I need help in downloading the file (link in comments)

0  2017-10-19 by [deleted]




this is the post and over there it's being downvoted (they downvote everything)

Any one of you rich fucks actually pays for a debrid sites?

wtf are you talking about

check the other comment here :/


What is this stupid shit?

hey you pirate stuff right? help me out here if you can :(

check my other comment here

Does Daddy approve of Piracy?

he better! ugh

Use private torrent trackers and a seedbox like a respectable pirate.

so no other way eh? oh well guess have to wait 5 hours for this https://i.imgur.com/ZT3Tesh.png

guess i'll delete this thread.

Reading your garbage makes me hope ISIS wins and spreads all across the globe.

That would increase the chances that you would be kidnapped by ISIS. I could then go to r/watchpeopledie and watch a video of your head being slowly cut off by a 9 year old.

To me, that's an even trade.

bad bot

"Please come upvote my standard post over in some random sub"? You're pathetic bruv. You don't have a personal brigade army and the mods should remove this post too.

i'm asking for other premium link generator sites you dumb fuck, not to upvote that post ugh. Reading comprehension no??

Being this emotional

kek <--this one




bots dont have emotions. check mate atheists!

having this shitty of a sense of humor

You are such a gigantic faggot. What a piece of shit.

ban u/ed_butteredtoast

install gentoo

Fuck your linux BS REEEEEEEEEE


ctrl+f turbobit

Difficult to find any cbox with free 1gb+ limit for most sites.

Purchase the product you want with currency