Question about sexy clothes on Femalefashionadvice instantly becomes sociological debate

48  2017-10-17 by terryfoldflaps


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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What a horrible fucking place to ask for fashion advice. Also the outfit ideas OP listed are awful.

yeah they were pretty bad but i dont have good fashion sense so i gave her the benefit of the doubt. and the only person who even listed any options was given the least upvotes. classic.

Jewboy doesn't know what he's talking about they're bad for what she wants but they're all basic bitch outfits you see regularly.

out of curiosity what would you have suggested? lol

Pasties and a g string.

yes i would say that exemplifies "classy and refined sexuality," why can't reddit have more voices of reason like you??

They could class it up with some chukkas or something.

not crocs?

Too revealing.

beer and a shot. Portland through a shot glass and a Buffalo squeeze.

/u/MoreMajeAndSandro wear knee high bitch boots and a dress that shows cleavage and goes halfway down your thigh, and a belt around your waist (alternate: a shirt and skirt that accomplish the same as above). Add some bold glasses and a headband and you're done. Send me the pics.

I’ll just go nude. Anyone who finds that trashy needs to re-examine their beliefs!!

I'd say naked and passed out in the kiddie pool at the family reunion is pretty trashy.

At least you gave a bunch of bitter shut-ins the opportunity to lecture you.

Just bring a towel if you plan on sitting on anything. No one wants to sit in your cunt slime.

How about a shamwow

That would definitely be quite absorbent. And you can just rinse it in the sink and wring it out afterwords.

It'd be an improvement over what you listed in your OP.

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with u/justgoodenough, other than being psycho, of course?

IDK what that poster is like as an individual, I don’t want to insult her as a person but omg when “racist” is in the first line of a comment on a post when race isn’t even mentioned you just KNOW it’s gonna be guud.

BTW, how big are your tits?

Eh. average.

Big ass?

Do you shave your puss?

I recommend you combine something really tight with something really loose, like skinny jeans with a baggy flannel. Contrast works for a lot of people, and it won’t seem overly trashy or “trying too hard”

Another thing I’d do is accentuate the face. Like wear just enough makeup to accentuate the good parts, maybe have a top that matches your eyes. I think focusing on the face is a great way to combine classy/sexy.

But you may wanna take my opinion with a grain of salt because, as is the grand Reddit tradition, I am giving advice on something I know nothing about.

Third try is the best OP

hahaha seems like there is less regulation here!

Yeah, it's a garbage dump.

But it's our garbage dump ❤️


I think you need to examine the sociological implications of comparing r/drama users to garbage.

that’s offensive to garbage

Holy crap that's a cesspool. Women dressing slutty is not part of patriarchy (even though I'd gladly take credit for it).

i don't even think that's the argument either person is making. It sounds like the drama is about whether or not the patriarchy is responsible for shaming women for "trashy" clothes.

I guess it's the matriarchy that shames me when I wear booty shorts. Those bitches!

I only see you as an object when you wear those tbh

Whew! Finally!

Isn't accepting and publicly displaying your shame part of the thrill of trashy clothes?

I mean I guess? Either way OP wasn't asking how to dress trashy, just saying she didn't want to dress trashy, and somehow that was a huge problem.

" poor women dress "trashy" due to oppression not due to some inherent characteristic on their part, so victim blaming doesn't help. They don't dress classier partly because they don't know but partly because of oppression. The word trashy has a negative connotation on the women, like lower class women aren't having their sexuality oppressed and taken from them."

Is this a troll?

no, unless the entire thread is trolls

What kind of person writes paragraphs about the sociological connotations of the word "trashy" on a anonymous internet forum. Where did western society go do wrong

i feel like 4 years ago that sub was literally just about clothes and now it's like walking into a sociology 101 classroom where everyone wants to be the star student

if it was anything like /r/malefashionadvice, that's actually an improvement

really? i feel like malefashionadvice actually answers fashion related questions.

They do. They just shouldn't.

Yeah, but the answer is always "buy some Japanese trainers" or similar tawdry man-child shit.

Admittedly I've spent very little time there, so idk. lol

It's basically "How to look like a dull wanker".

Wow, I didn't know autism was such a hot look this season.

No specific item is off limits. It's more that I'd like to see alternatives to a "uniform" that has gotten a bit tired.

I think you're being aggressive and defensive here and not actually reading what people are writing to you.

Yay for irony!

Right. Paris Hilton got so much shit for looking trashy/tacky back when she was popular. It's not entirely a money related thing (or at least not in the way OP phrased it.)

OP here, it looks like that thread is actually still going somehow and it's getting even better.

seems like a fun sub

it's a great place to learn about institutional oppression, fashion maybe not so much

Of course the "oo an icky word let me initiate a dialogue instead of answering your question" loser is a moderator too. Always trying to worm into small positions of power.

/u/justgoodenough sure does sound like a trashy thot

As ridiculous as that comment was, I didn’t start this thread to have people get called names. Maybe I’m just a wuss for this subs standards.

This must be your first time here.

It is. I normally frequent SRD as a lurker.

Jesus Christ

That's disgusting. We're gonna need pics of your bussy to make up for it.

Bussy? Sure!

Less talk, more do

Out of this house! Out of this house!


I wish i didnt have to live in reality like them

live in reality like them


didnt have to

Wow you're coming off as very snide here, is that your intention?

I think we need to reexamine the sociological implications of the word "snide," as it carries certain offensive overtones.

/u/MoreMajeAndSandro Shit, that was fucking perfect.

LMAO thank you

Hey OP, juust found the SRD thread about the same link. They're unironically talking about how problematic the word trashy is.
