Redditor gets comments deleted after calling out OP about his created subreddits that contain young children.

15  2017-10-19 by justathrowaway6878

Redditor showing screenshots of comments being deleted

The OP that is being reported and questioned is this person. /u/YoOoster and he or she is the creator and mod of these subs. And ever since this post gained traction in /r/conspiracy they have added rules to all of their created subs just it will save their ass a bit. I say report these to the admins and leave it up to them to decide, but personally I remember this site had a sub called /r/jailbait and it took months of people reporting to get it removed. Should have never even been allowed for that long.


Keep yourself safe buddy, especially on a tall building

You could just add a "models have to be 18" rule to your subs.

I remember this user on Voat, went by Hecho. Hecho the pedo. Hecho couldn't possibly get a woman his age, so he had to go after young girls. Showed off his money to them and showered them with gifts. Something a sexual predator does.

Report this to the admins too: kill yourself you fuck faced loser

/u/gaazda Why did you guys ban /u/botchIings?

Gas yourself pedo

I expect all of us commenting here to be banned. I doubt that that the admins will do anything to him.

I'll send u nudes if u tell me what it said

wait? Did it get removed?

meh u shoulda posted that weird ass hebrew space orgy one

Space orgy? Lmao. No it's in context with the sub being for pedophiles like hence the ephebophile pasta.

Wow, I was wondering if this was exaggerating a bit, so I clicked, and now I'm probably on a list.


How do I report reddit pages