University student says LGBT people can be executed in Muslim countries, university threatens disciplinary action for his Islamophobic comment

590  2017-10-17 by shallowm

Washington Post article

Relevant excerpt from article:

The student MacDonald was talking to mentioned she was a Christian while her fiance was Muslim.

MacDonald responded by explaining he didn’t have a ‘high opinion of Islam’ because ‘there are Muslim countries where I could get executed.

‘I mentioned that I didn’t have anything against her fiance personally and that I was strictly talking about the religious beliefs themselves.

‘I took this to mean that she wanted to talk about our personal lives, so I mentioned my fiancee and our leanings and we talked about what restaurants she’s worked at….’

MacDonald was then called into the department chair’s office, where she told him that he could be subject to administrative discipline for this speech.

Audio recording of conversation between student and department chair

Transcription of audio

Pastebin backup of transcription, if necessary

Some relevant highlights from the transcription (irrelevant parts cut out, full transcription available at the link above):

EVE BROWNING: “compromised and harmed one of our main interests” … so it was a conversation you had with a couple of other students that you weren’t originally part of, and you joined it, and the topic of… the topic of one student being engaged to a Muslim came up, and it was alleged that you made offensive comments about Islam to that student -- and this is all, I represent this all as alleged because I wasn’t there, it’s not complaints that I have made, I don’t know you in class…

EVE BROWNING: ...what we all want is for all of our students to succeed academically, so when there are students saying that something you’re doing -- and think what it could be, if anything -- when there are students saying there’s something you’re doing that is making their learning environment less helpful, less productive, less pleasant, then we have to explore what that is.

ALFRED MACDONALD: ...“derogatory comments to other graduate students” I don’t even know. I’m totally mystified. I really don’t talk to people -- at this program -- much at all.

EVE BROWNING: You don’t recall the topic of a Muslim fiance ever coming up?

ALFRED MACDONALD: That yes, but I was responding specifically to number four. Number five was: I said that I was bothered that I could be killed in ten Muslim countries. I’m bisexual. So they’d definitely do that in the ten countries where I would be -- you know.

EVE BROWNING: Doesn’t that strike you as an inappropriate thing to say about someone’s fiance?

ALFRED MACDONALD: I wasn’t talking about the fiance. The fiance could have whatever interpretation of the religion that they want. I said something like … (thinking) that I … yeah it wasn’t about the fiance, it was about the religious practices in those countries.

EVE BROWNING: How is it appropriate to bring that up in connection with someone’s fiance?

ALFRED MACDONALD: They brought it up. The Islam part.

EVE BROWNING: And you brought up the threat to your life as posed by this fiance?

ALFRED MACDONALD: No. We got to the subject of Islam, not the fiance.

EVE BROWNING: Do you understand how someone would find that offensive?

ALFRED MACDONALD: How someone would FIND that offensive, yeah; how they could perceive it, yeah; yeah, I mean, if I…

EVE BROWNING: It’s a confusing comment to me because Muslims do not all live in countries in which bisexuals are executed. Muslims live in the United States--


EVE BROWNING: --Muslims live in France, Muslims live in every country in the world -- it’s the fastest growing world religion.

ALFRED MACDONALD: Yeah, one of my good friends at the university is Muslim.

EVE BROWNING: And do you tell him that you object to his religion because there are places on earth where gay, lesbian and bisexual people are discriminated against, including your own country?

ALFRED MACDONALD: Well, “her.” And my verbiage was “killed” not “discriminated against.” I mean, Death penalty’s pretty severe.

EVE BROWNING: What does that have to do with her being engaged to a Muslim?

ALFRED MACDONALD: Nothing. I wasn’t talking about the engagement to the Muslim. I was talking about Islam in that particular moment.

EVE BROWNING: Well, let me just say that kind of thing is not going to be tolerated in our department. We’re not going to tolerate graduate students trying to make other graduate students feel terrible for our emotional attachments.

ALFRED MACDONALD: Um… all right.

EVE BROWNING: And, if you don’t understand why that is, I can explain fully, or I can refer you to the Behavior Intervention Team on our campus which consists of a counselor, faculty member, and person from student affairs who are trained on talking to people about what’s appropriate or what isn’t.

ALFRED MACDONALD: I just won’t bring anything up about Islam again. That’s pretty simple. Although I’m not sure what you mean by... so I’ve read the student handbook pretty th--well not pretty thoroughly, but I’ve read it at least twice, and what do you mean by “it won’t be tolerated?” Like I’ll be straight up prevented from registering? Or the team that you mention, the behavior intervention team, they’re going to do something or… what exactly is the penalty for breaking that assuming that I’m in some other situation where I say something that someone else finds offensive and you...

EVE BROWNING: We’d put it either before the behavior intervention team or the student conduct board and ask them to make a recommendation.

ALFRED MACDONALD: Ask them to make a recommendation? What does that mean?

EVE BROWNING: Whether they would refer you for counseling; whether they would recommend that you be academically dismissed; they would assess the damage. They would probably try to speak to the students who are complaining and the faculty that are complaining and make a recommendation. In any case…

Notice how the student said that there are Muslim countries where he could be killed, and the department chair brings up the completely irrelevant point that not all Muslims live in these countries (no shit?).

The student also shows up in the comment section of the article to clarify things:

Comment chain 1

Comment chain 2

Comment chain 3

Edit: Statement from the student's Facebook page about the incident

Edit 2: It appears that redditors were sending her death threats:

I emailed Browning to ask for her side of the story but haven’t heard back from her. Gay Star News reports that it also emailed her, and she declined to respond substantively, saying, “The number of threats I am receiving (due to threads the student has started on Reddit) makes this a subject I would not feel safe discussing even very generally.”

Bonus points if you find these threads or know what the student's (MacDonald's) /u/ is on reddit.

Edit 3: For those asking why he brought it up, here's the context he gave:

I was having an outside-of-class conversation with another graduate student about the religious leanings of philosophy professors. Specifically, I was curious if there would be any bias toward me if I took a religious philosophy course as an atheist. I didn't think there would be; I took a theology course at a catholic university, and was openly atheist, and had zero pushback about this. So I commented that I had a good opinion of Christian professors in this regard. The student I was talking to mentioned that she was Christian but that her fiance was Muslim. I said "I don't have a high opinion of Islam", and mentioned the aspects you heard in the recording. I mentioned that I didn't have anything against her fiance personally, and that I was strictly talking about the religious beliefs themselves. I took this to mean that she wanted to talk about our personal lives, so I mentioned my fiancee and our leanings and we talked about what restaurants she's worked at.

The conversation very demonstrably started with ideas and shifted to people.

To be honest, his explanation makes him seem more autistic for bringing it up, although it was tangentially related, it doesn't really flow in the conversation.

It was kind of dumb for him to say that in the given context, but I don't think he deserved to be threatened with disciplinary action for expressing something like that in a private conversation outside of class.

Edit 4: Further down in his statement, he says:

The conversation started over how I was concerned that I would be treated unfairly because I am an atheist working under many religious philosophers. So she led the conversation with “yeah, you have to watch out for [insert professor] in that case.”

Some time after this she mentioned Islam, which is where this controversy over my comment was conceived.

My reply was “I don’t think highly of Islam because I am bisexual and could be legally put to death in about a dozen countries that use Islam for their legal system.”

This was offensive to the student, because her fiance is Muslim. I did not know this at the time; obviously, and my comment occurred primarily in a discussion of ideas, not people. In fact, I repeatedly told the student “I’m sure he’s a great guy.” She seemed pleasant as if nothing had gone wrong, and then reported this to the chair afterward.

A bit fishy to me, because the way he worded it the first time, it seemed like she said her fiancé was Muslim and then he commented about Islam after that. I'm not sure what to think now, I kind of regret making this post, to be honest, he seems like a bit of an edgelord and his story isn't consistent. Oh, well.

Edit 5: Alright, I found the student, his account is here, he confirms it himself. I officially regret making this thread.

He's a /r/the_Donald user and MRA edgelord too. He even carries two fucking guns on him at the same time, what a fucking retard lol. He also breaks multiple US laws regularly, so much for being a patriot. Sharia when, my boys?

This is precisely why we need mayocide.

Forgive me, O autists of /r/drama, for I have transgressed

For meager compensation, I offer Alfred MacDonald's bussy (NSFW). It's not much, but it's the least I could do.


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


  1. This Post -,*,,

  2. Washington Post article -,*,

  3. Audio recording of conversation bet... -,*,

  4. Transcription of audio -,*,

  5. Pastebin backup of transcription, i... -,*,

  6. Comment chain 1 -,*,

  7. Comment chain 2 -,*,

  8. Comment chain 3 -,*,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Seems a-okay to marry and consumate if Muhammad (pbuh) is to be followed. After all, he's considered to be the most "Perfect man" who ever and who will ever exist.

the most perfect man

most perfect

Seppuku when?

Snapshillbot dropped the ball. The most fitting comment in xir's vocabulary is:

The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.

No, he's the originator of "I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems"

Ctrl+f "9-inch"

All I can say it's bravo for finding or knowing that connection.

We need a Mao like purge of universities at this point

It is what is happening. Mao was the biggest SJW of them all.

What do you think the Red Guard got started ? Denial of reality and claims of oppression.

Mao was the original fat tumblrina lol

it was mao's wife actually

Fun fact ...

The Cultural Revolution started with Mao wanting to get high school students on board. Mao wanted them to target teachers who were viewed with capitalist views. High school students were asked to rebel against their teachers. Many students were under academic pressure. The Red Guards participated in parades, mass meetings, and carried The Little Red Book. At this point, Mao had ruined the country and the Red Guards were helping to push everyone towards communism. He didn’t question what they were doing or stop their destruction. He liked the idea that they would create total chaos to destroy the country, allowing him to transform it to complete Communism. However, eventually his attitude toward them changed. They refused to stop what they were doing; therefore, he decided the best way to deal with them would be to split them up.

From December 1968 onward, millions of educated urban youth, consisting of secondary school graduates and students, were mobilized and sent "up to the mountains and down to the villages" i.e. to rural villages and to frontier settlements. In these areas, they had to build up and take root, in order to be reeducated by the poor and lower-middle peasants”.[12] Ten percent of the 1970 urban population was relocated. The population grew from 500 million to 700 million people in China. One way for Mao to handle the population growth was to send people to the countryside. Mao was from the countryside and wanted all educated youth to have experience there. This was a way for high school students to better integrate themselves into the working class. “In the beginning, the Cultural Revolution exhilarated me because suddenly I felt that I was allowed to think with my own head and say what was on my mind.” [13] They believed this was a great opportunity to transform themselves into the strong socialist youth.

