Buckle up boys, Daddy thinks the FBI is committing treason... again

67  2017-10-19 by Strictlybutters


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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This is surely the end of drumpf.

he's picking a fight with the lizard people, he's dead in a week

This but no ironic

Hopefully the banning of u/ed_butteredtoast as well

Speaking as a fellow butter fluid individual i won't let this attack on u/ed_butteredtoast go unchallenged. This isn't r/uncensorednews we here at drama are an open and affirming community and will not stand for that toxic rhetoric!

Preach brother preach! 🙏

Mod u/ed_butteredtoast

Turn Ed into communal bussy boy


Mod Ed_ButteredToast, then ban him.

Fake news!

According to Reddit he's been impeached like 100 times now.

I don't even know why anyone wants him impeached. I want him in office for as long as possible, I want him there doing as much damage to the GOP brand as possible.

A slow bleed.

There's also the added bonus he'll do serious damage to the US on the international stage.


There's also the added bonus he'll do serious damage to the US on the international stage.

Don't get your hopes up. It's not like it can possibly get any worse.

Things can always get worse

It's not going to seem like such a slow bleed to the draftees dying in North Korea and Iran.

Thankfully most people fighting that war on the ground will be Trump supporters, that elected Donald Trump.

There will be no draft, though.

Thankfully most people fighting that war on the ground will be Trump supporters, that elected Donald Trump.

armed uprising


I too am hoping that thousands of Trumpanzees die in the Zagros mountains, with their last words being "I should'a claimed bone spurs", but it's not obvious how an event that happened before today's draftees were born guarantees that a draft is impossible.

This country does not have the political culture to ever support a draft again, outside of the direst of circumstance.

Vietnam did a lot for this country culturally, and people didn't take kindly to having their children die in a pointless war against their own will.

If the US government ever tried to draft people into another pointless war it'd be a huge shitstorm the likes of which we've never seen.

So what do we do if we start losing? Just nuke them?

We lose. And Trump and Trump alone will be to blame.

Define lose. Not achieve our political goal or find the cost of victory to high relative to the will to achieve those goals? Take the lose, lose some international political capital, in 20 years make movies symbolically winning the war.

Best Korea's God-King pulls a logistical support train out of his voluptuous bussy that can sustain an actual invasion of a country fuckloads bigger and more populous that his, that is the world's biggest ocean away from him? I mean, I guess nukes, but if we're that far from reality we're probably dealing with aliens or wizards, so who knows if that would work.

The worst case scenario is not that NK somehow invades the US. It's that Americans get bogged down in the mountains and it ends up like Russia vs Finland, or US vs North Korea.

Will Fox News and talk radio even report that we're losing, if it comes down to it?

An NK war would be the same as the Afghan/Iraq war; an offhand war. We wouldn't reorganize the economy, start selling war bonds, start a draft, or do really much of anything that would impact the day to day citizen. If we start needing more bodies, we'd do the same thing as before; start lowering enlistment standards and upping signing bonuses.

Also, you do know the Soviets won the Winter War, right?

An NK war would be the same as the Afghan/Iraq war

Persians and Koreans aren't tribal savages living in the desert. The American military has gotten complacent fighting against nobodies. They're going to kill the invaders, and it's going to be such a debacle that the US will have no choice but to mobilize, give up, or go to first-strike nuclear warfare.

Also, you do know the Soviets won the Winter War, right?

They got a tiny amount of territory after suffering 6-figure losses.

We lost Nam. Draft didn't help much when you demoralize your entire country.

Trump isn't dumb enough to actually go to war with anyone. He just likes shit stirring on Twitter. Plus, there's no way the GOP would let him actually go after NK.

I don't even know why anyone wants him impeached. I want him in office for as long as possible, I want him there doing as much damage to the GOP brand as possible.

If anyone can do more damage to the republican brand than bush its trump.

He already has done more damage than Bush. Republicans are turning on themselves despite owning the entire government.

There's also the added bonus he'll do serious damage to the US on the international stage.

Why the hell do you want that to happen?

