The man, the myth, the legend.

75  2017-10-18 by NotBirdJesus


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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Sounds like a line from a country song

Too much talk

Not enough action

Everybody stand for the National Anthem

It should be.

I read that to the tune of walk the dinosaur


Couldn't agree more.

You should be worried about the Zionist neocon warmongers in Washington instead.

I hope you drown in your piss bucket

The future of all mayos.

Why not go with the soft mayocide where we just mix races until everyone is a perfect shade of brown?

I aready got a head start on it with my asian fiance.

That's not good enough. We have to follow what the Haitians did and exterminate any trace of mayogenes.

thanks for the input I was unsure how I felt before I saw ur post

If a piss tape ever comes out, you're gonna be frothing at the mouth about kink shaming and insist drinking pee is cool.

I would jerk off to the piss tape if it existed, honestly. I do wonder how the rumor got started, though

I do wonder how the rumor got started, though

A British spy was paid by the GOP establishment to go to Russia and dig up dirt on Trump. He basically wrote down everything any Ruskie told him (some of it true, some of it not) printed it out, and billed the RNC a million bucks for services rendered.

Later on, he sold the same shit to the HRC campaign.

Emphasis on IF

Emphasis on pee.

Imagine actually believing propaganda.

/u/botchlings why are you anti-business?

Because he doesn't have a job.

Did Burger King finally end it's System of a Downs Employment Program?

And libs will be busy for the next few weeks.

At some point you guys are gonna have to admit this isn't some grand Trump plan and the guy literally is just a retarded person with no filter.

Keep siding with retarded lefties, my dude.

You realize Donald Trump accused Obama of having a secret Arab ring and has personally got on infowars, right?

Have you ever considered that maybe you're the retard?

đŸ…±đŸ…ŸđŸ†‚đŸ†ƒ đŸ…±đŸ†đŸ…ŸđŸ…ŸđŸ…”đŸ†‚

Have you ever considered that maybe you're the retard?

You are the one giving him your skull, rent free.

He is still the president of the us, this isn't just a Kim Kardashian feedback loop at this point even if it started that way.


Only people who have the conversational skills of a disabled toddler think what you just did was clever

Don't gaslight me, you Nazi.

Please, if only there was a movement dedicated eradicated to cleansing the earth of people who think they're smarter than the room

If only.

You better hope there isn't a movement dedicated eradicated to that.

Pardon the centrism, but have you considered that both sides are retarded?

Both sides are retarded, republicans are retard+

Alex the prophet pbuh is ashamed at your lack of faith brother

That appearance probably sealed the election for him. How is that retarded?

You realize that Donald Trump believes these things, correct? he is a rabid conspiratard.

No, it is you who is pretending to be retarded

Lefties aren't the one who called Obama a communist Muslim for years.

Lefties aren't the ones who live in backwards states which take in more money than they churn out.

Lefties aren't the most poorly educated voting base in the country.

Lefites are the ones who called Trump a fascist Nazi for 8 years

Lefties are the ones who constantly spend money we dont have on Federal levels and setup the welfare systems that Red States use and then complain that they use it.

Lefties continually ignore that majority of black and Spanish immigrants that vote left generally and they are in fact the least educated while projecting that the white middle/lower class is while keeping them from pursuing secondary education in the form of "affirmative action".

We can do this all day dude.

Yeah hopefully Trump and the GOP can get the tax cuts through so that the federal debt can go up an additional $2.2 trillion.

Citation needed


You got evidence to back that up?


8 years

i know it feels that long, but it’s only been 2

Lefties continually ignore that majority of black and Spanish immigrants that vote left generally and they are in fact the least educated while projecting that the white middle/lower class is while keeping them from pursuing secondary education in the form of "affirmative action".

Holy shit, what a sentence! Are you actually an illiterate?

More like I forgot to proofread a shitpost. My bad my chocolate friend.

“Spanish immigrants” though?

