Gender studies professor literally has uni students playing with lego playsets to learn about patriarchy, adults on twitter react positively to idea of students going into massive debt to play with lego.

176  2017-10-19 by HivemindBuster


Um, you forgot a period. Perhaps you'll have your first period next year.


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The scariest thing is she posted this on Twitter like it's something to be proud of. I can imagine the look on the parents face asking what they did in class and getting we played with Lego knockoffs

some of that lego isn't even put together right, imagine making to university and being too stupid to play with legos

My 4 year old makes better legos. I guess he is a fucking genius,

Just woke.

Autism often presents itself first through superior spatial reasoning.

Does that mean what thea students have is good ol' regular retardation?

wooo I'm probably not autistic and just ADD then cuz my brain doesn't process spatial relations. Small victories.

They're not even Lego. They're Duplo, which is Lego for babies who are so dumb that they'd choke on regular Lego and don't physically possess the motor skills to put it together anyway.

Spending all that fucking money per year and they get fucking DUPLO?

I don't see what the problem is. No one bats an eye when college students do labs or projects using applied chemistry or applied math. It's not out of the norm for engineering students to apply their skills to do a mock design project. Other departments may do things like "the concrete canoe". This is just applied gender studies. This is their "concrete canoe".

Except gender studies itself is useless, at least engineering students learn something from the application of their field. Ate do we learn from this?

Actual drivel from a college website:

Employers often seek out liberal arts graduates, knowing that a liberal arts education emphasizes critical thinking, writing, and presentation skills. A liberal arts degree shows an employer that you have studied a wide variety of topics and probably have a broader view of the world than other applicants. A Women’s and Gender Studies major provides all of these benefits and more:

Expertise in finding and using information on contemporary social issues An understanding of differences of gender, sexuality, race, culture, and social class Insight into the connections among different forms of oppression A foundation for analyzing inequities and initiating change This preparation in critical thinking and social awareness is also excellent background for students pursuing graduate and professional degrees.

I don't see what the problem is.

That's funny, because right below, is this:

This is just applied gender studies.

Which shows that you understand the problem perfectly well.

Not sure if serious.

I really hate using the "/s" tag. It's like adding a laugh track. I thought comparing a shitty duplo build to a concrete canoe would be enough.

You're probably trolling but,

Applied engineering: Landing a rover on mars

Applied biology: Ending mass starvation

Applied economics: Running the central bank or building a business

Applied gender studies: incomprehensible lego sculptures

Tbf you might do this for a lesson if your studying education...

Looking up concrete canoe they "make it work" by using a different concrete or adding foam, seems lame

I can imagine the look on the parents face asking what they did in class and getting we played with Lego knockoffs

If your kid is getting a degree in gender studies you're probably already used to disappointment from them.

How's the Mattress Queen?

Have isolated the cause - I’ve made it on to some ‘alt right’ site 😱

/r/Drama strikes again!


It was posted on voat several days ago..

Tbh, pissing off mras and radfems is something to be proud of.

Sometimes...but I'm very skeptical of anyone whose argument is essentially 'A diverse group of other people think I'm retarded! That must make me smart!'.

I'm sure you can understand.



Neck yourself

pissing off I don't think you know what being pissed off means - going by this, I'm sure you also think calm discussion is "hate".

/r/drama isn't regular people you fool

How do you figure I'm talking about /r/Drama or the unfortunate souls who populate it?

Aren't we the people laughing at her?

I imagine any sane individual that reads about it would mock it.

Keep imaging what sane people think.

What isn't mock worthy by this absurd lunacy in a university no less?

Craig Ames@cs_ames
Replying to @alisonphipps

It did help me find someone worth following. The way they piled on is gross “I don’t like what this prof is doing. Send the minions!”

craig thirsty as fuck

Ah yes, "gross", the calling card of immature numales and their social-justice obsessed targets everywhere.

"even groups who disagree on every single other issue can find common ground calling me a retard"

30k a year for adult daycare

I remember paying $500/month for daycare, but I guess the diapers get nastier as they get older.

Smells terrible after a night of beer.

I've changed a 30 year old's diaper... that thought kinda makes me glad he's quadriplegic.

Americucks have to get into debt in order to obtain a degree

LMAO. Meanwhile, my parents I only have to pay around 4500€ to complete my university and I am not even a citizen of the country where I study.

Wtf I love the EU now.

Just kidding, I finished law school debt-free.

Sucks to be an American, tho.

How did you manage to finish law debt free in NZ?

I earned money while studying, and I'm not retarded.

