Alt-right mastermind Anthony Fantano is forced to cancel his Speaking Tour.

103  2017-10-20 by Ultrashitpost


Jews did this


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literally a dude who just joked about some memes. He hates trump, he hates republicans, he hates all the "right" people, but for some reason (someone please explain this reason to me) he was branded a nazi and blacklisted.

How long is it going to take before democrats realize that their base is white cis people and that calling everyone who isn't a trigender brown genderquintupplequeer a nazi is going to give Drumpf 4 more years

If ameriburgers are so fragile they vote orange, then nuke them from orbit and end their suffering.

Not voting for the people who despise you = white fragility smh

Given the alternative, it's a special kind of white fragility.

Right on! FUCK fascist racist misogynisy CRUMPF!

Be funny at least.

How is your transition going?

It's not even my final form!

Oh, sorry. Maybe it would be more to your liking if I whined about white fragility and people who don't vote how I want them to while sinking a foot long dragon dildo into my cavernous asshole.

while sinking a foot long dragon dildo into my cavernous asshole


This is why no one respects you or cares about your opinion on trump.

Did I offend you trashing the people that suck your daddy's little cock?

>getting downvoted for being into bussy blasting

this sub is lost


At this point if you're a mayo and voting Democrat you're a self hating mayo whose white guilt levels are at maximum

Italians aren't mayos

So basically all of /r/drama is going Democrat?

There's a hell of a lot more to running a country than what some Tumblr feminist is crying about online. Culture wars are just the next wedge issue like how gay marriage got a lot of people to go out and vote Bush in 2004. Good job falling for another smokescreen from the right.

That's the type of shit people said years ago.

I can't believe someone's still peddling that garbage as an argument as if it hasn't taken over academia, Hollywood, and almost everything else.

It's precisely because it attracts a lot of single issue voters that identity politics is a brilliant new wedge issue. It's the abortion rights or gay marriage of yesteryear all gussied up for the Internet generation.

Yeah because fuck issues like healthcare, tax policy, and trade right? Jesus christ y'all take minor social issues and the opinions of fringe partisan groups way too seriously. Then again I'm on /r/drama so idk what I'm expecting.

Thinking I actually take things seriously, please keep yourself safe

he joked about SJW types on his meme shitpost channel so he is obviously a nazi. he interviewed sam hyde and let him go off on his tangents.

thats pretty much it.

He later said he didn't even like the guy, plus the rant he was going on was about actual rapist Shia Labeouf Lena Dunham.

tbh it's good it got cancelled because his views on music suck ass

A guy who clearly doesn't understand memes took Hillary Clinton's pepe speech too seriously and decided that memes are exclusively used by far-right trolls. So he decided to write some clickbait about a youtube music reviewer, because that's the only shit that makes money these days. Liberals, still hysterical about Trump's election, took him at his word and started freaking out about youtube videos radicalizing the youth.

He hates republicunts and tribbers SJWs at the same time. Ontop of that his banter is fantastic.

Holy shit where can I give this man money

This dude is an idiot so I'm not gonna cry any tears for him tbh

Not liking melonhead

What album did he trash that's close to your heart?

I don't really care about his scores. It's his extreme smugness and absolutely retarded fanbase that mainly puts me off.

Because you don't come off smug or retarded ? πŸ™„

I'm roleplaying on r/drama like most of us here; this is literally his personality that he puts on display in his daily videos that he shits out. Not to mention I don't have a fanbase, whereas his is one of the worst on the Internet and he encourages their behaviour.

How are you managing to interact with his fanbase when his content is mostly YouTube videos? He's a critic. His entire job is to be smug. You seem to focus on scores when AltRightanothy-tano himself says the score is the least important part of his videos and just reflect his current enjoyment of the material he's reviewing.

"Scores" is just a stand-in for his reviews and criticism, don't latch on to my wording to prove a point lol.

And no, his fanbase permeates every Internet forum for music discussion. If it was just on YouTube I wouldn't give a shit but when you have his legions of fans invading every single music board ever and parroting his opinion it gets real tiring. Not to mention most of them seem to be like 12-18 and therefore have no critical thinking skills and whose definition of "debate" means spamming memes and calling people faggots and cucks.

You just described 75% of the internet

Not really. It's the 4chan brand of humour and debate that's slowly seeping through other music boards and communities because of him. I don't really mind it if it stays on /mu/, because /mu/ can be fun if you're in the mood. But being forced to interact with his fans while you're on some other site like reddit or rym or whatever gets really tedious after a while.

4chan shaped him and the people that you're talking about than anything fantano has done. Most internet content is filled with retards because anonymity allows people to say whatever the fuck they want without fear of actual repercussions of revealing how retarded they actually are. I don't see how you can go to music boards and complain about superficial smug content when like half the people there are only there to dickride their ego on whatever content floats their boat. Fantano just allows them to gobble up talking points with little effort.

Well, I can tell you as someone who almost exclusively used to post on music boards that his army of neckbeards has made discourse much, much worse in those communities. It's not just "internet makes everyone assholes", a ton of online communities aren't like that. But the 4chan brand of assholery is being exported everywhere now, and I blame Fantano for the /mu/-type douchebaggery proliferating throughout music forums.

Why aren't you blaming /mu/ instead of the guy that happened to get famous after using the same board? 4chan has been shit for years. That doesn't stop every edgy kid from using it and spreading the watered down culture to other sites and even if fantano didn't exist the current outcome would be more or less the same. If anything, if you see a parrot just ignore them. They're adding nothing. I'd think that saves you time if anything.