Again that would mean caring enough about what I type to re-read what I typed.

My dad was born under Franco so I guess he was one of those.

We whiter than yuros tho.

Your voting base is literally illegals, welfare leeches and triggered white cat-ladies, lol.

Citation needed

Nigga, you need a citation to sort out your own gender.

Not an argument cuck boi

Oh yeah, add literal cucks to the list, lol.

đŸ€” are you trolling rn because it's very poor I thought u people were supposed to be good at memes or some other white boy shit


You seem to be booty blasted by that citation comment, comfriend.


Damn, son, were you just hovering over that keyboard, waiting to fire off that reply? I’ve never seen a redditor so quick on the draw

I got me phone out (dumb phone poster btw) while I play video games so I get the alert pretty quick my nigger

Lefties aren’t Democrats.

Lefties don’t suck Wall Street Cock.

Lefties are basically a minority like Muslims at this point in America.

Uh, what was the question again?

Yeah but Obama was a nigger from Kenya and a sandnigger too.

As retarded as the birther and Muslim rumors were, they're absolutely dwarfed by the full-scale meltdown the left has been in since the election.

acting like all presidents before Trump have been entirely upstanding citizens and dindu nuffin their entire lives.

Uh no, it has nothing to do with being upstanding. It has to do with Trump being the least intelligent president in US history on top of being the most ignorant and misinformed president in US history.

He's just a complete clown and very clearly incompetent.

You sound very young.

And you sound like an ignorant moron with no ability to refute anything I said looking for a hand-wave.

Trump is irrefutably a moron.

No u.

And you sound like an ignorant moron

Ad hominem.

with no ability to refute anything I said

Appeal to refutation.

looking for a hand-wave.


Trump is irrefutably a moron.

Asserting the consequent.


You should probably kys.

The degenerative diseases from cousin fucking will kill his bloodline in the next 20 yrs or so tbh.

You sound very retarded.

Oh look, Ed's girlfriend is online tonight!

Who's ed??

Are you actually a lady or is the name an online cross dressing thing.

Are u honestly insulting my womanhood rn?? U wanna go there buddy? I'll crush ur head like a watermelon in my cooch

I'll crush ur head like a watermelon in my cooch Hmmmmmmm

you've never heard of kegels? Ofc not lol


Crush me pls

First on the list bb 😘

Fucking well better be roastie đŸ‘”

I'm honestly not sure you could. Drama subscribers seem to have some previously unstudied nuclear force seperating them from poon. Like trying to put the north end of two magnets together.

My waifu.

Goddess bless you

How many lines of heroin did you snort today?

I'm in Cali. We smoke it.

Can you start doing lines of heroin then?

Of course you can snort heroin in lines. Just make them the right size, tap out a couple bags or whatever and line it up

So can you actually back up your feelings with facts? Or is this just the 1st president you can remember?

Until Trump chokes on a pretzel and almost dies then he is far from the "dumbest"

So I’ll call, like, major—major countries, and I’ll be dealing with the prime minister or the president. And I’ll say, how are you doing? Oh, don’t know, don’t know, not well, Mr. President, not well. I said, well, what’s the problem? Oh, GDP 9 percent, not well. And I’m saying to myself, here we are at like 1 percent, dying, and they’re at 9 percent and they’re unhappy. So, you know, and these are like countries, you know, fairly large, like 300 million people. You know, a lot of people say—they say, well, but the United States is large. And then you call places like Malaysia, Indonesia, and you say, you know, how many people do you have? And it’s pretty amazing how many people they have. So China’s going to be at 7 or 8 percent, and they have a billion-five, right? So we should do really well. But in order to do that – you know, it’s tax reform, but it’s a big tax cut. But it’s simplification, it’s reform, and it’s a big tax cut, 15 –

A random quote with no source? Fuck it's over for Trump guys :(

That's Trump dude, that's him displaying he's retarded. How about another:

Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart—you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world—it’s true!—but when you're a conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged—but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?), but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners—now it used to be three, now it’s four—but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years—but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us.