I see. Must be nice doing an easy degree where you can work enough at the same time to pay it off :)

If only there were long holiday periods during the summer where I could work 🤔 🤔 🤔

Long holiday periods? How luxurious for you

Welcome to a functional first-world nation, famalam.

dang. in the US you're expected to take internships that are mostly unpaid

In fact my gf in law school recently had a fund raiser purely from the law students to later give to a few select law students as a stipend for summer break doing usually unpaid work.

Most functional countries have law societies that properly regulate law schools, and enforce laws against blatantly lying about post-graduation employment rates.

We have 51 of them (DC has its own separate one) cause we're 51 times as functional.

The US system has pro and cons, people shouldn't be so quick to shit on it.

I say this as someone who went to a free college.

What pros? Because for the life of me I can't see any? It's costing me almost 100k for a 4 year education and I'm not even guaranteed to get a job right out of college

Your taxes go to bomb brown people instead of preaching feminism to leg beards


The thing with free college is that it has two possible drawbacks: or there is not enough money (if the admission criteria is relaxed) or people that could actually study get rejected (if the admission criteria is strong). Also, the market mechanisms have its own advantages over the government controlling the whole thing (but its own drawbacks too).

The US system indebts people (with some big economic consequences that are worth being debated), but if you see the results a lot of people are able to study and some of the best colleges in the world exist there. For most people is worth taking that debt, it's only a minority that gets screwed by it.

My college had funding problems, by the way. I still found it extremely useful, but I experienced some of those drawbacks I told you about.

Do you think the state is going to pay you to go Harvard?

Full time White workers who are high school graduates with no college make 696 bucks a week. White bachelor degreed fucks make 1,132.

696*52= 36,192 a year

1132*52= 58,864 a year.

Median per capita income regardless of education is 32,000.

Average student loan is 37,000 dollars. Your retarded ass better have studied something worthwhile, because if you majored in something other than Chocolate or Post-Bussy Studies you will make 22,700 dollars more a year than non-educated people. If you make that median salary from 22 to 50 you will have earned 635,000 more dollars than a full time high school diploma. That's what the fucking pros are: you make almost double median income and you get to lord your degree over retarded plebs at parties (assuming you aren't autistic).

Sociology is STEM right?

Well I got good news and I got bad news. Good news is you're studying sociology so you're not autistic. Bad news is you've never Googled "average student loan debt" or "median income by education" which means you're probably not learning anything of actual value in school.

I was joking. I'm bio

I'm straight, but thanks for sharing.


In r/Drama

Pick one.

I identify as straight.

Lmao faggot

Yuros aren't real lawyers, tho. They are more like clerks.

Sure, but this way I get to mock Eurotrash and Yankees.


I know reddit likes to shit on non-STEM degrees, but they college degree actually really does increase wages significantly. Even if subjects that are basically political tracts, so long as you can basically explain bullshit in an articulate way.

but they college degree

Did you get yours in ebonics?

Yis sir.

After the great automation purge, only the liberal arts will be left to make any money from.

with what are they gonna make money?

gofundmes for kicking over robot cops from stemlords working with meta-google security devices making robot cops

Writing and communication, which automation can't do as well as humans until a true AI is made.

ok but who's gonna read all that shit?

Turning tricks

your already ahead of 90% of the donald posters.

This user did not go to college.

I could have probably proof-read this, once or a dozen times.

My gf's mom is non-STEM and makes huge bank working as a manager

Different time

true, but I just don't believe the meme that anything non-stem is worthless (and I'm a stem'er)

Someone always wins the lottery, it doesn't mean it's a good idea to go buy a ticket. It's more about maximizing your job placement potential than a matter of what's possible.

Actually it still is. On average today non-STEM majors still have over 100% ROI on their degrees.

The thing is you can't explain intersectionality bullshit in a coherent way...because it's bullshit.

If you just want to be articulate and coherent be an English major.

You could study History or Literature and learn how to be articulate about, you know, Western Civilization.

Fuck no, you could get a maths degree through a BA, which will grant down upon you the magnificent title of 'Permanently Unemployed'.

Degrees are meaning less every year, and the corperate interest has shifted to vocational skills courses, many of which are diplomas. These are things that actually train skills relevant to jobs, unlike many university degrees which are mainly academic.

There is even a public drive being started right now to help spread awareness of what employers actually want, and to help reiterate that you don't need a degree for many jobs.

A degree is good, but for most jobs corporate training should have you covered. For instance, leadership courses teach how to talk to people and explain shit.

Yet the most qualified Euros usually come here to study. Your universities suck.

