Trump taunts grieving widow of fallen soldier: 'He knew what he signed up for', chuckles and then asks if her refrigerator is running before hanging up and forgetting to deliver the punchline.

112  2017-10-18 by HodorTheDoorHolder


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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oh wait what's that?

Sorry. Carry on my dude.


I like the impersonator better than the real one

"I like eating a banana more than literal feces"


Yellowstone can't possibly come soon enough


Oh christ

Wow srs is in fill control of this sub now

Lemme fill that bussy little man.

this but really ironically

Ooh I like this one. This has /u/sheepdank levels of potential


/u/botchlings: " He's right. The best soldiers are the ones who don't get killed. His wife should just get over it like the dependopopomus she is, maybe she shouldn't be having children without a father figure in their life. Trump's quotes have actually all been taken out of context. He's our president so you should believe that he speaks the truth. The fake news media is clearly using this as a smear tactic."

You: "Hello, I'm a faggot."

whoa zinger!


"the best soldiers are those that don't ger killed"

This but absolutely unironically

It's all about having a solid k/d ratio.

I can tell you that insurgents with mortars don't do fair nearly as well.

Fuck them. Most of them are campers anyway.

True and they don't move nearly often enough.

Who would admire a soldier too incompetent to stay alive and come home to his pregnant wife?

if you dont like him then renounce your citizenship lmao

Ah yes. That's what living in a "free country" is all about, where you're forced to renounce your citizenship if you don't like the current administration. I'm sure you felt the exact same way about Obama the last eight years.

yeah ur free to leave. lmaoing @ ur life rn

Why didn't you leave from 2009-2016?

He's 10 years old, he didn't have the agency to leave the country by himself

Disingenuous headline (headlie?). President Trump said

"he knew what he signed up for ...but when it happens it hurts anyway,"

Which, while maybe not the best thing to say at that moment, is a perfectly fine thing to say. It acknowledges that soldiers know their job is dangerous but choose to do it anyway while also acknowledging the grief that the family must be feeling.


Gotta toe the party line there, huh?

When did telling/not telling a grieving widow her husband deserved being killed become partisan issue

That's not what he did lmao

ah my bad, "he signed up to die" is so much better, you fucking kiwi

whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa

Because that's true? He accepted that risk when he signed that dotted line. We all do. It is why "self sacrifice" is an Army Value. Some things are worth dying for. There is literally nothing disrespectful about acknowledging someone's self sacrifice.

What do you think EVERY SINGLE posthumous Medal Of Honor is for? Are you saying that when the President puts that box in a widow or parent's hands and tells them that their loved one recieved the MoH for their self sacrifice, they're being disrespectful?

Some things are worth dying for

You've been taken by a heck of a bamboozle

They're not the same thing you spastic lmao.

fuck kiwis are retarded

Yeah, they are

I think New Zealand has the nicest country on earth

Even more than Canada

So you shut your whore mouth, /u/saintisbabyye

You should sign up for a buckshot cocktail.

He said NOTHING of the sort.


Your parody account is less retarded than you.

Am I the only one too irrelevant to get a parody account dedicated to me?

Eh. Yes.

We don't parody uggos.

The president called about 4:45 p.m. and spoke to Johnson's pregnant widow, Myeshia Johnson, for about five minutes. She is a mother to Johnson's surviving 2-year-old son and 6-year-old daughter.

Anonymous sources say Trump mentioned his MILF and laceration fetish for unknown reasons. One reporter at Fox News criticized CNN for kink shaming after CNN ran a story about Trump being a Fucking Moronβ„’.

Gotta toe the party line there, huh?


Dude that's not ok. That's something you expect your drunk awkward uncle to say, not the president of the US.

That's something you expect your drunk awkward uncle to say, not the president of the US.


Oh I'm sure Liberal SRDS know a ton about what you say to military family members now.

HuffPo will be along to enlighten us with the correct thing to say to the agents of the wawr machine and military-industrial complex soon too i'm sure.

>implying theres a difference

This has to be a troll account I refuse to believe otherwise like this guy never posts anything but serious posts, he never jokes or replies it has to be a troll in like a couple of weeks he's going to post all the replies he's gotten for the great bamboozle

Eh. Even if he did, it would just be a 'jokes on you I was pretending to be retarded' troll. It's not like there's some great punchline from being /r/Drama's punching bag for months on end. I think he's legitimately that stupid, and he keeps coming back because most other subreddits would ban him and he needs some sort of interaction.

He's too adorable to be a troll

He's too adorable to be a troll

Which, while maybe not the best thing to say at that moment, is a perfectly fine thing to say.


Botchlings does not understand social subtleties very well. One may call him an unironic autist. I prefer social retard.

Disingenuous headline (headlie?)

Unironically kill yourself for typing that

You are doing great at creating drama here. Have an upvote.

Which, while maybe not the best thing to say at that moment, is a perfectly fine thing to say.

You just contradicted yourself, you know.

As a public official, or anyone in the spotlight, there are things that can and cannot be said.