So it's ok to mock the mentally inferior now? I wouldnt leave the house if I were you.

He had a book, whether he wrote the book or not, but that book pushed him very hard and very strongly. And then they get into who really penned that book. It would be an interesting question for people to figure out. I don’t believe — I think somebody else had a lot to do with that book. I think he wrote the second book, which was certainly not a masterpiece. I'm very good at books, and it certainly wasn't a masterpiece.

How dare people talk in a conversational way!

Lol u must be from the South

Nah. Just the inner city.

so what's trumps excuse?

It's almost like an accent. You can't explain it. Like how no matter where you meet a gay they always have that lisp. Have anal with an Alaskan? You betcha they have a lisp. Tugjob from a Texan? Thats a lisp.

Oooh ok that makes sense. I'm used to the more standard tard accent, where it sounds a bit slurred?

I had no idea there were different tard dialects that's very interesting, ty for the info



New Yorkers don't sound that retarded. He's not from Boston.


I'd say I'd forgotten that you were Southie rehtahded, but that's a lie 😘

Ay fahk u kid and fahk ur muthah 😙

When you cum, does it sound more like someone starting Katherine Hepburn like a lawnmower or like a seal falling down a flight of stairs?

More so like a mongolian throat singer speaking backwards Latin, tbf tho I'm not a native. I assume in a few more years ill just scream about how much Yankees suck, which is the cum tradition here

Just scream Omahhhhhhh! and you'll fit right in.

"I am totally in favor of vaccines. But I want smaller doses over a longer period of time. Same exact amount, but you take this little beautiful baby, and you pump--I mean, it looks just like it's meant for a horse, not for a child, and we've had so many instances, people that work for me. ... [in which] a child, a beautiful child went to have the vaccine, and came back and a week later had a tremendous fever, got very, very sick, now is autistic."

Do you think Hillary Clinton actually wrote a multi hundred page book? Because if you do I assure you that you are far dumber than trump.

Uh, he's talking about Obama dude, and that's not why the quote is stupid.

The quote is stupid for the following reasons:

A) I'm very good at books, and it certainly wasn't a masterpiece. "I'm very good at books."

B) He's attacking Obama because he believes Obama used a ghostwriter, but Trump himself didn't write the book he pretends he did - it's just more projection from the tangerine tyrant.

wait it's not ok to mock retards? well shit who changed the rules?! Everything's a lie now 😱

You don't call a retarded person a retard. It's bad taste.

If they're in charge of our government, yes

So it's ok to mock the mentally inferior now?

Yes. Why is this a question?

I wouldnt leave the house if I were you.

What'll happen if he does? Don't be shy.

The man literally has a learning disability.

Woah, that’s even worse than a figurative learning disability.

Not as good as "this is why Trump won," but I really hope his acolytes go with the "this is totally normal for a president" spin in the future.

If your old enough to remember other presidents (or read) you'll realize Trump is perfect presidental material.

That's the stuff.

A guy who has racked up millions in taxpayer money paying for his elaborate vacations and spends most of his time golfing is hardly "presidential material".

Better in the open than back room deals right?

that doesnt even make sense as a comeback

Maybe if you believe evey politican is an upstanding member and impossible to corrupt with money.

Lol right, because we're all just hillshills here. Do you u know where tf u are retard?

I do.

Who hired you?




Nah. I like it here.


Love for bussy knows no bounds.

this one doesnt either. are you feeling okay man?

Nah man. I been smoking fat doinks off my dock.

A guy who has racked up millions in taxpayer money paying for his elaborate vacations and spends most of his time golfing is hardly "presidential material".

This is how we know you are experiencing your very first election, little dude.

The media posts monthly reminders of how he’s burnt through more cash on bullshit like vacations than Obama in his first 4 years.

