/r/Drama mod gets his mugshot taken

15  2017-10-17 by JenkemStyle




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Thanks, Snappy, that’s how I felt too also.

Let's ask what side of the wingnut political spectrum he is so we can play "Your team"

Obviously a socialist

The 37-year-old Cincinnati, Ohio resident has been arrested for assaulting and groping a female victim.

Progressive. If the victim was gay, then it'd be conservative.

Is that Shia?

No, looks Sunni tbh

Terrible pun and anti Islamic sentiment. Probably an alt of soon to be banned u/ed_butteredtoast


He doesn't have enough acne to be a drama mod

There is no indication that Wilson has been employed in the adult film industry.

But there is evidence he fucked teen sluts.

I mean how could he not with that tattoo?

The guys just advertising to adult film makers and what he specializes in. I'll give him credit he's better at it then jewdank was and she's a marketing genius