Partner(32f) says I(33m) should be comfortable sharing my net worth with her other partner by now (34m) • r/polyamory

77  2017-10-19 by high_octane_cooler


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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That evening when we were alone I told my partner how uncomfortable that experience made me, which sent her spiraling into her own anxieties about money and the blackout curtain her parents put up over anything to do with money in her life.

I love when the poly crowd tips their hands and reveals that they're just tightly-wound balls of insecurities and emotional issues.

or just nutjobs, which is probably more accurate.






They gave the fellow reasonable advice tho.

5 days ago

This is stale drama.

/u/pthrowaway222, you'll probably never see this, but this goes for every "poly": stop fucking literally cucking yourself, if you don't, I'm sure you'll come back complaining about how your open relationship isn't going so well. He obviously feels like a stranger to you, and he's in love with your wife. Have you even used his bussy yet?

Seriously, if you aren't buttfucking this guy then why are you even in this relationship?

Fucking a guy who is fucking your wife is the pinnacle of alpha behavior.

It's simultaneously most alpa if you're on top and most beta if you're bottom.

Having low 6 figures and still being a spineless degenerate


low six figures in somewhere like San Francisco isn’t that impressive tbh

There is literally no city in the country where 100k won't put you in the top 10% of income earners.

Yeah but see, in a city, there are a lot of people who bring the average way down. All those homeless panhandlers are barely making 50-60k per year. If you exclude them from the calculation, the average goes way up and 100k is no longer impressive.

And you know that money is tax free. Goddamn hobos not paying their fair share.

Net worth and income are two different things.

One weird trick to double your net worth every year! Multiply your wealth by a billion in 30 years!

Only rural and suburban retards voted for Trump, city people all voted for Hillary.

Malaysia kicked Singapore the fuck out of their country - there were literally more Indians and Chinese in Singapore than there were Malays in the entire peninsula. Today, Singapore is insanely prosperous, and Malaysia is a hellhole. I sincerely wish the US, or at very least my state, would kick my city out too so we can follow a similar path.

What city

If he says San Fransico we can all have a good laugh together.

There is literally no city in the country where 100k won't put you in the top 10% of income earners.

lolwat. You realize it's 2017 and we can easily verify facts on the internet, right? You're not even close to correct.

Whines about verifiable facts

Says someone is incorrect

Doesn't post facts



I think it's just net worth not yearly salary

low 6 figures

Pretty sad at 33, especially considering it seems like he doesn't own a home.

me irl

u/pthrowaway222 it sounds like they're planning to murder you for your money.

Dude makes enough money. He's 33. Get a personal trainer, dump the greedy bitch and get a trophy wife with huge implants.

Unless him and the other dude are bussy blasting each other, I don't see why he has to share his money with him - or her really. She can fucking pay her own way.

A person can decide they want to be in an extended polycule

I think that means bussy.

for a minute i thought it was gonna be about having to give the other dude access to his funds. tho maybe that's the end game

I'd bet on that being the endgame. This fool gonna get fleeced

Absolutely, why the hell else would it need to be brought up.

To give him more accurate "advice," of course

Definitely. He'll come home to a cleaned out house and an empty bank account and they'll be long gone.

Sounds like 95% of military marriages.

And 100% of poly ones

it absofuckinglutely is

can you say CUCK?

When you get cucked so badly that you pay to be cucked.

At first I thought she was expecting the guy to share his actual money, not just information about how much money he had. Although, that's probably coming next.

Polyamory. Cuckolding. "Open relationships."


some day the rain will come and wash all the filth away.

I hope not. Only way I can get good bussy are straight """men""" cucked beyond belief. I hope this stays forever.

Excuse me shitcunt, just because you're so insecure with your own relationship that you won't share your partner with seventy black men and a horse doesn't mean you have to lash out at everyone else.

I like to think I'm open-minded to most deviances consenting adults want to engage in, but polyamory always reads like "I'm a wimp and my domineering partner made me accept them cheating on me".

Literally every poly I've ever known has eventually had some sort of fucking breakdown when the stress of having twenty other people bang their SO finally pulls them into an emotional black hole.

It's almost as if sex and emotions are tied, N'Wah.

Who'd have known, fetcher?

Anyone with half a functioning brain, s'wit.

I mean when it works, it works. The only difference is that breakups are messy as hell in the poly world and everyone turns into a massive fucking entitled baby.

Breakups are messy in any world, but I mean what happens if there's like two girls and three dudes, and I'm one of the dudes and I want to break up with one of the girls but not the other one? Or if I really like dude number three, but dude number two is a complete fucking prick, but girl number one keeps him around because he gets good weed? One relationship is complicated enough, to be honest.

Anyway, call me a traditionalist but I'm just not that into some other dude spunking all over my girlfriend's face.

“Is there a poly angle that makes thisnokay?”



the next day she sat down with both of us

Holy fuck. forgive me /u/zachums, but I'll have to go all SRS... Just this once.

/u/pthrowaway222 they plannin to rob you.

This wouldn't be an issue if OP wasn't a cuck

do you think she'll be like "um he puts his dick in your wife" when he says his finances are private

poly person is emotionally stunted

wow what a twist

Is /r/relationships exclusively for non-ironic cucks now?

Any thoughts, /u/CucksLoveTrump?

Yeah fuck that. That's not what I'm about. You can fuck my wife and I might buy you a beer but we aren't getting any closer financially than that

You can fuck my wife

I will 😎😎😎

Fair warning: she's 5'4" and 250 lbs

Very tasty 😋😋😋

I don't get it. You should be flaunting your superior financial position to your girlfriends lovers all the time. Assert dominance. Are you the alpha cuck or not bitch?

I don't get how a man can be poly. That shit is one of the least masculine things you can do imo.

Blasting bussy being the most.