Hell, saying bullshit like "I am sorry for your loss, he was a very brave men. Please let us know if you need anything" is better than this. If he can say this to the random guy in Vegas who got shot helping other people, he can say this to a widow.

Gotta toe the party line there, huh?

Compared to what a Republican Senator has said?

Graham said it was Trump's strategy to distract reporters from the important questions about the deadly ambush in Africa.

Pot calling kettle African-American here.

That title is fucking solid.

Thx bby. I'm proud of it. My wife laughed when I showed it to her.


You mean your preteen bussy slave

She doesn't do anal so no

she does do anal just not with you


She does anal with my chad thundercock.

oh ok

Rofl relax

the first part is probably true


Is this kaalaaaa or noodles?

Nope a third person

Every time I come on here someone says that to me... I got banned once for it too

I’ve replied to this like 5 times and they were all shit

Is admitting you're noodles a bannable offence?

Asking for a friend

My bet is on Noodles.

My best is on kill yourself im not noodles dumb nigger

ESL? β€œGet wrecked by gamer gate bitch!”

Omg are you a gamer hater? Wtf is wrong with you

LOL! Zoe doesn't kick ass, she just sucks her way through life! You need to go hang out on /r/terf

Says the guy who posts on /r/vaping... wtf πŸ€’πŸ€’πŸ€’πŸ€’πŸ€’πŸ€’πŸ€’πŸ€’πŸ€’πŸ†πŸ’¦

How many months has it been since I posted in there? Also, better than smoking.

1post per lifetime is too much. You are dirt to me. May allah have mercy on your infidel heart. DEATH TO YOU πŸ‘³πŸ½πŸ‘³πŸ½πŸ‘³πŸ½πŸ‘³πŸ½πŸ‘³πŸ½


I don't even jerk off to chicks who wont do anal and you married one? Your priorities are fucked homie.

I didn't know until after I fell in love

fell in love

confirmed for gay

but my wife is the opposite sex

jesus christ, you couldnt be more of a faggot if you tried

I've tried and it's not appealing :(

enjoy the wall

You just need more lube on your bussy.

Awwww is she soft and does her hair smell good? Ooooooh I'll bet her voice is like music to your ears. ....That the gayest shit I've heard you pussy. Grow some balls and go fuck a man like a real man.

It is the most masculine of traditions. The Spartans are said to have bathed each other before each battle. Those Persians liked Fucking women. What kind of faggotry is that? If I wanted to do feminine shit, I'd suck my own dick. That's not to say I haven't tried. I'm not flexible enough.πŸ˜šπŸ˜±πŸ˜ŸπŸ˜§πŸ˜¬πŸ˜¨πŸ˜³πŸ˜–πŸ˜©πŸ˜­πŸ˜ 

Does she at least let you eat her ass?

yes lol

I love how excited kids get when they use the term bussy. fuuuuuck

god i wish

Only one mad is a Democrat Congresscunt lol

If someone named Only Retard Mad ran for Congress I'd sure as fuck vote for them

> Congresscunt

You should pat yourself on the back for the ingenuity it took to come up with this πŸ”₯.

Some people are just born with gifts

Is your gift a room temperature iq?

In Celsius

In Kelvin

Tip: when your mommy says you're "really gifted" she doesn't really mean it that way.

I know mine does. She says it after cuddles and nap time.

Johnson, who participated in a mentorship program Wilson founded in 1993, died during a mission fighting alongside Green Berets. Islamic militants ambushed them on Oct. 4 with rocket-propelled grenades and machine guns. The team reportedly didn't have overhead armed air cover and was in unarmored pickup trucks. Reuters reported the lack of planning upset the French.

Trump didn't discuss any of the details of the ambush or say that Pentagon was conducting an investigation. Instead, he focused on questions about whether or not he had offered his condolences to the families of the fallen.

What a faggot.

The best part was them blaming him for the questions he was being asked.

huh is that what you got from that

more from the entire article, but yes there as well.

Have I triggered you into tagging me too or do I need to work harder

Delete your post it’s distracting from my post Ok thanks

Delete your post

Always good advice

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shut up noodles

I’m better than you in literally every way don’t you dare talk to me like this ever again. Now say you’re sorry and give my cock a little kiss please thanks nerd peace


Trash can tier cock kiss. Try again beta birch. CHAD COCK IS WAITIG for your lips


Trump is fantastic for global drama levels, I can't understand why this whole sub doesn't love the shitposter in chief.

We do, of course

Except for those tiny parts of us that are still human and can feel emotion

Wow, the title is actually accurate. What the fuck dude.....

I'm only here to state the facts

This title is only accurate if you're willing to base a story entirely on the word of a crazy black woman

My entire world is based on Queen Bae

As it should.

Are u actually retarded or only pretending.

I'm serious, give black Democratic women (one a Congresswoman no less) a chance to get attention for acting hysterical about the president, and you expect anyone to listen? The Jew media is enabling this women, what the really need is a dog whisperer type person to tell them to knock it off.

Looks like you're one of (((them))), huh. (((You))) will never get me or my goy brain!!!1!

relevant flair?

