Redditors in BOLA decide the OP must be a rapist because the college is trying to strong arm him into signing a confession and he used no no words - one (((retard))) wants men to be as scared of false rape accusations as females are scared of rape.

16  2017-10-18 by John_Kvetch


Remember to ping /u/Zanctmao for his dely reminder he’s a dumbass

I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


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Daily reminder for u/n0radrenaline that rape will only ruin your life if you're a fragile womanbaby who's incapable of getting over yourself whereas false rape accusations have actual consequences such as your name being dragged through the mud, being kicked out of school and/or actual jail time, making it actually much worse than rape, inshallah.

Witch hunts sound like a great idea until you are accused of witchcraft.

Ofc, the same people who constantly tell women they need to be more careful and protect themselves from rape think the very concept of political lesbianism is laughably absurd.

Because it is?

I mean, you wouldn't suggest that a lesbian to become straight for political reasons so why would you suggest that straight women become lesbians?

Nah, I believe he raped the girl. If he didn't, I want the name of a school that believes rape victims and punishes alleged rapists on only their word - I'll recommend that my sisters go there.

Isn't that pretty much every university these days? At least up until recently when Betsy DeVoss reversed some of the Title IX changes that happened during the Obama administration.

I was recently suspended from my college after their student honor council found me “responsible” of allegedly raping a girl 3 years ago. There was absolutely no evidence of it ever happening and was just her word against mine.

Jesus. Get a actual lawyer and then tell the university to go fuck itself.

I'm so happy I finished college well before any of this Title IX craziness happened.

Are there any actual lawyers on that sub, or is it just Feminazis trying to vent their spleen?

Are there any actual lawyers on that sub

Spoiler: Yes, but 99% no, but 0.9% of the time it's one of those retarded insurance defense attorneys or brain-dead credit card collection attorneys or some other kind of lawyer who wishes he could take cases more complicated than the single motion which their supervising attorney in their bottom-tier firm in the middle of nowhere would let them take.

Well, fuck you, you pretentious hoidy, toidy, east coast law firm shill. I bet you get erected when your senior partner lets you write a discovery motion and come out of your doc review cave.

No, I'm just a retard undergrad who sues people. My ego is just irrevocably inflated from all the successes I've had that dead-end lawyers told me I'd never, ever get.

u/ComicSans e: tag the real one pls. On mobile

It used to be actual lawyers until the justiceporn people got their hands on it and started downvoting actual logical arguments for the sake of their feelings.

Someone says:

There was one case of a masters student that everyone (including his department) knew was a serial rapist and the school did not do anything until a victim went to the media.

Yet apparently dialing 911 is too much effort.

So yes this happens in rare cases (just like wrongful accusations and convictions happen for all crimes!) but it's worth noting I do not know a SINGLE girl who has been taken seriously by my university after reporting a rape. It just... doesn't happen. There was one case of a masters student that everyone (including his department) knew was a serial rapist and the school did not do anything until a victim went to the media.

"I saw this so this must be true at every university everywhere! It's all a conspiracy against da womenz!"