When a capitalist accidentally comments in a commie sub without knowing its a commie sub

17  2017-10-17 by Eat_Some_Beer


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Bit short.

Not seeing any drama, just your retardation. Learn to read before posting next time.

Give them a chance to wake up at least! Commies sleep til 10 or 11

Your father should have eaten you when your bones were still soft.

That's illegal!!!

It's Darwinism

Three removed comments sure are dramatic

I didn't remove everything, so blaming me for the comments being nuked is pretty dumb.

I should have known commie mods would have wiped out all trace of dissenting views, though.

Yeah it happens a lot over there. Somehow the idiots keep wandering in. Once we had someone posting Milton Friedman quotes.

My goodness... And you survived??

I did, the question is whether you can survive your severe butthurt.

Lol a smug commie? Gee never seen one'a those before!

Just go post on /r/the_donald

Oh I do

No, I mean, solely do that. Stop leaking out of your containment zone.

Lol no

Find a safe-space

Is anywhere safe from faggots like you?

Nope ;)

Homophobia is not allowed in /r/drama, and probably not in whatever commie sub you post in.



I mean, you call yourself /r/shitleftistssay, so it's to be expected.

Somehow the idiots keep wandering in.

How can you tell?

Only a commie cuck would name their subreddit in a deliberately misleading way and then complain when "idiots" wander in.

They are still idiots, though; who makes posts without checking that the content matches first?

Its not deliberately misleading, its a subreddit to make fun of lefty capitalists-in-denial.

The name could be a little more clear, but that would spoil the fun.

ban u/ed_butteredtoast

Sure why not

Commies and socialists are just so dumb.

Tomorrow the sun will rise.

Then it will set, and never in that time of the sun will the light ever touch a successful communist country.

This is the second time you've posted some weak ass piss poor drama /u/eat_some_beer three strikes son. Three strikes.

Boo hoo bitch

This is a pathetic attempt to manufacture drama.

If it works it works