"Most pressing issues of our time"

53  2017-10-17 by Ed_ButteredToast


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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MRW Rihanna in thumbnail

(. )( .) ԅ(≖‿≖ԅ)

Here is the most pressing issue of our time:

Are those still real?

If it looks good, who cares ¯\_(ツ) _/¯

I don't know? Maybe one of these body fat transferring augmentation procedures instead of saline/silicon balloons.


a) she's thicker now

b) who cares, nobody from reddit will ever be able to have a closer look.


Hodor, let's be real, even a stripper wouldn't show her/his tits to you.

The teeth?

Better they discuss this bullshit than actual important issues...

Their important issue is supporting BLM. I bet you would choose these two threads above over a BLM support thread.

😱Top 10 Anime plot dilemmas😱

Reddit shouldn't contain discussions in support of terrorist groups

How is BLM a terrorist group? watch this guys ;)

Peaceful protests only. Then people will truly respect them and definitely not call them sons of bitches.

So, how's your first day at al-Qaeda going?

shitty agendapost tbh

what the hell is fenty

actually i don't care

Another valuable contribution by u/ed_butteredtoast

Oh wait it’s fucking nothing like all of his posts why does he even come here

Ban u/ed_butteredtoast

This fucking guy has somehow managed to make this place shittier

Kys ed

Cyberbullying is crime in the United States. Watch you mouth! 😤

Dem titties doe.

I love me some thick Rihanna


This belongs on r/cringeanarchy

This isn't very dramatic.

Imagine the stinkiest nastiest most retarded group of rednecks

but in blackenese

And you have /r/blackladies

I work for a major corporation the sells toys and the race issue is a constant thing when it comes to any entity that sells dolls. Legit, our company hires social anthropologists and has contacts with the AACP because the tantrums are so insane when the SJWs get triggered. We go through social media people so quickly because they get PTSD from the abuse they take. Things that trigger SJW:

-Black dolls are too light

-Black dolls are too dark

-Black dolls have textured hair like actual people of African ancestors.

-Black dolls have non-textured hair unlike people of African ancestors.

And it’s usually worthless fucking stay at home moms who give her their children retarded names like “ Kaden” and “Madyson”.