[citation needed]

Having to pay for uni at all.

Lmao @ U cuck

The problem is that if wanted a semi-decent free higher education I would have to go back to Brazil and I would rather live in a third-world european shithole like Macedonia FYROM than going back to that dumpster fire of a country.

Brazil should be better than Macedonia.

No. No, it is not. At least discount bulgarians get to walk on the streets without the constant fear of being shot by thug.

If the alternative is paying adults to play with the toys I had when I was 2 then you better fucking pay for it yourself.

Yuropoors have to get do something useful in order to obtain a US passport, a swimming pool, a gun and a huge set of fake tits.

This is the University of Glasgow... they don't pay anything...

Somebody does.

Her profile says Sussex, not Glasgow, so they pay 9 grand.

My mistake, different Phippses apparently.

That's a UK university, so it's closer to 12k in dollars.

The pig on the slide is offensive to some Muslims. Can we expect your resignation by the morning?


lol, she even had them use the children's legos.

Smaller legos are ableist to the visually impaired.

heres the thing, you called duplo lego...

Yeah if they had been making sicc cars and spaceships and shit out of Lego I would have been all "wtf I love gender studies now"

My 1 year old plays with duplo and even I think she's growing it of it.

Da fuck are these people doin?

My 1 year old plays with duplo

I'm sorry about your financial situation, I hope things get better.

Cheers mate


If i was going to use toys to study intersectionality I would use Transformers. I would have Optimus Gay passing the matrix of oppression to Rodimus Tranny. A new era is born.

Rodimus Tranny: "Quickly, we must form Voltron!"

Optimus Gay: "No can do, buckaroo. Traps aren't gay."

that was really good friendo.

Wow this is shit. I was making better lego castles when I was 8.

Writing shit on paper is too ableist so their exam will consist of building duplos which describe their feels.

Modern society is a cruel, though often also hilarious, joke.

Worst thing is they used Duplo instead of real Legos.

Feminism is a mental illness. After the mayocide I suggest we move on to womancide.

with a name like u/IFuckedZoeQuinn, i think you might have some mental illness yourself

Autism isn't considered a mental illness though

But posting on /r/drama is

I mean given her reputation... how do you know hes not just bragging?

With the amount of exposure rape cases are getting, I would say menicide first.

The terrible irony is that they can spend all day making Lego sculptures to blame the patriarchy for choosing a shit subject but at the same time be the driving force behind it all by being retarded enough to get suckered into funding my engineering degree. I say if they're dumb enough to do that then let them do it 💯👊🎉💜

This is the kind of shit that makes me think we need another world war.

MFW I have more respect for juggalos than these retards.

Research on neoliberalism, violence, feminism, education. Professor @sussexgender but these are my views. Feminist; queer; Prince; give over.🐝 #WIASN


Nvm don't care.

Military school for everyone, immediately.

Military school for everyone, immediately.

Gender studies was a mistake.

Agendaposting on r/drama is way more pathetic tbh


Almost as bad as being Belgian

Not quite that bad tbf

Are they included in "etc." by based spookymama?

So let me get this straight, I wasted my fucking youth on books and notebooks while these whales played with lego and they pretend their degree is worth is even 1/10 of mine?


His mess, his responsibility

Legti question, but how did we reach this point in western education? I could've passed college classes like this when I was fucking five years old.

When parents blindly threw their kids into a 5-6 fig college meat grinder that they remember paying a couple thousand for instead of using their acute HOA whining skills to protest.

It's the UK. We decided that everyone should go to university, and the result is that they have to cater to the lowest common denominator.

You're aware that uni fees in the UK are higher than most countries right?

going into massive debt to play with lego

Do people pretty much do that anyway?

"Research on neoliberalism, violence, feminism, education. Professor @sussexgender but these are my views. Feminist; queer; Prince; give over.🐝 #WIASN"

When the revolution comes, she will not be on the list of the spared.

ITT: bitter people taking out their frustration on a female university professor because the one they’d like to rant at blocked them.

Only because she's female too. If a male professor made adults play with baby toys to demonstrate a nebulous, hare-brained, unscientific concept, nobody would say shit!

I made better constructions at 8. At my constructions were giant robotics fighting each other...

sometimes you gotta have some fun

Fuck me, I had many three o'clock late nights and stress rushing to finish my dissertation and these fucks play with lego and call it academia. Mayocide can't come soon enough.

And the sculptures are shit as well

At least they're accurate representations of "intersectionality".


This is the student loan debt that's going to cause an inevitable bubble.

Can we please ban women? Thx

Can you sue the university for the money you wasted?