The media


Haha ikr I meant for it to be as broad as possible considering the conservative media reported Obama’s “lavish vacation” spending sprees like Starbucks just printed a crescent moon on their cups

That is just how Democrats are. They couldn't even get a real American from Detroit to be the first Islamic President. Had to get a pussy-whipped London kebab fuccboi. Democrats are a goddamn fifth column.



Trump is basically Andrew Jackson of the 21st century.

Which I am entirely OK with. Success is nothing to be ashamed of, and I'm tired of liberals apologizing for our history. The nations and peoples that suffered for us to become the preeminent superpowers are not innocent victims here. Their history is just as vicious and exploitative as ours; they simply lacked the power to come out victorious. Do you really doubt that if Native Americans had the ability to visit Europe and colonize that continent, they would have hesitated at all? Just look at the Barbary Pirates for an example of how these "innocent victims of colonialism" behaved when they had the upper hand.


Too long, didn't read? Don't worry, there are people who want to help.

I thought it was pasta, but you're serious posting like a tard.

Sorry, I didn't recognize that you were only being ironically stupid. My bad!

Got em

"Look at my Jumbo" - El BJ

if it makes you feel any better, the guy who choked on a pretzel actually read books

Picture books but a book is a book.

the most ignorant and misinformed president in US history

I'm not sure Andrew Jackson could even read. Go back to class.

Well, someone here should.

I mean, you cannot even remember W. That makes you, what, 12?

Trump makes W look like an absolute genius.

You guys are really underestimating how dumb Trump is.

Don't misunderestimate me, booboo.

At least he was good at killing Rosbifs and Injuns.

Oct 2017

Still being mad about the president

Rofl get over it you pussy.



Wow. Dumber than dubya, what a feat.

To continue the srsposting thread, I think Trump is not as dumb as he seems...or else it would mean he has been the luckiest mofo during his entire life. Winning an election implies understanding voters and what appeal to them, that's not easy. Same for his business and TV careers.

Saying he's dumb is just dismissive. If dems are not ready to digest the election and really scrutinize what happened in the last decade leading to Trump, they'll keep pathetically losing to reality TV celebrities.

Not complaining though, the drama is exquisite, and it's time the US take a step back. You guys are bad influence.

His stupidity appeals to stupid Americans and the fact that he's a republican who wants to cut taxes appeals to rich Americans

Not that hard to figure out

To continue the srsposting thread, I think Trump is not as dumb as he seems...or else it would mean he has been the luckiest mofo during his entire life. Winning an election implies understanding voters and what appeal to them, that's not easy.

How is this not easy? Being a racial demagogue is not difficult, it's not hard to understand what uneducated rural people want and feel.

They want a scapegoat, they want to believe they aren't failures due to their own problems, but it's the government or brown people.

They want to feel like the world isn't changing.

Saying he's dumb is just dismissive. If dems are not ready to digest the election and really scrutinize what happened in the last decade leading to Trump, they'll keep pathetically losing to reality TV celebrities.

But there's nothing to digest. The man won by playing the racial demagogue game. This isn't something that can be countered by reason and it isn't a game the DNC is ever going to play because the DNC support base is made up of many different ethnic groups.

This works for the GOP because they're like 98% old white people.

DAE republicans are all racists AMIRITE

Enjoy Trump 2020.

No, republicans aren't all racist, but the evidence is overwhelming that the base is motivated by white identity politics at this point and you can see it in the fact Trump supporters believe white people suffer more racial discrimination than black people do in America.

There's a fantastic article on the changes:

“Every once in a while, somebody would come with a Confederate flag and people would stand there and point at it and call them ‘liberal plants’ and things like that,” he said.