The writing is a bit Chinglish, but you get the picture - Mao got sick of the SJW students (and their infighting, and the way they kept getting brutally crushed by the PLA once the actual military got the shits with them). So he told them all to fuck off and go pretend to be farmers.

In all r/drama off, China's 20th century history is honestly fascinating.

Reading accounts from the Cultural Revolution in China and the Red Terror in Russia really set a new standard for my views of how bad things can get.

There was one story about a woman who was raped repeatedly then her fingers were cut off with pliers one by one until she divulged the location of a few small pieces of hidden jewelry that really got to me.

What did they do once they found the hidden Jews?

Communism is the highest form of drama. Capitalism is composed of markets and communism is composed of drama

Wtf I love communism now

So basically reality is triggering and us dumb faggots need to shut our mouths because our lives are less of a concern them muslims comfort, the progressives showing what good allies they are as usual.

That said, if he lived in his fiances country he wouldn't be executed for fucking a woman, even if he's bisexuality

Well, his fiancée is Lebanese/Pakistani, it wouldn't really be a problem in Lebanon, it's one of the most liberal Arab countries and over 40% of the population is Christian, although he could have been referring to Arab countries in general.

It's Pakistan where simple allegations of blasphemy can get you brutally murdered by a mob and saying "maybe we shouldn't kill someone for blasphemy" gets you killed.

Sex outside of marriage wouldn't probably be looked upon nicely in Pakistan either (I hear that debauchery is not unheard of amongst the upper classes, but I guess that's in every country, keep in mind that the majority of the country doesn't fall into this category though), even moreso because he's not Muslim and/or not from a Muslim background.

You're misrepresenting Lebanon. It was like you described a while ago.

Now, South Lebanon is basically a breakaway state under Shia Islamic theocracy.

Hey don't put every progressive in the same category as these SJW imbeciles please. In fact more progressives aren't retarded, corporate media supporting this shit to distract and divide the public is the reason you might think we are.

"I'm 'one of the good ones,' /r/drama, promise!"

I don't give a flying shit about what r/drama thinks of me but I do care about these fucking nutjobs destroying the reputation of my ideology.

Not a lot of reputation left to destroy really - y'all did that all by yourselves

As the earth slowly melts into a pile of goo and countless corrupt monopolies screw everyone, a brave progressive looked to the sky - Held his hands out high and said "You know, I think we need a 10 year discussion period about if PePe is offensive to transsexuals."

And what coincidence, that discussion is extremely helpful to these monopolies because it diverts attention from them. It's as if the ruling class purposely co-opted certain movements like feminism and certain gullible authoritarian leftist morons right after Occupy Wall Street because they felt the mobs breathing down their necks.

Still, it doesn't mean the left fell for it, just some morons who became part of of the problem.

Go say that anywhere in the leftosphere. It's called Nazi apologism.

That's because the so-called "leftosphere" is also controlled by these monopolies. For example, I could say all this in r/politics a year ago before it was completely taken over by certain shady groups (both the moderation and the community which is now controlled by shills and bots). That is a fact.

You think the socialist and anarchist subs are all shills too? Because they're even more fucking retarded.

r/anarchism is an authoritarian shithole worse than any default you can think of. R FUCKING ANARCHISM. That should give you a clue about how I feel about reddit's so called leftist subs.

the ruling class purposely co-opted certain movements like feminism and other gullible authoritarian leftist morons right after Occupy Wall Street

You think it happened that recently. That's cute.

I don't know what's your opinion might be on third-wave feminism, arguably it has lost its way a long time ago, and neo-Stalinists/Stalinsts-lite were always destructive for our movements but they DEFINITELY were co-opted by the ruling class right after OWS. Maybe it was already happening on a smaller scale but damn, you can pinpoint exactly when the shift happened, it was that obvious.

Waiting for the end of the world any day now! Surely this will be the end!

Man you really showed us that the truth is in the middle and that you definitely dont hate muslims more than you want to use LGBT issues as a shield to defend your fragile theory of mind.

what's wrong with hating muslims?

"Ourselves"? Since when MSNBC, reddit, CNN, Buzzfeed and the rest of the controlled corporate media represent us? Is it the censorship that makes you think these fucks represent us, is it the canned talking points, shills and bots stirring every discussion?

This identity politics dumpster fire from both sides is nothing more than a red herring to distract from the real issues. Don't be gullible, shitholes like reddit aren't representative of progressives or in fact any ideology especially after last year's DNC takeover.

Oooo, a progressive conspiracy theorist. Sorry, but you really are a rare breed.

lol the ruling class using race and gender to divide the middle class is a conspiracy theory? Read some history, they've been doing it forever, it's not even a hypothesis, it's a fact.

Listen up you racist piece of shit, you don't get to blame your disgusting white skin on some lizard elite ruling class you pulled out of your ass. The only place where you can even find an ounce of truth online these days are mainstream organisations like the BBC, NPR and other national news agencies.

The only people doing the dividing among the left are the shithead diet racism bernieboy fucks who can't tell journalism from a dumbass yelling into a webcam on youtube. Mayocide Now.

I'd give you the time of day, but then i remembered how the left goes around treating anyone right of 'extremely far left' as 'The Alt Right' and treats them like shit - so i guess this time i get to do the same. How fun

I'd give you the time of day if you hadn't just pretty much painted fucking liberals as "extremely far left". Liberals are rightwing retards playing with identity politics like a child plays in the mud.

So you say you feel misrepresented and that your views are being demonised?

Man...if only we knew what that felt like....

I'm not a liberal though.

Since when did the entirety of mainstream media, academia, the arts and several elected representatives represent us?

don't give a flying fuck about what r/drama thinks of me

The comments and valuable feedback I receive here form the sum total of my self-worth

Jump on in, the water's fine

Your ideology is sadly dead and completely overwhelmed by divisive identity politics. If you don't want to be conflated with idiots who believe in the progressive stack you could yourself a "Teddy Roosevelt progressive", but I doubt most people understand the difference.

and completely overwhelmed by divisive identity politics

As is the conservative and every other ideology in 2017. It's not the ideology, it's the people who control public discourse purposely infecting every ideology with this bullshit to pit us against each other.

I disagree. The left, and in particular progressives, have been screaming identity politics for the last 10 years at the top of their lungs. Sure, the media made it worse, but it's also institutionalized in universities and left-wing activist groups in a manner you never see in conservative institutions. The Heritage Foundation isn't publishing articles about how black people are the root of all evil in the same way social justice think tanks and leftist media refer to whites.

When, over the past 2 years, conservatives began to mumble a little bit about identity politics everyone freaked out and acted like this came out of nowhere and it's no one's fault, but the current abysmal level of discourse was absolutely fostered by the American left and I say that as a former progressive.

Really? Conservatives weren't spamming us about gays, abortion and other retarded identity politics bullshit based on their retarded religion for years?

Oh the last ten years? That almost compares with how conservatives have played identity politics of whites since the 60s

White Americans have only now started feeling (and voting) like an identity group.

White Americans haven't voted majority Democrat since the Civil Rights Act was passed.

well good luck

That's a fun reaction to having your thesis completely disproved

The left, and in particular progressives, have been screaming identity politics for the last 10 years at the top of their lungs

What a load of shit. Obama didn’t run on identity politics, neither did Hillary. And if you really think they were hooked on identity politics in 2007, then you need to get out of your conservative bubble.

but the current abysmal level of discourse was absolutely fostered by the American left and I say that as a former progressive.

Right, because Ann Coulter, rush limbaugh and Fox News bear no responsibility, neither is it the right’s fault that they elected a guy who insults everyone he runs against and insulted McCain for getting captured. It’s all totally the left’s fault /s

Obama didn’t run on identity politics,

ROFL. Obama's whole platform was a dogwhistle to "hey I'm black" and Clinton literally pulled out a bottle of hot sauce to endear her to the blacks. Did you just wake up?

Obama's whole platform was a dogwhistle to "hey I'm black"

Hope and change = "hey I'm black"

Clinton literally pulled out a bottle of hot sauce to endear her to the blacks.

Politicians try to appeal to demographics that's what they do. It's not like she only tried to appeal to blacks.

"You're overwhelmed by identity politics!" screams the guy who's politics recieve over 90% of their support from one identity.

> he thinks I'm right wing

I think you're trash. The direction is irrelevant.

Keep it up buddy. I like it. You'll be the reason for Trump 2020. Maga baby!

Trump wouldn't have won a do over on November 9th.

If "ifs" and "buts" were candies and nuts, we'd all have a merry Christmas!

Instead of telling the gay guy fed up of the bullshit the. How about you go tell those doing the damage, if I go alright your fine and stay silent on the bullshit then no one is saying a damn thing to these asshole we all know these unicorn good progressives and good feminists are to fucking cowardly and scared for their image to do a damn thing about thier peers.

I tell whoever I can irl. In this shithole of a site though it's impossible since most subs have been taken over by identity politics lunatics, either from the left or the right, so it's impossible to even start a discussion.

"Don't jugde me....but I can't do anything about the people toxifying progress though, it's just too hard...I can get you to stop complaining about those assholes exploiting and abusing your life as their tool"

Go back to your unicorns, you are no different, more concerned with your image then how these fucks are doing harm. You're more upset at me and wanting to get me to stop complaining about them and their abuses. Your vanity betrays the myth that you are one of the good ones.

Then YOU need to shut them down.

I'd actually probably consider myself a progressive/liberal (I don't really care too much for actual politics though), but the way some people with no experience with Islam strive to defend Islam is ridiculous.

I think the geniuses who defend backwards shitty religions aren't even progressives. I will agree with conservatives on this term, they're regressive "left".

Choose a side, faggot.

I choose the side of the anti-authoritarian rational left. Fuck the identity politics cheerleaders on every side.

Lol no one asked this guy on his opinion of Muslim countries. The very use of the word in a passing reference is not an invitation to rail against the religion as a whole. That's typical /r/atheist behavior though.

no one asked this guy on his opinion of Muslim countries

Who gives a fuck? That makes him obnoxious at worst, not grounds for discipline

True, but it's not like this guy is some saint being persecuted for no reason. He's an asshole.

It's college, if every asshole got this sort of treatment the schools would be empty.

He's being singled out by ideologues for going against their fragile belief systems.

To pick on the guy, or argue with him is one way to not tolerate him What these people are doing is using institutional methods and alarmism to try and run his academic career. World's full of assholes, we shouldn't get to paper bully them out of school

Its like /r/drama and the conservative bottom feeders that inhabit it are missing the point on purpose!

