Big tough anarchists are totally going to fight cops who try to arrest them, unlike me, the statist nazi bootlicker

25  2017-10-17 by Eat_Some_Beer


Jews did this


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Oy vey, who redpilled thos goy?

/u/ancap_throwaway0919 don't include (((us))) in your stupidity

/u/ancap_throwaway0919 you went from 0 to calling everyone nazi. What's it like to be so on edge at all times? Doesn't seem healthy.

/u/ancap_throwaway0919 needs to work on their repartee.

/u/Eat_Some_Beer is making up this fantasy in his head of me fighting cops.

I never claimed I would fight cops. I never even said it was a good strategy for someone else.

I'm talking about the reality of the fact that the police exist to protect thw interests of the state. The comment I linked was claiming that cops wont hurt you, they only want to escort you, and I'm pointing out what bullshit that is because if you attempt to defend yourself at all when the police are involved, they absolutely will.

Are we just gonna ignore the ridiculous amount of problems with the police using excessive force in the US lately?

boi i don't know where you think you are but you need to miss me with that seriousposting shit and keep yourself safe

I unironically hope you get sodomized by a cop's billy club.

Do you know how fast you were driving?

Statist Nazi Bootlicker is my new band's name.

you should have every right to defend your property, but when the state sends in its police force to steal it from you, you have no recourse. That's fucked up.

So /u/Yourealldumbfucks you are switching over to Libertarian now?

Okie dokie

I'm saving this for when I have shrooms

Okie doke.

What kind of an ancap doesn't own a dead hand mechanism that instantly launches your privately owned recreational McNukes(™) at the police in retaliation for violating the NAP? Fucking statists.

Fight an SS guard. Don't hop onto the train when he tells you. I fucking dare you, tough goy.

You're correct, I am a goy, that is why I'm not worried. From how high did your parents drop you on your head as an infant /u/ancap_throwaway0919?