A video game causes controversy in /r/XboxOne. You could say, "I did nazi that coming!"

26  2017-10-17 by HodorTheDoorHolder


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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  2. https://twitter.com/wolfenstein/sta... - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, archive.is

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Great pun fellow redditor

you need to be gassed

It's just not accurate that there is some Nazi uprising in the U.S. They remain fringe groups, it's just that they are getting more media attention now to attack the president

This. So much this /u/spokker. You hit the nail on the head.

There are no more white supremacists now than there were 5 years ago but the media is pushing this narrative of "Trump is racist" even though they lack any evidence to support it. In doing that, they want to connect his supporters with racism any way they can.

They dug up Richard Spencer who is the leader of a very small, fringe group that no one had ever heard of and suddenly he's everywhere. Why? Because the press keeps following him and giving him a national outlet to spread his idiocy. If they'd stop reporting on him he'd fade back into the woodwork...

Imagine being as cucked as /u/botchlings.

Mfw I'm cucked

Imagine white knighting for literally nazis lmao. /u/botchlings, drink poison

being this delusional





video nazi controversy

ethics in gaming journalism

I LITERALLY CAN'T EVEN RGHT NOW /u/LadyVetinari please help me

Ay dios how many threads will this create?

My emotional labor is exhausted, I'm calling my therapist

Emotional labor? Woah have you been to those subs too? There were these articles floating around about emotional labor and resulted in a lot of screeching lol.

It's not my job to educate you Ed, let me talk to my case worker and ill get back to you. I'm emotionally exhausted

Are conversations with u/ed_butteredtoast as awkward to have as they are to read?

If by awkward you mean erotic then yes

You mean, you're all out of spoons.

I voted for Trump.

Come at me, then we can see who the pussy here is.


What are you thinking, nerd?

people fight over commercials. it's hard to put into words how far removed from substance or relevance that is. But it beats statues, bathrooms, and cakes who wont bake for gays. Commercials cause people to fight. It boggles the mind.

I’ll take irrelevant video game drama triggering spergs over rednecks REEEEEing over knees

The speed at which right wing " memeers went from "fuck your feelings, no PC" to "bro thats offensive" was pretty amazinb.

Holy shit I need to both sides this one

One side: how do you get your shits all twisted over a fuckin' Wolfenstein game being about Nazi destruction, I played the original Castle Wolfenstein, not fucking 3D, they didn't know how to do 3D, on the Apple IIe or the Commodore 64, and it's been about killing Nazis the whole time. The fuck else is it supposed to be about?

Other side: The import of the #resistance is to serve as a viral marketing adjunct to the marketing campaign for the latest AAA release from Bethesda Softworks LLC, a subsidiary of ZeniMax Media Inc.

Castle Wolfenstein reminds me of Hugo II. Never liked it. Wonderland Puzzles and Freedom are my favorites on that system.

Holy shit I need to both sides this one

Make america Nazi-free again, which only ever happened pre Nazi anyways, is kinda a dumb slogan that got Trump supporters booty blasted.

That said, the thirty twitter accounts were supposedly upset were turned into controversy because it's cheaper than normal marketing.

Than again, there's a few Dan Harmons in the thread (30% of America is pure Nazis and I love sexual assault) so it was bound to become a shitshow anyway.

/u/Spokker you'd be the worst person to watch a movie with.

/u/JusticeSoulTuna I really hate games that reference current affairs too. I wanna play games that let me escape the fact that it's the 60s and the Nazis just invaded, not be reminded of it.

While giving attention to the 6000ish neo-nazis in the US is really fucking dumb, caring about a game that has historically killed nazi's use the current political climate to promote their game is even dumber.

/u/WillemDafuq_ ltrly white knighting for nazis who still won't fuck him

I went HAM on those Xbox pussies. Where would you say I'm defending nazis? More like calling out bullshit marketing.


/u/MaxKirgan I bet you blame Soros every time some thot won't fuck you.

This add campaign is such obvious bait, but people are still falling for it so easily, it's almost as if Trump supporters are of inferior mental capacity. :thinking:

I am offended by your comment.

Wolfenstein II sucks. They should rename it to Wokenstein, a game where a proud fat black woman who hunts down nutzees, meaning every mayo, cause white man is rayciss yo.

Ending scene is her blowing Robo Drumpf up while Antifa heroes celebrate in the streets.

If the existence of a video game really makes you mad, you should really think about your life.

God what a bunch of pussies

Am I the only one who think this will be all for nothing and the game will end up selling poorly when it gets released?

Par for the course with a shirty marketing team.

It'll have good sales for the first week or so from the people buying the game as an act of [current year] activism but then they'll realize why nobody cared about the last one. Kinda like Ghostbusters 2016.

Look at this via the prism of the dudesex: human revolution nontroversy and it's somehow even more painful and cringeworthy.

When did this sub become a srs shithole?