Yeah in the transcript the university staff member says he interjected into a conversation he wasn't a part of, someone's Muslim fiance came up, and he said he objected to the religion because in some countries they execute people who aren't heterosexual. Regardless of his argument it seems like he interjected and was rude for no reason, as they say he upset someone.

It seems the "victim" has tried hard to make it sound like he innocently mentioned a fact about Muslim countries in a relevant conversation. Yet it still seems pretty clear that he butted into a conversation with people he isn't friends with (he says himself he doesn't really speak to anyone on the course) and then started criticising Islam because someone's Muslim fiance was mentioned.

Funny how this guy is the type of moron people on here would normally be calling out but because Muslims are mentioned they are all flapping about that instead.

Yeah in the transcript the university staff member says he interjected into a conversation he wasn't a part of, someone's Muslim fiance came up, and he said he objected to the religion because in some countries they execute people who aren't heterosexual. Regardless of his argument it seems like he interjected and was rude for no reason.

He's posted to his facebook that this claim was a flat out lie, so believe who you want.

that's what the Stasi claims. The same women that tried several times to change "killed" to "discriminated against", and to change "don't like islam" to "don't like her fiance."

LOL so its his bad for possibly interjecting and stating a fact about the religion of peace so someone got butt mad enough to go snitch on him?

That aside his argumentt is shit anyway. Criticising the actions of Muslim states is not a good criticism of all Muslims. Just like criticising America is not a good criticism of all christians, white people or even all Americans.

Do you know what site you are on?

We don't know what was asked, really. "My fiance is from Pakistan. Have you ever traveled to Pakistan?"

"No, they'd stone me to death there, thanks though."

From his comments:

A lot of people take Eve’s word at face value that my conversation with the other student proceeded as she described it. In actuality, the conversation was about ideas and religious leanings of professors from the get-go, and the student brought up her fiance in the context of this discussion. Narrating the event as me bringing up my views of Islam in the context of someone’s fiance has it precisely reverse; we were discussing ideas and someone brought up their personal life. If you read the full transcript, you’ll see I disputed Eve’s account of how this occurred.

The conversation started between me and another student about the religious leanings of professors; the topic was centered around religion in general.

I'm going to imagine that the conversation probably went like

"Oh, I know a bit about Islam, my fiancé is actually Muslim."

"Well, I don't have a very high opinion of Islam, I could be executed in 10 Muslim countries."

Yeah, I just found his response in the comments as well. It's pretty clear that feefees were irreparably damaged by facts.

they were talking about religions in general, before she mentioned her fiance's

Have tried not being gay? It is a choice you know.

Yeah but then I'd have to deal with women...getting fucked over in multiple ways > women every day.

Muslims reproduce faster than homosexuals. Therefore, Muslims should have more political power, including the ability to establish anti-gay laws.

This is a fundamental principle of democracy, which you will suffer under until it is abolished.

Gay people don't birth future voters.

Muslims produce plenty of rape-babies.

it would be one thing if he did actually say that about someone’s fiancé but according to him it wasn’t even related to the fiancé conversation. if anything did end up happening to him he should sue

I wonder if any of the students there have ever criticised Christianity?




And hence, zozbot is a Christian. DEUS VULT to you too beep boop

Let's pray together. ✝️

You misinterpret, zozbot is one of Satan's temptresses, wanting to lead us astray.

Does something trigger Zozbot?

Or is it just a dedicated human?

That would never happen! What a ridiculous inquiry, no one has ever criticized Christianity out of fear of appearing insensitive.


Who are these people?


We’re not going to tolerate graduate students trying to make other graduate students feel terrible for our emotional attachments.

Really? Because I imagine if some dumb fuck wore a MAGA hat in their department, it would be open season on his attachment to Daddy.

"Rules for thee, not for me!" is pretty much the liberal motto at this point. They have a lot of little sayings to enforce this, 'Whataboutism', 'Punching up', 'intersectionality'; all basically mean 'The rules I make for you, can never be invoked against me'.

JC ... Whataboutism is not an idea created by liberals. It's just a simply logical fallacy related to Tu Quoque You're as much of a dumb fuck as the people you're complaining about.

tu quoque you faggot


More like two cocks, amirite?


A logical fallacy was not created by the USSR. The Wikipedia article confirms as much. Stop being a dumb fuck.

Even if the principle existed in a prior form its being re-embraced as an effective rhetorical meme is noteworthy. You could basically label a lot of idpol as structured ad hominem...

Go back to Ancient Greece you piece of shit

We don't need actual ideas here

Wow is anyone else here so ignorant that they too mistake logic for a primary epistemic category?

Could you try rephrasing that with less jargon?

You're so dumb that you don't even know what logic is, despite wielding it like a cudgel.

Hows that?

You think "logic" was the part of your post I was referring to? How's life in your glass house?

Despite naming a logical fallacy in your post, you still found the time to get upset and respond anyways.

And to actually be a hypocrite, I would actually need to have said something about logic. Maybe this is your point? But that only furthers the point of my original comment, since its only a restatement of your ignorance.

Is "u mad bro" also a fallacy?

a++ banter you two, would read again.

I imagine if some dumb fuck wore a MAGA hat in their department, it would be open season on his attachment to Daddy

you're probably correct

the environment at Browning's UTSA department was one where I felt there was a lot people weren't saying, all the time, and I feel justified in this suspicion because Texas State is a night/day difference.

Sorry guys but

muslim feels > gay feels

It's been that way for a while now. They are the ultimate protected class among progressive liberals these days and you simply can't break the narrative that it's the religion of peace.

That whole conversation was depressing to read. Man fuck this bullshit.

Ed pls stop your islamophobia, it's very problematic.

You know it's serious when EBT stops spamming all caps and emojis to make a genuine post


Now in my flair as well ¯\_(ツ) _/¯


please consume cleaning fluids

I ain't typing all that bullshit out, D442, cmon now

Instructions unclear. Consumed water and lemon juice.

Added sugar and ice to facilitate consumption.

Damn that's some good lemonade

you forgot to add copious amounts of vodka, that's what gives it the cleaning power.

God, it's like dealing with high schoolers, which is what I do, which is what I use the cleaning fluid to wash away memories of

Unfortunately, fascists are the only people who are willing to stop this shit. Way to go, progressives. You planted the seeds of bloody conflict.

All the liberal parties of Europe now have their electoral hopes bound permanently to 'refugees' that are Muslim. So the left is going full-on 'Muslims are like women; just plain better than the rest of you!' to ensure that demographic votes for them in the future.

It's identical to the way progressives treat illegals here. They want future anchor babies, or their hopes for the future are fucked. So rather than actually try to appeal to the existing electorate, they are forever dreaming of an emerging democratic majority made up of the children of illegals, and possible illegals themselves if they can ever find a way to make amnesty happen.

And the best part is: They will absolutely do it, there is no way to stop or revert what they're doing right now

Europe is beyond fucked. Trump is shutting off the tap and sending those shitsmears home

You still think a wall is going to stop illegals?

Trump is going to stop illegals. The Wall is just art.

I mean I don't have to "think" anything at least 4 nations I know of have built border walls and each time illegal immigration dropped by 90% or more.

Facts are a wonderful thing.

It won't work in the US unless you have it guarded all the time. They can climb over, or dig under it.

Please pull more shot out of your ass

Eh, in Europe maybe but probably not in the US. 2nd and 3rd generation Mexicans are increasingly likely to see themselves as white instead of some oppressed group and the Latino demographic has never been as indebted to Democrats as the Black community. Not to mention they consistently turn out to vote at lower levels than any other racial demographic.

Despite the crime/drugs/other consequences of illegal immigration Mexican Americans spend much more effort assimilating and contributing to American culture than the Muslims that Europe is importing. The situations aren't analogous beyond the motives of the bureaucrats pushing their agenda.

Latino demographic has never been as indebted to Democrats as the Black community.

Come to California

I recently escaped from a CA city that's 35% Hispanic, I know what it's like. The poor, self destructive demographic is but a portion of the overall population and for every wannabe gangsta slinging meth there's a few small business owners whose kids now work in the tech industry. They don't act stereotypical so they aren't immediately noticed.

There hasn't been the breakdown of the Latino nuclear family required to turn them into the dystopian nightmare that constitutes most inner city black populations.

True the breakdown of the latino nuclear family is not as severe as that of the african americans. However they are still pretty segregated into ghettos with the entire family or two all living under the same roof. They assimilate way better than muslims in europe but as you know it is not surprising to see entirely latino parts of cities in california with nothing but latino shops and everything being advertised in spanish.

While many of them do hold moderate to conservative views the biggest issue they do vote on is illegal immigration which the democratic party has championed for them consistently. See La Raza and all the sanctuary cities.

Unfortunately their tech kids will become the retarded yuppies the white people are

Legal Mexicans are actually pretty solid, and their daughters are way hotter than triggered liberal white women.

If we can get all the illegals out/off the voter rolls, then things will get better.

Lol, the democratic party wins every demographic in the US outside of middle-aged white guys or older white people in general.

The democratic party doesn't even have to say anything about illegals to win Hispanic voters, the GOPs blatant racism in the last 25 years sealed the deal, just like it did with black voters.

You are correct. The Democratic Party only needs to sit on their asses, and GOP support will wane out eventually.

But they had to try that identity politic bullshit. Sure they still win those demographic you mentioned in the last Presidential Election, but much less than Obama back in 2008.

Much less? Please. It wasn't "much less."

And there were shifts in traditionally republican demographics as well which offset them.

White college graduates shifted 10 points towards the democratic party, for example.

bad bot

I agree with you. How unfortunate that Democrats can sleep well knowing they don't have to do shit to win in the future.

Until trump the republicans were courting the Mexican vote. Mexicans tend to be religious and conservative which is the republican wheelhouse.

its hilarious how little they realize this. village mexicans have a lot more in common with southern rednecks than the activists screaming about amnesty but I guess only whitey can be bigoted and religious. they in for a surprise del grande in a generation or so.

The children of those immigrants aren't as religious and socially conservative as their parent's though, so there's no surprise to be had. Take a look at how most Hispanic blocs vote and besides from Cubans, it's heavily democrat. Nothing will change unless the GOP do there best to scrub The Donald from the minds of Mexicans.

lol this guy thinks Trump will be president forever and doesnt know half the GOP despises him, especially the establishment. Enjoy!

