Its a Reddit jack-pot in r/holdmyfries when a phat senorita fights a cop in traffic. It has everything and it comes pre-sorted to controvertido.

63  2017-10-17 by Time_to_Drink


Promoting anarchofascism for 5 years and counting.


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that was a good one

Too many tacos


Bonus argument about tits wherein /u/may_be_indecisive is 100% right but Amerifats don't know what healthy funbags look like.

Fat tits are nice tits too

Chubby chasers. smdh,

For your consideration my friend

They just have to be the right kind of fat tits, imho.

That girl isn't fat. Her tits may outweigh her

Amerifat, I presume?

Isn't she considered American skinny?

Serious post right here - that's disgusting m8 come on.

Gussy, ew

Those are FAS tits not fat tits

She looks retarded

I don't think it counts if only the tits are fat.

Risky click...NSFW

Tits are fat.

Where'd you get this video of me?!?!

The Discovery Channel

Dude you play Zelda. That's a children's game


I'd hit that

It's pre-sorted by top you dingus

Is this your first day on Reddit? The default setting for /r/holdmyfries is to sort by controversial. It does that for me, so perhaps you need to change your settings if its so very important to you?

I mean, you claim it's pre-sorted by controversial and it's actually not. Nice ad hominem though.

It is pre sorted, if you have your settings set to subreddit style, which most people do.

Once again, it sounds like this is your first day on Reddit? No bully, serious question.

It is pre sorted, if you have your settings set to subreddit style, which most people do.

So not quite pre-sorted, but rather the default setting and you assumed it would work for everyone because you're too lazy for a couple extra clicks?

I was hoping this little conversation would become funny, but you are one boring loser.

Go drown yourself, fam.

"How to back down from a lost slapfight so everyone sees you're the loser" by /u/Time_to_Drink


which most people do.

What type of incel retard basement dweller surfs with CSS turned on?

Have you seen /r/drama's CSS? This shit is absolute shit tier. As is 95% of reddit. Do yourself a fucking favor and turn off CSS you mong.

I like the Drama CSS, it’s pretty

Gosh look at that minus vote number.....almost as if people think you are the dick-head. Maybe next time, eh?

totally not assblasted

Gurl, its you that keeps furiously my post, no less.

Nigga you wot

You came back to this pretty unremarkable conversation after few hours just to check the vote count, and you're trying to imply me because once in a while I click on the orange letter and make a few keystrokes. Dude, just move on already, you're embarassing yourself.

Why are still my post?

It's so silly how you keep repeating "in my post" like you own it

I'm still replying because you got told over a minor thing and you're so hurt by it. It's funny.

Imagine being this booty blasted that you keep replying over something as minor as whatever it is your are crapping on about...

So now you're parroting my comments? Ok now I'm convinced you're a shitty chat bot

I'd fuck her.