The only way this country is going to change is if the population experiences some type of downside to electing the people they elect.

US international decline will come with economic decline which will lead to these people suffering economically on some level.

Except that the economic fortunes of this country always have far more to do with international business cycles and the policies of presidents a few decades ago than whatever the current president does.

Trump is literally trying to rip up trade deals. Once the world sees how he handles NAFTA, this country will be damaged enough on the international stage to suffer an actual downside.

If we're replaced by China, we deserve to be replaced by China.

Trump is literally trying to rip up trade deals.


What's with you reactionaries always afraid of things changing and progressing?

Nothing Trump is doing is "progress." It's the exact opposite, it's trying to roll back progress.

Meh, you sound like a startled reactionary.

It's kinda true, though. You're a reactionary.

You've got a very small, very limited perspective world view. All you know about the world is informed by a world that only knows Obama as president.

You went through puberty during his administration and you and your other tribe members traded hilarious memes with him. He's kind of the biggest celebrity in your world.

Seeing that world move on and progress into a different direction scares you, hence you're just a reactionary screaming at clouds.

But we all went through that phase. It'll end once you make it to the other side of 25.

It's kinda true, though. You're a reactionary.

You've got a very small, very limited perspective world view. All you know about the world is informed by a world that only knows Obama as president.

You went through puberty during his administration and you and your other tribe members traded hilarious memes of him. He's kind of the biggest celebrity in your world. Your status quo is being threatened and you're frightened.

But we all went through that phase. It'll end once you make it to the other side of 25.

You've got a very small, very limited perspective world view. All you know about the world is informed by a world that only knows Obama as president.

Are you just making shit up now?

Being born during Bush doesn't count.

You're a little young person, and that's ok. Don't hide from it.

I could be 15 and Donald Trump would still be a retard. Like do you honestly think Donald Trump is a normal president?

The guy has straight up gone on Infowars and very clearly has no idea what he's talking about.

When you control the status quo (Pax Americana), any change is likely to be bad for the USA. But not necessarily for anyone else, Mayocide Now.

The Americans have anyway lost influence in the middle east to Russia and that was in the first few months. Seeing how that turned out, it's obviously better for the Americans to lose control.

Until they suffer consequences for the things they do they'll keep doing those those things.

Being a leftist makes people have AIDS and get cuckolded and cut their own dicks off. I don't think you are going to find any consequences more severe than that.

You sound like a leftist to me from that description.

Fight me, bitch.

no amount of consequences will sway me from my stance.

hence why dumb rednecks stay in their little shit towns, fear education, watch all their local businesses die, shop at walmart, and vote for people bought out by greedy tycoons. Maybe the opioid epidemic will fix this problem for the country

hence why dumb rednecks stay in their little shit towns

It's Her Turn

What's with you trumptards always talkin hillary, it's like you're stuck in the past...oh right

She is the most qualified ever.


One plunge at a time

The only way this country is going to change is if the population experiences some type of downside to electing the people they elect.

That rarely happens historically though.

Yes, but when it does happen people learn a lesson for a long time afterward.

Man, you are an habitual SRSPOSTER. What a downer.

Cry me a river.

How many replies do you have in this post?

Not enough.

Your emotions are pouring over eh?

Yeah they just changed my autism meds and I'm kind of lost.

You're worth a reply.

US international decline will come with economic decline

[Reality needed]

The fact you think the US won't suffer economic damage from a decline on the world stage leads me to believe you don't know much about why the US is where the US is.

its a centipedo, he doesnt know how to tie his own shoelaces

The fact that you unironically said this doesn't change my opinion of you at all, because I'd already come to the conclusion you're a dope.

The United States is the largest economy in the world and the most powerful military, if Trump started up death squads to lynch gypsys in Time Square the world would react the same way that they do to countries like Saudi Arabia beheading gays: some stern condemnation to appease their leftist voters whilst business carries on as usual.