The establishment hates him yet McConnell and Bros. are licking his boots as we speak lmao. They are really endearing themselves to those BASED socially conservative Mexican youth. /s

lol know how I can tell you're a full on brainwashed partisan dipshit? You write like one. Yeah, McConnell and Ryan and everyone else is in love with Trump. They express it every day. and its the youth that carries the vote and hurr durr people never change. EVERYONE KNOWS THAT! lol fucking moron.

know how I can tell you're a full on brainwashed partisan dipshit? You write like one. Yeah, McConnell and Ryan and everyone else is in love with Trump. They express it every day. and its the youth that carries the vote and hurr durr people never change. EVERYONE KNOWS THAT! lol fucking moron.

keep hanging your hat on illegally importing future voters while ratcheting up identity politics. no blowback at all. no way no how. you guys have it all figured out! just like with HRC

Trump got more of the latino vote than McCain or Romney who both were in favor of full amnesty

I don't want to make overarching assumptions about the types of Hispanics who voted as exit polls didn't tally it, but I would figure opinion on immigration is very different for Cubans and Mexicans, showing it's hard to group Hispanic voters together, especially when it comes to individual policies.

If Ted Cruz had won the primary Hispanic vote might've actually turned red with the fundamentalism and everything.

Eh, between 2011 and 2015 they were.

More people vote culturally than according to their actual beliefs, especially if they are being kept on a plantation against their labor rights or are in a town being snuffed out by tax lawyers.

The marco rubio plan was good on paper but misunderstood group dynamics. We all thought that the Republicans learned that they don't gain minority votes just by fronting a minority in past primaries. But they doubled down this last election with sleepy doctor, little marco, and ¡Jeb!

Trump got more of the latino vote than McCain or Romney who both were in favor of full amnesty


Trump won the white women vote.

White women don't like getting raped. has been lying to me all this time

Fucking under appreciated comment.

Don't kink shame

Then why would they vote for a rapist?

He won OLD white women.

35 and up? Dried up haha tbhwuf

It's identical to the way progressives treat illegals here.

This is true. The Democrats have forsaken their previous base of blue collar workers for the promise of a future base of anchor babies. The previous appeal to blue collar workers was the Democratic support of unions and while Dems still support unions on paper actions speak louder than words.

I think the strategy is backfiring - last election we saw historically blue states turn red for Trump. Dems are playing the long game in appealing to illegals and they may eventually "win" but sort term - over the next decade or so I think you're going to see continuing democratic losses, except in liberal strongholds

Also remember that when these majority white Blue Collar people turn to other parties than the Dems for the very reasons you posted, it wont be that , according to the media at least - it'll be because Systemic Racism/Sexism/Patriachy/Evil wipepo

Wow it's almost as if the last year dems won the white vote was the year the civil rights act passed. 🤔

Dumb strategy mass importing Islam for anchor babies because with a large enough voting base they will eventually go conservative when made a large enough community.

No one ever said the Dems were smart...

They are nihilists. They don't care about the ramifications because they'll be dead.

say what you want about the tenets of national socialism but at least it's an ethos.

They're not nihilists, they believe in slave morality.

Its almost like it makes no sense, botchlings is barely above the intelligence of a child, and has no idea what he is talking about.

Botchling isn't worshipping Islam. Lefties are doing that.

If you think of Democrat strategy as endlessly trying to recreate what they have with black Americans all their missteps over the past 40 years start making a lot of sense.

The Democrat establishment doesn't want to reach out and negotiate with people who disagree with them to court votes, they want captive voting blocs they can ride to victory year after year.

No, the best part is that these blocs aren't liberal in any way, and as soon as the Democrats depend on these third world Catholics and Southern Baptists, they'll be forced to adopt their values into the Democratic Party platform.

Don't worry fam the (((donor class))) still has a pretty good grip on the Democrats so this isn't actually going to happen

The exact same shit is happening in Canada. Progressive politicians are destroying their country for votes. The same thing will happen to Australia and New Zealand.

Looks out window

Oh god the hordes are destroying my country! No wait that's just Omar and his friends playing soccer my mistake.

Shh, it's ok bby, the brown people aren't going to rape and murder you.

I wish my country could handpick their Muslim immigrants and then grandstand about how easy is it to integrate them. could have, though? And if you had, incidentally it would probably have made the Mediterranean refugee wave a lot easier to deal with.

Like I get it's silly to compare how good Canada is at integrating South Asian engineering PhDs with how good Italy is at integrating illiterate Libyan teenagers, but the "fair" comparison is between how good Canada is at integrating South Asian engineering PhDs with how good Italy is at not taking them.

You mean like focusing on Hispanics early and referring to them as "loyal brand consumers" in their leaked memos?

as endlessly trying to recreate what they have with black Americans

Trying to keep them in father-less poverty?

They are, just with working class white people and Republicans. For a second after Trump won they seemed to be getting it but I guess not

Blacks area "captive voting bloc" in the sense that Republicans have less than nothing to offer them, not in the sense that Democrats deviously "captivated" them. That's what a captive voting bloc actually means.

Botchlings shows up to give his incredibly stupid, factually incorrect hot take yet again!

Wow what a thread this is!


You're right. It's incorrect. The Dems will likely never win an election again. Not even in the long term

Lmao be more ass chapped you're archaic politics are losing favor with the people they hurt. If every illegal and their legal children left the country tomorrow, you'd still lose the demographics race. Because 65+ pill popping white guys are always going to be dying.


You're welcome, Pablo.

و الحمدلله للهاذا يا شرمطة

و الحمدلله للهاذا يا شرمطة

Your spelling is horrible, brother. Stick with English.

يا استاذ كيف بقدر بقولك أن لازم نيك أمك

Thank you for your kind thoughts and words brother

لازم نيك أمي؟ وش هاللهجة المزققة

روح انتحر انت عايش بلا فايدة

لازم نيك أمي؟ وش هاللهجة المزققة

روح انتحر انت عايش بلا فايدة

No problem, my brother in Islam.

أول الأشخاص أبيض ياخي و بعدين نشوف

أرضنا "بوسيك" أو أشرب مبيض

Keep yourself safe in these trying times.

المايوسيد قريب إن شاء الله

ما عندي بوسي للأسف

You as well, brother. May Allah guide us.

جوسي؟! ولله أنا خهز لموط هلا

I find your supportive and respectful tone refreshing in this den of sin

أعوذ بالله ما عندي جوسي. بس ماني تراب عشان كذا قلت ما عندي بوسي، البوسي حقي مو حلو

ما فهمت وش قصدك لما قلتَ انت خهز لموط هلا

Stay away from sin, akhi. Leave the people of evil and make yourself from amongst the people of good.

I wonder what all the white gun owners will do when they feel totally surrounded by invaders... 🤔

i dunno, a few of them will probably go all tim mcveigh and make their demographic even worse political poison

Kill themselves insha'allah

That is what you said 20 years ago, and look at you now, lolololololol

20 years ago I was chewing on crayons you pill popping old white bastard

The first generation to be lamer than their parents lol

Untrue, there were the baby boomers.

Who invented AIDS and cocaine

Baby boomer's parents won a war against three industrialized militarized nations.

Baby boomers failed to defeat half of an agrarian country.

Yeah, but they did sex

God I wish today was my day to go

And modern leftists are so stupid they believe that one of the most conservative demographics in the world is EVER going to vote for them, and that they'll be respected via acting like doormats

Progressives will just convert to Islam when Muslim numbers reach the right threshold.

Oh they do vote for them. They are tied to the liberal parties whether they have the same ethics or not, just like Christians and the right wing in the US. In the UK Muslims are now the only demographic which are almost guaranteed to vote Labour even though they are the most politically conservative group. It's not just fear of the right wing which causes this, as other equally targeted minority groups are much more likely to vote in line with their actual views than UK Muslims, it's more of a "you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours" situation, especially in local government.

despite being socially conservatives the central americans that come here still vote dem 7-3


am i the only one that realizes this comment is completely flat-out insane

what is happening to /r/drama

it's a scary brown people thread and a campus thought police thread thats actually about something pretty egregious for once, no shit the comments are gonna be peak infowars

/r/drama has always been a refuge for a handful of far-right loons hiding their sincerely held nastiness beneath twenty layers of irony but having revisited this place after about a month off I can say with complete certainty that it was never this bad. This thread is baffling.

this thread (and the calgary one the other day) are unusually bad for sure, but the sub as a whole isnt really any worse than it was a year ago imo, although it is worse than it was 2 years ago. really though, r/drama Was Never Good, as the saying goes

held nastiness

Why do you people insist on talking like children?

And you realize SRD is right next door if the "ickyness" is too much for you, right? At this point it's basically designed for your type. Go, be free.

Why would I migrate to SRD? It has the same problem but in the other direction.

There is nothing wrong with wanting /r/Drama to remain culturally Dramanese, as it was before the influx of a backwards, intolerant, regressive minority who refuse to integrate. Is it too much to ask that flagrant agendaposters of all stripes are told to fuck off and the purveyors of deranged conspiracy theories mocked mercilessly rather than showered with upvotes and brain-dead nodding agreement?

They are victims with nowhere else to go, you're just being bigoted against them

Wait, is that really what this sub's for? I just use it to genre and I'm center-left behind twenty layers of irony and cynicism

Nah it's just a minority.

This narrative is pretty common amongst people from the right, is it the first time you've come across it? Given that we have a fair amount of right-wingers here, it makes sense that it has some upvotes.

i understand the thing but the thing still doesn't make sense

If you're gonna make a dismayed seriouspost at least make a counter argument and prove the point you're trying to make. All this "omg literally what is happening to r/drama he is so wrong, but I can't explain why u should know"- histrionics isn't convincing anyone.

Personally I think he has somewhat of a point. Even though I don't believe there is any conscious long term plan to slide towards the refugees I've seen it happen in my own country. The socialist and feminist parties are often closer to far-right Muslims than they are to centrists who stand up for egalitarian values. That's a fact, I'll provide examples if you want..

I absolutely hate the dumbfuck nationalist parties that have sprung up as a reaction, but the truth is that the alternative isn't looking a lot better. I'll gladly start voting for a left-wing party if they ever manage to pull their heads out of their ass.

If not, let's just get the race war over with, c'mooooon.

The thing is you should know why his comment is insane. And you do know.

Even though I don't believe there is any conscious long term plan to slide towards the refugees I've seen it happen in my own country. The socialist and feminist parties are often closer to far-right Muslims than they are to centrists who stand up for egalitarian values.