In that way, the tea party wasn’t new. Something real has been percolating over the past decade in the Republican base when it comes to race and identity. When looking at the change in the county-by-county vote from 2000 to 2012, one of the most predictive variables for a place becoming more Republican has been the number of people ethnically identifying as “American,” not whether or not a person believes in smaller government or lower taxes. States such as Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee and West Virginia, where a plurality of people identified in the 2000 Census as “American,” are among those that have trended the most Republican since 2000.

Howe’s theory for the racial animus of Trump supporters boils down to simple attrition: “Everybody who was reasonable seems to have gone home in 2012,” he said. Romney’s loss in 2012 discouraged many of the once-energized fiscal conservative activists.

“This isn’t the most artful way to say it, but it’s like, where do you go when the only people who seem to agree with you on taxes hate black people?” Howe laughed ruefully. “I think what you do is you say, ‘Well, I may lose but I can’t align myself with them.’”

But instead, Howe said, he made moral compromises he regrets.

“There are some things that I don’t have core values about, that I can be negotiable on, compromise on. But then there are other things that I can’t budge on,” he said. “I think I thought I had to budge on some things: ‘Yeah, this guy talking to me right now just said he agrees with my taxes and also we need to get that Kenyan out of office.’ Why did I stand there and say, ‘Yeah’? You know? I shouldn’t have done that. I should’ve said, ‘Wait, what? No, that’s stupid. You’re stupid. Don’t be stupid.’”

When I spoke with Tim Miller, Jeb Bush’s former communications director, soon after Trump won the Indiana primary and the nomination, he wasn’t sure what the party might look like after November, much less four or eight years down the line.

There were potential paths back to a more mainstream party line, he theorized, including an economic downturn during a Clinton presidency, making Republicans more appealing by comparison. Miller wasn’t much comforted by that, though.

“I think another very real potential right now — why it’s important that people in the party speak out against Donald Trump and against Trumpism — is that the Republican Party moves to a period of minority status,” he said. “Where it’s essentially a party that’s driven by white grievances and by white — not racial politics, but a set of white identity politics.”

This isn't even getting into the fact the GOP is engaged in racial voter suppression and gerrymandering across the entire country.

That's a nice story.

It all falls apart when you actually go see the voters and ask them about their politics and views. That's why I have very little trust in D.C. elites to understand the 80% of voters whose main preoccupation couldn't be any further than racial or sexual discriminations. That's why I like Chris Arnade's angle more : all those big guns journalists, politicians, all they know of their country is from stories they tell themselves and try to later confirm via very biaised, very simplistic data analysis, to later shove it down the throats of their following gullible bases.

Arnade gives you a very different account of what is happening, because he actually goes and interview people. If you haven't rad him, you should. All your article does is show how the GOP see their voting base, but not how their voting base actually is.

I'd like to see a link for your claim that republicans see more discrimination for white than for blacks though.

It doesn't fall apart. Your opinion isn't really a valid replacement for academic research man, I don't know what else to tell you.

It all falls apart when you actually go see the voters and ask them about their politics and views. I have very little trust in D.C. elites to understand the 80% of voters whose main preoccupation couldn't be any further than racial or sexual discriminations.

It doesn't fall apart though. Data is data, it's what we base opinions on. This rejection of empirical data that's so common with people today is a real problem.

That's why I like Chris Arnade's angle more : all those big guns journalists, politicians, all they know of their country is from stories they tell themselves and try to later confirm via very biaised, very simplistic data analysis, to later shove it down the throats of their following gullible bases.

I grew up in rural America, my entire family is "white working class" and most people I know fall into this.

It is absolutely racially motivated.

Arnade gives you a very different account of what is happening, because he actually goes and interview people. If you haven't rad him, you should. All your article does is show how the GOP see their voting base, but not how their voting base actually is.

See above.

I'd like to see a link for your claim that republicans see more discriminations for whites than for blacks though, if you have it.