What's my flair again? I am on mobile rn

Anne Frank

Oh, no that's just a selfie

Just missing the "but it still hurts when it happens" part....

lmao Trump has set the bar so low that this is somehow considered redeeming

Indeed, it contains a totally accurate half of a sentence. Omission of the other half is in no way at all deliberately done to manufacture outrage.

Trump is literally retarded. The second half of a sentence does not salvage it.

I never said it salvaged anything, I implied it was doctored to bait dupes like you into outrage. Which it did.

You're in /r/Drama. Do we need to quote the sidebar again?

I'm trying to create drama you numbnut.

Then why the fuck are you here?

To make things as dramatic as possible you dimwit.

Got forth and spread the seeds of drama across many subs for it is your gift and your craft. These seeds shall replenish and bring forth righteous harvest

-Ephesians 21:4

Why go far when all the sperglords are right here?

Clearly not all of them. At least 30% are in CB2

I mean, I hang around here so I don't value my sanity that highly but there's a limit to everything.

There’s no bussy in Africa 😀😀😀 he shoulda stayed home with daddy trump 😀😍😍

im with trump on this one. widows of veterans need to understand that their husbands deaths were actually meaningless, and that allusions to concepts like "service" and "bravery" are just performative rhetoric to help perpetuate a purely profit-motivated military-industrial complex

suck my dick and then kill yourself

thats my fetish

no kinkshaming here

It upsets the French.

I'm starting to believe that the US elections were really manipulated by the Russians

That's my job

What did he say that was wrong? When you join the military, you accept that risk. When you deploy, you accept that risk. What is so bad about acknowledging that?

I think what Trump was trying to do is remind the widow that her husband wasn't tricked into serving or forced to serve. He chose to take on that responsibility and was willing to pay the ultimate price. There's nothing disrespectful about acknowledging that. It shows that he(La David) was an honorable man, and that he was willing to lay down his life for his country because that is what he accepted the risk of when he signed his contract.

Would you people rather Trump have said "wow, you're husband was a retard. He should have just not died. Ugh. What a faggo."

Like, what is disrespectful about ackbowledging someone's bravery? Self Sacrifice is an Army Value for a reason. Some things are greater than yourself. Some things are worth dying for. There is nothing disrespectful about acknowledging that.

Media spergs have been throwing shit at the wall for over a year now telling themselves "surely this will be the end of Trump".

This one is especially weak though considering that every single President has said these words at some point, in a letter or speech or phone call.

I think what Trump was trying to do is remind the widow that her husband wasn't tricked into serving or forced to serve.

Sounds like the ideal time to do that. Perhaps remind her as well that life goes on and tell her that there's plenty more fish in the sea.

"Should have dodged the draft like me. Oh, there's not a draft any more? Well, hey, another tremendous, bigly achievement you can thank President Trump for. Go on, thank me."

You're really reaching dude. Again, this is something every President has said at least once. It is literally why half the military enlists. Because we are willing to make that sacrifice. You are getting outraged on the behalf of people who don't want you to be outraged for them.

Are you under the impression there are veterans out there who are pissed off that Trump disrespected a fallen warrior or some shit? Cus I think you've got the wrong end of the stick dude.

Again, this is something every President has said at least once.

Don't think that's true at all. Thanking/condoling a family for that sacrifice doesn't need to come with a reminder 'hey, remember this is what he signed up for, no takebacks.' Otherwise I have a feeling we'd have heard of this before.

You are getting outraged on the behalf of people who don't want you to be outraged for them.

What about my comment says outrage to you? I'm not even American. I'm just laughing at your president, because he's fucking funny.

I've been to god knows how many military funerals and the pastor/speaker almost always throws out some variation of "he knew the risks, he knew what he was signing up for, but he did it anyway because he is a brave honorable man." Literally zero batted eyes in the audience. But le drumph said it?! REEEEEEEEE

Well saying I'm sorry for your loss, your husband was a brave man would have been better. Or just say nothing and put his hand on her shoulder, that'd be a great photo op too. I mean the options weren't this or talk shit about the guy.

"Her pregnant belly was shaking against the casket as she sobbed uncontrollably." He's describing it like it's his fetish...

I imagine there's an entire genre of pregnant war-widow porn, but I'm sure not going to go googling for it.

pretty sure that falls under normal cuckold porn, right?

Can't be a cuck if you're dead, I think.

Yeah. He was trying to evoke emotion but it just seems like he was stroking it while typing.




wow this

good bot

As opposed to /u/Ed_ButteredToast who is not only a bad bot, but a shit-tier human being

Hey I'm Team /u/Ed_ButteredToast

In fact, I should start /r/EBTDefenseForce

More like u/Ed_Butterface amiright?!?! ;)

hey, make me mod of PKdefenseforce

Should have been smart enough to avoid war like dj trump.

This seems really accurate and truthfully reported.

He knew what he signed up for. But did Trump?

okay but why is the congresswoman always dressed in goofy hats? Florida is crazy

Every circus has a ringleader