Whatever the left's problems dealing seriously with refugee and cultural issues in Europe, it is clearly not a calculated master plan to replace white voters with Muslim ones for electoral advantage. That is idiotic and insane. Full stop.

Why does it matter whether it is calculated or not? It has happened and is continuing to happen.

I'm with you in the sense that I believe the increasing accommodation towards the bigotry of Muslims is caused by short sighted opportunism and cognitive dissonance. Most leftists who tolerate this bigotry are driven by ignorance and misplaced compassion.

However, we both know that there are left-leaning political leaders who are consciously pushing this agenda forwards. A lot of them are very straightforward about it. If this comes as a surprise to you you should pay closer attention.

It has 50 upvotes because people recognize that there is some level of truth in the comment. The left (and the right too for that matter, at least in Sweden) want to scoop up the vote of the new Muslim working class and this is part of how they have done it so far. You should know that is what has happened in Europe.

I'm more than willing to listen if you could explain why it is idiotic and insane. Preferably without going for the tired "right-wing conspiracy nuts amirite". People haven't started to think this way just because they're evil or stupid, they've seen it happen based on their own experiences.

No, dude.

The theory that the left is all-in on to favor a relatively small, poor, politically disengaged minority, by measures that go further and faster than ones that are already provoking serious popular backlash, out of Machiavellian political calculation is obviously absurd. It makes no sense. It's obviously just an American projecting onto Europe the (highly overstated and unrealistic, but not totally made-up) hopes of U.S. Democrats w/r/t Hispanic demographics. It's stupid and we shouldn't take it seriously.

I don't disagree with you. We're saying the same thing in very different ways. I'm gonna stop this seriousposting madness :(

yup all the liberal parties of europe have their electoral hopes on a demographic that is max 10% of the population, many of whom don't have citizenship or even vote at all

thanks for your contribution, retard

They want future anchor babies, or their hopes for the future are fucked.

Yeah it’s not like they got a lock on the youth or anything /s

The youth vote will save us!

i blame hitler

He's not even a real gay. He's a "bisexual".

It’s Muslim feels are better than gay reals cause it’s not feeling they execute gays it’s a reals

Gay gay gay gay gay

i fucking hate the religion of peace meme. Makes us muslims look like pussies

Yeah. Islam the religion of slavery and pedophilia.

Woah how can islam and muslims recover from this 🤔

I know it right. Cant wait to be one. Honor killings and raping and more killing. Awesome.

You should probably just embrace the long Islamic tradition of conquest, slavery and rape at this point if you don't want people to think your a pussy.

This but unironically inshallah

Punch a Jihazi?

In the words of Allah, I'd like to tell you:

So repent to your Creator and kill yourselves. That is best for [all of] you in the sight of your Creator. (2:54)

Muhammad (SWTBBQ) was really born in the wrong era.

“I emailed Browning to ask for her side of the story but haven’t heard back from her. Gay Star News reports that it also emailed her, and she declined to respond substantively, saying, “The number of threats I am receiving (due to threads the student has started on Reddit) makes this a subject I would not feel safe discussing even very generally.”

Lol she might be reading this post

Eve browning, you screwed up, accept it

Fuck this country man. Colleges are so fucking retarded these days

I was in college from 09 to 13 and never got hauled in for questioning, probably because I have some semblance of social skills. I doubt it's that much different now.

Mate, college in 2013 and college in $CURRENT_YEAR are lightyears away

I can only speak for civilizations areas, not the Pacific Northwest

I thought the whole liberal college hell hole was just a meme until I saw it first hand.

my friend went to an open day for a uni recently and got handed the communist manifesto from some club leader lol

funniest thing is dude was doing an economics degree

Wow your friend got to meet PK, he's so lucky

Worst I saw was a half torn-off SAlt sticker on a pay phone, but then I pretty much only ever studied on the STEMlord part of the campus that was seperate from the rest of the uni.

This was a few years ago, though.

You mean when a student told you she was engaged to a muslim, you didn't immediately start berating her for supporting the death of the gays?

it's a textbook microaggression, obviously the school's retard gestapo tactics aren't an appropriate response, but nonetheless, everybody involved in this incident is clearly an idiot

ESPECIALLY the woman engaged to a muslim what does she eagerly look forward to burqa'ing up and donning the hijab like what the fuq.

i don't judge people's fetishes

Not really. You just hear about the crazy shit and not all of the highly positive stuff that colleges and college students do.

I’m lighting a 🕯for this brave bisexual.

Keep occasionally sucking your drunk roomies cock, my freedom fighting dude.

Ahh, so he's a massive fucking autist? Gotcha.

he's a cool dude, used to be active when SRS was fresh pestulence. Left reddit a few years ago to do god know what

So how many times did you finger bang him?

haha i don't even remember anymore

autists don't deserve to be punished for saying facts.....

I would go bi for those two, make us a vanilla oreo sandwich

after seeing that picture this whole affair is beginning to make a lot more sense

All the pieces of the puzzle....they even kinda look the same...the same horse face, the same lantern jaw, same small, hooded narrow set eyes....Home gurl just needs the bad bleach job (streaks, who the fuck gets streaks anymore?)

they even kinda look the same


Oh its you....I'm sure we've 'chatted' before in this very sub.

Post bussy.

isn't bussy "boy pussy"?

if you mean my ass, I used to have it on facebook and was banned for 24 hours for "nudity"

just to clarify the woman in that photo is my ex-fiancee who is black/hispanic, not my current partner who is lebanese/pakistani. I'm only mentioning this because there's been some discussion of my partners in this thread.

Post bussy

There is other material in the audio that suggests that MacDonald had had other friction with other faculty members in the past, so he might have been a difficult student in other ways — I can’t speak to whether or not that’s so.

Love the passive aggressive gaslighting here by WaPo. Their last line indicates they shouldn't have even included this passage at all. But then again, WaPo gonna WaPo.

Also the school actually has this department:

Behavior Intervention Team

That's some scary shit right there.

u/shallowm Hey OP, fuck that article and please remove the direct link to it. Edit it with this instead thank you!

We all got bills to pay.

remove the direct link to it

You can't read the comments on the archive, I thought that people might want to read the comments because the student came up to clarify things there, so I left the direct link.

Nah it's ok. He might be still commenting in that comments section

  Nah it's ok He

  might be still commenting in

  that comments section



Breaking In To Coloured Houses

Busy Undermining SchutzStaffel in Yerevan.

Bitter Autists? Naturally,

Especially Drama.

But Understand That These Evil Retards Even Deny

"Traps Only" As Straightest Truth.

That transcript alludes to it though:

They would probably try to speak to the students who are complaining and the faculty that are complaining and make a recommendation.

she wouldn't tell him what those supposed other complaints were, though.

he asked her several times

Well look if those LGBT people didn't want to be executed they shouldn't have been born in those countries, problem solved. Don't know why people have to bring religion into it, it's just a little cultural difference. Why can't y'all be more accepting of a different way of doing things ie killing people for who they are as a person? Also, certain LGBT demographics have more disposable income than other demographics, so therefore they probably had it coming thanks to their privilege anyways. #intersectionalism

People love to make 1984 jokes, but damn that one is just so easy!

Also the school actually has this department: Behavior Intervention Team That's some scary shit right there.

We were always at war with Eastasia

That's some scary shit right there.

Figures the Autist Containment Unit would terrify you

think what it could be, if anything -- when there are students saying there’s something you’re doing that is making their learning environment less helpful, less productive, less pleasant, then we have to explore what that is.

This is a dirty little trick. "try to think what sins you might have committed." They're trying to trick you into saying something incriminating. Consider the example [this lawyer gives at 15:00 in this video]() - it's a video about talking to police, but it applies here too. Also consider his point at 4:30, because you've talked to someone, it's no longer your word against the "victim" it's now your word vs. the victim and the interviewer.

Proper response if you find yourself in that situation: No, I don't care to play a guessing game you. If you have received a specific complaint, then present that complaint to me in writing. Until that time, I expect you to treat me the same way that you treat any other student - namely, innocent. I'm giving you notice right now, and I'll also be sending this to you in writing, that if you treat me any differently based on rumors you've heard, or lies that you've been told, that I will consider that harassment and I will take what legal action I can to remedy it.

Proper response if you find yourself in that situation: No, I don't care to play a guessing game you. If you have received a specific complaint, then present that complaint to me in writing. Until that time, I expect you to treat me the same way that you treat any other student - namely, innocent. I'm giving you notice right now, and I'll also be sending this to you in writing, that if you treat me any differently based on rumors you've heard, or lies that you've been told, that I will consider that harassment and I will take what legal action I can to remedy it.

or you could be less of a confrontational autist and express all these sentiments with some tact

If you're being questioned as the source of racial/religious harassment then time for tact is over

the time for tact is never over you swine


Nah, if you had more specific advice, you would post it. You don't, so you only posted something vague and unhelpful.

nigga im not here to seriouspost, I'm here to be a confrontational autist

Finally, christ, all these whiners are getting so worked up about some nonsense at a college

Comments like these are why I'm here!! Out fucking standing

Sounds like you're writing a treaty.

If he wasn't a confrontational idiot the very word "Muslim" wouldn't cause him to go on anti-religious tirade about the evils of the religion mentioned. So he'd have no reason to be talking to the dean in the first place.

A regular human being wouldn't be in this situation, because they wouldn't accuse someone's fiance of brutally executing their sexual identity

so how would you do it?

or you could be less of a confrontational autist

When do you propose is the time to be confrontational if not in an actual confrontation?

Yeah I feel like "Ill sue you for harassment" is a counterproductive way to respond to serious allegations.

It'd be a hard thing to sue over, regardless, I feel like. You can't sue someone for believing rumors or lies about you.

The best way to respond is to ignore, really. They already decided what they wanna believe and denial or admission won't change their mind.

I see where you're coming from.

You forgot to link the video

thanks. Fixed.

Np bby

Shit like this is how 'liberal' became a dirty word back during the 80s. 'Progressive' seems destined for the same treatment.

Well, 'progressive' became a dirty word once already given the American Progressive Movement's support for prohibition and eugenics. History repeats...

Is it still eugenics if you want to propagate the lowest people in society?

No, it becomes dysgenics at that point. The eu- in eugenics means "good".

Where are the reddit threads on this? t The admin said in the wapo article she's getting death threats from reddit threads this guy posted

progressive fiction

They say this shit before the articles are even posted. Easy to be a perpetual victim when you don't have to provide any proof and you can call anyone asking for proof a bigot.

Article is paywalled but is it possible this guy is a huge social autist?