It's Trump voters, not really republicans. Trump and his base are fairly different from your run of the mill fiscal conservative:

There is a bunch of stuff on this:

The reason Trump hasn’t lost more ground for his widely panned response to the attack is probably that many of his supporters agree with some of the beliefs that led white supremacists to rally in Charlottesville in the first place. Asked what racial group they think faces the most discrimination in America, 45% of Trump voters say it’s white people followed by 17% for Native Americans with 16% picking African Americans, and 5% picking Latinos. Asked what religious group they think faces the most discrimination in America, 54% of Trump voters says it’s Christians followed by 22% for Muslims and 12% for Jews. There is a mindset among many Trump voters that it’s whites and Christians getting trampled on in America that makes it unlikely they would abandon Trump over his ‘both sides’ rhetoric.

"Data is data" might be true for hard science fields, it' s not for sociology. Perfect example in one of your link where "racial threat" is determined through the display of only 2 images with two different men that have almost nothing in common, and among the things they don't have in common is their skin color. From that, your paper claims it can determine racial biais. It's utter, complete bullshit and that kind of pseudo-science "data" (along stereotype threats, implicit biais mesures, etc...) is thankfully crumbling. But today, it's part of the "data is data" from where your elites use to come to the brilliant conclusion that the US is suddensly more racist and more sexist than 10 years ago. Truely brilliant.

Now, of your 6 links, only the last partly answer the question ( btw, here's the direct link to the poll...)

Yeah, even if the methodology isn't given, it does show what you claimed(45% of trump supporter, and still 41% of republicans). It tells as much about their self-centered victimhood than their racism, but still...

( I still have an issue with those kind of polls and their tendencies of grouping all black people in the US under one big "African-american" label. It's simplisitc and leads to very damaging misconception about race relations, imo )

also...Q 41 :

If the candidates for President next time were Democrat Mark Cuban and Republican Donald Trump, who would you vote for?

Polling services preparing for the worst already, lmao.

most of them had grown up a bit by age 70, yeah

No filter, No brakes, No worries! You just have to learn blind devotion and you'll see why you are wrong.

Busy laughing.

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He's not the first misunderstood artist to go mental

His whole account sounds like Donald Trunp parody account.

Reality was replaced by satire several years ago because they thought it would get better ratings

Too bad the general audience hasn't realized yet.

They weren't wrong.

It really does lmao

It's pretty astounding how he is consistently shitposting pretty much every day. I almost wanna say "dae 63d chess to distract libtards."

In 2020 Trump is gonna release a book called "On Triggering Libtards: Or How I Learned to Love the Word Cuck"

i have a theory the donald trump outrage culture is intentional, he acts like an ass on purpose because he's a deep state puppet, and the media goes to work on him being either a complete fucking asshole or just writing easy hitpieces people will click on, and everyone involved earns a ton of money from all of the constant 24/7 coverage on him. not even obama was this popular when he was the president. the media is raking in money right now and it's pretty insane, and I'm sure other parties are benefiting from this, not blaming just the media here. just seems pretty planned for donald trump to be so retarded all of the time, it's not natural retardation.

I wouldn’t call you a conspiracy guy, but you’re definitely a connect the dots guy.

i just wish there were crayons to make the whole thing not so bad when it comes together

I also have a theory. He's not so secretly a loudmouth blowhard without a shred of introspection, and rednecks find this endearing while everyone else finds it cringeworthy. WHat I don't understand is why the media has to lie about him and twist his words when the flat truth and straight quotes are just as effective. I guess old habits die hard.

media has to lie about him and twist his words when the flat truth and straight quotes are just as effective.

Because the rednecks and ma and pa places stop showing the NFL on their TVs and they can't have that, no the NFL is doing fine

Are you fucking retarded? There is no "deep state" if you mean a cohesive unit that can make coordinated actions

not even obama was this popular

Obama vs Trump

He's owned by the Zionists. He's an Israel Firster.

Can I get a refund? It's defective.

