"Me too."

30  2017-10-17 by DeepDickedHillybilly

Why is it that the women posting status updates "me too" on overwhelming seem to be the least attractive among my Facebook friends? 🤔🤔🤔



They should say "Me too, please" instead

I legitimately thought /r/me_irl was leaking and I was disgusted and spurred to action.

Then I found out it was some feminism meme thing.

this is much worse.. facebook is leaking into my /r/drama

fuck /u/Ham_Sandwich77. Literally worse than /u/Phedre

Everyone who was sexually assaulted by /u/TakeItToRCirclejerk, upvote my post.

He tried, but my thicc cheeks were bigger than his peen

I think it's easier to list things smaller than his peen than what's bigger.

He really did a number on the back of my throats worst night of my life tbh

it's their big chance for attention. Attention is like crack to women and the most attractive have it on tap.

Because that's the level of woman that would consider adding you as a friend in general.




Me too thanks

Me too thanks

Because the most attractive don't want to ruin their sugar daddy game "career".

Victimhood is the latest trend. All your favorite celebrities are doing it. Don't you want to be like them?

What's funny is the weak shit they post. Some man hating chick said she got honked at twice while walking on the sidewalk, a kid at summer camp invited her to go into the woods with him, and one of her exes messaged her on FB saying he could crush her if he wanted. That was it. For the summer camp one, she said, and I quote: "It gives me chills to think about what would have happened had I naively gone off alone with that predator." This is the same type of trendy mayo who gets drunk and grabs my ass at bars.

Women is the new black.

Just another way for ppl to get attention.

Trick question, all your facebook friends are unattractive!

I don't think you have any friends

Enjoy your lies