'Hey my fiance is a Muslim' 'Yeah, I don't have a high opinion on Islam because I could get executed in a Muslim country lol'.

What kind of degenerate brings up a non sequitur like that just because someone says their fiance is a Muslim? But of course I could be missing lots of context or the conversation probably didn't immediately proceed that way, is there some way I can see the full article?

He claims in the comments that they were talking about religious ideas in the first place, and then she mentioned her fiance being muslim

On the other hand, from further reading the dude has admitted to having an annoying personality and having ADHD - so I wouldn't be at all surprised if he mentioned it in an awkward an inappropriate way.

that's not why I brought that up and also doesn't relate to why I brought up the islam comment

you're referring to my comment here and it was related to speaking out in class, not in private, out-of-class conversations

given that you brought up being an "autist", you should have also brought up my comments about that:

I would like to correct this because philosophers (and people who value reasoning/rationality for moral concerns) have a tendency to be typed as autistic/aspergers, which I feel cheapens both (a) the importance of rigorous reasoning and (b) the realities of autism for people who are actually autistic.

I am negatively autistic. In other words, a typical American has a higher autism quotient score than me. So typing me as autistic is not just wrong, its the opposite of true.

So why did you bring it up? From your own accounts it seems you brought it up immediately after she said her fiance was Muslim - that seems fairly socially autistic to me, and yeah I don't mean that in a scientifically accurate sense but rather a mocking derogatory sense, sorry!

So why did you bring it up?

the discussion was about ideas, not people

Do you think you could provide a paraphrased account of the conversation, with the "ideas" context, so I can have a better idea of how it went down?

me: "I'm thinking about taking a religious philosophy course, would [professor] care if I am atheist?"

(note: I went to a catholic university, from my experience they don't, but I wanted to make sure)

girl: "Nah, you should be fine. [Professor whose name I forget] is who you want to watch out for if that's your concern"

me: "Oh, okay. I've generally had good experiences with Christianity as it is."

girl: "Yeah, I'm Christian but my fiance is Muslim"

me: "Haha, I don't have a high opinion of Islam because something like countries that use it for law would kill me."

girl: something about fiance

me: something like "I'm sure he's fine. I used to have a crush on a Muslim girl who goes here actually, I was referring to the religion in general"

girl: something like "oh okay"

we talked for about fifteen minutes total about the kind of exams our professor gave and she told me about the restaurant she worked at and about some other girl she didn't like who she said she was prettier than. this was mostly a footnote in the conversation and proportionally we probably spent 500% as much time on the chisme from her restaurant than anyone's religious leanings

I go to the UTSA program. The woman to whom you made the derogatory comments was not coaxed into reporting. She was actually disturbed by you, and she reported you herself to her faculty mentor and to the chair. Your strong impression is wrong. She was really uncomfortable.

I go to the UTSA program

I don't believe you.

Your strong impression is wrong.

if this is true, then she's extremely two-faced and bothered me with a lot of anecdotes about her restaurant job and her fiance that I didn't need to hear. if it's not, then this is something someone made up on reddit. neither are uncommon or hard to believe.

regardless, how someone feels is absolutely not justification for removal, dismissal, or anything of this kind. on a public university campus the first amendment absolutely takes priority. an environment for free and open exchange of ideas is the only unique purpose of universities.

you are massively backward in your moral priorities here.

The faculty did not need to coax the woman into reporting. Perhaps she had mis-heard something you said. Maybe she misinterpreted something. In the end, she told me she reported you of her own volition, because she left the conversation disturbed.

In the end, she told me

for the second time: I don't believe you're actually a student in the UTSA philosophy program. literally anyone can make an account and say this.

is it possible this guy is a huge social autist?

"I don’t even know. I’m totally mystified. I really don’t talk to people -- at this program -- much at all."

idk you tell me

Wow, wtf. The fact alone that there's someone from the department talking to this student about this incident... that there are transcript and so on. Back when I went to uni I barely talked with the department head and it was very informal. And racist comments wouldn't be brought to the attention of some higher instance anyway, you'd just avoid this person.

I get the logic, even though it's a bit nit-picky, that you don't have to generalize from a personal story to all of Islam for no reason. An intent to offend or provoke could be seen from that, although that shouldn't really matter.

But apparently the topic at hand was Islam in general so making this personal for her, it's absolutely her own fault. Don't connect an academic discussion to your personal life and then get offended when people say things against the general topic that was previously discussed.

Meanwhile gays are being tortured and executed in Chechnya

technically you could make this comment for every /r/drama thread

add that shit to the bot quote list imo

I knew you'd show up once I saw the title.

Heya Joementum. Tell Lowtax he sucks and so does his little harem of trannies!

San Antonio is ripe for the mayocide, so this will all work itself out soon enough

I thought it was obvious after the PULSE nightclub shooting that Muslim feels > sodomite gays

"he secretly recorded the conversation"

people are such busy body shits nowadays. The entire generation is just one big home owner's assocation.

Yes, they're the future concerned PTA moms who will harass the school board about misgendering their child. They're permanently addicted to white people nonsense.

just one big home owner's assocation

My sides...

the UTSA campus is enormous. it's an hour drive there on the busiest highway and minimally a 40-minute walk if you shuttle there; an hour if you don't. on top of the hour meeting time she was asking me to take four hours out of my day off (three commuting) for "some behavioral concerns" when I was having to borrow rides to school, and she insisted that she could not discuss this over email. you're god damn fucking right I recorded it, it smelled like suspicious bullshit from the get-go.

other than that, I agree with your "one big home owner's association" remark

i'm going to be uncharacteristically honest and say I posted before actually reading the situation. Once I actually looked at it, I was on your side but I couldn't be bothered to change/remove my post cause who gives a shit

Christianity had crusades 100s of years ago so fuck Christianity it's shit

^ Ok

Islamic countries still kill LGBT people so I don't have a high opinion of Islam

^ Not ok

I mean who needs Imams and Fatwas and shit when you have American universities.

Best part is I'm sure a ton of Muslims living in the West agree that it's fucked up that you can be executed for being LGBT in those countries.

Huh even exmoose removed this one.

That's strange, it was a mod that posted it there in the first place.

Sorry dude, but being gay isn't special anymore. The trendy thing is to protect Muslims now.

That conversation made my blood boil. It is incredibly obvious that the student was talking about muslim countries killing fags, not talking about how the fiance kills LGBT people in his spare time. And even after he makes that distinction, Browning keeps bringing it up.

I mean, it's a fucking fact that they kill gays in muslim countries. I didn't know you could get disciplined for pointing out facts. I wonder what the reaction would have been if MacDonald had instead pointed out that white cis males are killing trans people or some retarded shit like that.

My atheist friends were very shocked to find their distaste for all religion (including Islam) suddenly made them Trump supporters.

"I come from a very poor background but my demeanor is very white."

Thank god I go to a christian college. Although I'm not 100% sure it has much of a significant effect on SJWism, the people there are also more middle class, so they don't fall for any of that bourgeois white guilt. Like, the only time I've ran into anyone with SJW beliefs, is in my sociology class. And even then, the only one doing the Trump and capitalist bashing is the prof.

Whoa, get your anti-islamic reality out of here. We can't have your facts and outrage over humans being killed get in our way of getting the most victim points.

While fags should be kept safe and there is no disputing that the Muslims should also be kept safe.

As a muslim, I fucking hate you faggots and tannies.

In the words of Allah, I'd like to tell you:

So repent to your Creator and kill yourselves. That is best for [all of] you in the sight of your Creator. (2:54)

Do you fuck 9 year olds like your prophet?

IIRC, the guy is a real POS and other students say he spent his time harassing people. It's not just one incident reported to the school, but only one is being reported in the media because that's the one he recorded. Just because you're paying to be there doesn't grant you the ability to treat others poorly.

I understand your point, but what I think the underlying feeling is that this guys is being labeled these these because he has unpopular opinions and is an asshole. I mean he isn't threatening anyone that I have seen, or being bigoted, just saying that he doesn't think highly of Islam because of non protection of homesexuals in Islamic States. The ones where that is the official law. I went to school with tons of over opinionated pricks of all genders, races, and beliefs. I didn't appreciate many if them, but I never went to the channels to try and hurt their academic careers. The world isn't a rosy echo chamber, and therefore college should be a place of honest, intellectual discourse. They are trying to institutionally make him stop saying things they don't agree with. That's not right, even if he is an asshole

just saying that he doesn't think highly of Islam because of non protection of homesexuals in Islamic States

From the sounds of it, he wasn't just saying that. He was making it a point to harass other students and this was just one of many things he said.

I went to school with tons of over opinionated pricks of all genders, races, and beliefs. I didn't appreciate many if them, but I never went to the channels to try and hurt their academic careers.

I assume they also didn't harass you or continue doing so after you told them to stop, which is what is being reported here.

The world isn't a rosy echo chamber, and therefore college should be a place of honest, intellectual discourse.

College is a place for honest, intellectual discourse, but there is a pretty large gap between having a discussion and harassing someone.

They are trying to institutionally make him stop saying things they don't agree with.

They are telling him he needs to stop being an asshole to colleagues in what is considered a work place for many.

The dude had more complaints than anyone in the history of the program (not sure how long the program has been running) so that should say something about his conduct in class.

The chair even mentions that his other actions in class have been have been negatively affecting it.

Dude sounds like a douche

Pointing out facts about backwards countries is treating others poorly now?

I love how people here act like that was the only thing the guy said. That's the only thing he's admitted to saying. He's being accused by multiple people of harassment, so it's more than just "pointing out facts about backwards countries".

Oh shit i didnt realize you had inside knowledge about the other "alleged" offensive things this dude said.

Not even the point i was getting at anyway. How is it offensive to point out a fact about a country that has a history of killing gays?

Oh shit i didnt realize you had inside knowledge about the other "alleged" offensive things this dude said.

I have no more information than what is available to you. The difference is that I'm not ignoring that part that mentions multiple people claiming he's harassed them.

So what if he made other disparaging comments that both you and i know fuck all about. The issue is what is being specifically reported as to what he said that caused an administrator to call him in to talk to about.

Now answer my question. How the fuck is it personally offensive to point out the fact that pakistan has a history of killing gay people in reference to the religion of someones fiance who was not even present at the time?

So what if he made other disparaging comments that both you and i know fuck all about.

It means there is MORE to the story than he is trying to portray and it comes down to one should not expect to walk away

How the fuck is it personally offensive to point out the fact that pakistan has a history of killing gay people in reference to the religion of someones fiance who was not even present at the time?