Take a look at China: they're actually doing the things that hysterical leftist fucktards accuse Trump of doing/planning (mass internment camps for dissidents, removing Muslims' rights, mass censorship, occupation and suppression of neighboring land, restricting and destroying the cultures of minorities, destroying the environment, promoting fervent nationalism and racial hatred etc). Now take a look at the nearest plastic object to you: where was it made? Do you think that the China's position on "the world stage" has any bearing on whether companies will use them to produce their cheap tat and whether politicians will trade with them?

You're delusional, Pizzashill. Get some fucking help.

I'm not delusional, you're just a really stupid person dude.

Our position in the world has benefits. If we lose our position in the world, then we lose those benefits.


Some reading on this topic.


You are seriously just not educated on the subject at all.

You're like a real life Chicken Little.

That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.

The idea you think American hegemony doesn't benefit us is just weird

That wasn't my argument, at all, I'm saying that Amertica's dominant position and relations aren't going to change because of Trump.

So do I. MAGA!


i mean someone moved to impeach, i don’t think it even had a second

He's done more than enough to remove him as an acting president, but that also requires his own party to hold him responsible. The mutant GOP ain't so keen on giving up its keys to the castle quite yet.

but seriously, we can't let this guy get his hands on the nuclear codes.

This is surely the end of fbi.

Great. What am I going to do with all these Female Body Inspector t-shirts?

Send em to Africa

i think the joke is the fact that it’s so obviously not, despite being yet another example of him being an unqualified retard


🍊 Donald J. Trump


Workers of firm involved with the discredited and Fake Dossier take the 5th. Who paid for it, Russia, the FBI or the Dems (or all)?

4:56 PM · Oct 19, 2017

4,478 Retweets · 14,320 Likes

Beep Boop I'm a bot!

Good bot. Ban botchlings

Both plz

bad bot

Bad human.

ye I've been bad, would you punish me daddy? 0w0

C'mere you kinky little slut ԅ(≖‿≖ԅ)

Mod Ed_ButteredToast.

This but unironically

This but butteronically

Lol, you said butt butter.

it's what this sub honestly deserves

Who paid for it, Russia, the FBI or the Dems (or all)?

This level of nuance is very unusual for Daddy

Nuance is for cucks

He's not wrong.

Liberals wave around the dossier like it's actually real when it's already been discredited. Anything they can do to keep the Trump/Russia narrative alive.

Meanwhile there's actual evidence of Obama/Hillary/Russia bribery that is seemingly ignored by the non-conservative media.

" The Russian scandal against daddy is fake but the Russian scandal against Hillary is real" 🤔

difference: evidence

Let's see it then

I think he's asking for it.

Which took years to gather.

When u/botchlings needs 2 accounts to post the same lame response.


everyone is botchlings

There's actually evidence against Hillary.

Don't hold back then. Post the evidence!

Here's a good, even handed rundown from reddit's first paid news sponsor, WaPo

Important part at the end:

It is virtually impossible to view these donations as anything other than an attempt to curry favor with Clinton. Donations alone do not, however, prove that Clinton was actually influenced by money to vote in favor of the Uranium One sale — or to overlook the FBI investigation. Again, there is no evidence that she even knew about the investigation.

Typically we hold public officials to the "smell test" when it comes to ethical issues. But for whatever reason, the clintons have a horde of journos already to wave their hands and dismiss things that look like smoke.

But this shit has been happening since the foundation of this country (and many others). I'm not sure why everyone is all upset now about Russia. It's like no one was paying attention to Fast and Furious under Obama, Halliburton kickbacks under bush, Chinese donations to the DNC to get Bill elected, Iran-Contra etc etc. same story different chapter

So this is the same deal the NYT reported on years ago that multiple government agencies Clinton has no control over also signed off on or no? I have no doubt of Clinton's lack of ethical conduct but this seems like really old news.

Yes. But your characterization is incorrect. Clinton was sitting on a nine man panel at the time (I think it's the cmte for foreign investment in the US or some such) that largely rubber stamps as a final approval after other agencies have signed off on it.

Regardless, foreign donations to a sitting cabinet member's foundation should be troubling, and doubly so when that foreign entity has a proposal in front of that cabinet member.

It just doesn't seem to pass the "smell test", would you agree?

