it for the first time.

old people