Seriously, you keep saying that as if it was the only thing he ever said. He fucking admits to saying more and they report that others have gone to administration as well over him harassing them. It's not about it being offensive, it's about him harassing people.

The guy has problems. (Before getting upset about posting to his Reddit name, he is public about his account name.)

Did you read the transcript? the only direct accusation apart from the missing class and going on tangents is this incident concerning the comment about the muslim fiance. Once again I ask you how that comment is even remotely offensive enough to warrant a complaint? It is a fact, are facts offensive to you? Quit dodging the question i am asking you /u/Pake1000

How the fuck is this fools reddit user profile even relevant to the question I have asked you repeatedly? Is it the fact that this dude seems to lean conservative that has you all defensive and unwilling to answer a simple question?

Your question is useless without addition context. It's like asking "Is fucking a guy in the ass wrong?" without mentioning whether it was consensual or not.

What? Are you retarded? I thought you said you read the transcript.

EVE BROWNING: You don’t recall the topic of a Muslim fiance ever coming up?

ALFRED MACDONALD: That yes, but I was responding specifically to number four. Number five was: I said that I was bothered that I could be killed in ten Muslim countries. I’m bisexual. So they’d definitely do that in the ten countries where I would be -- you know.

EVE BROWNING: Doesn’t that strike you as an inappropriate thing to say about someone’s fiance?

ALFRED MACDONALD: I wasn’t talking about the fiance. The fiance could have whatever interpretation of the religion that they want. I said something like … (thinking) that I … yeah it wasn’t about the fiance, it was about the religious practices in those countries.

EVE BROWNING: How is it appropriate to bring that up in connection with someone’s fiance?

ALFRED MACDONALD: They brought it up. The Islam part.

EVE BROWNING: And you brought up the threat to your life as posed by this fiance?

ALFRED MACDONALD: No. We got to the subject of Islam, not the fiance.

EVE BROWNING: Do you understand how someone would find that offensive?

ALFRED MACDONALD: How someone would FIND that offensive, yeah; how they could perceive it, yeah; yeah, I mean, if I…

EVE BROWNING: It’s a confusing comment to me because Muslims do not all live in countries in which bisexuals are executed. Muslims live in the United States--


EVE BROWNING: --Muslims live in France, Muslims live in every country in the world -- it’s the fastest growing world religion.

ALFRED MACDONALD: Yeah, one of my good friends at the university is Muslim.

EVE BROWNING: And do you tell him that you object to his religion because there are places on earth where gay, lesbian and bisexual people are discriminated against, including your own country?

ALFRED MACDONALD: Well, “her.” And my verbiage was “killed” not “discriminated against.” I mean, Death penalty’s pretty severe.

EVE BROWNING: What does that have to do with her being engaged to a Muslim?

ALFRED MACDONALD: Nothing. I wasn’t talking about the engagement to the Muslim. I was talking about Islam in that particular moment.

EVE BROWNING: Well, let me just say that kind of thing is not going to be tolerated in our department. We’re not going to tolerate graduate students trying to make other graduate students feel terrible for our emotional attachments.

ALFRED MACDONALD: Um… all right.

There is the context we are aware of.

Your question is useless without addition context. It's like asking "Is fucking a guy in the ass wrong?" without mentioning whether it was consensual or not.

LOL no that is a horrible simile to use and in no way relevant to the conversation. Quit deflecting and answer my original question /u/Pake1000

I already answered your question, /u/keepittropical.

Making multiple knowingly offensive comments towards a person in a workplace is warrant for a harassment complaint. I cannot be any clearer with my language.

As i stated earlier the only "offensive" remark referenced is the one concerning the topic of the fiance and muslims killing gay people. I ask how that is offensive to someone when he is stating a fact and you keep saying nooooo he has been making multiple offensive remarks. So no you have not answered my question.

If you honestly believe that was the only offensive remark he made given the transcript and articles, I've got a bridge to sell you in Alaska. Your question has been answer multiple times now. You can continue to ignore it, but it has been answer completely.

You keep saying multiple complaints of harassment is why this specific incident, the only one that they go into detail about and the whole reason for this thread and the article written about it is the reason why it is offensive. I am asking you to disregard the possibility that he may or may not have made actual comments that would warrant a harassment complaint and to give me a direct answer other than multiple complaints = harassment.

How is it personally offensive to state a fact about a country in a conversation regarding that person's significant other and their religious beliefs? Is this truly a case of Islamophobia?

Don't avoid answering my question.

If someone knowingly makes offensive comments towards you in a workplace, is that harassment and does it warrant a complaint?

This question? Yeah if that is the case then yes those are grounds for a legitimate complaint. However if you bothered to read or listen to the transcript then you would know that the comment regarding Islam and the fiance is the only one specifically mentioned. So we dont know what else was said to warrant a harassment complaint but we do know that this specific incident warranted its own complaint as it is #5 on the list that was given to him and Eve Brown goes into some detail with him as to what the complaint was about. This is the complaint I am asking you about.

Answer this: How is it personally offensive to state a fact about a country in a conversation regarding that person's significant other and their religious beliefs? Is this truly a case of Islamophobia?

Yeah if that is the case then yes those are grounds for a legitimate complaint.

So we agree.

Also worth noting that she was one of three people that had talked to him regarding his behavior. Based on the transcript we know the list of complaints to be at least 8: his Muslim comments, tardiness, poor performance in class, consistently leaving class early, and class disruption are five of them. Curious what the other three are. We also know more than two faculty members have complained about his behavior.

Got a question dodger extraordinaire over here.

I will ask one more time. How is it personally offensive to state a fact about a country in a conversation regarding that person's significant other and their religious beliefs? Is this truly a case of Islamophobia?

It is personally offensive when you insert yourself uninvited into a conversation with the direct purpose of making the comment to purposely offend the person. Just as he did.

Good job u/pake1000 you actually answered the question.

Multiple times I answered your question, with answers based on the context at the time.

1) Multiple comments made that are meant to harass a person in the workplace (as he did) warrants a complaint.

2) It is offensive to insert yourself into another's conversation to purposely (get this) offend them on a personal level (as he did) in the workplace warrants a complaint.

I cannot help that you, /u/keepittropical, are fishing for an answer that you could spin into support for your argument.

No you didnt dude. I asked you multiple times about the specific issue relating to the drama that started this thread. Every time you answered with the "multiple complaints so that is harrasment" shtick you had going on.

Multiple offensive comments are harassment. Complaints are not harassment. Complaints are what people file when harassed.

Being accused? Where? What recordings do they have? Or is this just Muslims and progressives rallying to attack this guy since he pointed out that Islamic theocracies execute gays?

Articles, including this one, mention other people accusing him of harassment.

You misread the article if you think Volokh is accusing this guy of harassment, he doesn't have any personal knowledge of this guy and he is merely speculating to cover his ass.

I don't recall saying the author accused the guy of harassment, only that it is mentioned by the author that others have accused him of it.

So who is making the accusation? You can't just cite an article that speculates on how some people may have accused this guy of acting rudely. Of course people fucking think he is rude, the initial moron Eve Browning pulled him aside for that exact reason and surely there is at least one other person griping about that. So where are the other accusations, the ones which don't revolve around him daring to place homosexuality above Islam on the oppression and privilege pedestal?

So who is making the accusation? You can't just cite an article that speculates on how some people may have accused this guy of acting rudely.

Ask the author who those people are. I can only comment on what is mentioned within the article.

If we listened to people like you we'd be a backwards country too.

  If we listened to

  people like you we'd be a

  backwards country too


Good bot

Expand on this. How is stating facts offensive?

Explaining the concept of tact to your sperg ass would be too much work.

Lol but yet you took the time to write this nonsense

Yeah, which took no time at all. What are you confused about?

What is confused?

Are Islamic countries backwards? Because that's in your future and you voted for it.

If we managed to drag your retarded ancestors into the light of civilization anything is possible.

All countries that allow religion to dictate policy are backwards, whether that is Saudi Arabia or the United States.

Same level of backwardness.

Which is why the US has gay marriage, gay adoption, being transsexual is legal, abortion is legal.

How is that even a comparison?

The Christian right fight hard to remove all those, so by definition they are backwards and wish to make the United States backwards.

Wow great work calling him out with your own incredibly vague accusation that goes nowhere and wouldn't absolve Browning of guilt even if it were true. Even if this guy is an artist weirdo (feel free to post recordings of your own if it is true, we love more drama) her conduct was shit as well.

Her conduct is what you would expect from someone doing HR.

other students say he spent his time harassing people

lol, no they don't; this was never part of the recording I took and no other students have said anything about me or this incident. you made this up.

How about posting the paper you were given showing the exact complaints against you?

I don't have it anymore, and was never given a digital copy

You make a recording of one of three conversations and didn't bother to scan the letter. How convenient.

well, yeah, I don't know what else to tell you. it was in my bag for a while and probably tossed out when my ex-landlord pawned half of my shit.

Where is the sweet reddit drama on this to be found?


"My fiance is muslim"

"Islam is bad; I could be killed as a bisexual man in up to 10 countries that are islamic"

Yeah, /r/drama retarded again. Literally any excuse to deliberately miss the point and agenda-post.

Like you're doing throughout the entire thread? Lol

Missing the point? No I would never!

Agenda-posting? Who does that? Not me!

From his comments:

A lot of people take Eve’s word at face value that my conversation with the other student proceeded as she described it. In actuality, the conversation was about ideas and religious leanings of professors from the get-go, and the student brought up her fiance in the context of this discussion. Narrating the event as me bringing up my views of Islam in the context of someone’s fiance has it precisely reverse; we were discussing ideas and someone brought up their personal life. If you read the full transcript, you’ll see I disputed Eve’s account of how this occurred.

The conversation started between me and another student about the religious leanings of professors; the topic was centered around religion in general.

Wow thats a very charitable reading!

It almost makes you believe that discussing Islamic states' oftentimes barbaric human rights policies was appropriate in this situation!

Oh wait, it still wasnt

Why is it so farfetched to think that she, being non-Muslim, would say "my fiancé is Muslim" in the context of a conversation about religion?

It's highly unlikely that the conversation went like the way you framed it, most people aren't autistic.

I think we are all here to read into the situation what we like, and "most people aren't autistic" does not mean that most people aren't stupid, or at the least, careless sometimes.