So the only issue here is she potentially took shit donations? Lock her up then. If this ends up like the last two scandals it'll be millions in wasted taxpayer dollars for someone who isn't even in a position of power anymore.

You seem mad online friend. My point was this shit is as old as time. Switch the names and players and it's been happening literally forever

You're really dropping bombs with these revelations that people in power do shady shit 😂

People bringing up old issues that barely matter in the grand scheme of things to deflect current issues is also as old as time. Just let her die and stop wasting taxpayer money chasing this hag. This will be benghazi/buttery mail all over again just so some people that own the entire government can stroke their justice boner.

Russ, buddy, I can tell you're Booty blasted because you started using emojis

Take a walk outside. Think about how little it matters what's happening or what has ever happened in DC in relation to your life. Maybe sing a song

Then swallow a shotgun shell

I can tell you've already shot your load because you're resorting to "u mad" memes.

Also you should know at close range the gas from the shotgun is what blows a head off, not the actual shell itself.

Bud, I posted the "evidence" you wanted and then you proceeded to sperg out, start autodownvoting and posting emojis.

Also, I just wanted to make sure you weren't anemic

I don't care enough to click the downvote button. That's someone else. A "smell test" isn't evidence. You said yourself she rubber stamped this deal after other agencies approved it.

No, the evidence was Russian donations to her foundation while it would have been a conflict of interest. The smell test refers to ethical actions

You just said she rubber stamped it. How is it a conflict of interest when she didn't have the authority to approve it if multiple other agencies & parties had to first?

She could have denied it, as she was part of the final authority, but the committee apparently rarely met and generally just rubber stamped things

Because they only approved it after like a half dozen other agencies approved it. Do you know what "rubber stamped" means ? It means your approval isn't important. It means you're just signing off on the work of others.

Yes, but that's not how a high level committee of cabinet members should operate, correct?

It is when all the actual separate experts/agencies are doing the actual work..

well then we have a fundamental disagreement in how the executive branch should work

You're right. They should just be directly supported from the start by Russia. I'm with you!

No, silly. I'm talking about how cabinet officials should have more power than career government agents and not kowtow to "someone who's been here for 20 years" just because

That makes you retarded. That old bitch couldn't figure out an email account and you think she should be able to override career expects in a half dozen fields?

She knew what she was doing

They all misuse email fucktasrd. Trump' s team, Bush's team, and Hillary. If you think she did anything the other admins didn't keep your basic ass safe.

The beginning of this was me stating "all administrations do dumb shit". Congrats on coming back to my main point

The beginning of this was your attempt to prove there was something new to the old russia-clinton donation story and instead you ended up proving you don't understand the nuance of the processes the deal in question passed through.

It is virtually impossible to view these donations as anything other than an attempt to curry favor with Clinton. Donations alone do not, however, prove that Clinton was actually influenced by money to vote in favor of the Uranium One sale — or to overlook the FBI investigation. Again, there is no evidence that she even knew about the investigation.

So then there's no evidence against Hillary. Of course people tried to curry favor with her, that in itself isn't evidence she did anything wrong.

The fact that her foundation took those donations in the first place is it's own issue, but nowhere near the scandal people are implying it is

well, as I said in the above post, these things are nothing new

comes into drama


Mayocide now

Welcome to your first Daddy threat ft. /u/botchlings

that’s literally the kid’s job

You support the harvey weinstein of presidents.

Does that make Bill Clinton the Alfred Hitchcock of presidents?


No he is the Jeffrey Epstein of presidents.

^ I really wish people would understand the consequences of this. If/when the Clinton cartel collapses, Trump will literally lose ontological inertia and evaporate.

Soooo many Trump supporters that don't really understand that the end of Clinton means the end of their little crazy party.

Not really.


I'm praying that Clinton gets locked up - because the Bernie wing would take over, and probably make it to the White House in 2020.

Why do I like this? Trump tickles CNN's drama prostate, but Bernie will literally take their paycheck. Maximum drama.

You heard me. I want my to TV do sound like /r/drama.

because the Bernie wing would take over, and probably make it to the White House in 2020.