Because /mu/ is pretty insular and niche and doesn't cross pollinate that much with other boards unlike /pol/ or /co/ or /tv/ or whatever. Fantano latched onto /mu/ and took the dumbest people, encouraged them with his retarded meme videos and YouTube comments and twitter, and now they've spread everywhere.

Ignoring them isn't really an option when they're everywhere. Look at fucking hhh for example. Every week there will be a fantano review upvoted to 1000 and every discussion thread will have his idiot fanboys talking about him. It gets really tiring. Add to that their shitty humour and constant fighting and you've got a recipe for disaster. If he didn't exist I highly doubt the current situation would be the same as it wasn't this bad until a couple years ago.

Because /mu/ is pretty insular and niche and doesn't cross pollinate that much with other boards unlike /pol/ or /co/ or /tv/ or whatever. Fantano latched onto /mu/ and took the dumbest people, encouraged them with his retarded meme videos and YouTube comments and twitter, and now they've spread everywhere.

This has never happened before and surely will never happen again! πŸ˜‰

4chan has been recycling new regards and spitting them out to other forums/sites for over a decade. It's a slow drip of retardation. If fantano is smart enough to make a living off those mouthbreathers good for him.

Ignoring them isn't really an option when they're everywhere. Look at fucking hhh for example. Every week there will be a fantano review upvoted to 1000 and every discussion thread will have his idiot fanboys talking about him. It gets really tiring. Add to that their shitty humour and constant fighting and you've got a recipe for disaster. If he didn't exist I highly doubt the current situation would be the same as it wasn't this bad until a couple years ago.

Every review thread has similar elements it just happens fantano is one of the most popular. Even without critics most opinions on almost any subject matter are the product of uninformed knee jerk reactions. The fans you're talking about are just using fantano as a conduit for the same thing. It can't be that hard to filter them unless you're really just triggered in general by low effort comments.

I don't disagree with your general point. Props to Fantano for making a living off a bunch of mouthbreathers. The problem for me is that they're everywhere and it's difficult to ignore them entirely. It's not just low effort shitposting although that's a big problem too.

It's current year. Using retards to boost oneself into monetary gain or political power is all the rage!


I'm roleplaying on r/drama like most of us here

i dont follow

MBDTF man, that hurt to watch

I hear you but I'm also not big on Kanye. His scores are supposed to reflect his enjoyment of the album and he's done update videos where he changes scores on some material. If you actually watch him it's supposed to be for the points he brings up.

To be fair, you're right and I'm being an idiot. It's all subjective.

It's okay. We're on r/drama, we're all idiots πŸ˜—

there's nothing subjective about MBDTF. He gave it a 6 to be an edgelord and because he knew people would click on it.

He really must be an idiot if he rated it that high.

Pink Season.

Most gamerghazi users sound more nazi than Fantano.

Anyone who watches this clown is a retarded pleb who enjoys wasting their time. He literally says less of substance in his 10-minute videos than an allmusic blurb that takes 30 seconds to read.

NO! We're all losing out so much because of this! This would have changed lives!

Anthony Fantano is such a cuckold he cut out the middle man in getting a wifes black son and married a nigger.

lmao get B L E A C H E D blackpipo

Lil Pump


Man, blaming SJWs is the ultimate copout.

"We would've totally solved those rapes, but we didn't want to be seen as racist! Totally would've solved them!"

"People were totally interested in my book tour, but the SJWs cancelled it! Nope, nothing to do with a lack of interest at all!"

"We would've totally solved those rapes, but we didn't want to be seen as racist! Totally would've solved them!"

There actually were cases where that was true, though. The Rotherham grooming scandal, for example.

do you know how to read son

did this really need to be a video?

How else would he be able to tell us? It's not like his whole career is making crappy YouTube videos.

It's for people who bought tickets but didn't get the cancellation notice, just to make sure no one turns up. Not sure why it's posted here, there's not much juicy here just yet.

there's an extremely obvious motivating factor thru all of this, which is that he's gaining market share while text-review sites are losing it; at that point, any perceived weakness you have, they'll snipe at

the only people i find really retarded/at fault are the people i saw on twitter being like, goddamn i knew it, i'll never watch a video of his again (this includes celebrity musicians: one of the guys from Injury Reserve, and even 'Regularly An Idiot' Vince Staples

there's an extremely obvious motivating factor thru all of this, which is that he's gaining market share while text-review sites are losing it; at that point, any perceived weakness you have, they'll snipe at

I think these sorts of explanations end up giving too much credit to the print journalists. Also, it's not even obvious this would be a good business strategy. Fantano losing viewers or ad revenue does not equal Fader gaining readers or ad revenue. Perhaps there is a kind of professional elitism at work, where they'd be quicker to bash Fantano than their own colleagues, but somehow I find it hard to imagine journalists sitting around and consciously planning to "take down" new media. Most old media outlets are looking to get into video now that print is dying (which they will probably host on youtube) so it's not even in their best interest to portray youtube as an irremediable swamp of alt-right trolls.

All you really have to say is that print media is failing to make a profit, and so outlets are more inclined to publish clickbait and hit pieces. It's the same shit that been going on for years now, and the strategy remains basically the same regardless of who they're attacking.

I could act like a retard and leave a comment but this actually sucks. I mean the guy is clearly left leaning and keeps taking shots at Trump et al and all it took was joking about some to create a huge wave of hate and slander towards him.

The Man fights his rivals, not his enemies.

ethnony statetano btfo

srys post srry

But could he sue Fader for this or nah

dunno really

I doubt it, like it's a shit piece but they didn't really lie about any of the videos he had made

Melons can't be racist but he gave pump a 7 that's unforgivable.