Here you go ╰(ͥ° ͜ʖ ͥ°)━__________ [ÌČ̅â‚Ș(ÌČ̅1)ÌČ̅â‚Ș]


Sshhh bb s ok

I know! He's using goycoins. He should do as Abraham did and use the almighty sheckle.

I mean, show me a political figure in North America who's not, tbh

Ron Paul

The only other option is Palestanis, so we're gonna have to go with the Zionists.

Why is this dipshit so bussy blasted about the NFL on a Wednesday?

America's Team had a bye last week and he still pissed off about it

Trying to distract the tards on both sides with shit that doesn't matter

That's what my parents said when I asked them what they had planned for my b-day this year :/

I think because the other story about him is the whole deal about how he calls soldier's families when other presidents don't so he called a KIA soldier's widow and she put it on speaker phone and some Democratic Senator happened to be in the car at the same time and the family/senator is saying Trump was dismissive and hurtful and Trump is saying he has proof he was polite and courteous to the widow.

Muh troops vs. muh flag, which story has more retarded symbolism and virtue signaling?

Por que no los dos?

That Democrats story is full of more holes than the Pissgate dossier.

When i'm done with you, you're going to be full of more gaps than what daddy has in his short-term memory

Because America is such a racist nation that they force black people to engage in some sort of primitive gladitorial display for ridiculous sums of money. He's just trying to emancipate them from a life of regret and brain injury by destroying their business.

Wew, that’s a hot take, amigo. You’re more retarded that Stephen A.

8 million jehovah's witnesses don't salute the flag, one black guy decides to kneel and all hell breaks loose.

but he's B L A C K ugh just ew

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JW's can do whatever they want on their own damn time.

JWs are like 35% white, and have twice as many women as men. I think this makes them the most oppressed religion?

For real though, I was really surprised the first time I was in a JW Kingdom Hall and saw that nearly all of them were black. I've only had white JWs show up at my door.

The Jacksons (as in Michael Jackson) were JWs. They still did door to door proselytizing when they were famous. MJ wore a shitty fake beards a disguise.

There's a shit ton of Mexican Jehovah's Witnesses that I know sort of. Selena Quintanilla died because her family rejected a blood transfusion for her.

Honestly these lyrics are great, I can't wait for his new album.

J Edgar Hoover: War on Crime

Lyndon B Johnson: War on Poverty

Richard M Nixon: War on Drugs

George W Bush: War on Terrorism

Donald J Trump: War on Football

I look forward to some random interventionist mission occuring in Bangladesh that vaguely has something to do with fooball, and I thank future soldiers for their service.

uh you know J Edgar Hoover wasn’t president right

he doesn't know about the deep state


That's what (((they))) want you to believe.

damn got me again


Considering we still have lots of crime, poverty, drugs and terrorism, what will happen to football?

Noggin joggin there

/u/pizzashill is so triggered.

How triggered is he?

Motherfucker downvotes lolcows

I've never downvoted a reddit comment.

Sorry, it was /u/ProphetRith.

I have wronged you, /u/pizzashill. Take my energy!

I didn't downvote anyone either you turbo autismo sexy boi

I do not belieb u


Deflect, deflect, deflect.

i like that he tweeted directly at the nfl account

Man I swear we will never see someone so able to make lefties asshole raw until the next republican president

You know that he's the president when his tweets are more intelligent than the ones of people replying to him.... It is like reading youtube comments times two.

Is having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry?

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.

Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.

As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically

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Lena DunHAM is a filthy fucking animal.

Neg all you want but she still won't fuck you

Who cares? Handegg is dumb, the sport of Twitter Sperging is way better anyway.

Imagine, 20 yrs from now, Daddy's tweets will be in history books.

Fair cop, American football is the most retarded team sport since football.

Me Pqree.

He didn't. Those rabid conspiratards don't hate the government, they hate the government when they aren't in control.

These people vote, they've always voted, GOP propaganda has been pandering to them for years.