You're either insane or stupid if you think the DNC would ever let the "Bernie wing" of the party take over, much less win an election.

If the Clinton cartel goes down there will be plenty of center-left candidates waiting in the wings.

Beyond that, a Bernie-like candidate running for office is the GOP's wet dream. The election would be the biggest Republican landslide in history.

The DNC ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) "let" them ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Bernie-like candidate running for office is the GOP's wet dream.

You mean like Trump was the Dem's dream? LOL.

Bernie lost to Hillary, among the left leaning part of the national voter base. Why would he do better than she did in the general?

Politically further out, but doesn't scare as many children and small animals.


Also "establishment" vs "not" is more important in the current climate than "left" vs "right" (or at least it was last year; time will tell if the current frothing Trump mania will change priorities)

Nothing screams establishment like shutting down the Wall Street cocaine parties I mean credit default swap over-leverage.

Hah. You have no idea what the oppo research on Bernie would look like, do you?

He wouldn’t have won the popular vote.

What, he wants to grab women by their wallet?

This is a mirror argument we heard last year about Trump.

We had that before with Hubert Humphrey. It didn't end well.

Humphry = won the 1972 popular Dem Primary vote just like Clinton in 2008.

Bad bot

He's not wrong.

That the FBI is conspiring against him? The crackhead drooling on the street corner told me the same thing.

Liberals wave around the dossier like it's actually real when it's already been discredited.

Unverified ≠ discredited

Anything they can do to keep the Trump/Russia narrative alive.

Like an active investigation with a special prosecutor and multiple bi-partisan congressional panels?

The first answer twitter displays for me is pure #winning. Self awareness level 99.

I always love the Jacob Wohl responses. Failed teen investment wiz turned wannabe internet talk radio host constantly pushing his dumb streams in any trump thread. Have to give the guy credit for creativity since he lost his credibility and right to trade futures

/u/pizzashill how should I feel about this development. Keep in mind that I voted for Trump.

I don't really take anything Trump says seriously at this point. I assumed he extremely mentally ill shortly after he took office and have kind of just been dismissing him since then.

Oh I can answer this one.

  • The Dems paid for it.

  • Those people are pleading the fifth because they don't want to admit they just took money and made shit up

Is that you u/botchlings? What a clever disguise.

I mean I'm calling Trump a moron for thinking the FBI/Russia had anything to do with attack research. Idk what you're on about.

The Dems did pay for the opposition research and the guy is likely pleading the fifth so they don't have to admit they just wantonly made shit up to make money.

Shhhh bby, is okay

Botchlings alts too scared to get tagged!

Cept there's no evidence any of it was 'made up'

Just like there's no evidence Hillary Clinton didn't have a bunch of people killed. Because you prove a positive not a negative you fucking mook.

Many different elements of the dossier have in fact been proven to have occurred.

Maybe read up on it a bit before talking about it in the future and you won't come off as ignorant

Oh man that's rich, you must be top of the class in the idiot academy. Many different parts have been proven to be categorically false, like 'failure to do any due diligence' level false. Remember the modus is to say "All parts are true" not some of it's true therefore all of it is. The dossier is essentially a bunch of word of mouth from Russian connections some former spook had. He trumped it up to something more than it ever was. Hence why:

  • The Republicans who originally payed for it didn't use it

  • The Dems didn't use it

  • Everyone stopped giving a shit after the news broke

Now I remember, you were our Graduation speaker at the academy, wish I could have wasted my life as much as an incel like you has. What an inspiration.

As for the dossier, what part do you claim is false? Specifically. I bet you have no answer, because of the whole idiot thing.

As for who is taking it seriously... the FBI and Mueller sure don't seem to think it was 'discredited.' Which is smart of them, because literally the opposite is true. But I'm sure a chucklefuck like you is a better judge of what's true or not than a team of FBI agents and prosecutors

How about having the wrong Cohen traveling to Prague?

Literally mistaking people. False allegations about Carter Page, etc.