Here's the context he provided for the conversation (I just saw it a little while ago):

I was having an outside-of-class conversation with another graduate student about the religious leanings of philosophy professors. Specifically, I was curious if there would be any bias toward me if I took a religious philosophy course as an atheist. I didn't think there would be; I took a theology course at a catholic university, and was openly atheist, and had zero pushback about this. So I commented that I had a good opinion of Christian professors in this regard. The student I was talking to mentioned that she was Christian but that her fiance was Muslim. I said "I don't have a high opinion of Islam", and mentioned the aspects you heard in the recording. I mentioned that I didn't have anything against her fiance personally, and that I was strictly talking about the religious beliefs themselves. I took this to mean that she wanted to talk about our personal lives, so I mentioned my fiancee and our leanings and we talked about what restaurants she's worked at.

The conversation very demonstrably started with ideas and shifted to people.

To be honest, his explanation makes him seem more autistic for bringing it up, although it was tangentially related, it doesn't really flow in the conversation.

It was kind of dumb for him to say that in the given context, but I don't think he deserved to be threatened with disciplinary action for expressing something like that in a private conversation.

To be honest, his explanation makes him seem more autistic for bringing it up, although it was tangentially related, it doesn't really flow in the conversation.

It was kind of dumb for him to say that in the given context, but I don't think he deserved to be threatened with disciplinary action for expressing something like that in a private conversation outside of class.

All blatant agenda-posting aside, it truly seems like this guy does not understand why what he said was inappropriate, given the conversation.

She responded to his seeming tolerance of Christian professors by mentioning that her fiance is a Muslim. To me, this seemed like an implicit agreement with a charitable reading of his point (namely, that it's possible to happily coexist with different religious beliefs - i.e. "I am still married to someone of a different faith, so I wouldn't be too worried about your professors").

In true Trumpian autist fashion, this guy, at a university, says exactly the wrong thing at exactly the wrong time (not to mention his murky intentions in saying it) and makes the entire conversation seem like a trap designed to get out his ideas about organized reLIEgion.

Then, he gets called into his department office and starts screaming AM I BEING DETAINED?? rather than talking like a human being.

Islam is trash, and so is anyone who willingly follows it.

I'm going to imagine that the conversation probably went like

"Oh, I know a bit about Islam, my fiancé is actually Muslim."

"Well, I don't have a very high opinion of Islam, I could be executed in 10 Muslim countries."

my memory isn't perfect, but this is for all intents and purposes correct

The mot popular religion in Britain just now is called Islam (pronunced i-SLAMM). This religion, which is also an ancient culture and an ethnic group which originates in the Middle East, is held in widespread esteem by Britons, who universally admire its enlightened moral values and advanced and liberal culture. Of all religions it is renowned as the most moderate and tolerant, and any student of the faith cannot but be impressed by its pedigree.

The religion's founder, Mohammed, was a noble and powerful trader of Arabia, by literally all accounts ideally handsome and as close to perfect wisdom and grace as any human could attain. Inspired in his heart by the profound truths of his Faith, vouchsafed to him by a golden-winged angel of God, he embarked on a career as a Prophet and peacefully spread the Divine word along caravan routes, and soon amassed a significant following, ready to listen to his message about pacifism, meekness, and Universal Love. From its founder the religion takes its name Mohammedanism, also known as Islam, which signifies acting in accordance with Divine Love. Its practitioners therefore are known as Mohammedans, or Muslims (pronounced MOOSE-lims). The Holy Book of the Mohammedans, called the Al-Koran, is unique among world literature for its beauty, wisdom and tolerant values.

In Britain, its practitioners form open and enlightened communities with a widespread reputation for extreme pacifism, tolerance and unconditional charity to all and sundry. Membership of the Faith is not open to anyone, as the intricate principles of its profound edicts can only be understood by a few, hence its hereditary stewardship by an ethnic caste of enlightened and pure bred gurus, known for their liberal values and generosity of spirit, as well as their physical beauty and the humane wisdom that radiates from their kind and noble faces. Unique among all faiths they have no concept of blasphemy and unflattering depictions of their Prophet are met simply with amused, Zen-like condescension and indifference.

One of the hallmarks of the Good Religion is its far-reaching and modern attitudes to the liberation of women. The Prophet of the faith, Mohammed, was actually the original inventor of women's liberation, long ago in Arabia, freeing women from the crude patriarchalism of the Arabian polytheists. Of all world religions it grants women the most freedom and dignity, centering them in its moral teachings and constantly emphasising their autonomy and bodily integrity. Women from other traditions envy the boldness and liberty of the Islamic women, their progressive styles of dress and their inspiring independence.

Mohammed, as well as being perfectly wise and the original Liberator of Women, is also celebrated as the originator of the scientific method, a tradition which practitioners of the Good Religion maintain with their advanced scientific educations which enable them easily to integrate into British society and flourish there. In addition, no-one who apostatizes from the Faith or converts to another is given any hindrance, since the principle constantly emphasized in the Faith is that of divine tolerance and liberty, which marks all the relations of the Mohameddans, with one another, with other cultures, and with their beautiful wives and daughters, whom they desire only to enter into freely-chosen and loving unions with whomever they desire.

Unfortunately, being much more hard-working and progressive than the feckless and backward native Britons, enmired in their ignorance and settler colonialist privilege, envy of the Good Faith has in recent years grown up, and it has attracted several critics. This criticism is only ever motivated by crude racialism, and a dangerous and fascistic desire to enact violence and genocide on a peace-loving and noble people. These racialist critics have a deep misunderstanding of the Faith and its adherents, and repeat dangerous and damaging lies and slanders about it, indulging in vile, violent and criminal hate speech on their social media platforms, daring to traduce the Faith which has never been anything but pacific and enlightened.

These far right sources, whose violent hate speech physically damages the weak and vulnerable Mohammedan victims, are given free reign to broadcast their loathsome opinions up and down the country. They allege that practitioners of the faith are inspired by their Holy Book to attack and kill infidels, in acts of martyrdom and Jihad (a term which in fact only ever signifies a striving for spiritual perfection). While it is true that some violent acts have been perpetrated recently, the perpetrators thereof were only claiming to be among the Faithful, in order to slander it. The commission of violent acts immediately and automatically excommunicates the person concerned from the community of the Faithful, and the violent perpetrator must by law thenceforth be referred to as a "so-called" Muslim. Those heretics who have gone so far as to form a Caliphate, or state, in the name of the Faith must in all circumstances have the appellation "so-called" applied to their name, in order to differentiate them from the followers of the Pure and Good Faith, to whom life is sacred and the taking of life in any measure abominable.

Many other things are alleged of the Faith and its practitioners which we need not concern ourselves with here, motivated as it is in almost every case by blind bigotry and unthinking racial hatred. Our government has in many cases good relations with states in which the Islamic faith is a majority religion, and is at pains to help these liberal and enlightened regimes by helping them to purchase armaments for the peaceful defence of the Faith, and also to spread the profound and noble truths of Mohammedanism across the globe, inspiring many noble and angelic souls to good works and acts of self-sacrifice. The real problem in Britain today is the vile, violent, and execrable hate speech of the traducers of the Faith, whose verbal attacks are, if anything, much worse than physical attacks in that they stir up hatred against the Mohammedans and tempt them, against their better natures and in spite of themselves, to commensurate acts of violence, proportional, as it were, to the violent Imperialist rhetoric and orientalist bigotry to which they have been subjected.

this but unironically.

Not gonna seriouspost but

I might have been able to understand her if she was mad because the other student recorded the conversation, but trying to censor someone for criticizing a particular belief is just bullshit. However, what makes me even more angry is the fact that we have people on this website who will literally send death threats to someone for an incident in which they are not even involved. Way to go Reddit! You not only gave her a valid justification to be mad at the guy who hadn't done anything wrong but also contributed to make this cesspool of a website seen even more shitty than it already is.

Me too. Yeah, l've had men leer at me on the street, follow me home, park outside my house and watch me through the window, try to take advantage of me when I was drunk, wait till I was asleep and try to unzip my pants, try to tell me that if I just closed my eyes, it would be just like I was with a woman, try to convince me that if I just tried it, I might like it. Some of these men were even friends of mine who should have known better. I did not get angry or threaten them with violence. I simply said, "No, not interested." and walked away. Some of them are still friends in spite of not respecting my boundaries. Yeah, me too. l've also been harassed by women. I've had women stalk me, cut my phone lines, use their witchery or subterfuge to sabotage my relationships with other women, drive into back alleyways with me and threaten to leave me stranded if I didn't do what they wanted, wait till I was asleep to slap me awake or stomp on my chest because they were drunk or full of inner rage. I did not get angry or threaten them with violence. I simply said, "No, this isn't working out, and walked away.I like women a lot. I'm going to go after what I'm interested in I'm not going to be afraid to talk to you or make a move on you if you show any interest at all. l'm not going to be shamed into submission because some other guy treated you like a jerk and l'm not going to assume that you are going to be an ice queen or psycho bitch just because some other woman I was with was but I always respect boundaries, I will always be honest with you, even if it hurts I never take advantage or force myself on anyone. Respect that and the respect will be mutual.

/u/MittRomneysCampaign what's it like to be famous?

The whole "university is for challenging ideas" schtick was only intended to demoralize normal people, and resign them to paying thousands of dollars to see their children turned into degenerates.

Jfc, I'm not going to read all that shit.

Pure. Pure Degeneracy.

Supposedly gay "allies" selling out gay people over Muslim feels? What a shock

What a douche though. Finding a way to work in a comment about how evil Islam is when the convo wasn’t at all about that... i’m guessing this guy isn’t so fun to have as a classmate.

Toss faggots off roofs inshallah

We willingly ignore the negative aspects of one faith because it allows us to oppose the radical right political agenda in the US even though they have an increasingly lot in common


ps ban /u/botchlings and /u/Ed_ButteredToast

I think it was unnecessary for him to being that up, especially if he didn’t really know her. I also think that she needed to tell him to his face first that that was inappropriate and upset her. Then if he kept on going report it. People these days have no conflict/confrontation tolerance. Grow up. Set boundaries in person first.

I don't know how well he knew her, but from the given context of the conversation, I agree that it doesn't sound right to say that when he did, it was quite irrelevant, even his explanation of why he said it seems autistic. See Edit 4, I'm not sure how it went down now, so I can't say.

"My fiance is Korean"

"Hell, my dog could get eaten in one of them Korean countries"

Seriouspostingcide now.

Alfred MacDonald's bussy

what the fuck is a "bussy"

nice ass though


he even carries two fucking guns on him at the same time

this is false, I have no idea where you got this information but you should probably reconsider how you determine things as true before repeating them


this is false too, damn

that was a joke about my fucking biceps you walking personification of irony

Oops, excuse my misunderstanding.

lol it's no problem