In which a doofus (apparently with the reading comprehension of a 3 year old) gets bent up over fake news

8  2017-10-17 by icefourthirtythree


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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defending a tranny who Raped a 10 year old child What's your argument here?

u/redpillpopper what’s your argument here? No one is disputing that a tranny raped a kid, it just didn’t happen in a gender neutral bathroom like you claimed. The one shilling fake news is you.

Ban u/ed_butteredtoast

Nice to see they removed the comments of the guy that posted the other article.

I was really waiting for the OP to say "Well technically a home bathroom is gender neutral."

Well it is but that's not really relevant unless you have mentally ill family members with gender identity issues.

>the goldwater dot com

I wish I could troll so hard as to legitimately believe this to be a reputable news source. I should register



Are you here to defend that or do you intentionally seek out Red Pill threads and shill?

Media Matters?



Pedo-defender from NAMBLA?

What's your endgame?

Are you delusional? Do you think there's some global conspiracy against you and your shitty threads?

(Real) News Flash: An organization like this could give less of a shit about you and your shit-tier posts on the Internet.

The only red pill truths /u/redpillpopper swallows is Alex Jones and Trump dick apparently.