The dossier is essentially "the Russians tried to do a bunch of bad shit to our election" a lot of which was true. With a bunch of unsubstantiated claims about Trump and the Trump campaign mixed in.

How about having the wrong Cohen traveling to Prague?

There's no evidence that they did have the wrong one. You don't seriously take Cohen's word for it, do you? The guy is a pure fucking scumbag, but you probably trust him implicitly

Literally mistaking people. False allegations about Carter Page, etc.

There were no false allegations about Carter Page.

The dossier is essentially "the Russians tried to do a bunch of bad shit to our election" a lot of which was true. With a bunch of unsubstantiated claims about Trump and the Trump campaign mixed in.

Who told you those claims were false?

the FBI and Mueller sure don't seem to think it was 'discredited.' Which is smart of them, because literally the opposite is true.

It'd be dumb as shit if they did. Their job is to investigate so there are going to investigate all claims. That doesn't give any credence to whether the shit inside is true or not. If that were the case I guess every person Mueller interviewed will turn out to be a Russian spy.

Now you're just bloviating.

The truth is that you have no information that any of the elements of the Dossier are false. Isn't that right?

There's no evidence that they did have the wrong one. You don't seriously take Cohen's word for it, do you? The guy is a pure fucking scumbag, but you probably trust him implicitly

lol he has no passport stamp and claims he didn't go. No one can back up Steele's Claim. I mean Christ, by your standards I would need to fucking be there myself taking pictures to prove that is false.

The truth is that you have no information that any of the elements of the Dossier are false. Isn't that right?

Imagine being so pathetic you are literally blinded to the fact that the thing may be a load of shit and riddled with unsubstantiated claims because it agrees with your world view. I really pity you it must be sad.

Trump may be an incompetent retard but the idea that he's a Russian tool from 15 years ago is a fairy tale.

You don't need a passport stamp to move from country to country in the Schengen area, dumbass. Seriously do some basic research before commenting

Oh Christ, even Bzzfeed itself reported it was highly unlikely in every way shape and form.



Is that you, Clitler? How's the book tour going?


Sauce on that first claim pls

wtf i love u now

Republicans paid for it first

I mean it's still oppo research that at one point Dems paid for. It's not a big deal who paid for it either way.

That was your point tho

My point was honestly trying to point out how stupid it was for Trump to tweet like we didn't know who paid for the dossier. Like it was some super conspiracy and not "Enemies of Trump were looking for dirt" just like every other election since time immemorial.

If it is such an obvious fake, why does he keep obesessing over it?

when has Trump ever focused on anything important for more than a day

Implying kneeling isn't the most critical topic of the century

Because there are many people who legitimately still believe it's real.

But by obsessing over it he isn't proving those people wrong.

He doesn't want to prove anyone wrong. He wants to keep people talking about bullshit so that no one is paying attention to gridlock.

TiL occasionally tweeting about it is "obsessing."

Yes, when you are the president of the US.

Accusing the FBI of treason is obsessing

Accusing the FBI of treason is always justified. Too bad my favorite hobby is being appropriated by an angry business who LARPs as president of the US.

For the everyman that dream is still alive, bby. When you're literally The Man, it's ridiculous to continue screaming about The Man keeping you down.

Blah blah (((the powers that be))), blah blah subliminal messages and mind control blah blah... and that's why he's a puppet.

Plz don't disrupt my vibe fam.

I promise u (((we're))) always watching

I know that u know that I know. Don't think that I don't know that u know that I know.

I know.

Are you gonna finally fuck Susan or no? We got an office pool bet riding on this.

Of course not, you missed how I embarrassed myself when I asked her out last weekend? I guess (((they))) don't put their best people to watch over r/drama users. Stop playing minecraft during office hours.

I was sick and Moishe keeps shitty notes!

They believe that because it is real.


Needs to distract from something, maybe?

Because it’s not a fake.

It was used as evidence by the Obama administration to wiretap Trump's campaign.

Honestly Obama should uave just Dronestiked the RNC

Its real.

If it was fake he wouldnt care about it

They are.

>8am tweet

I just love the fact that the first thing daddy does when he wakes up is shitpost on twitter.